View Full Version : Saipen won't load compiled map

October 26th, 2007, 03:04 PM
I've followed the tutorials to make a simple box custom map with 3DS Max V9, exported it via Bluestreak 1.0.0 and compiled it with Halo 2 Map editor.
-Bluestreak reported no errors and created a .ass file
-Compile produced a scenario file with the output below
-Saipen gets through the first step ("Loading the Map for Editing (step 1 of 3)
-Saipen fails when trying to compile the scripts (Step 2 of 3), error message "Corrupt file: This file is corrupt and cannot be loaded. H2Saipen will now shut down"

Any suggestions?

--- tutoiail_1.ass
processing environment geometry...
### WARNING: Found duplicate shader collection name "shared" in:
c:\halo2mapeditor\tags\scenarios\shaders\shader_co llections.shader_collections
Looking for shaders in collection 'f_im' (scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industria
### WARNING found an override for shader 'scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industria
l\metals\panel_circle_quarter' from collection 'f_im' (scenarios\shaders\forerun
### WARNING found an override for shader 'scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industria
l\metals\forerunner_rusted_grey' from collection 'f_im' (scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\metals)
=== writing out structure 'scenarios\multi\tutorial_1\tutoiail_1':
4 materials and 0 markers,
28 vertices, 8 points and 14 triangles.
collision bsp:
6 planes, 6 nodes and 1 leaves,
6 surfaces, 12 edges and 8 vertices.
0 portals, 1 clusters and 5 subclusters.
0 environment objects of 0 distinct types.
=== imported structure 'scenarios\multi\tutorial_1\tutoiail_1' in 0m 04.257sec
average cluster distance error: 0.00
maximum cluster distance error: 0.00
=== built visibility for structure 'scenarios\multi\tutorial_1\tutoiail_1'
=== saving imported structure scenarios\multi\tutorial_1\tutoiail_1
Press any key to continue . . .

October 26th, 2007, 03:19 PM
Are you dyslexic?
and I'm guessing its the shader your having trouble with, if not I wouldnt know. I don't map for halo 2 but I know for a fact it's SAPIEN.

October 26th, 2007, 04:19 PM
Did you try and search the forum? This has been asked a million times already.

October 26th, 2007, 09:07 PM
Yes I did search the forum already. One of the things I learned was the location of the debug file which is included below.

