View Full Version : So your kid is being bullied at school...

October 5th, 2007, 12:47 PM
Do you:
A. Talk to school administrators to rectify the problem,
B. Teach your kid to not take any more shit,
C. Drive up to the school with a loaded gun and point it at the offending 11-year olds?

If you guessed C, you're right.

October 5th, 2007, 12:59 PM
My stepdad always believed in 'B'. So when I told him about this really tall kid who was jacking with me in 7th grade, dad said pick up the nearest object (including a brick if one was around) and clong the fucker. So next day the numbnut lifts me up in the air to point out how light I was. I had a half-full Coke bottle in my hand. I put my thumb over the hole and brought the base down on his head.


Laid the s.o.b. right out. Every student in the gym (it was "Coke break") gathered around in shock. We both ended up hauled to the office to get disciplined. I told the vice principal my dad gave me permission to whack the bastard and if anyone had trouble with that to call him. The vp thought I was full of crap but he called dad at his office and explained what I'd done. My dad was so pissed at the vp for not preventing that sort of shit I could hear him screaming over the phone that if the vp so much as came near me with a board he'd be straight down to whip some ass.

Dad is second degree black belt and strong as a horse. Still, at 70.

The vp let it go, but made my life hell the rest of junior high.

Anyway, beats a gun I think.

Dr Nick
October 5th, 2007, 02:11 PM
My stepdad always believed in 'B'. So when I told him about this really tall kid who was jacking with me in 7th grade, dad said pick up the nearest object (including a brick if one was around) and clong the fucker. So next day the numbnut lifts me up in the air to point out how light I was. I had a half-full Coke bottle in my hand. I put my thumb over the hole and brought the base down on his head.


Laid the s.o.b. right out. Every student in the gym (it was "Coke break") gathered around in shock. We both ended up hauled to the office to get disciplined. I told the vice principal my dad gave me permission to whack the bastard and if anyone had trouble with that to call him. The vp thought I was full of crap but he called dad at his office and explained what I'd done. My dad was so pissed at the vp for not preventing that sort of shit I could hear him screaming over the phone that if the vp so much as came near me with a board he'd be straight down to whip some ass.

Dad is second degree black belt and strong as a horse. Still, at 70.

The vp let it go, but made my life hell the rest of junior high.

Anyway, beats a gun I think.You're my new hero!:)

October 5th, 2007, 02:19 PM
Like Texrat pointed out, wounds heal, and sometimes teach a lesson. Though, that might've worked back then, it really doesn't today. Nowadays peer pressure builds up to the point where someone stabs another kid or shoots the other kid. It seems like the mother went to the extreme first to scare the kid, and, in today's world, that would work. Though I'm not saying that was the best way to handle the problem though.

October 5th, 2007, 02:42 PM
Jesus, what the hell. Crazy shit in the world, lol. Also, bullying in school is really getting bad now, in my town anyway. There's already been facebook hategroups getting closed down by the school and police because of threats and things like that. God knows how many assaults, one of my friends was attacked by 2 other girls on the beach, the stomped her face onto a railroad track. It's rediculous, especially since the problems they're fighting over are trivial. I can't even imagine the sort of mental breakdown these people would go through if they were made to sign up for a forum, and made realize how incredibly stupid they sound when they don't have the ability to just kick the shit out of the other person to try to prove themselves right.

October 5th, 2007, 02:46 PM
really tall kid who was jacking with me in 7th grade

I'm surprised no one has gave Tex shit for those choice of words yet :rolleyes:

October 5th, 2007, 02:57 PM
I was with the school counseler (i forget why i was there, think it was a class) and some kid said he was being bullied on a bus. The counseler said "just tell him to stop it, tell him you don't like it." I knew some people these days are full of shit. I said "just kick the asshole in his nuts." The counseler said no, "thats a bad idea.It won't solve anything."
I said it did cause it worked on the little fucktard in the hallway, bugging me and calling me names. But i punched him in his stomache. But i never get detentions, I just some how get out of it or i'm never caught doing it.
:XD: I think thats a good story of when i was in 7th grade, and texrat's was damn good.lolz. Well to this day I'm... good.Violence solves a LOT!

