View Full Version : Any fans of Saw here?
October 15th, 2007, 06:27 PM
My own opinion of the Saw series has greatly decreased since the first film. The first Saw was the best out of the 3 so far, why? Because the first film had almost no gore in it, the entire film focused on the plot, carefully built complex characters, and gave such a twist that shocked everyone when they first saw this movie. The second Saw was not as great because because the producers started making the traps more deadly and more gory. Still, the main plot and characters were good, and also another good twist at the end, except this time, they left us off with a cliffhanger, unlike the first one. The first one could've ended right there and not continued with any movies. When Saw 3 was released last year, it was the worst Saw film I ever saw. The plot no longer centered on people who did not appreciate life, and the traps now were only by 1 man having the choice to save another. Except for Troy and Kerry's, where they were rigged by Amanda so they were unescapable. But the rest of the traps where it was Jeff's decision whether the people lived or died, even though they all died in the end, and when he killed Jigsaw, these series no longer cared about plot, horror, or suspense. They believe that all horror fans these days enjoy gore, such as seening someone's ribs being ripped out or someone's head being blow to pieces. Sure gore is okay, but it is practically meaningless without a good plot.
Now I anxiously wait for the next Saw film, Saw IV, which is to be released on October 26th of this year. Now with Jigsaw and Amanda dead, how are they going to make a film that follows the storyline? Somehow there is someone still abducting people and putting them into games. From a few short clips of the movie, I have seen that some of it is similar to the same way Saw III was made, SWAT Officer Rigg has the decision to either save or let the victims die. I miss the old way of victims having to save themselves by suffering. So now with Jigsaw and his apprentice dead, how was it that they made this movie, Saw IV, and they are going to continue to produce movies all the way to Saw VI. This will be interesting.
If any Saw fans are here at this forum, please voice your opinion on the movies, what I think about the movies, and what you think about the upcoming Saw IV.
October 15th, 2007, 07:28 PM
I can't watch scary movies, as I am a total puss. :X
October 15th, 2007, 07:49 PM
I remember coming out of the theater from watching Saw 3 and feeling like I had lost some two hours of my life. I agree, went down hill each new release
October 15th, 2007, 07:50 PM
Heh, I remember when I used to be scared to watch the Saw movies, the first time I had any glimpse of it was when I was at a sleepover with some friends. They popped in Saw 2 into the DVD player and I saw the very first scene. The person had a device on his head where only a key could unlock it and take it off, but that key was behind his eye. The thought of someone having to rip out their own eye for their own survival just freaked me out. I immediately got in my sleeping bag, blasted my iPod headphones, and went to sleep. But after that, after hearing all my friends talk about it, curiousity pulled me back in to make me want to watch it. I watched the first one and discovered even though it was scary, it was an amazing film. Then I eventually watched the second film, it doesn't seem to be so scary to me after awhile, then I eventually watched the third, even though I don't like it, I want to see the fourth movie to see what happens.
I just hope that they TRY to fix the series with this fourth film, with the numerous clips I have seen from it, I think they have incorporated suspense back into the plot. Who is abducting the people now? Does Jigsaw have a new apprentice? Someone we know already or do not know? Will detective Hoffman be abducted next? Who are these 2 new FBI agents that have come to help? Which characters will be returning? One of the reasons I want to see Saw IV is also Detective Matthews is confirmed to be in it, hopefully this may mean that Doctor Gordon may make a reappearance. How did Jigsaw get a tape into his stomach which was found at his autopsy?
October 15th, 2007, 07:59 PM
Even though I don't watch them, god, it needs to end. 4 movies within 2-3 years?
Seriously, stop whoring it. >:
October 15th, 2007, 08:08 PM
Didn't I mention they're going all the way to Saw 6?
But what they actually do is release an new one every year, Saw I released in 2004, Saw II released in 2005, Saw III released in 2006, Saw IV will be released in 2007, Saw V will be released in 2008, and finally Saw VI will be released in 2009. :downs:
October 15th, 2007, 08:13 PM
I can't watch scary movies, as I am a total puss. :X
October 15th, 2007, 08:27 PM
They said they will keep making SAWs until they are no longer profitable. I loved the first one. Michael Emerson was awsome.
