View Full Version : [HALO 3] Best Halo 3 Review yet!
October 3rd, 2007, 12:09 PM
No spoilers, don't worry!
Best review yet!
October 3rd, 2007, 12:10 PM
Yes, it is. Glad he didn't take the blind route of review. Finally, a reviewer shedding the tru7h.
Teh Ganon
October 3rd, 2007, 02:16 PM
Yay! He tells the truth! i could write a whole essay on why hes right, but for those of you who disagree
it is a nice game but all it really is, is an overhyped game with a story line almost meeting the equivalent of star wars. Too bad bungie fails to portray the stories full potential in their games. What the game has shown to me was that the majority of people playing this are "technologically and figuratively ignorant". This ranges from teenagers, kids, and adults. It's simply a popular game to toss around. Wait then that would make it a good game right? No. now watch the video and let him explain.
October 3rd, 2007, 02:28 PM
Meh. He sounds far too sarcastic throughout the review for my tastes. The fact that he hasn't played the first two games lends a lot to his little explanation of the storyline. And I don't know why he wanted a boss fight. Nice little watch, but I expect the best review is still yet to come.
October 3rd, 2007, 03:59 PM
Bioshock was BORING! Halo 3 takes Bioshock..kills it....then eats it...then craps it out...then has it brought back to life again.
Rinse and repeat.
Other than that wrong fact about Bioshock being better....the review was hilarious as always.
That said he needs to play and BEAT THE OTHER TWO GAMES before he can realistically write a PROPER review of Halo 3.
October 3rd, 2007, 04:23 PM
imo, i hated bioshock, but halo3 > bioshock imo, even though halo3 was a bit boring, bioshock was way more boring, and really, i want my fucking cash and wasted time back.
October 3rd, 2007, 04:38 PM
Bioshock was BORING! Halo 3 takes Bioshock..kills it....then eats it...then craps it out...then has it brought back to life again.
Rinse and repeat.
Other than that wrong fact about Bioshock being better....the review was hilarious as always.
That said he needs to play and BEAT THE OTHER TWO GAMES before he can realistically write a PROPER review of Halo 3.
Meh. He sounds far too sarcastic throughout the review for my tastes. The fact that he hasn't played the first two games lends a lot to his little explanation of the storyline. And I don't know why he wanted a boss fight. Nice little watch, but I expect the best review is still yet to come.
Neuro Guro
October 3rd, 2007, 05:12 PM
October 3rd, 2007, 05:23 PM
See the above two posts.
October 3rd, 2007, 05:36 PM
That said he needs to play and BEAT THE OTHER TWO GAMES before he can realistically write a PROPER review of Halo 3.
"Realistically?" I think you meant "truly." Other than that, no, stop crying. You don't need to play the other two games to review the third. Stop trying to defend it blindly.
October 3rd, 2007, 05:42 PM
I love all of his reviews (if you want to call them like that):
October 3rd, 2007, 05:59 PM
Well that wasn't funny.
I was looking forward to his review of halo 3. But I am left with the feeling that he was trying to balance out all the OMFG 10/10 reviews, which are a joke sometimes. He rips apart the game single player, and fails to neglect the multiplayer which is what make people wank about the game constantly. I could say Bioshock's lack of multiplayer is excusable by its absolutely amazing single player (and who wants to pay $60 for what is really half a game by today's standards) , but because I don't give a shit about single player then the game SUCKS. That kind logic is bullshit in my mind.
I am just kinda pissed at how unfunny the review was.
October 3rd, 2007, 06:22 PM
How much of a difference would the multiplayer experience be if you already called the single player experience "mediocre" and "has been done before"? He's already had his fit of the bill for the weapons, and if he's not thrilled about multiplayer, then it's probably because of his single player experience. It was pretty funny though. Anyone who says otherwise is obviously bothered by the fact that he called out the game for what it is.
October 3rd, 2007, 06:55 PM
How much of a difference would the multiplayer experience be if you already called the single player experience "mediocre" and "has been done before"? He's already had his fit of the bill for the weapons, and if he's not thrilled about multiplayer, then it's probably because of his single player experience. It was pretty funny though. Anyone who says otherwise is obviously bothered by the fact that he called out the game for what it is.
