View Full Version : Scariest night of my life
Mr Buckshot
October 29th, 2007, 09:11 PM
Yeah, it was at a Safeway supermarket last night. My dad parked his car, a 2-month-old Lexus LS 460, in the parking lot (it was around 9 pm and I had just left a friend's house after working on a project) outside and left me and my mom inside (we chose to sit and wait) while he went to grab a loaf of bread. Fortunately, unlike this idiot (, he took the key with him and locked the car when he went to buy the loaf of bread.
Then while he was inside, our car was approached by some fucked up crazy-looking punks, with piercings, tattoos, smokes, and the like. One was African-American, and the others were Asian or white. There were only like 2 other cars parked outside the Safeway store (few people buy groceries late at night), so we knew they were approaching us and not someone else. Then one of them knocked on the car window, and my mom screamed while the whole gang just laughed maniacally.
I thought I was in deep shit, that they were gonna try to break into the car and steal it and possibly kidnap us. And in fact, that must have been what they were trying, for one of them pulled on the door handle of the driver's seat. I was tempted to swing my door open very hard and hit one of them (these Lexus doors have so much gadgetry in them, they're bloody heavy and hard) but that would have been suicide.
But fortunately, my dad came out in time and yelled at them. They appeared to be scared since my dad was still standing in the doorway of the Safeway store (and therefore there would be nearby witnesses if they tried to attack him). I took the opportunity to photograph one of them with my cell phone, then those fuckers all scattered and ran away. My dad just sprinted back into the car and sped off. Needless to say, we called 911 on the way home, and the cops met us when we got home, and I gave them the picture I had taken with my cell phone. I hope the whole gang gets arrested. I can't post the picture that I took here because the cops had to take my entire SD card with them, but you know the type - spiky gelled hair, piercings, tattoos, cigarette, pimpy clothes, etc.
Man, I can't believe this shit happens in Vancouver too. It mostly happens in Surrey.
Anyone else ever had such a frightening experience? I am just grateful that I got out of that in one piece, and our car was not affected. There is still a scratch on the driver's door though, possibly caused by a tool that one of them may have used in his break-in attempt. If we ever find the family of the culprit, we are going to sue them into oblivion, man. They damaged my dad's prized possession and threatened our safety, they pay us enough money to buy 2 more of the same car.
October 29th, 2007, 09:22 PM
O___O That's scary man. I'm glad you're alright. Thankfully, I've never been in a situation like that. You're lucky they didn't bust out the window and stab you or something dumb like that.
Mr Buckshot
October 29th, 2007, 09:27 PM
Hell yeah, I just realized that I could've scared them away myself simply by attempting to unlock the doors from the inside, but I forgot about this in my terror.
This Lexus security feature is such that when the car is locked from outside via the key fob, any attempt to unlock the car from inside will sound a very loud alarm - this prevents thieves from simply smashing a window and unlocking the door from the inside if they want to break into a car. So if I had pulled on the door lock, I would've made a noise so loud it could be heard from 2 blocks away.
But I guess we all lose our heads when we're terrified. Thank god my dad finished buying his bread in time
October 29th, 2007, 09:52 PM
wow even in Canada, here we had people come into our house with automatic weapons and stole everything (they had my mom and step dad pointed with a gun the whole time)...Thank God I wasn't there I was sleeping at my dads house....
by here I mean Costa Rica (not an island, its between Nicaragua and Panama)
October 29th, 2007, 09:58 PM
wow even in Canada, here we had people come into our house with automatic weapons and stole everything (they had my mom and step dad pointed with a gun the whole time)...Thank God I wasn't there I was sleeping at my dads house....
by here I mean Costa Rica (not an island, its between Nicaragua and Panama)
October 29th, 2007, 09:59 PM
Yea some parts in Canada have fairly high crime. Nowhere near like -- Jamaica -- nor even the USA -- but still there is noticeable amounts of crime.
October 29th, 2007, 10:10 PM
In Chicago the scariest shit I've dealt with is drunks, gangbangers, and cops, as of yet.
October 29th, 2007, 10:20 PM
I know the feeling. I've had far to many encounters with the similiar, except all 4 times it happened with me it was with Bloods, not punks.
October 29th, 2007, 10:25 PM
I know the feeling, I take the bus to school every day, usually late at night due to the distance I have to travel to and from school. There are some pretty fucked up people out at night.
