View Full Version : Shopping list all planned for this year :O

Mr Buckshot
October 9th, 2007, 10:47 PM
December (birthday; I don't celebrate Xmas) isn't out for a few months yet, but I've counted my funding (much of it from selling Malaysian-made anime trading cards) and I've confirmed my large-scale purchase for this year.

1. I'm definitely going to get this even if I suddenly lose all the money I saved up. Yes, I have a 360, but thanks to parents - no buying of new games till December, then till spring break, then till summer. I'm assuming all Legendary editions will be gone by December :(

2. Assuming I still retain all my money by then, I'm getting this (60 gig model, will go for 80 gig if 60 gig is sold out).

3. If I do buy what I mentioned above:

4. Simply because it has free online:
http://www.vgboxart.com/boxes/PS3/9180_tom_clancys_ghost_recon_advanced_warfighter_2 .jpg

5. It's probably not a good expense, but I still want it.

6. My computer SHOULD handle this very well:

7. (If my PC can handle it)

8. And finally... (I only have a 500W PSU...)

October 10th, 2007, 06:39 AM
Cool, now give me some of that money so I can upgrade rich boy

October 10th, 2007, 07:16 PM
Nice list :) I want to play the EA Skate game so bad, a guy on the floor below me has the game so soon I will :) Luckily on the course im on I can play all systems and most games for free, which gives me the pick up and throw down ability, although I'd love to own a 360.

October 10th, 2007, 11:12 PM
I want one too D=.

Mr Buckshot
October 11th, 2007, 12:46 AM
Yeah, I currently have a TI-84 plus silver edition, and this n-spire totally kicks its ass.

Plus my math teacher works part-time for TI so he brought the N-spire to class to preview to us :P