I still found his other reviews funnier, and seemed to be more aimed at being funny. And he said he doesn't give a flying shit about multiplayer, not halo's multiplayer but multiplayer in general, and halo's sp is nothing special beyond being fun. His review is correct about the single player but, his complaints of too short are completely null due to the replay value given by online play. Bioshock is 15 hours and done for good, while with halo 3 I have already played more hours of single player then that because of co-op.
Anyone who says otherwise is obviously bothered by the fact that he called out the game singleplayer for what it is. The only aspect that could bother me would be his complete negligence of Multiplayer. And in terms of console first person shooters, halo has arguably the best multiplayer.
The first part where he states all the very true stuff about the single player is funny after watching it again. But his whole rant comparing two different kinds of games to purposely degrade one game is totally different from his other reviews.
Also I am going to confess I am biased towards halo, because halo pc introduced me to the wonderful world of PC gaming and 3D modeling. When I see halo I see art, the textures, the shaders, and the models. On the flood ship level, wondered what the poly counts of the map were, and how long the artists worked on it. I am also a programmer so I wonder how they went about making any part of the game, and I appreciate the skill that goes into making a very polish and well done game, and to me that is what halo 3 exceeds in being really good at what it is. It doesn't innovate but its damn fun and it plays well.
October 3rd, 2007, 07:30 PM
Ah, so this is ignorance on people's part. I was wondering why everyone was singling out Bioshock. Just to clarify, he bombs it in his review of it. When he was comparing the two, it was like saying a bad game was better than Halo 3. It was an insult, not a comparison.
And I get where you're coming from. It's 1997 all over again with Final Fantasy VII. It broke a lot of people's RPG cherry; Halo did the same with people's FPS cherry.
October 3rd, 2007, 08:53 PM
Ah, so this is ignorance on people's part. I was wondering why everyone was singling out Bioshock. Just to clarify, he bombs it in his review of it. When he was comparing the two, it was like saying a bad game was better than Halo 3. It was an insult, not a comparison.
And I get where you're coming from. It's 1997 all over again with Final Fantasy VII. It broke a lot of people's RPG cherry; Halo did the same with people's FPS cherry.
He very explicitly called it good, just also very explicitly called it a clone of System Shock 2 with cancer.
He also did not call Halo 3 bad, just average. Now, I actually agree with him about BioShock being better, because I'm epic like that, but I think that the fact that he has never played the other games must be factored into his review of the singleplayer (although I agree that, in places, it's hard to follow, and that it is WAY too short).
October 3rd, 2007, 08:56 PM
While I agree he should have reviewed multiplayer, and he's far from making me not like Halo... pretty much everything he said was true, and it applies to the first two games as well. It was also pretty funny. Strange that in the span of three games Bungie couldn't fix things like the absolutely horrid AI drivers, or maybe the review would have been a little more positive.
October 3rd, 2007, 09:02 PM
Strange that in the span of three games Bungie couldn't fix things like the absolutely horrid AI drivers, or maybe the review would have been a little more positive.
He would have found something else to poke fun at then. And thats why he makes awesome reviews :D
October 3rd, 2007, 09:48 PM
Great review, but, bioshock sucked...
When he says "it's been done before" I think he's played too many of the games that came out AFTER Halo did, so his perception has been tainted.
He said himself he's never actually played halo 1 or 2 so I'm calling him biased on the situation. Besides, he was going to give it a bad review anyway, even if it really was perfect, and we all know that, because he wanted to be different.
The fact that he wanted a boss battle and doesn't care about multiplayer is proof that it's just not his type of game.
October 3rd, 2007, 09:54 PM
Great review, but, bioshock sucked...
When he says "it's been done before" I think he's played too many of the games that came out AFTER Halo did, so his perception has been tainted.
He said himself he's never actually played halo 1 or 2 so I'm calling him biased on the situation. Besides, he was going to give it a bad review anyway, even if it really was perfect, and we all know that, because he wanted to be different.