Mr Buckshot
October 29th, 2007, 10:28 PM
As for how much we plan to sue those bastards for if the cops catch them:
My dad's car, after being customized with major available options (upgraded leather, heated/cooled seats, GPS, reverse camera, etc), came up to almost $120 000 Canadian, closer to $116 000 to be exact, including 14% tax and a delivery charge (Canadian cars are more expensive than in the US - the base price of our car was $98700 as opposed to $61000 in the US). Now they scratched the driver's door of this car. That's a pretty expensive payment that'll come from them, I swear.
Well, you guys, just be safe and hope you don't run into a situation like mine. And if you have kids, never leave them in your vehicle while you go buy groceries.
October 29th, 2007, 10:37 PM
Well, you guys, just be safe and hope you don't run into a situation like mine. And if you have kids, never leave them in your vehicle while you go buy groceries.
Let alone go grocery shopping at 9:30 P.M.
October 29th, 2007, 10:50 PM
Yeah, it was at a Safeway supermarket last night.
Loving the irony in the name Safeway.
October 29th, 2007, 11:03 PM
This almost happened to me outside in the parking lot at Louie's pizza, damn that silly old man ;], but it wasn't really hoodlums as much as it was wigger's.
Gotta love them, hah.
Mr Buckshot
October 29th, 2007, 11:53 PM
Yep, Safeway sure is safe.
My dad joked that if this shit every happens again, he's changing his car to a Light-Armored Protection version of the BMW 7-series. LMFAO.
As for the shopping for bread at 9 pm, well, it is quite common back in Southeast Asia, and the police forces there are more watchful and efficient than these slow Canadian constables. I have never had this happen to me before, even when I lived in San Jose...I thought Vancouver was safer.
But hey, a similar incident happened to another Lexus owner in Surrey:
October 30th, 2007, 01:40 AM
Yep, Safeway sure is safe.
My dad joked that if this shit every happens again, he's changing his car to a Light-Armored Protection version of the BMW 7-series. LMFAO.
As for the shopping for bread at 9 pm, well, it is quite common back in Southeast Asia, and the police forces there are more watchful and efficient than these slow Canadian constables. I have never had this happen to me before, even when I lived in San Jose...I thought Vancouver was safer.
But hey, a similar incident happened to another Lexus owner in Surrey:
Yeah, the province is pretty screwed up in its law enforcement.
October 30th, 2007, 02:31 AM
Just last week I caught 2 people attempting to break into my car. They looked stunned to see me walk up to them and ask, "what the FUCK are you doing!?", to which they replied, "O_o sry thot it wus our car", which prompted me to pull out my knife and yell at them to get the fuck away. I was quick to call security, then jump in my car and chase them across the parking lot.
This happened after my dad caught someone going down the street with HIS surfboard. He pulls up next to the guy and shouts, "HEY MOTHERFUCKER, THAT'S MY FUCKING BOARD! PULL THE FUCK OVER!" The guy is so stunned he complies when my dad shouts, "put it the FUCK DOWN!" He then tells this smalltime criminal, "you had better get the fuck out of here, and if i EVER see you in MY NEIGHBORHOOD again, I'll blow your FUCKING HEAD OFF."
October 30th, 2007, 02:48 AM
That's because your dad is :awesome:
Worst we've had for a while here was a bunch of drunks wandering around at 3AM bashing peoples' mailboxes in with bats, though while Dad and I were down at a Citroen car club tech day in Sydney (more specifically, Lidcombe... urgh), some guy with a sports bag ran past the back of the mechanic's and another dude was chasing him yelling. The fuckwit had nicked a bag and filled it with clothes, then run from the local sports store... into a dead-end industrial estate alley. Thinking he could hide, he wandered into a warehouse of some description, leaving the door open (hey great job mister). Dad, Bill (the mechanic), the shopowner, myself, and a few of the other guys go looking, see the door, and find the idiot hiding under a bench, some guy in his 20s with the gelled hair and tattoos and chains and shit thinking he looks tough. We all formed a ring around him and then Bill started yelling, scared the shit out of him.
"I think you better give that shit back that you fucking took, right fucking now, and then get the FUCK out of here. If I see you back here, I'll call the fucking cops on you."
That worked. He gave the bag back and then skulked off down the alley, didn't see him for the rest of the day. Lidcombe is a fucking hole. :gonk:
October 30th, 2007, 03:10 AM
this one time, while my family was down visiting the grandparents in ipswitch, we went out shopping in their car.
so we got there, dad and my bro go to look in an EB and mum goes into the main complex for groceries. I'm my usual can't-be-fucked self so stay in the car.
mum leaves with the keys, and 5 minutes later i'm busting for a piss.