Then 2 and 3 were just blah.
October 15th, 2007, 08:48 PM
The tagline for Saw 4 is "It's a trap!"
I swear to God. Saw it on a movie poster today.
October 15th, 2007, 08:51 PM
^ That is awesome.
I only saw the second one, and I thought it was okay. I'll have to rent the series one night.
October 15th, 2007, 08:58 PM
thing is they arent horror movies. They arn't scarry, they are sick and twisted. big difference.
I agree. First one was amazing, second and third were too based off the gore and not so much the motivation behind it.
But although they werent what saw one was, they were still decent movies. Ill give them that. They were entertaining as a movie should be.
October 15th, 2007, 09:26 PM
I can watch scary movies, but I think they're fucking pointless as I am a total cynic. :X
October 15th, 2007, 09:34 PM
they're making 6 saw movies?
another Series ruined >: (
Why cant people just let sleeping dogs Lie.
October 15th, 2007, 10:18 PM
I have only seen #2, and watched solely out of curiosity.
One of the silliest movies I have ever seen. Totally contrived.
Rob Oplawar
October 15th, 2007, 10:20 PM
i*seriously*dgi. What the hell is the appeal of that? Where is the entertainment value? How can it be construed as a "good movie"? I've never seen it, so please do tell. But as far as I can tell, it's like dead baby jokes, or whatever you call them. That's not funny (or in the case of the movie, entertaining, or whatever you hope to get out of it), it's just grotesque and shocking.
edit: Now Poltergeist, or Aliens, or Sleepy Hollow, now those are some good horror movies.
edit edit: don't mean to derail, was just makin a remark; i still wanna hear about what's the deal with saw
October 16th, 2007, 02:06 AM
i*seriously*dgi. What the hell is the appeal of that? Where is the entertainment value? How can it be construed as a "good movie"? I've never seen it, so please do tell. But as far as I can tell, it's like dead baby jokes, or whatever you call them. That's not funny (or in the case of the movie, entertaining, or whatever you hope to get out of it), it's just grotesque and shocking.
edit: Now Poltergeist, or Aliens, or Sleepy Hollow, now those are some good horror movies.
edit edit: don't mean to derail, was just makin a remark; i still wanna hear about what's the deal with saw
Your looking at SAW in the wrong kinda light.
Saw was never about Gore and scaring ppl. it isn't horror, it's a Psycological Thriller.
ANd as such the First movie was full of mind games that kept u guessing and thinking and schemeing the entire movie.
"who the fuck is that dude in the centre? why where they brought here, who has kidnapped them? why have they kidnaped them? Why is there a gun? Where the fuck does that Camera lead? What does the writting on the walls mean?"
It was really well done.
The last 2 Have been just GORE for the sake of gore and with the Sole interest of Bleeding to death the Original Theme for a few extra $.
You people have been going to see the wrong movie.
October 16th, 2007, 10:42 AM
I stopped at blending pigs.
October 16th, 2007, 11:16 AM
My own opinion of the Saw series has greatly decreased since the first film. The first Saw was the best out of the 3 so far, why? Because the first film had almost no gore in it, the entire film focused on the plot, carefully built complex characters, and gave such a twist that shocked everyone when they first saw this movie. The second Saw was not as great because because the producers started making the traps more deadly and more gory. Still, the main plot and characters were good, and also another good twist at the end, except this time, they left us off with a cliffhanger, unlike the first one. The first one could've ended right there and not continued with any movies. When Saw 3 was released last year, it was the worst Saw film I ever saw. The plot no longer centered on people who did not appreciate life, and the traps now were only by 1 man having the choice to save another. Except for Troy and Kerry's, where they were rigged by Amanda so they were unescapable. But the rest of the traps where it was Jeff's decision whether the people lived or died, even though they all died in the end, and when he killed Jigsaw, these series no longer cared about plot, horror, or suspense. They believe that all horror fans these days enjoy gore, such as seening someone's ribs being ripped out or someone's head being blow to pieces. Sure gore is okay, but it is practically meaningless without a good plot.
