View Full Version : Your best DETENTION stories.
October 17th, 2007, 10:40 PM
Ever gotten a detention in middle/high school?
Was it for a stupid/funny/awesome reason?
My story: I was singing a backstreet boys song in the lunchline with my friend Juistina, and a teacher standing there thought it was annoying and wrote us up for making "inappropriate noises."
When I went to the principal's office to receive the detention slip, he asked me to make the "noise" for him.
When he heard the song, he started laughing and dropped the detention.
October 17th, 2007, 10:48 PM
I never have had a detention.
October 17th, 2007, 10:53 PM
In middle school my big Indian friend and I was so freaking bored before school that we started throwing winter gloves at each other.
The dean made up some crap that my friend pushed me and was "agressive". I was all like "bullcrap, I can take him anytime, even if he is bigger than me."
Anyways... got 2 weeks for it... and that was my one and only detention...
October 17th, 2007, 10:54 PM
I've never had a detention, but I did have an ISS once in sixth grade for tardies. Like I could do anything about how late my mother got me to school. It was scary, as all the problem maker idiot assholes from the entire school were there and I, an all A honor roll student, was thrown in there with them to write some stupidly long sentence 10,000 times.
October 17th, 2007, 11:00 PM
In 6th grade at my school, there were these things called boosters. Every time you missed any homework assignment, you got one. It had to be signed by a parent. Being a horrible procrastinator, I did not do homework every once in a while, and then I would get a booster, and procrastinate to tell my parents. Those turned into detentions, many, many god damn detentions. For missing homework.
Ugh. And many times afterward it snowballed into me not even telling my parents about detentions, which meant Saturday School, where all the horrible drop out students were. Yeah. I even got two in school suspensions for it. Missing homework.
Luckily, they dropped the system the next year, and I only got a single detention for being late a few times.
October 17th, 2007, 11:04 PM
Harshness. I've only ever had detention once, for being late. I had to pick up trash around the school for 30 minutes.
October 17th, 2007, 11:27 PM
I dunno if it counts, but; In my science 10 class I filled up a water bottle from the gas tap that are on all the tables for the bunsen burners. Then I proceeded to open it in the hallway during the 5 mins between classes, and light it on fire. It sort of made a little lame flame on top. So I squeezed it and it made about a foot and a half in diameter fireball. Needless to say I got suspended. Only for 3 days though. Also had to go to a firestation on one of the days and talk to the cheif there, and watch a 45 minute video about fire safety. I told the principal it was only lighter fluid, because they assumed it was gas from the tap, which meant it was a liability. If I had told them the truth they probably would of expelled me to cover their own asses.
October 17th, 2007, 11:50 PM
Once I got put into the ISS room for something I just couldn't explain. I was in my computer programming class (QBASIC), and I was showing a buddy of mine how to make an infinite loop. The program code was simply
PRINT "This is the loop that never ends."
Anyway, the class ends, and I come back the next day. The teacher shoves a bunch of papers in my face; about an eighth of a ream of paper all with "This is the loop that never ends." printed on them. He's pissed, I'm clueless. I'm also in ISS the whole period for "goofing off in class."
October 18th, 2007, 12:10 AM
I got assigend to detention several times for fighting (usually the same jackass, John Moorehead, aka "Lizard"). After serving once, and realizing there was no oversight, I started skipping. I'd sign the attendance sheet and haul ass. If you got busted, they doubled your sentence, so it was a gamble. However, they only caught us like 1 out of 5 times, making it worth it.
October 18th, 2007, 12:19 AM
Once I got put into the ISS room for something I just couldn't explain. I was in my computer programming class (QBASIC), and I was showing a buddy of mine how to make an infinite loop. The program code was simply
PRINT "This is the loop that never ends."
LOOPAnyway, the class ends, and I come back the next day. The teacher shoves a bunch of papers in my face; about an eighth of a ream of paper all with "This is the loop that never ends." printed on them. He's pissed, I'm clueless. I'm also in ISS the whole period for "goofing off in class."