October 5th, 2007, 04:15 PM
I had a half-full Coke bottle in my hand. I put my thumb over the hole and brought the base down on his head.


Laid the s.o.b. right out.
Glass bottle, I presume?

Also, give your father a hug for me the next time you see him.

Though, that might've worked back then, it really doesn't today. Nowadays peer pressure builds up to the point where someone stabs another kid or shoots the other kid.
Just because those happenstances are passed off as "commonplace" by media embellishment doesn't mean the B solution isn't effective in 9,999 of 10,000 cases.

October 5th, 2007, 05:04 PM
Just because those happenstances are passed off as "commonplace" by media embellishment doesn't mean the B solution isn't effective in 9,999 of 10,000 cases.
Yeah, considering I saw them happen at my old high school and at numerous high schools (and even some middle and elementary schools) around the county, I'm sure it's really just the media blasting it out of proportions.

I liked it when it was quiet.

October 5th, 2007, 05:40 PM
I prefer "B"
Worked for me.

"A" rarely works......
and i dont even know wtf is up with "C".

October 5th, 2007, 06:13 PM
My stepdad always believed in 'B'. So when I told him about this really tall kid who was jacking with me in 7th grade, dad said pick up the nearest object (including a brick if one was around) and clong the fucker. So next day the numbnut lifts me up in the air to point out how light I was. I had a half-full Coke bottle in my hand. I put my thumb over the hole and brought the base down on his head.


Laid the s.o.b. right out. Every student in the gym (it was "Coke break") gathered around in shock. We both ended up hauled to the office to get disciplined. I told the vice principal my dad gave me permission to whack the bastard and if anyone had trouble with that to call him. The vp thought I was full of crap but he called dad at his office and explained what I'd done. My dad was so pissed at the vp for not preventing that sort of shit I could hear him screaming over the phone that if the vp so much as came near me with a board he'd be straight down to whip some ass.

Dad is second degree black belt and strong as a horse. Still, at 70.

The vp let it go, but made my life hell the rest of junior high.

Anyway, beats a gun I think.

The most I've done is in 8th grade. This guy kept fucking with me, so one day I brought a doorknob to school and started to pummel him in the stomach when he started shit. He ran off crying, and I never got in trouble.

October 5th, 2007, 06:21 PM
Had they removed your monitor by then, Ender?

Mr Buckshot
October 5th, 2007, 06:35 PM
When I'm bullied at school, I run to the nearest official administrator. It's childish, but telling on people (if it's serious of course) is one of the best ways to end a conflict. I mean, they'll hate me even more but they won't dare to assault me for fear of getting expelled (in fact, I got someone suspended for harassment when he pantsed me, and when he tried to steal my bag later on, he got expelled. I laughed at him in the office so maniacally that the VP told me to wait outside).

While I am physically strong enough to put up a reasonable fight (one time I accidentally elbowed my short friend in the nose, and it bled, but he forgave me), I don't like to physically hurt people, especially girls.

October 5th, 2007, 06:42 PM
or u could just punch him in the stomach and save yourself a world of pain?

it works.
sad but true.

October 5th, 2007, 07:05 PM
I don't like to physically hurt people, especially girls.

October 5th, 2007, 07:19 PM
B. Or, rather, that's what my dad told me. =p

He just doesn't want to get called up and hear I lost, so I gotta be sure to kick the kid's ass.

No really, he is cool like that. He's always told me that if violence is needed to get them to fuck off, then use it. He wouldn't mind as long as I didn't beat the kid to death or he got a call saying I got the shit kicked out of me. So, if I win and the other guys lives, the only trouble I'm in is with the school :haw:.