Now I anxiously wait for the next Saw film, Saw IV, which is to be released on October 26th of this year. Now with Jigsaw and Amanda dead, how are they going to make a film that follows the storyline? Somehow there is someone still abducting people and putting them into games. From a few short clips of the movie, I have seen that some of it is similar to the same way Saw III was made, SWAT Officer Rigg has the decision to either save or let the victims die. I miss the old way of victims having to save themselves by suffering. So now with Jigsaw and his apprentice dead, how was it that they made this movie, Saw IV, and they are going to continue to produce movies all the way to Saw VI. This will be interesting.
If any Saw fans are here at this forum, please voice your opinion on the movies, what I think about the movies, and what you think about the upcoming Saw IV.
uhh saw is sick and the creators need to be shot if they can think up of sick and wrong things like that, but if it sells, sell it.
although saw is probably just about gore and people doing sick things to others, horror films are quite a strange bunch and i my self wouldnt watch them cos i dont take pleasure in other people riping their eyes out just to get shot in the end.
so really the film was quite pointless, going into a house to tourture youself then be killed so the film accomplishes nothing in the end!
but according to most people on the thread the 1st one was ok so ill leave that and say the comments above about the other two and films that follow suit.
October 16th, 2007, 12:08 PM
October 16th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Your looking at SAW in the wrong kinda light.
Saw was never about Gore and scaring ppl. it isn't horror, it's a Psycological Thriller.
More or less, "the Saw sequels are as faithful to the original Saw as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake was to the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
Also, in the first movie you could see the producers made an attempt togather a well-rounded, experienced, and overall decent cast when it starred Cary Elwes and Danny Glover. Once Saw II came around, though, they pretty much had some nobody thug from a stillborn Fox tv series that had been at the time already three years gone... and no one else.
October 16th, 2007, 08:16 PM
uhh saw is sick and the creators need to be shot if they can think up of sick and wrong things like that, but if it sells, sell it.
although saw is probably just about gore and people doing sick things to others, horror films are quite a strange bunch and i my self wouldnt watch them cos i dont take pleasure in other people riping their eyes out just to get shot in the end.
so really the film was quite pointless, going into a house to tourture youself then be killed so the film accomplishes nothing in the end!
but according to most people on the thread the 1st one was ok so ill leave that and say the comments above about the other two and films that follow suit.
Woah chill out there man, if you don't like Saw that's your own opinion and you're entitled to it. Saw is just a great physcological film, it's also somewhat of a "wakeup call," to also try to make you remember to appreciate your life. But besides that, it is just an okay movie series that could be better though. Like I stated before, I hope they fix it with this upcoming film. If horror movies don't appeal to you, that's fine, but I don't think it is necessary to say the creators need to be shot. But I strongly suggest that before you judge this film by what you "hear" about it, you should first go see it, then your opinion may actually be valid and backed up.
Rob Oplawar
October 16th, 2007, 09:47 PM
then your opinion may actually be valid
ohh snap, you're saying as of now his opinion is not valid?
oh I get it, so your idea is that people may be entitled to their opinions, but their opinions are still completely wrong. You intolerant hater!
oh, pwned, no you can't take it back, you said it, pwned!
ahem. jk.
October 16th, 2007, 10:54 PM
If you understand what I meant correctly, I was meaning that his judgement of the series is invalid because he has not even seen them before, so why judge a book by its cover? It will be considered valid to me, only if he has seen them first.
October 16th, 2007, 11:11 PM
uhh saw is sick and the creators need to be shot if they can think up of sick and wrong things like that, but if it sells, sell it.
although saw is probably just about gore and people doing sick things to others, horror films are quite a strange bunch and i my self wouldnt watch them cos i dont take pleasure in other people riping their eyes out just to get shot in the end.
so really the film was quite pointless, going into a house to tourture youself then be killed so the film accomplishes nothing in the end!
but according to most people on the thread the 1st one was ok so ill leave that and say the comments above about the other two and films that follow suit.