I did something on the same level of annoyance at this one college class over the summer. People were having all the usual infinite loop of death fun, so I decided to do something new. These computers had DeepFreeze running on them, which basically reverts everything back to the state it was when it was first booted up. Also, after like 15 minutes the computers would go to sleep, but the data wasn't whiped. So I made a batch file that gave you 2 seconds to click a button that would keep your computer from shutting down...and put it in the startup folder on everyones computers and set them all to sleep. Lets just say the results were epicly lulzy, especially when this one fuckwad didn't save his 300 lines of Parallax Basic code for a Boebot ( xD.
Whats even better: the teacher never noticed xD.
Back in Grades 1 through 5 I went through so many detentions I honestly can't remember any of them. lul. I got my act straight in middle school though. Speaking of which, Homework time or Ms. Rostami will chainsaw me in two...
October 18th, 2007, 02:41 AM
Yep. Homework.
October 18th, 2007, 03:48 PM
I never have had a detention.
lol TP!
Neuro Guro
October 18th, 2007, 03:54 PM
Well one time I was just chillin right? Just relaxin, maxin all cool, shootin some B-Ball outside the school. When all of a sudden these guys showed up and they were like up to no good. And then I got into one little fight and got into detention.
Then like I came and it hit my teacher right POW in the kisser, and everyone lol'd.
Well after that my mom got scared and said im going to be moving in with my auntie and uncle in Belair. I begged her not to send me but that didn't help, so now I'm here, in Belair, typing this.
October 18th, 2007, 07:33 PM
Oh, lol, I thought this was about the hidden poor-user forum.
teh lag
October 18th, 2007, 08:21 PM
I've had detention twice.
Once for not doing homework. (understandable but harsh D:)
Once for... not having papers out in science class? My teacher must have had an ego bigger than insert penis joke here, guess she didn't like me not focusing on what she was doing.
Both were in 6th grade.
October 18th, 2007, 08:26 PM
Oh, lol, I thought this was about the hidden poor-user forum.
Yeah, I opened the thread thinking that.
October 19th, 2007, 03:04 AM
Once, in 9th grade.
Fell asleep in science.
Wiped out from track the previous day.
I still think my science teacher is awesome.
some of these are pretty lulz-worthy, but i thought pbear's was hilarious. and the fresh prince too of course.
October 19th, 2007, 03:05 AM
Taping a kid to a tree,
Fireworks at school,
Breaking a window (tripped and smashed it with my head, was sent to detention while medical attention)
Drinking a coffee in school, I have no fucking idea why she gave me detention for this...I think it was because she hadn't had hers O_o
Throwing a pencil case out of a window
Throwing a chair at someone ( he was pissing me off tbh)
Wrapping videotape around a friend, completely covering everything from his chin down (3 of us got 1 week each)
Taking a swipe at someone with a metal ruler (missed, but the desk that I hit is still there, huge scratch and all)
Theres more but I feel like I'm spamming.
October 19th, 2007, 04:27 AM
Now I ask to you who said they only went to detention a couple times or once, is it because you're all panzies, or because you just never got caught?
October 19th, 2007, 07:07 AM
TBH i never got to many detentions.
Yet i used to ge tmy teacher to BRIBE me with Lollies (candy) to be quiet lmfao.
good times. Half of my Year 12life was beign quiet and NOt disrupting the teacher so we could get lal the lollies out of her we could.
I had a fucking blast at school.
Muck up, Get in trouble and at the end of the day walk away with alot of great memorys :D!!!!!!1111
October 19th, 2007, 07:15 AM
Lets see. How many times have I gotten caught? Hmmmmm........
Bottle Rockets in the halls.
Stabbed a retard with a pencil (Marks still there XD)
Me and my friend were fencing with rulers and I hit him across the head with a meterstick. He started crying (Wouldn't have gotten caught otherwise, the pansy)
Then theres all the stuff I didn't get caught for.....
October 19th, 2007, 07:20 AM
u stabbed a retard? and u call your friend a pansy?
fucking dousche bag.