================================================== ==========================================
10.26.07 21:55:28.737 sapien debug pc 11081. Apr 30 2007 09:37:07
================================================== ==========================================
? 8
10.26.07 21:55:28.737 D3DERR_INVALIDCALL in CreateTexture (code=-2005530516, error=)
10.26.07 21:55:28.809 D3DERR_INVALIDCALL in CreateTexture (code=-2005530516, error=)
10.26.07 21:55:29.314 multiplayer/mainmenu map - loading dervish and chief animations, mp models
10.26.07 21:55:34.979 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
10.26.07 21:55:35.015 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
10.26.07 21:55:35.059 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
10.26.07 21:55:35.103 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
10.26.07 21:56:26.533 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_0.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
10.26.07 21:56:26.539 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_1.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
10.26.07 21:56:26.543 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_2.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
10.26.07 21:56:26.547 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_3.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
10.26.07 21:56:26.551 ERROR: shader pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' failed to postprocess
10.26.07 21:56:26.591 ### ERROR shader template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' references invalid pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' in LOD #0 (skipping validation)
10.26.07 21:56:26.597 ### ERROR shader template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' references invalid pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' in LOD #1 (skipping validation)
10.26.07 21:56:26.620 ### ERROR shader 'objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\masterchie f_visor' references invalid template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' (skipping validation)
10.26.07 21:56:26.626 TAG_LOAD: failed to postprocess: 'objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\masterchie f_visor.shader'
10.26.07 21:56:26.691 TAG_LOAD: removing invalid tag objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\masterchief _visor
10.26.07 21:56:30.572 ### WARNING model 'objects\weapons\rifle\smg\garbage\magazine\magazi ne' didn't have begin fade or max draw distances set and we couldn't build defaults
10.26.07 21:56:49.184 ### ERROR geometry 'objects\characters\elite\fp_body\fp_body' shader 'objects\characters\elite\shaders\inset_lights' is opaque but was imported as transparent
10.26.07 21:56:52.099 ### WARNING model 'objects\characters\elite\elite_mp' variant 'default' cannot find region 'hg_lights'
10.26.07 21:56:54.437 ### WARNING unit 'objects\characters\elite\elite_mp' does not have both a render model and an animation graph
10.26.07 21:56:59.204 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\multiplayer\flag\shaders\flag' could not resolve bitmap 'base_map'
10.26.07 21:57:05.683 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\rifle\battle_rifle\shaders\tens' could not resolve bitmap 'zero'
10.26.07 21:57:05.694 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\rifle\battle_rifle\shaders\ones' could not resolve bitmap 'zero'
10.26.07 21:57:08.819 ### WARNING shader pass 'shaders\shader_passes\texture_camera\scope' texture #0 (implementation #0) has source extern - ignoring parameter name "scope"
10.26.07 21:57:17.078 ### WARNING model 'objects\weapons\rifle\brute_plasma_rifle\brute_pl asma_rifle' collision model region 'default' has no corresponding model region (will not be collideable)
10.26.07 21:57:20.530 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\weapons\rifle\covenant_carbine\re loading' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:21.838 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_small\brute_shot\detonat ion' part 'effects\impact\explosion_small\brute_shot\detonat ion' was not found
10.26.07 21:57:25.016 sound 'sound\weapons\energy_sword\sword_impact_character ' maximum gain is too large: 2.00dB, should be <= 0.0dB
10.26.07 21:57:25.069 sound 'sound\weapons\energy_sword\sword_impact_character ' gain bounds clamped to: [-2.00dB, 0.00dB]
10.26.07 21:57:33.144 sound 'sound\vehicles\scorpion\scorpion_projectile_up' maximum gain is too large: 3.00dB, should be <= 0.0dB
10.26.07 21:57:33.155 sound 'sound\vehicles\scorpion\scorpion_projectile_up' gain bounds clamped to: [-3.00dB, 0.00dB]
10.26.07 21:57:33.322 damage info postprocess: couldn't find a physics model constraint with name: hinge02
10.26.07 21:57:35.947 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\seat\seat' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.120000 vs 0.364857)
10.26.07 21:57:36.054 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\ghost\hull_destroyed_ini tial_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:36.320 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\ghost\hull_major_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:36.479 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\l_wing_shell\l_win g_shell' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.080000 vs 0.285048)
10.26.07 21:57:36.588 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\r_wing_shell\r_win g_shell' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.120000 vs 0.264751)
10.26.07 21:57:39.076 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_hull_majo r' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:39.100 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_driver_ma jor' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:39.336 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_front_tre ad_major' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:39.446 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_back_trea d_major' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:39.763 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_turret_ma jor' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:40.079 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_large\scorpion_shell\she ll_explosion' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:41.722 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_hull_destro yed' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:41.751 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_dest royed' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:41.877 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_wing_medium _damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:41.938 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_wing_destro yed' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:41.969 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_medi um_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:42.066 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_majo r_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:42.522 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_turret_majo r_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:42.576 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_turret_back hatch_major_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:42.644 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\turrets\mortar\wr aith_mortar_explosion' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:43.320 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_minigun_des troyed' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:45.836 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_delayed_hu ll_destroyed_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:45.952 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_cab_med_da mage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:45.967 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_cab_major_ damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:47.037 ### ERROR geometry 'objects\weapons\support_high\flak_cannon\projecti les\flak_projectile' shader 'objects\weapons\support_high\flak_cannon\shaders\ flak_bolt_luminous' is transparent but was imported as opaque
10.26.07 21:57:48.803 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_hull_destr oyed' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:48.947 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_minor _damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:49.039 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_mediu m_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:49.065 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_major _damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:49.301 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_turret_maj or_damage' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:57:52.618 ### WARNING model 'objects\powerups\active_camouflage\active_camoufl age' collision model region 'glass' has no corresponding model region (will not be collideable)
10.26.07 21:58:09.519 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_large\satchel_charge\sat chel_charge_explosion' particle system is invalid
10.26.07 21:58:11.031 initialize_for_new_map: level [scenarios\multi\tutorial_1\tutorial_1]
10.26.07 21:58:16.855 failed to load structure bsp #0 (scenarios\multi\tutorial_1\tutoiail_1)
10.26.07 21:58:16.864 (your disk may be full or you may be out of memory)
10.26.07 21:58:16.871 ### ERROR unable to load initial structure bsp (maybe scenario has none?)
10.26.07 21:58:17.010 ### ERROR: main_game_change_immediate() failed for 'scenarios\multi\tutorial_1\tutorial_1', and game cannot load.
10.26.07 21:58:17.585 ### ERROR: Main game failed to load. Recovery not possible. Returning to pregame.

October 26th, 2007, 09:14 PM
Did you light the map?

October 30th, 2007, 11:22 PM
How much memory does your computer have?

November 3rd, 2007, 02:53 PM
2G Ram for the memory.

Yes, I lit the map.

November 3rd, 2007, 04:27 PM
Hmm.. you may wanna use some more faces to start with but i don't think that would be the problem. Let someone have a peek at your map and we'll sort it out.

November 3rd, 2007, 10:10 PM
Whatever shader you are using that uses the template, "tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec," or anything saying dbl_spec, change it to something else. That template doesn't work for some reason.

November 4th, 2007, 08:13 AM
I don't know how but i've made a map that sort of does the same, it won't produce a lightmap. I took one map that does everything normal, changed the ground somewhat, exported, lighted and that's where it stops... doesn't get to rasterizing and both maps give that 'tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec' error... one works the other doesn't. Must be something with the map.
Ok, that was on xp... it does light on vista :P