Your opinion should be directed towards the creators of Hostel. I can watch the Saw series. I enjoy it. As many others in this thread, I watch it for the psychological aspect of it, not the gore. I love how it's all just mind games through the entire movie, and just when you think you understand, the entire storyline flips in the very last minute...literally. I couldn't give a flying shit about the gore in the movie.
As for Hostel, my friend and I were talking one day about Saw. We were discussing the story and how it's brilliantly written to twist at the very last second, and then one thing led to another and something got brought up about how there's another movie from Lionsgate, the company behind the Saw series, called Hostel. He said that it sucked and the movie was downright horrible. Later that night I decided to sit down and watch it, expecting some cool plot similar in nature to Saw's. What I got was anything but. Possibly the worst movie I had ever sat through (next to Sideways?) was this one. I got about 1/4 in before I just had enough and couldn't stand it anymore. The movie is literally nothing more than titties and torture. There is almost no story and it is written for those who get high off of watching other people get MUTILATED. Unlike the deaths in saw, these were for no reason whatsoever. Eli Roth deserves to be put through what happens to the people in his movie for making it...and again since there is now Hostel: Part II coming out. ...What the hell?
October 17th, 2007, 09:21 AM
Woah chill out there man, if you don't like Saw that's your own opinion and you're entitled to it. Saw is just a great physcological film, it's also somewhat of a "wakeup call," to also try to make you remember to appreciate your life. But besides that, it is just an okay movie series that could be better though. Like I stated before, I hope they fix it with this upcoming film. If horror movies don't appeal to you, that's fine, but I don't think it is necessary to say the creators need to be shot. But I strongly suggest that before you judge this film by what you "hear" about it, you should first go see it, then your opinion may actually be valid and backed up.
Your opinion should be directed towards the creators of Hostel. I can watch the Saw series. I enjoy it. As many others in this thread, I watch it for the psychological aspect of it, not the gore. I love how it's all just mind games through the entire movie, and just when you think you understand, the entire storyline flips in the very last minute...literally. I couldn't give a flying shit about the gore in the movie.
As for Hostel, my friend and I were talking one day about Saw. We were discussing the story and how it's brilliantly written to twist at the very last second, and then one thing led to another and something got brought up about how there's another movie from Lionsgate, the company behind the Saw series, called Hostel. He said that it sucked and the movie was downright horrible. Later that night I decided to sit down and watch it, expecting some cool plot similar in nature to Saw's. What I got was anything but. Possibly the worst movie I had ever sat through (next to Sideways?) was this one. I got about 1/4 in before I just had enough and couldn't stand it anymore. The movie is literally nothing more than titties and torture. There is almost no story and it is written for those who get high off of watching other people get MUTILATED. Unlike the deaths in saw, these were for no reason whatsoever. Eli Roth deserves to be put through what happens to the people in his movie for making it...and again since there is now Hostel: Part II coming out. ...What the hell?
point taken but im not really a fan of horror or what ever they're called films, they're not for me
k i suppose i was abit mislead but people have different opinions and since im not a fan of horror films i just read the plot for 1st saw and it seemed to be a good plot i take away my comments from the 1st one but some films are pointless, such as (as jcap said) hostel, which is gore for the sake of gore.
October 17th, 2007, 06:57 PM
If horror movies aren't for you, then that's cool with me.
Back on topic, the reason I loathed Saw 3 was only because of the gore, barely any plot, barely any more "real traps," and basically, there was no twist at all except for
Jeff's daughter taken captive and Jigsaw meaning that he is the person for the "loss of his child," and not Timothy. It isn't really a twist that Lynn's head got blown off, especially because we knew what was going to happen as soon as Jeff cut Jigsaw's throat.
teh lag
October 17th, 2007, 07:04 PM
0_o Why does the figure in the chair look like Jar-Jar to me...
Anyhow, I don't like horror movies. I get scared from the ads on TV, let alone the actual thing.