October 19th, 2007, 08:07 AM
So back in the days i was just messing around during class and ended up in detention. reason:
"noobbozze identifies himself with darth vader and produces threathening and disturbing noises."
srsly WTF.
October 19th, 2007, 08:12 AM
My brother had an interesting one.
"aidan for no reaon at all leans back in his hair and scream "MOLE" at the top of his lungs to no particular person, For no particular reason.
Our entire family fell over laughing at that one xD
October 19th, 2007, 08:25 AM
u stabbed a retard? and u call your friend a pansy?
fucking dousche bag.
I don't think he meant he was literaly retarded :rolleyes:
but yer, I agree with the calling mates a pansy bit.
also Avogadro's number = 6.0221415 × 1023
guess what I was doing in chemistry this week :3
October 19th, 2007, 08:40 AM
Cellphone in the ceiling. The ring tone was a gunther song ;p. So we sat in the back of the class and kept calling the phone, and all the teacher would hear was "Oooooh you touch my tra la la, oooooh my ding ding dong" over and over xD.
So kid ratted on me cause i was the one who put it up there >_> (wasnt my phone though) and got 3 detentions.
October 19th, 2007, 08:51 AM
I really don't get why kids feel the need to have their phones on in class >.>
October 19th, 2007, 09:09 AM
BLeh, i dont care if he was joking. Retarded kids is nothing to make fun of.
In fact the last person i knew that Made fun of a retarded kid got his front teeth knocked out.
and if i knew him, and he made a joke liek that i'd be standing in-line with my fists Raised ready for my Turn to have a swing at the Bastard.
October 19th, 2007, 09:21 AM
religious studies, the entire back 2 rows of students got 3 weeks detention each...why?
all the way through class, none of us were even acknowledging the teacher, we were cutting pieces of paper up and rolling them into little balls, when the bell rang for lunch...we unleashed them all on the teacher
I'm only guessing, but I reckon there was at least 1000 little paper balls...
Epic lols followed, along with the pissing with the laughter, and we laughed every day of our 3 weeks detention...
Note: we did it about 12 times during my 4 years at high school. So fucking funny, but so pointless.
October 19th, 2007, 09:50 AM
who goes to a detention yall just gotta be like bitch i ain takin yor shit and walk out.... fuck em they cant touch ya
October 19th, 2007, 10:02 AM
Pyong Kawaguchi
October 28th, 2007, 02:57 AM
ive gotten in trouble for not doing homework, and more, some of teh stuff i dont even remember, but i didnt go to them, so im safe :P SUCK IT EARTH!
also hears some other things at a youth center i go to that i did
i called this total douchebag that NOONE likes ecept his other deuchebag friends (no shit) and i called him gay, he punched me in the stomach and i frigin clocked his face, he punched me back and then one of his buddies kinda tried to calm it down, he called his mom and went home (lol), also it didnt hurt when he hit me :p. also, it was caught on tape but i didnt get in trouble, i know the owner well and he wasnt particularly fond of that kid, also, the next day i was like hero to all ppl in da skool
another time i got in a fight with one of that kids buddies cuz he was dissing my homeboy, feel me? i fricking went like a brute going crazy on him (lol) i frigigng owned his sorry ass, and yet again (NO TROUBLE FOR ME :D)
El Lobo
October 28th, 2007, 01:29 PM
Never had a detention but I did get suspended one time...
October 28th, 2007, 01:38 PM
Never had a detention but I did get suspended one time...
I got suspended once for a cough contest.
They were worried my friends and I would intentionally give someone a cold or something.
It was worth it really, I sat home watching porn.