The fact that he wanted a boss battle and doesn't care about multiplayer is proof that it's just not his type of game.
This is true but for him every review is a bash of the negatives of the game. However he was extra harsh to halo because well its over hyped
October 3rd, 2007, 09:57 PM
Great review, but, bioshock sucked...
When he says "it's been done before" I think he's played too many of the games that came out AFTER Halo did, so his perception has been tainted.
He said himself he's never actually played halo 1 or 2 so I'm calling him biased on the situation. Besides, he was going to give it a bad review anyway, even if it really was perfect, and we all know that, because he wanted to be different.
The fact that he wanted a boss battle and doesn't care about multiplayer is proof that it's just not his type of game.
That's funny. You called him biased, and yet you just stated that "we all know" that Halo 3 "was perfect."
Oh, I forgot who was posting. Sorry.
October 3rd, 2007, 10:36 PM
That's funny. You called him biased, and yet you just stated that "we all know" that Halo 3 "was perfect."
Oh, I forgot who was posting. Sorry.
Agamemnon, he poorly worded his sentence. He used the commas to add non essential information. I am almost certain that he meant
Besides, he was going to give it a bad review anyway, even if it really was perfect. We all know that he wanted to give it a bad review, because he wanted to be different.
instead of
Besides, he was going to give it a bad review anyway, even if it really was perfect, and we all know that. Just because he wanted to be different.
October 4th, 2007, 01:24 AM
ugh. who cares. play it or don't.
Mr Buckshot
October 4th, 2007, 01:31 AM
I haven't played Halo 3 yet, but I do think that while the Halo games are all solid, they are only popular among Xbox/360 owners because the consoles have fewer shooters than the PC does. Take any Halo game and pit it against current PC games - they'll be fun, but they won't sell as well as, say, Half-Life 2 or Doom 3 did.
Halo 2 is still one of my favorite games, but I've always preferred most PC shooters to it.
Back on topic: Since this guy has never played H1 or H2, I think he's quite justified. IMO, the only people who should play H3 are the true Halo series fans, and not just gamers "looking for another game to play."
October 4th, 2007, 09:13 AM
Back on topic: Since this guy has never played H1 or H2, I think he's quite justified. IMO, the only people who should play H3 are the true Halo series fans, and not just gamers "looking for another game to play."
So you say his review is justified, but then you say Halo 3 should only be played by people who are "true Halo series fans?" Which is it Buckshot?
Is it possible for people to stop pulling this defense?
October 4th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Is it possible for people to stop pulling this defense?
People will stop pulling that defense when Halo stops being "more popular than god".
So in a word, never.
October 4th, 2007, 04:06 PM
Meh. He sounds far too sarcastic throughout the review for my tastes. The fact that he hasn't played the first two games lends a lot to his little explanation of the storyline. And I don't know why he wanted a boss fight. Nice little watch, but I expect the best review is still yet to come.
to be honest this is the kind of review I wanted to see before I bought halo 2, which might have kept me from blowing 60 bucks at its release or w/e and made me wait till the price went down, which is now what I plan to do for halo 3 since I don't own a 360... if its not as good as the first game or better, its not worth a 400 dollar gaming system to play or w/e there charging for em now...
This review is good because its not a biased fan boy based review, it has nothing to do with the other games and it shouldn't have to, sequels to video games much like movie sequels should ALWAYS be able to stand alone and tell the story and still be interesting... they shouldn't rely on the previous games, instead they should be able to bring the same story and add to it... judging from this guys review, he has no idea who Cortana is because I'm guessing they never mentioned who she was in halo 3 because they figured they didn't have to because of halo 1 and halo 2, which is where sequels fail when it comes to people who haven't heard of the game...
basically that review makes me think they got lazy and figured because the game was so popular they didn't have to re provide any back story from the previous games and instead they just get strait into the new story which apparently isn't nearly as good as the story provided from halo 1 proved by the fact that the guy didn't like the game, if the new story was as good or better then halo 1, he would have liked the game...
all of the above makes me sad :confused2:
idk, I wanna buy halo 3 and a 360 to play it on, but I just dont have the money to waste on gaming anymore, its not worth my time anymore, I dont game like I used to when halo was released. Half the reason I want to buy the game and the 360 is just so I can find out what happens next, because of there crappy cliff hanger last game, that is the only thing making me want the game, the story, and if the story is dry like this guy says its not worth the 400+ bucks ima have to pay for it...
idk its the same reason I waited and didn't get vista, is it really worth the money or am I better off dealing with what I have now and waiting so I can buy it cheap later, the biggest issue I have with halo 3 is I don't want the story to get spoiled for me... w/e...