October 17th, 2007, 07:12 PM
I personally don't like this new trend in horror movies (I'm talking about the "torture" movies, pioneered by The Passion of the Christ). Old school slashers are the ones for me. I'll take Halloween (not the pile of shit Rob Zombie remake) over Saw any day.
Surprise deaths (slashers) are better than just fucking with people (Saw series), in my opinion.
October 25th, 2007, 08:35 PM
So, saw 4 is going to be released tonight at midnight. Anyone going to the premiere or seeing it tomorrow?
October 27th, 2007, 08:08 PM
I'm not a fan of horror movies, I hate the suspense, even though you can tell some things scary is gona happen, it stills scares me =\
But with saw, ok it has a bit of suspense but then it has alot of gore, and I dont mind gore. Wouldnt normally watch it in cinema, but when I go theres some hot girls there and they will be shit scared, so they can hold onto me :)
Rob Oplawar
November 2nd, 2007, 03:35 PM
I watched Saw II with some friends this Halloween. While I like movies that present a mystery or puzzle and then bring all the minor details together at the end so you can go "ohhhhh," I found Saw II's "oh" moment was pretty weak and didn't make up for the gratuitous psycho serial killer bit. OK, I get the message about forcing those who don't appreciate life to face it, but I mean come on. Can they really make 6 movies out of that?
For the most part I didn't find it scary or suspenseful, just unpleasant. I don't see a movie that makes you cringe uncomfortably for two hours just so you can spend 30 seconds going "oh I see where they were going with this" as a good movie.
I give it a C-. It's a little below average, but it wasn't as terrible as some.
Having seen this one, I don't feel particularly compelled to see the others. Is it unfair to judge Saw I, III, and IV on the basis of Saw II?
November 2nd, 2007, 04:02 PM
Just watch Saw 1. It is the only one worthy of viewing, and actually has a lot of depth to it, unlike the others in the series.
November 2nd, 2007, 09:05 PM
I watched Saw II with some friends this Halloween. While I like movies that present a mystery or puzzle and then bring all the minor details together at the end so you can go "ohhhhh," I found Saw II's "oh" moment was pretty weak and didn't make up for the gratuitous psycho serial killer bit. OK, I get the message about forcing those who don't appreciate life to face it, but I mean come on. Can they really make 6 movies out of that?
For the most part I didn't find it scary or suspenseful, just unpleasant. I don't see a movie that makes you cringe uncomfortably for two hours just so you can spend 30 seconds going "oh I see where they were going with this" as a good movie.
I give it a C-. It's a little below average, but it wasn't as terrible as some.
Having seen this one, I don't feel particularly compelled to see the others. Is it unfair to judge Saw I, III, and IV on the basis of Saw II?
i*seriously*dgi. What the hell is the appeal of that? Where is the entertainment value? How can it be construed as a "good movie"? I've never seen it, so please do tell. But as far as I can tell, it's like dead baby jokes, or whatever you call them. That's not funny (or in the case of the movie, entertaining, or whatever you hope to get out of it), it's just grotesque and shocking.
edit: Now Poltergeist, or Aliens, or Sleepy Hollow, now those are some good horror movies.
edit edit: don't mean to derail, was just makin a remark; i still wanna hear about what's the deal with saw
Your looking at SAW in the wrong kinda light.
Saw was never about Gore and scaring ppl. it isn't horror, it's a Psycological Thriller.
ANd as such the First movie was full of mind games that kept u guessing and thinking and schemeing the entire movie.
"who the fuck is that dude in the centre? why where they brought here, who has kidnapped them? why have they kidnaped them? Why is there a gun? Where the fuck does that Camera lead? What does the writting on the walls mean?"
It was really well done.
The last 2 Have been just GORE for the sake of gore and with the Sole interest of Bleeding to death the Original Theme for a few extra $.
You people have been going to see the wrong movie.
FFS Rob. read my post next time and take on-board the advice i gave you >:U
November 4th, 2007, 09:14 PM
I saw it last weekend but decided not to bump :\ But now that it was bumped in anycase, here is my review of the movie, it does contain SPOILERS.
