View Full Version : [MAP]Contemplation beta
October 28th, 2007, 08:43 PM
Well, Im scared shitless to show you guys this, but whatever, Im here to get better so yey.
I know my modelling is very very very poor by your standards, but just hoping that someone can link me to some really good tutorials, so I can get better.
Also, anything that you cant see on a 16MB graphics card (specular stuff, shadows, advanced lighting blah blah blah) feel free to comment on, but my computer is shit so I cant see it >:(((( so no way I couldve set those parts up right D:
Anyway, Crit and if youre nice, modelling tuts that you think are around my level pwease :D
October 28th, 2007, 08:56 PM
Looking forward to seeing if you managed to pull off some of the scripting things you mentioned in your wip thread.
Downloading now but I couldn't help but notice in the screenshots that there doesn't appear to be a large variety of textures. I'll edit this in a bit once I actually get to play around with it.
*Edit 1*
Texturing: When it comes to texturing forerunner stuff its easy to fall into the trap of using one texture for everything but it doesn't look good that way. I would point you to an example but I can't think of one at the moment. The uvw'ing of the red and blue glowy forerunner patterns you used on the glass tunnel floors doesn't look good.
Weapons: The RL spawns arn't symmetrical in the center room - add another on the side without one or move the one in the center to the side. The carbine seems to have its own flashlight.. I love carbines but if I'm going to be giving myself away by simply having it out I'd rather use something else. :/
BSP: I really liked the idea of the double glass tunnel areas but the lower glass tunnels are a bit narrow with no room to jump around in. The pit traps are neat but annoying. I'm glad you stuck grenades in there though or I'd have really hated them. The other tunnels are alright but over all most are rather cramped. Some of the doors have part of the bsp covering them in odd ways in the center room so you might want to fix that. Also, the particular door I'm talking about, you can see it go up through the bsp when it opens and that looks funny. If you don't know which one I can post a screenie. I don't like how you did the ceiling of the flag room. If its supposed to be rock, make it another texture. Making stuff look broken (if thats your intent) isn't easy to do but right now its not working and looks bad.
Scripting: I had thought that some areas of the map wouldn't open unless there were a certain number of players? I'm not sure if that idea actually made it into the beta or not but I thought it sounded cool. If you did include it, its not working since I could walk everywhere I could find in devmode.
That Rocket Launcher behind the teleporters: At first I didn't think you could actually get there but the tele from the lower glass route will do it. One side actually doesn't have an RL spawn while the other does so that should be fixed. The double teleporters in front of the RL spawn confused me until I realized that there were 4 shotgun perches.
Neat concept but it could use some work. Hopefully you my feedback will be useful for you. If you want me to explain my opinion on things I'll be checking back in this thread.
October 28th, 2007, 08:59 PM
This map phails, learn to model
Your opinion could go with this map.
October 28th, 2007, 08:59 PM
Looking forward to seeing if you managed to pull off some of the scripting things you mentioned in your wip thread.
Downloading now but I couldn't help but notice in the screenshots that there doesn't appear to be a large variety of textures. I'll edit this in a bit once I actually get to play around with it.
I think I had 15 different bitmaps including sky in there.
I didnt get the scripting in either :(((( Im not awesome enough to be able to script, and It kinda woulda fucked oddball if I had put it in.
Your opinion could go with this map.
Im curious, is that comment about the quality of this map, or because you have a problem with me thinking that this level was badly modelled
October 28th, 2007, 09:05 PM
From the pics, it doesn't look that bad. (to me that is, snaf will kill ya) I'll have to play it to find out though.
October 28th, 2007, 09:06 PM
From the pics, it doesn't look that bad. (to me that is, snaf will kill ya) I'll have to play it to find out though.
Im expecting snaf to kill me, this was finished before your awesome tut came out, so its lacking in the awesomeness department a bit :((((
EDIT : Of course if snaf kills me, can he please kill me and link me to modelling tuts, and then not kill me, until I use the tuts, and then after he might not want to kill me as much :DDDDD
October 28th, 2007, 09:09 PM
Im expecting snaf to kill me, this was finished before your awesome tut came out, so its lacking in the awesomeness department a bit :((((
October 28th, 2007, 10:11 PM
For contemplation.... meh. hallways are just too long, and if you come up against superior weaponry, you're toast. it just doesn't look fun. The uv's look pretty off as well. I need to see more ingame pics though.
(in relation to the above pics)
OK, firstly, I can see what you were trying to achieve with the environment, I really can. BUT, you fell far short of a visual masterpiece. Where the ground and the cliffs meet make me want to vomit in 2 flavors.
1) Why is it such a sudden change? That hardly seems natural. Make it a gradual, easy slope. this will add not only more aesthetic quality, but more playing ground.
2) Bitmaps. Holy crap you need a blending there. Without a bitmap to blend the ground and the cliffs, it makes a "childhood drawing" line around your map. Not too cute. Same goes for anywhere the texture between cliff and grass occurs.
OK, now on to the modeling itself....
basic, bland, but thanks for trying. your cliffs especially are what make me want to cry. looks like two basic scaled extrusions. Go ahead and add more polies, DON'T BE SKURRD. then, drag the verts in towards and away from the map with soft selection on. this will give you more natural looking cliff faces.
The terrain is HELLA boring, try again.
October 28th, 2007, 11:11 PM
Oh yeah, I saw this on HaloMaps earlier. It didn't look that bad from the pics. Modeling does need some work, but there's originality.
October 29th, 2007, 12:47 PM
No I meant that one of you many negative comments could fit with the not up-to-snuff by my standards modeling.
October 29th, 2007, 03:02 PM
Gee cant make up your own?