15 minutes later, I'd taken to doing laps around the car.
another 5 minutes and some security patrol golf mobile thing had come up to me (probably drawn to a tall teen in dark clothes acting funny around a car at night). i'm like "LOLHIGH CAN YOU WATCH THE CAR I NEED TO PISS" or a slightly more subtle way of putting it and there like ":S um k" so I sprint off to the toilet in the shop (I didn't know I could run that fast >_>)
so anyways, I get back, i do my "THANKYOU!!" routine, get back in the car and 3 minutes later mum shows up.
then she goes "you do know the keys were just in the front pocket right?"
October 30th, 2007, 05:36 AM
i once saw something like this happen to someone else, group of wannabe-thugs tough-talking some dad who was walking across the street with his daughter. i could see the girl was pretty damn scared, and so was the father.
and the worst this was, there were other people on the streets, but they just walked past, afraid to do anything.
so i did something, i went to them, and asked the dad if these kids were making trouble. thing was, those wannabe thigs didn't take kindly to that, and shoved me. wich i didn't take kindly to, and insta-slugged the guy's nose.
the man asked me to come to his house, he wanted to give me a little reward, but i had to decline, since i was actually on my way to some meeting. besides, i only do it for the BIG rewards, not the small ones.
and they ran off as fast as they could.
October 30th, 2007, 06:05 AM
Scariest times of my life has been running into drunks and crack addicts on the streets of DC, New York, Chicago, and Nashville. The worse has been in Knoxville back when I was going to UT; they'll follow you into stores and back home and remember it.
October 30th, 2007, 06:25 AM
This one time, I was just chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool. Shootin' some b-ball outside of the school. When a couple of these guys (they were up to no good), started makin' trouble in my neighbourhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said "You're moving with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel Air". And now I gotta deal with American gangs and junk. Definately not a good move on my part.
October 30th, 2007, 06:55 AM
Just be warned Buckshot, if you don't get all of them, they will want their revenge.
October 30th, 2007, 07:46 AM
Well, I haven't had much happen to me on a large scale, but once these pricks were starting on me and my 2 ex friends, and I simply walked home, got a huge ass scythe walked outside to the 6 of them, and started swinging it around like a ninjar while calmly walking towards them.
The fags had chain things with lugs of metal on the end and bats, so if cunts have weapons, I'm going to play on a fairly even playing field. It just so happened that my stick was bigger :downs:
So my conclusion hence forth has been:
lolreaperblades > shitty ghetto nunchucks.
October 30th, 2007, 08:19 AM
Nothing major has happened to me much at all, expect for this one time when i was like 13. We (Dad, Mom and me) were driving home from a friends house. As we came out of the end of the street these two guys in a small pickup go flying by. Must be in a hurry right? Wrong. We were going to meet up with them at the end of the street, so they went flying ahead so they could meet up with us before we got there. Now as we were coming to the end of the second street, those cockbags came around the corner and whipped something huge at the windshield, it was fucking loud too. My dad gets out checks to see if any damage was done to the windshield. (We are in a older Audi wagon, V6 Quatro. Not sure what that means but it can go when you need it to go. ) Well my dad starts to think, "Wait a minute, that pickup passed us down there, then again up here, wha- Oh thats it." Now he's pretty pissed and me and my mom are like, wut? He does a crazy ass turn around in the middle of the street flys back down to the road and goes past it to see if the cockbags kept going forward. Sure enough 2 seconds later there they are, almost instantly they floor it. My dad not so much, he wasn't trying to ram the cockfags, just give them a run for there money. They go whizzing and screeching around corners, we don't. At one point he got right on there bumper as they where turning, oh man funny stuff. You could see them in the cab waving there hands at each other. Lasted about 10 minutes then we called the Police and kept following them, i believe they didn't get caught, but every time we went down that road at night, never got hit by anything again.
That was about it.
October 30th, 2007, 11:42 AM
I was walking through the mall one day, and I see this guy giving his girlfriend a hard time. He grabs her near the collar of her shirt or jacket or whatever, and he winds up to slug her. I got between them and drew my knife (wow...I seem to do this a lot huh??) and told him, "if she leaves with a black eye, you leave missing a digit". He mumbled and walked off, and she ran off crying.
People SUCK.