I really liked this movie. Even though some people say it wasn't good, it was kinda obvious to me that Hoffman was the new apprentice,even from his suspicious behavior in Saw 3. Only things that I didn't like about this movie was 1. It contradicts with what was happening in Saw 3. This movie's main message is that people's fate is in their own hands and only they can save themselves. Then tell me wtf was Saw 3's main message? To decide whether people get to live or not? Each of the victims in Saw 3 had almost no say in whether they got to live or die. 2. It barely explained any why Hoffman is the new apprentice. Other than that, I liked it, not as much gore as saw 3, except the autopsy which kinda had me freaked out that the people behind me were going to throw up, but everything else was great. Especially the rapist getting what he deserved. I look forward to watching Saw 5 and 6 when they are released.
Rob Oplawar
November 5th, 2007, 06:26 PM
Oh, I thought you meant the last two as in Saw III and IV- so what you're really saying is that Saw I was the only good one?
What I was saying is that I tried to focus on the "psychological thriller" aspect but found the whole "gory gruesome graphic cringe-worthy gratuitous pain inflicted on the characters" to be very central and very distracting. But I do plan on seeing Saw I eventually, once I'm in a situation to not have to pay for it.
@admins:I'm not suggesting torrent here, I'm just sayin I'll watch it at a friend's house or somethin.
November 5th, 2007, 07:07 PM
More like this.... (
November 7th, 2007, 06:09 PM
When you do see Saw 1, enjoy it as much as possible. It has so little gore and goes really in depth into the story, plot, and characters.
Rob Oplawar
November 7th, 2007, 10:10 PM
after that rant about not enjoying things that are good, yeah now I intend to watch Saw and enjoy it, dammit. Unless it sucks. But I'll see about that when I watch it.
November 7th, 2007, 10:29 PM
I hope you do enjoy it Rob. I for one did, and found all of the rest just as disappointing as you have. Go into it forgetting all about what you have seen in the others, and don't try to pick it apart at every turn.
November 7th, 2007, 10:36 PM
I personally think all you people are hopping on the fucking bandwagon. I think hte movies are brilliantly written, with the huge twist at the end it's just great. You expect it, but the thing is, you will never ever guess it.
I love movies where everything comes to a massive conclusion at the end, a big moment of realization. I personally loved all 3, and am yet to see Saw 4 yet.
November 7th, 2007, 11:06 PM
Well even if I did jump on a bandwagon, I jumped on it without knowing. Before I even went to read reviews of Saw and such, I already made my own opinions of it, I easily thought that Saw 1 was awesome, Saw 2 was good as well, except there was only 1 trap where someone had to save themself, but I absolutely loved the suspense in both movies. Saw 3 practically contradicted the idea of the movies, this is easy to believe since it had a new writer. Saw 3 writers thought that everyone loved gore and such, when I find a majority of people hating it, if I want to see a gore movie I'll find one somewhere else, but I expect Saw to be a physcological thriller. Saw 3 had victims where they had absolutely no say in whether they wanted to survive or not, it was all up to Jeff. That practically killed the point of the movies. Saw 3 had practically no twist as well. I don't think that the main test was Amanda's test really can even be considered a twist, that doesn't make me jump out of my seat and go OMG!!! and leave my jaw open. We all knew what would happen if Jigsaw died. Saw 4 though at least is a good start on the road back to awesomeness. They toned down the gore and worked on the plot a little bit more, adding in new characters such as Strahm and Perez (who I thought were awesome btw). The twist though could use some more work on though, as in explaination.
Rob Oplawar
November 8th, 2007, 11:52 AM
Yeah I aint on no bandwagon, I just happened to end up going in the same direction before I noticed it was there. My opinion of the movie I saw is, well, based on what I thought of that movie. Grrr I hate it when people tell me I can't think for myself.
November 8th, 2007, 10:29 PM
Yeah I aint on no bandwagon, I just happened to end up going in the same direction before I noticed it was there. My opinion of the movie I saw is, well, based on what I thought of that movie. Grrr I hate it when people tell me I can't think for myself.