Reminds me of the other day. Some fat ass would trip the people running to lunch all of the time. One particular day he decides to get in front of me. He turns around and gets low like he's going to knock me on my ass (he is around the same size is me... er, more like he is as tall as I am, and a hell of a lot fatter). So, I throw my shoulder into him while running (with a decent intensity, but not as hard as say, football) because I want my damn lunch, I am really hungry. His fat ass gets knocked around the other way and he's got so much momentum going the other way he runs into the side of the trophy cases (lucky not the front, which is glass). No fight, but it was fucking hilarious. :lmao:

October 5th, 2007, 07:30 PM
I swift kick in the nuts or a sharp punch to the stomach can settle a ton of things. Well for me its more of a sharp kick to the stomach, MAH ARMS ARE SO WEAK :gonk:

October 5th, 2007, 07:34 PM
I swift kick in the nuts or a sharp punch to the stomach can settle a ton of things. Well for me its more of a sharp kick to the stomach, MAH ARMS ARE SO WEAK :gonk:
Holding the business end of a doorknob will fix that "weakness".

October 5th, 2007, 07:43 PM
I've always been taught that if someone won't leave you alone, beat the living crap out of them until you are pulled off, so they won't ever forget. I got picked on a lot, as I was a thin kid (having been sick a lot in my very young years). From grade school to high school, people continuously picked fights with me, none of which I lost.

I was typically a ruthless fighter, throwing elbows to jaws, punches to throats, grappling with body slams on concrete, and applying pressure to skulls via pushing in on the temples with both hands (during HS i was benching about 215 pounds, but didn't look like it at all). Not to mention I would take "offensive action" and hit my opponents in the head with large books such as atlas', bibles, dictionaries and encyclopedias when the teachers weren't looking.

My mother and father both told me that if I lost a fight, I'd be in trouble.

October 5th, 2007, 08:08 PM
c because i have anger issues

October 5th, 2007, 08:19 PM
Glass bottle, I presume?

Also, give your father a hug for me the next time you see him.

WE didn't have plastic in prehistoric days. :D

Dad is VERY old school. He spent 2 years stringing barbed wire fence around our 1500 acre ranch. I used to marvel at him driving 16d nails in with 2 solid hits. So he was tough.

My brothers and I weren't when he married my mom (I was 7). At first I got picked on a lot (although the Coke break incident helped for quite a while). So dad put me to work plumbing new houses my 15th summer and for 10 years afterward. Haul 3" to 5" diameter cast iron pipe around and dig ditches in limestone for a few years and you end up not having to take anyone's crap anymore. ;)

But now... there's my kids... *sigh*...

October 5th, 2007, 08:41 PM
WE didn't have plastic in prehistoric days. :D

Dad is VERY old school. He spent 2 years stringing barbed wire fence around our 1500 acre ranch. I used to marvel at him driving 16d nails in with 2 solid hits. So he was tough.

My brothers and I weren't when he married my mom (I was 7). At first I got picked on a lot (although the Coke break incident helped for quite a while). So dad put me to work plumbing new houses my 15th summer and for 10 years afterward. Haul 3" to 5" diameter cast iron pipe around and dig ditches in limestone for a few years and you end up not having to take anyone's crap anymore. ;)

But now... there's my kids... *sigh*...
I wish my dad was more like yours...

I had to learn the hard way. I got beat up a lot in elementary school, and one day in 5th grade, some kids took my backpack and were playing keepaway with it, and I fucking snapped. I stuck a pencil all the way through one's arm so the lead broke off inside, and I kicked one in the craw and then kneed him in the face as he was keeling over.

Needless to say, they never fucked with me again. I don't ever get mad. I get even.

I'm not by any means strong, but I fight dirty, and it works, so I stick with it.

October 5th, 2007, 08:42 PM
Holding the business end of a doorknob will fix that "weakness".

A doorknob? Well I guess you're being creative...

Teh Ganon
October 5th, 2007, 10:07 PM
But now... there's my kids... *sigh*...

Ive met 1, played as "a cow" in CE, I like him.

October 5th, 2007, 11:35 PM
What a fucking champion.

A and B here. My mother is generally feared by school staff because she doesn't take shit from anyone. If she doesn't see something done within the same week, she says she's "going in to discuss it with them" and the next day, wow! Problem solved!