October 28th, 2007, 02:06 PM
I've never gotten detention, but I've done my fair share of dumb things. Like a few days ago, we were building little bridges in physics and we had to use white glue to hold the wood together. We all hate white glue, correct? You know how it never fucking comes out of the nozzle no matter how much you twist it open or squeeze the bottle? Yeah, well that was happening to us. We unscrewed the cap and used a small nail to clear the opening, but for some reason it still wouldn't come out. The orange nozzle was twisted to the full open position. This was fucking ridiculous. So I get my friend to stand on it. No luck. He tells me to jump on it. It withstood my first landing, but the second time the thing fucking exploded. POP. Glue all over the friggen place. Floor covered, shoes soaked, all over the fucking wall. I mean, it's EVERYWHERE. Everyone in the room stares at me with this glue everywhere. A kid asks, "what the hell are you doing." The teacher is pretty pissed, but he doesn't show it that well. Took about 10 minutes to clean up. Never again :shake:
EDIT: May I add that it wasn't the cap that finally blew open, it was the bottle itself that split in half.
October 28th, 2007, 02:14 PM
I got one for starting a slow clap AND cough contest during the pSAT :(
Mr Buckshot
October 28th, 2007, 04:39 PM
I wrote this Chinese poem and posted it on the gym wall:
都讨厌Lopez 老师.
Translation: On a summer morning, Mr Lopez took out his "machine" to fuck himself. He likes to fuck himself because he is gay, so the whole world hates Mr. Lopez.
He was my PE teacher, and one of his favorite suck-up students unfortunately translated the song for him and reported me. Got a detention but it was worth it since not many people liked him anyway (I got high-fived for it after my detention was over ^^)
October 28th, 2007, 04:44 PM
I got suspended in eighth grade for setting a t-shirt on fire in a bathroom.
To be fair, the guy whose shirt I was burning was an asshole.
October 28th, 2007, 04:59 PM
...but the second time the thing fucking exploded. POP. Glue all over the friggen place. Floor covered, shoes soaked, all over the fucking wall. I mean, it's EVERYWHERE. Everyone in the room stares at me with this glue everywhere.
You just couldn't hold it in, could ya?
He was my PE teacher, and one of his favorite suck-up students unfortunately translated the song for him and reported me. Got a detention but it was worth it since not many people liked him anyway (I got high-fived for it after my detention was over ^^)
What the hell is with all of these kids who hate PE so much?
"Do a pushup."
"No you can't make me, you're not my FATHER, I hate you!"
"'s a pushup. >_>"
"I hate school, and I hate all of you! I'm never participating in gym class again, NEVER."
*five hours later, at dinner*
"So did anything interesting happen in school today, son?"
"I quit PE class, the coach is a total JERKWAD."
"What the hell happened? Did that bastard hit you?! Well, I'm marching my ass down there first thing tomorrow to give them a piece of my mind!"
"No, but he wanted me to do a PUSHUP!"
*crickets chirping*
"'s a pushup, son. You can't run from physical activity forever."
October 28th, 2007, 05:01 PM
You just couldn't hold it in, could ya?
no and it like got all over this girls pants (srsly) it was hottt!1
October 28th, 2007, 05:03 PM
You just couldn't hold it in, could ya?
Wait a second...
October 28th, 2007, 05:05 PM
Some PE teachers are just assholes. Like the one who gave my friends detention for running 10 meters in the corridor that connects to the outside
October 28th, 2007, 05:11 PM
Some PE teachers are just assholes. Like the one who gave my friends detention for running 10 meters in the corridor that connects to the outside
Yeah, but there are many more teachers who are much more flustered than PE coaches because they swamp themselves in paperwork and aren't constantly engaged in recreational activities. For that reason I can't understand why kids always single out the Gym teachers.
October 28th, 2007, 05:25 PM
I didn't get caught doing this, but it was rather ironic and made me lol.
So, I'm in the sixth grade (still living in Indianapolis back then). We have days above each of our tables (or rather, columns of several tables). Well, my "column's" day was Wednesday. Usually a few people snuck into the lines anyway, despite the fact that the assistant principal was standing at the front of the line. Oh btw the days above the "columns" of tables were what days that "column" got in line (first). So it's Tuesday, and I get in line. The assistant principal randomly comes up to me and goes, "Now I know you aren't in the Wednesday column and came up here anyway, right?" I was thinking, "Holy shit, are you serious?" I could feel my face contort into a look of pure horror (back then I was mostly a goody goody kid who followed the rules, and hadn't really gotten in trouble besides for fights). Then her mood lightened and she goes, "No, I'm just kidding, I know you are in Tuesday." Again, I was in fact in the Wednesday column. It was so ironic though, it was really funny. I thought my facial expression would have given me away or something.