October 7th, 2008, 09:17 PM
So I was just watching an old episode of House on Fox when all of a sudden my TV has a bit of static and Jigsaw's voice comes on and I realize it's that time of the year again. Saw IV was meh last year, better than III I thought. Hopefully with a new director this time around, Saw V will save the series from going down the drain.
There are some other TV spots out there, feel free to post them.
Thoughts/comments about the new movie?
October 7th, 2008, 09:20 PM
I like that poster. Very Hanibalistic.
October 7th, 2008, 09:29 PM
Reminds me of Slipknot's death-masks (masks of their own faces, not to be confused with their usual masks) that were worn during the music video and live performances of Vermilion. I'll be renting Saw V when it comes out on video, but not bothering with the theater showings. The previous two were a bit too confusing character-wise, and thus I had to re-watch parts a few times.
October 7th, 2008, 09:40 PM
I usually don't care about horror movies seeing as there hasn't been a good one released in who knows when...
Also, horror film writers need to get this into their heads:
Blood and gore does not= scary... most of the time you just don't want to look at it because its disgusting...
October 7th, 2008, 09:44 PM
Blood and gore does not= scary
October 7th, 2008, 09:50 PM
Wow, milking the teat aren't they?
October 7th, 2008, 09:51 PM
Six were originally planned, so no, not really - they're just following through on their plan.
October 7th, 2008, 10:16 PM
I don't get it. Every movie has had superb plot with multiple twists and turns, great acting and characters and you are saying that the movies have gotten bad because the traps and gore have increased? Da fuck?
The Saw series is one of the best and smartest horror film series I've ever seen. Quality horror films with substance to go along with their death and gore is something that's been lacking in the genre for a great while. I think the only other horror movie that I've enjoyed was, and I've said this a lot, Session 9.
Perhaps American Psycho as well...though I'm not exactly sure it's a horror film.
[EDIT] Sorry I guess most of that was directed at the old first post.
October 7th, 2008, 10:54 PM
I have never seen any of these movies
I'm one of those pussies that starts looking around the room for fucking swirly-cheek dolls.
checking the room for swirly-cheek dolls.
October 7th, 2008, 10:59 PM
I'm one of those pussies that starts looking around the room for fucking swirly-cheek dolls.
checking the room for swirly-cheek dolls.
you can stop looking now, its right behind you
October 7th, 2008, 11:21 PM
Wasn't their already a Saw V?
E: No wait...that was a porno parody >.>
October 8th, 2008, 07:12 AM
bit quick aint it, why it seems only yesterday i saw Saw 1 :S
also Wraith your forgetting one tiny little fact.
Saw is supposed to be a psychological thriller... hence why saw 1 was more popular.
traps and blood arnt psychological.
Which is why every movie after the first has been on a one-way trip to fail town. It subtracts from it's own plot and just ropes it together with boring horror films.... like hostel.
October 8th, 2008, 01:50 PM
bit quick aint it, why it seems only yesterday i saw Saw 1 :S
also Wraith your forgetting one tiny little fact.
Saw is supposed to be a psychological thriller... hence why saw 1 was more popular.
traps and blood arnt psychological.
Which is why every movie after the first has been on a one-way trip to fail town. It subtracts from it's own plot and just ropes it together with boring horror films.... like hostel.The genre is subjective as I've seen it listed as both Horror and Thriller.
October 8th, 2008, 07:07 PM
I understand your point Wraith, the plot has been alright but I wanna be freaked out and scared to go to bed after watching these movies, not trying to hold down some vomit (exaggeration) after seeing a woman getting her scalp ripped off. There are plenty of other gore movies out there that I could watch if I wanted to see gore. Right now it seems the plot is the only thing holding saw fans to it, but hopefully saw 5 will bring back more of the "scary" element. I'm actually okay with blood and gore, as long as there is suspense and the scary element. Hopefully saw 5 will bring it back with this new director.
October 8th, 2008, 09:03 PM
While we're on the subject of plot, anyone got any ideas for the new movie? I honestly can't see the direction after the pretty shocking ending to IV.
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