October 4th, 2007, 04:43 PM
I couldn't stop laughing, it was too damn funny.
October 4th, 2007, 09:04 PM
I can see why Yahtzee's review is so scathing, as knowing the backstory improves the game tenfold. His remarks about aspects of the single player campaign, the grunts, the Elites' alliance with the Human race, etc., just seem... uninformed. I don't know how anyone can deny that.
Personally, I thought Halo 3 was, literally, the best game I've ever played. Don't call me blind, I truly loved the game, every bit but fighting through those damned Flood sections. I would have liked the game just as much if they had kept that to a bare minimum. I've played PC shooters, too. Half Life 2, and a couple of others. I still like Halo 3 the most out of all of them. The graphics are awesome, with a stylized, artistic look. I probably would have liked it less if they went for ultrarealism. A few of the textures should have been beefed up for the cutscenes, but that detracts very little from the experience.
It's a great game, but some just don't have enough prior knowledge going in to give a full assessment of the game. Knowledge makes everything better. It's like an inside joke. You won't think it's funny if you're not in on it.
to be honest this is the kind of review I wanted to see before I bought halo 2...
To be honest, it's a fucking sequel. Play the others before you play it. I don't see why the developers should give a summary of the whole damn story just for those who can't be fucked to play the previous games.
October 5th, 2007, 11:33 AM
That was His opinion. I have my opinions. I'll leave it at that.
October 6th, 2007, 01:37 PM
To be honest, it's a fucking sequel. Play the others before you play it. I don't see why the developers should give a summary of the whole damn story just for those who can't be fucked to play the previous games.
lol, was that a flame bait or am I blind, calm down dude, I was only telling it the way I see it. One thing though, maybe some people don't own the old xbox or halo 1 and don't want to go out and buy it... I'm talking about halo 3 as a standalone game, it is a sequel but it shouldn't have any requirements that ruin the story line, thats my opinion on any sequel.
I don't mean that like they should have to give a summary, but you should be able to play the game with out having to play the others too, I have played both halo 1 and halo 2, and the story quality drastically went down in halo 2 if you look back on it as a standalone story and disregard the halo 1 story..
Halo 1 was epic, epic everything epic ending...
*warning pointless babbling about halo 2 and its plot line*
Halo 2 had some epic moments, the arbiter kind of screwed with the story flow, although it was a cool idea it wasn't implemented seamlessly, it broke the story apart, we kept switching from arbiter chief arbiter chief, almost creating 2 stories, then the game ends while you still play as the arbiter in a cheesy boss fight, ok maybe calling it cheesy is going a bit too far. Really though, boss fight? why lol...
Halo 1 had the most amazing ending ever, it wasn't really a boss fight unless you want to call the pillar of autumn the boss. It just fit together so perfectly...
Halo 2 was a step down from the perfect hit they had with Halo 1, they had some nice twists, but then also some weird ones, the splitting of the covenant and such... idk I just think they went too many ways in the story line for halo 2, but it was still good in the end...
You don't have to like what I'm saying or agree with it, hell don't even read it I don't care, I'm just stating my opinion to see if anyone either agrees or disagrees with me.
I am however not looking for trolls :)
October 6th, 2007, 02:12 PM
To be honest, it's a fucking sequel. Play the others before you play it. I don't see why the developers should give a summary of the whole damn story just for those who can't be fucked to play the previous games.
Well, you don't need to give a full summary of the story if the game you're playing has a good enough story to stand on its own, which Halo 3 apparently didn't to Yahtzee. It's not like it hasn't been done before, Super Metroid is a good example.