October 28th, 2007, 05:26 PM
The obese kids at my school always think the PE teachers have something against them.
October 28th, 2007, 06:33 PM
Well 2 years ago me and my friend were picto chatting in lunch(with the DS), and then some other kid came on and we started cursing him off for no reason. The little bastard showed the principal and i got detention.
Last year me and a freind were doing a science project were you have to build the highest building of straws, and i got an idea that we can just have the whole thing hang from the cieling, (the cieling was made out of those square peices that can be removed) So i went appon doing that and the whole square comes out and falls on teachers head when i told him to watch my idea, i got 2 saturday detentions for that, but it was lmao.
And last friday, my math teacher was getting angry, so i made fun of her, and she said"Watch your mouth smart ass". and i said shut the fuck up you old bag, and i got 1 detention for that. There was more .. but im to lazy to post
Mr Buckshot
October 28th, 2007, 09:52 PM
I got a 20-minute detention in IB camp when I fingered this really stupid kid (who got into IB off the freakin' waiting list and thinks he's so much smarter than my friends who aren't in IB) for laughing at me for continuing to interact with non-IB people. He was like "hey you're so stupid if you hang out with those non-IB people why don't you just quit and join them."
The detention: After the meals, instead of playing those games with the other IB students, I had to clean dishes.
Seriously, some people are just too arrogant for their own good. I mean, I don't think people who aren't in IB are academically inferior or anything, they're just lucky to have an easier workload.
October 28th, 2007, 09:53 PM
I once brought about a liter of lighter fluid mixed with gasoline to school in a spray bottle.
Later that day we moved a big ass desk that someone had thrown out into the middle of the sidewalk, covered it in shit while people walked by looking confused, lit it on fire and ran like hell.
We then regrouped on top of a neighboring rooftop to watch a bunch of pissed firefighters spray it with extinguishers.
They talked to all the kids that were hanging around, (this was about a block from my school) and called the vice principle of my school with a couple names. These poor bastards got interrogated and eventually the vice found out about the shit, talked to me privately about it, said that I was a good kid and that this is probably the dumbest thing I've ever done, and that if anyone ever found out I was the one who brought the fluid then well..."your ass is mine."
Lucky shit man, lucky shit.
October 28th, 2007, 10:04 PM
I got a 20-minute detention in IB camp when I fingered this really stupid kid
20 minutes for inappropriate touching?
Damn, I gotta go to this camp.
October 28th, 2007, 10:35 PM
I got a detention for being tardy more than 4 times...
October 28th, 2007, 10:39 PM
I don't get how people can be late. Plan ahead, it's pretty simple..
October 28th, 2007, 10:44 PM
You know how I can be late?
Late trains...but aside from that.
I wake up pretty damn early for school, around 6:00 AM (+ 3 or 5 minute sfor the sleep!) and I get there at 7:55 (sometimes, I have to be at class by 8)
So everything I do in the morning is done by a tired Syuusuke and it slows me dowwwnnnnn.
October 28th, 2007, 10:54 PM
You know how I can be late?
Late trains...but aside from that.
I wake up pretty damn early for school, around 6:00 AM (+ 3 or 5 minute sfor the sleep!) and I get there at 7:55 (sometimes, I have to be at class by 8)
So everything I do in the morning is done by a tired Syuusuke and it slows me dowwwnnnnn.
I bet I wake up earlier than anyone here, 4 AM bitch. Then I walk for an hour to get to school.
October 28th, 2007, 11:04 PM
Holy shit, when do you go to sleep?
You know how I can be late?
Late trains...but aside from that.
I wake up pretty damn early for school, around 6:00 AM (+ 3 or 5 minute sfor the sleep!) and I get there at 7:55 (sometimes, I have to be at class by 8)
So everything I do in the morning is done by a tired Syuusuke and it slows me dowwwnnnnn.