I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to fighting, so I just sling all manner of carefully-worded taunts at them and then wait. I don't mind taking a bit of a beating when I know they'll get in major shit for it, though I don't doubt my dad would beat the living crap out of them if he had half the chance.

October 5th, 2007, 11:43 PM
What a fucking champion.

A and B here. My mother is generally feared by school staff because she doesn't take shit from anyone. If she doesn't see something done within the same week, she says she's "going in to discuss it with them" and the next day, wow! Problem solved!

I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to fighting, so I just sling all manner of carefully-worded taunts at them and then wait. I don't mind taking a bit of a beating when I know they'll get in major shit for it, though I don't doubt my dad would beat the living crap out of them if he had half the chance.
Haven't you Australians heard of a good 'ol sock full of quarters?

"Hopeless when it comes to fighting" my ass.

October 6th, 2007, 12:15 AM
That'd probably work if I ever actually had any cash on me.

Mr Buckshot
October 6th, 2007, 12:35 AM
In Canada, we are generally peaceful, so physical fights are pretty rare.

When I went to middle school in San Jose, it was more violent than I would expect. I heard that someone was clubbed into unconsciousness with a metal pipe. And I remember I did engage in a fight once:

I was in 7th grade and using a roller backpack, and I accidentally rolled over this 8th grader's foot. I politely apologized to him and asked him if he was all right, but he kicked the backpack and then shoved me, so I slammed the roller backpack into his stomach. Mind you, the wheels were made of hard plastic :P

Still, I don't approve of physically fighting in school.

October 6th, 2007, 12:44 AM
I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to fighting, so I just sling all manner of carefully-worded taunts at them and then wait. I don't mind taking a bit of a beating when I know they'll get in major shit for it, though I don't doubt my dad would beat the living crap out of them if he had half the chance.


October 6th, 2007, 12:51 AM
I am a second degree black belt... and i got crap at school, cause I'm small and "nerdy" even though I could easily take any of these bigger kids.

What I'd do, to not get into a fight and as well not to put up with crap, is I'd get up in the persons face, and calmly tell them that I'd be glad to kick their ass if they want to keep up whatever they are doing. Even the bigger kids backed down to that. Probably cause our school has such strict rules on fighting, and we'd both probably be suspended or expelled.

My dad, the one to enroll me in Martial Arts, has always been a firm believer of if someone does something wrong to you, take it like a man, but warn him that if it ever happens again, you will beat the living crap out of him. It's always worked for me.

El Lobo
October 6th, 2007, 01:08 AM
Straight up internet bad ass in here guys, back up quick. :)

Dr Nick
October 6th, 2007, 01:13 AM
I once picked a kid up over my head and slammed him into the ground.

He was annoying a bunch of my friends, he'd been calling them names and doing things like 'keepaway' for a couple of weeks, so one day, I see it happening, I walk up to him and tell him to stop, or I'm gonna kick his ass.
He points and laughs at me, since I don't really look like a strong person.

So, I wait, and he starts doing it again, so, I walk over to him, grab him by the neck of his shirt and hold a fist by his stomach, I pick him up, which was hard, but not too hard, and I knew that the heavier he was the more pain he would feel after. I throw him down, kinda like something from Mortal Kombat, and say "I told you to stop." he starts crying, and I walk away with my friends.

I think his friends picked him up and left after that, but they didn't bug my friends at all after that.

October 6th, 2007, 02:07 AM
Doggs, I have way wimpier stories than you.

This one time there were these assholes a grade below me. Now, everyone at every school I've ever been to has known me as 'that funny loud guy,' but these dickshits decided that 'lulz we can cuss now let's call him fag.'

Now, I have a bad history with that word (the first incident where I got bullied involved that word, but luckily the kid turned out to be an okay guy later), but it gets worse. They start with this weird-ass 'motorboot' joke that I don't even fucking get. Then my birthday rolls around, and I'm walking home with my buds, and one of the idiots says 'hey, wanna suck my pickle?' (he was holding a real pickle, by the way) Now, by now I'm sick of this shit and I just grab him, and slam him into a metal pipe/column and whisper in this real angry voice' I am sick of your shit, fucker.'