October 6th, 2007, 04:32 PM
I can't wait to see his Crysis review :awesome:.
October 6th, 2007, 06:38 PM
I find both Halo 1 and 3 above average, with Halo 2 being below average.
Halo 1 totally dominates over Halo 3, as the AI is, you know, better in Halo 1. Also; the graphics were great in Halo 3, I wasn't blinded at all by the bloom, or whatever he said.
October 7th, 2007, 11:28 PM
Meh. He sounds far too sarcastic throughout the review for my tastes. The fact that he hasn't played the first two games lends a lot to his little explanation of the storyline. And I don't know why he wanted a boss fight. Nice little watch, but I expect the best review is still yet to come.
good point. boss fights are for metroid, climactic escapes are for halo.
the guy does make a few good points though, bungie could have definitly thickened up the ai's intelligence. marines DO drive into walls, brutes ARE still damage sponges *anger* and frankly i dont care much for the marines ability to frag me when im meleeing some grunts instead of wasting ammo on them.
overall though, i think he was a bit to harsh. ( based on the words i could understand. fast talking + british accent = wha?)
October 8th, 2007, 06:26 AM
Is sp really overhyped? i mean like is it halo2-overhyped or more like lolunproportionalmarketingcampaignoverhyped?
id be thankfull if you keep detailed spoilers out of ur replies:)
October 8th, 2007, 09:08 PM
It's fun, but a bit short. One level less then Halo 1, if you aren't counting the first cutscene-level-thingy.
October 13th, 2007, 09:15 PM
It only gets truly fun once you hit The Ark. The Earth levels were, once again, poorly implemented. So much backtracking it isn't even funny. It's like they were too lazy to make a whole level, and decided to loop you through the same three rooms three times, spawning new enemies each time. They also said enemy encounters would change each time, regardless of difficulty. However, I found myself in the SAME ENCOUNTERS every time. Halo 1 was more random than Halo 3, and that is the truth.
In the end, Halo 1 is better than Halo 3, which is better than Halo 2. Halo 3 suffers the same way Unreal Tournament 2004 suffers. It has to find ways to fix the bungles that were made in Halo 2, such as catering to a casual audience, melee lunging, wrong turns in story development, etc.
Also, is it just me, or do Lord Hood's model, skin, and animations look better in Halo 2 than they do in Halo 3? Same for Keyes. Johnson's animations, model, and skin are almost the same as Halo 2, with the skin being marginally better.
I must disagree with the review, however, because Bungie did well on the weapons. The Plasma Rifle is particularly good in every way.
October 13th, 2007, 09:37 PM
It only gets truly fun once you hit The Ark. The Earth levels were, once again, poorly implemented. So much backtracking it isn't even funny. It's like they were too lazy to make a whole level, and decided to loop you through the same three rooms three times, spawning new enemies each time. They also said enemy encounters would change each time, regardless of difficulty. However, I found myself in the SAME ENCOUNTERS every time. Halo 1 was more random than Halo 3, and that is the truth.
In the end, Halo 1 is better than Halo 3, which is better than Halo 2. Halo 3 suffers the same way Unreal Tournament 2004 suffers. It has to find ways to fix the bungles that were made in Halo 2, such as catering to a casual audience, melee lunging, wrong turns in story development, etc.
Also, is it just me, or do Lord Hood's model, skin, and animations look better in Halo 2 than they do in Halo 3? Same for Keyes. Johnson's animations, model, and skin are almost the same as Halo 2, with the skin being marginally better.
I must disagree with the review, however, because Bungie did well on the weapons. The Plasma Rifle is particularly good in every way.
Even if they didn't change the sound back? You said you hated it back when Halo 2 came out.
October 13th, 2007, 10:29 PM
Still don't like the sound too much. But the gun is undeniably good in this game, even without the stun. It cuts through masses of Flood like a hot knife through butter, destroys their corpses at the same time, has an accelerating fire rate, and cools down right quick. Not to mention it has dazzling looks.