@Snaf : You didnt kill me :D, Can you recommend me any modelling tuts around my level, while I go and try to learn how to UVWunwrap.
October 29th, 2007, 03:05 PM
again the suggestion, rip one of the original Halo maps, and see how they're put together. then try to copy the way they did it.
November 2nd, 2007, 11:07 PM
i cant figure out how to get outside :raise:
November 3rd, 2007, 12:04 PM
i cant figure out how to get outside :raise:
Yey, another confuzzled consumer, gotta love it.
Theres a bottom floor of the bases (the one below the flag level), and you go through the tunnels at the front end.
November 4th, 2007, 10:01 PM
again the suggestion, rip one of the original Halo maps, and see how they're put together. then try to copy the way they did it.
O_o I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone suggest that one yet... I wouldn't rip halo models to figure out how to model, at least to me that wouldn't seem too helpful unless your trying to copy exactly what they made. I'd only do this for figuring out how they did other things such as water lighting and all those other confusing things that can be sometimes hard to understand.
As for modeling, I think the only way to get better is to practice, I think the maps a good start, I remember the first map I ever tried to make, I mean really tried to make, never posted or anything and kind of just forgot about it, it looked a little bit like this, lots of extrusions, maybe a little more ambitious in size, way to ambitious for my skill level, I realized it wasn't gonna cut it so I just kept practicing with different ideas I had, this will happen to you over and over again most likely until you get good enough to make something worthy of a release. (thus the "Do not release your first map" rule :D)
I'd have to agree with snaf though. Its a bit boring, although it seems like there was a good idea or vision behind it, keep practicing. :)
Always remember to make what ever it is exactly how you see it in your mind. If you finish a model and it doesn't look how you envisioned it, or looks like its lacking, then you need to re-visit it and keep reworking the mesh, or worst case scenario, start over.
November 4th, 2007, 10:50 PM
O_o I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone suggest that one yet... I wouldn't rip halo models to figure out how to model, at least to me that wouldn't seem too helpful unless your trying to copy exactly what they made. I'd only do this for figuring out how they did other things such as water lighting and all those other confusing things that can be sometimes hard to understand.
As for modeling, I think the only way to get better is to practice, I think the maps a good start, I remember the first map I ever tried to make, I mean really tried to make, never posted or anything and kind of just forgot about it, it looked a little bit like this, lots of extrusions, maybe a little more ambitious in size, way to ambitious for my skill level, I realized it wasn't gonna cut it so I just kept practicing with different ideas I had, this will happen to you over and over again most likely until you get good enough to make something worthy of a release. (thus the "Do not release your first map" rule :D)
I'd have to agree with snaf though. Its a bit boring, although it seems like there was a good idea or vision behind it, keep practicing. :)
Always remember to make what ever it is exactly how you see it in your mind. If you finish a model and it doesn't look how you envisioned it, or looks like its lacking, then you need to re-visit it and keep reworking the mesh, or worst case scenario, start over.
Are you kidding? I look at model wireframes on turbosquid all the time, I've learned much from it. imo, a good part of modelling is just sitting down and looking at things.
November 5th, 2007, 06:05 PM
I think I had 15 different bitmaps including sky in there.
I didnt get the scripting in either :(((( Im not awesome enough to be able to script, and It kinda woulda fucked oddball if I had put it in.
Im curious, is that comment about the quality of this map, or because you have a problem with me thinking that this level was badly modelled
I hope you got permission to use that HUD.
November 6th, 2007, 11:28 AM
I hope you got permission to use that HUD.
Why would you need permission, it's gross. As for the map, it's a helluva lot better then anything I could have done, I actually do phail at modeling.
November 6th, 2007, 05:02 PM
I hope you got permission to use that hud
Dont ask me if I got permission to use it, that ones not my map.
November 6th, 2007, 06:33 PM
Do you ahve the link for it?
November 7th, 2007, 02:56 PM
(in relation to the above pics)
OK, firstly, I can see what you were trying to achieve with the environment, I really can. BUT, you fell far short of a visual masterpiece. Where the ground and the cliffs meet make me want to vomit in 2 flavors.
1) Why is it such a sudden change? That hardly seems natural. Make it a gradual, easy slope. this will add not only more aesthetic quality, but more playing ground.
2) Bitmaps. Holy crap you need a blending there. Without a bitmap to blend the ground and the cliffs, it makes a "childhood drawing" line around your map. Not too cute. Same goes for anywhere the texture between cliff and grass occurs.
OK, now on to the modeling itself....
basic, bland, but thanks for trying. your cliffs especially are what make me want to cry. looks like two basic scaled extrusions. Go ahead and add more polies, DON'T BE SKURRD. then, drag the verts in towards and away from the map with soft selection on. this will give you more natural looking cliff faces.
The terrain is HELLA boring, try again.
You know I just noticed that a lot of you are going after me for the pics there.
I did not make that map, someone else on halomaps did.
November 7th, 2007, 05:04 PM
Go ahead and add more polies, DON'T BE SKURRD. then, drag the verts in towards and away from the map with soft selection on. this will give you more natural looking cliff faces.
thank you snaf, this helped me alot :D
November 7th, 2007, 06:32 PM
Selentic I though you said that you made the map and wanted to do a public beta, or what you had said on
November 7th, 2007, 07:16 PM
Selentic I though you said that you made the map and wanted to do a public beta, or what you had said on
Dear god, you really do fail, or do you have some memory disorder.
That refresher help you a bit?
November 8th, 2007, 12:58 PM
What in that is supposed to refresh my memory? and know I do not have a mental disorder and I really don't like you insinuating that i do.:fuckoff:
November 8th, 2007, 01:36 PM
Kay then you clearly have some other mental disorder, and the immaturity to drag long dead arguements onto another forum.
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