October 30th, 2007, 11:47 AM
I was walking through the mall one day, and I see this guy giving his girlfriend a hard time. He grabs her near the collar of her shirt or jacket or whatever, and he winds up to slug her. I got between them and drew my knife (wow...I seem to do this a lot huh??) and told him, "if she leaves with a black eye, you leave missing a digit". He mumbled and walked off, and she ran off crying.
People SUCK.
I thought she be all over you, not run away. What is this knife that is suppose to be so scary anyways?
October 30th, 2007, 12:33 PM
Pussy. I would've pulled out my Nine and busted a cap in their asses.
October 30th, 2007, 03:10 PM
My heart goes out to you on this one, shit like this happens in some of the most unfathomable ways and places. For example, a couple years ago in Vancouver Washington I was at school. I was kind of feeling sick and not having a car called home to see if someone could pick me up (would have been way to far of a walk). Anyways, I was surprised to hear my dad pick up the phone, normally he worked from6:00 A.M till 6:30 or 7:00 P.M. I asked if he could pick me up and that’s when he told me there was bigger shit to worry about than a damn headache. He gave me the news that apparently while my mom was home with my sick little brothers some teenage guy came up to the door. He asked if we would like to subscribe to a local paper (this was rather common in the area) she replied no, that we already had that paper. Upon her reply this fuckbag pulls a sawed off shotgun from the bag he was using, holds it up to my mom and says “you’re being jacked!” What the fuck he meant by your being jacked I’ll never know; could have been an attempted kidnapping, or an armed burglary. My mom then freaks out and starts punching this guy and fighting to keep him out of the house. She manages to get the door shut and locked. This twat stick then runs down the streets and gets away.
Keep in mind this all happened in broad daylight in our quiet coldasack right I front of my terrified little brother who was on the couched watching it all happen. So after hearing this story over the phone I demand to be picked up so I can do whatever I can to catch this fucker. I get home and of course there are cops everywhere, in our home, and on the streets hunting this prick down. Apparently I was the main suspect for possible reasons of the attack for the cops, they said it probably had something to do with drugs and me. This theory was quickly dismissed when I got home though, seeing I was a strait edge little white boy with a near perfectly clean record kind of changed their minds. (Though they were shocked when they found my old BB Gun under my bed, which was about 20 years old and lacked the orange tip)
Upon further investigation I we found out from one of my neighbors and close family friends that when I had go off the bus that day they saw some random guy trailing me. When I got into the house they watched him jawt down my address. They figured it might have been a friend of mine as it was fairly common too see me walking home with some of my friends. This lead me to the assumption that this entire attack on my family may have been entirely because of this jerk off who had it out for me because I had reported him to security at school for strangling me for no real reason. They never found the guy, but god damn if I had figured out who he was, screw being passive would have given that douche bag the beating of a lifetime. I mean its because of him my little brother now has horrid anxiety problems, that my mom is emotionally scared and so much more.
Mr Buckshot
October 30th, 2007, 06:16 PM
Just be warned Buckshot, if you don't get all of them, they will want their revenge.
Very true, my dad's car is very rare in our area so it's not difficult to recognize it, and that's why the police are supposedly watching for us. I'm aware that any members that don't get caught may well remember the car and then trash it when it's left unattended. My mom said that we should drive her car more often instead (a 2006 Audi A6 quattro) for a while until things cool off. My dad always drives to work and leaves his Lexus parked in an open-air car park outside the office building, so from now on he's taking the A6 instead for a while.
October 31st, 2007, 06:26 PM
I was walking through the mall one day, and I see this guy giving his girlfriend a hard time. He grabs her near the collar of her shirt or jacket or whatever, and he winds up to slug her. I got between them and drew my knife (wow...I seem to do this a lot huh??) and told him, "if she leaves with a black eye, you leave missing a digit". He mumbled and walked off, and she ran off crying.
When I grow up, I wanna be JUST like YOU!
A threatening-knife-carrying modeler!
Also I don't get the missing digit part, then again I'm doing my MATH hw...damn it.
October 31st, 2007, 07:48 PM
One time, this guy at school started giving me shit, so I made sure there were no cops/faculty/cameras around, grabbed him by his collar, shoved him against a locker, and pulled this shitty little 2" knife I carry around wherever I go, and pointed it at his stomach.
:hist101: You wanna go, huh? HUH?? Oh shit! What the fuck, man! (trying to act tough)
:hist101: Try anything again, and they'll have to stomach-pump this knife out of you.
And then he ran away. I never got any shit from him again. In fact, he actively avoids me now.
October 31st, 2007, 08:40 PM
You'll never catch me!
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