October 13th, 2007, 10:50 PM
well after playing it my personal review of Halo 3 is "they tried way too hard to fix what wasn't broken in the first place"
October 14th, 2007, 12:52 PM
Halo 2 was always broken, in my opinion. They fixed it. I like it.
October 15th, 2007, 12:02 AM
I meant Halo 1 wasn't broken in the first place, and they spent the next two games trying pointlessly to fix it.
October 15th, 2007, 12:43 AM
Agreed, partially. If they kept the openness of the campaign (Two Betrayals is great, what with all that Banshee navigating), I would be perfectly happy.
October 15th, 2007, 02:23 AM
Halo is, has been, and always will be a "you had to be there" franchise. Halo 1 was completely fucking awesome for its time; it was a shooter made for a console, and nothing more. Unlike most other first-person shooters, it wasn't made for PC, then ported over to every console with added features to make it playable, albeit cumbersome as hell. While you could very much argue the fact that it was made for mac before MS acquired Bungie, the fact still remains that when they were coding the final gameplay mechanics, they coded them to flow on the XBox.
People who played Halo were much impressed, so Bungie went on to make the series. Unlike whole new IPs like Bioshock, the game wasn't made with the aim of redefining the genre; it just redefines the previous game. Halo 3 still has that same aim-shoot-lob-cover-bash-drive style of gameplay Halo had, but with online multiplay, better graphics, a customizable arena feature, and a movie replayer.
Caboose O'Malley
October 15th, 2007, 07:38 AM
The main reason as to why he reviewed it so badly was because everyone kept bitching to him that he HAS TO review Halo 3 - And so he did...
Also, if you listen to the beginning of his Bioshock review, he says that he knows for a fact that people don't like him when he says anything nice or constructive in his reviews... So he doesn't, even though he would maybe like to.
October 15th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Halo 3 still has that same aim-shoot-lob-cover-bash-drive style of gameplay Halo had, but with online multiplay, better graphics, a customizable arena feature, and a movie replayer.
And a short, easy, wholly unsatisfying Campaign.
October 15th, 2007, 05:09 PM
I found it fantastic. Except for Cortana.
October 15th, 2007, 09:31 PM
I probably would have if it was just longer and harder... even on Legendary it was about the same as Halo 1 on Heroic. I loved Halo 2, and I know I'm in the minority there, because it was so much harder than Halo 1 on Legendary. Really felt like I accomplished something when I beat it. With Halo 3 it was more like watching a movie in first person... It had a really interesting plot and reasonably well developed characters, but it still took a few hours and no effort :(
October 15th, 2007, 11:59 PM
I found it fantastic. Except for Cortana.
I'm still debating over which level was worse: The Library or Cortana.
October 16th, 2007, 01:17 AM
@Metroid: Why don't you enable a crapload of skulls?
October 16th, 2007, 02:31 PM
I'm still debating over which level was worse: The Library or Cortana.
From my first impression of Cortana, I'd say that Cortana is much worse than The Library. Library was more dull than anything, but Cortana was just cramped and aggravating. It was just awful. I think that The Library with H3 Flood would be pretty cool though.
Also, what happened to the three- and four-way battles from Halo 1 and Halo 2? TB and Maw had MC vs Covies vs Flood vs Sentinels, Keyes had MC vs Covies vs Flood, High Charity had MC vs Covies vs Flood, Gravemind had MC and Marines vs Covies vs Covies, and Quarantine Zone had Arbiter and Elites vs Flood vs Sentinels. I can't remember anything more than two-sided battles in Halo 3 (except for the Sentinels vs Flood at the end of the level Halo, but that hardly counts), which was disappointing. Sentinels seemed like an afterthought, because there were so few of them in the game. I missed fighting them in H1 and H2.
Also, I missed fighting Elites. I still don't understand why Truth kicked the Elites out anyway. What was his motivation? Also, a remake of Halo 1 would be the best game ever. I want to fight Brutes and Elites and Halo 3 Flood, with the Brutes and Elites fighting together like they should have in Halo 2. The H3 Elites look so awesome, too.