Tbh. NYC metro transit is pretty unreliable, considering it's the lifeblood of the city.
As he said, morning routines aren't so fine-and-dandy, either. When the sun isn't up, I could bet green money that clocks run through time at three times the normal rate.
October 28th, 2007, 11:38 PM
Holy shit, when do you go to sleep?
Tbh. NYC metro transit is pretty unreliable, considering it's the lifeblood of the city.
As he said, morning routines aren't so fine-and-dandy, either. When the sun isn't up, I could bet green money that clocks run through time at three times the normal rate.
But you get free entertainment. A nut in every car, you see.
October 29th, 2007, 02:10 AM
Once my entire 8th grade History class got on detention. Our teacher at the time, Miss Hartley, aka, Satans Nob Gobbler aka Zillas old next door neighbor (laff @ u Zilly poo) because when she went out of the room, a guy called Luke called a pizza, a taxi and fried chicken to our school, we pissed ourselves laughing, and then proceeded to throw oranges around the room.
She came back and spewed pure liquid evil all over us. A guy called Sam started arguing with her and rants ensued. She then pulled out a funny looking celtic axe scuplture with incense sticks in it from her drawer, lit them and sat there staring at us for about 10 minutes.
October 29th, 2007, 03:57 AM
fuck she was an Evil bitch
:sad but true:
i remember laughign at my mate James because he got Kicked out of the Classroom before we even got into the building.
we where like "wtf? is this even possible?"
October 29th, 2007, 05:57 AM
Rofl, that happened to me Lmfao. Hartley as well.
October 29th, 2007, 08:13 AM
I bet I wake up earlier than anyone here, 4 AM bitch. Then I walk for an hour to get to school.
do you sleep at all O_o
October 29th, 2007, 03:28 PM
I don't get how people can be late. Plan ahead, it's pretty simple..
Open campus lunch + 25 minute lunch = late, consistently.
I bet I wake up earlier than anyone here, 4 AM bitch. Then I walk for an hour to get to school.
Let me guess, up hill both ways, in a blizzard, with 4 feet of snow? While in bare feet and no jacket?
October 29th, 2007, 04:18 PM
Let me guess, up hill both ways, in a blizzard, with 4 feet of snow? While in bare feet and no jacket?
October 29th, 2007, 11:26 PM
I guess I am just too fast. <-seriously, she did say that.
October 30th, 2007, 12:02 AM
so I got sent to detention and the teacher made me bend over and call him daddy, then i had to drink something he called 'jesus juice'
I don't remember anything else from that night
October 30th, 2007, 12:05 AM
Let me guess, up hill all three ways, in a blizzard/volcanic eruption/alien invasion, with 600 feet of dung? While in skinless feet and no scrotum?
Fixed that for you.
October 30th, 2007, 12:05 AM
I don't get how people can be late. Plan ahead, it's pretty simple..
You don't have to deal with my two kids.
October 30th, 2007, 12:08 AM
I laughed too hard once, then this weird girl thought me and my friend were making fun of her.. and I got an In School Suspension for 'Harassement' ?
It really wasn't that big of a deal to be honest, we just laughed when she sat next to the boy she liked... and filed it under harassement?..
October 30th, 2007, 12:10 AM
You don't have to deal with my two kids.
your wife probably says the same thing about you
October 30th, 2007, 12:12 AM
your wife probably says the same thing about you
She says "three kids".
October 30th, 2007, 12:14 AM
She says "three kids".
I remember those days texrat, ahh.. the good times. ;)
October 30th, 2007, 05:59 PM
Well one time I was just chillin right? Just relaxin, maxin all cool, shootin some B-Ball outside the school. When all of a sudden these guys showed up and they were like up to no good. And then I got into one little fight and got into detention.
Then like I came and it hit my teacher right POW in the kisser, and everyone lol'd.
Well after that my mom got scared and said im going to be moving in with my auntie and uncle in Belair. I begged her not to send me but that didn't help, so now I'm here, in Belair, typing this.
Oh snap, I got belaired :o
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