Then I went home and something or other happened.

October 6th, 2007, 02:42 AM
When my Bro was going to school he was alot younger then everyone else and therefore smaller. However he had a serious Case of ADD and it made up for it.

Some fuckers where allways giving him shit and then one day he just snapped, flipped the desk, king hit another and was about to hit the other fella when he started lauging aand told him. "good job man, i always knew u had it in you, Fight back."
and then they became friends O_o

Dr Nick
October 6th, 2007, 02:49 AM
When my Bro was going to school he was alot younger then everyone else and therefore smaller. However he had a serious Case of ADD and it made up for it.

Some fuckers where allways giving him shit and then one day he just snapped, flipped the desk, king hit another and was about to hit the other fella when he started lauging aand told him. "good job man, i always knew u had it in you, Fight back."
and then they became friends O_o
Sounds like the bitch didn't wanna get hurt.

October 6th, 2007, 04:44 AM
When my Bro was going to school he was alot younger then everyone else and therefore smaller. However he had a serious Case of ADD and it made up for it.

Some fuckers where allways giving him shit and then one day he just snapped, flipped the desk, king hit another and was about to hit the other fella when he started lauging aand told him. "good job man, i always knew u had it in you, Fight back."
and then they became friends O_o

your brother and the other kids were all idiots.

October 6th, 2007, 04:55 AM
lol he just didnt want him to be a pussy.

it's kinda like constructive critisim in a way.O_o

October 6th, 2007, 05:07 AM
I wouldn't want to be friends with somebody who goes attacking me then goes "it was just to get you to defend yourself lol".

if they can make the switch from enemy to friend that fast I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to reverse it just as fast.

October 6th, 2007, 05:43 AM
hey it worked didnt it ;)

from then on he didnt cope shit :)

October 6th, 2007, 09:04 AM
hey it worked didnt it ;)

from then on he didnt cope shit :)

^ the bottom line.

October 6th, 2007, 09:07 AM
Ive met 1, played as "a cow" in CE, I like him.

"Cow" is basically a good kid, and just naturally tough (we called him "Bam Bam" as a baby, from the Flintstones) but neither he nor his brother understand hard work or how tough it REALLY makes you (more so than weights or drugs). They think washing dishes is brutal labor. Oh if they only knew...

Anyway, I haven't heard any bully stories from them yet, but then, our school is very harsh on that shit.

October 6th, 2007, 04:53 PM
My stepdad always believed in 'B'. So when I told him about this really tall kid who was jacking with me in 7th grade, dad said pick up the nearest object (including a brick if one was around) and clong the fucker. So next day the numbnut lifts me up in the air to point out how light I was. I had a half-full Coke bottle in my hand. I put my thumb over the hole and brought the base down on his head.


Laid the s.o.b. right out. Every student in the gym (it was "Coke break") gathered around in shock. We both ended up hauled to the office to get disciplined. I told the vice principal my dad gave me permission to whack the bastard and if anyone had trouble with that to call him. The vp thought I was full of crap but he called dad at his office and explained what I'd done. My dad was so pissed at the vp for not preventing that sort of shit I could hear him screaming over the phone that if the vp so much as came near me with a board he'd be straight down to whip some ass.

Dad is second degree black belt and strong as a horse. Still, at 70.

The vp let it go, but made my life hell the rest of junior high.

Anyway, beats a gun I think.

And you still had half a coke left!

Anyway, I don't recall I got into a fight that recently...

October 6th, 2007, 04:58 PM
If Neuro waves his penis in front of the kids, they'll be emotionally scarred and home schooled forever.

October 6th, 2007, 05:09 PM
I used to be a bit of a bully myself in elementary, but I realized that wasn't getting me anywhere...I've never fought anyone since then, and I'm happy. I went through a big change when I got into middle school. It was my second chance at getting things right.