Oh, and Halo 3 was too damn short. Halo on Heroic co-op should last longer than 5-and-a-half hours on the first try. They had three years and couldn't come up with a single player even as long as Halo 1 or 2? It probably takes me 5-and-a-half hours to get through H1 or H2 on Heroic after having played them myriad times. Ugh. I hope Bungie makes a downloadable SP mission or something. :|
October 16th, 2007, 07:48 PM
From my first impression of Cortana, I'd say that Cortana is much worse than The Library. Library was more dull than anything, but Cortana was just cramped and aggravating. It was just awful. I think that The Library with H3 Flood would be pretty cool though.
Also, what happened to the three- and four-way battles from Halo 1 and Halo 2? TB and Maw had MC vs Covies vs Flood vs Sentinels, Keyes had MC vs Covies vs Flood, High Charity had MC vs Covies vs Flood, Gravemind had MC and Marines vs Covies vs Covies, and Quarantine Zone had Arbiter and Elites vs Flood vs Sentinels. I can't remember anything more than two-sided battles in Halo 3 (except for the Sentinels vs Flood at the end of the level Halo, but that hardly counts), which was disappointing. Sentinels seemed like an afterthought, because there were so few of them in the game. I missed fighting them in H1 and H2.
Also, I missed fighting Elites. I still don't understand why Truth kicked the Elites out anyway. What was his motivation? Also, a remake of Halo 1 would be the best game ever. I want to fight Brutes and Elites and Halo 3 Flood, with the Brutes and Elites fighting together like they should have in Halo 2. The H3 Elites look so awesome, too.
Oh, and Halo 3 was too damn short. Halo on Heroic co-op should last longer than 5-and-a-half hours on the first try. They had three years and couldn't come up with a single player even as long as Halo 1 or 2? It probably takes me 5-and-a-half hours to get through H1 or H2 on Heroic after having played them myriad times. Ugh. I hope Bungie makes a downloadable SP mission or something. :|
A downloadable SP mission would be far-fetched, considering how Bungie has said that making a new SP mission takes 5 times as long as a new MP mission.
You're a good mapmaker, Arteen, most of your stuff was used by CMT, so why don't you try to remake Halo 1? It wouldn't be too hard, you'd just have to talk whoever's in charge of CMT's tags now into giving you their SPV2 tags, and half of your work's done.
October 16th, 2007, 10:48 PM
Unfortunately, there's more to mapmaking than talent. I'm sure Arteen, like most of us here, lacks the second most important thing: time.
October 16th, 2007, 11:00 PM
I'm still debating over which level was worse: The Library or Cortana.
Cortana, in my book. At least you sort of have a chance in The Library.
October 16th, 2007, 11:55 PM
Cortana was cramped and fleshy. It felt like I was inside someone's colon the entire time, hemorrhoids and parasites all over the place. Jesus, it was terrible.
October 19th, 2007, 12:12 AM
So, after some consideration, here's my *New* list of my favorite Halo levels:
31. (H3) Cortana
30. (H1) The Library
29. (H2) High Charity
28. (H1) 343 Guilty Spark
27. (H1) Keyes
26. (H2) Gravemind
25. (H2) Sacred Icon
24. (H2) Quarantine Zone
23. (H1) Truth and Reconciliation
22. (H2) Uprising
21. (H3) The Storm
20. (H3) The Ark
19. (H1) Halo
18. (H2) Regret
17. (H2) Delta Halo
16. (H2) Oracle
15. (H2) The Arbiter
14. (H2) Cairo Station
13. (H2) Metropolis
12. (H2) Outskirts
11. (H1) Two Betrayals
10. (H3) Tsavo Highway
9. (H3) Crow's Nest
8. (H3) Sierra 117
7. (H1) The Pillar of Autumn
6. (H2) The Great Journey
5. (H1) Assault on the Control Room
4. (H3) The Covenant
3. (H1) The Maw
2. (H3) Halo
1. (H1) The Silent Cartographer
I removed 3 levels from the list, the 2 cutscene levels from Halos 2 and 3, and "Armory" from Halo 2, which was where you got used to the controls.
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