View Full Version : Does anyone actually know how to use anything other than the pistol anymore?
October 31st, 2007, 12:15 PM
I am compelled to agree wholeheartedly with you.
Love De Lux
October 31st, 2007, 12:18 PM
And what about the sniper-only servers. :suicide:
Everyone is using the Pistol, if you don't, you just get killed in less than 3 seconds. This sucks, but that's Halo.
Also, I can do 3SK with 400 ping, and 30 fps. :D
October 31st, 2007, 12:50 PM
i actually used the plasma rifle a lot :v i do use the sniper a lot, but marksmanship has been part of my life since i can remember, so it's only natural for me to pick up the long range, super-accurate weapon. hell i've been shooting longer than most of you forumers have even been breathing. :v
October 31st, 2007, 01:31 PM
lol look it da nub whinin cuz he gotz pwn by my piztul on 1v1 lolololol what a fukkin nub piztul is best so fukk u 4 tinkin uthurwize faggit lul
I agree.
October 31st, 2007, 01:47 PM
I hardly play online, I always have devmode on.
but yes, I agree. The weapons really aren't unbalanced, just the fuel rod and the pistol, and every other weapon can kill great when used properly.
October 31st, 2007, 01:58 PM
this is the overall opinion:
If you know how to use a pistol, u can beat any guy with an AR. Thats why most ppl choose the pistol over the AR. It takes 3 headshots to kill, while the AR mostly takes a guy a whole round. Needlers makes you a noob, plasma rifle/pistol too, rockets/fuel rods completely, and thats about all weapons! Only thing left is the shotgun, which only works close range. Leftovers: the pistol and sniper. And AR, but as i said... line 1.
That is the overall opinion the way i see it. I agree with it mostly, but i also think one should use most weapons at least once a game. The game will become very, very boring if everyone uses sniper and pistol.
And yes, the community sux balls. How to avoid? Get a programme that removes chat text ingame. Halo screen options is what i use everyday, because i hate ppl calling me a cheater, hacker or pussy if i use a tactic which is fine to me ( using a shotgun). Ignoring them will make then shut up, using halo screen options wont get you pissed off. Its very, very simple.
Just forget about all the people in halo and PLAY. Thats what the whole game is about... dont leave if you don't like the community, you'll just give them what they want: less people who actually beat them.
The thing i learned is that in halo, you don't talk, or talk with bullets. The best way to shut people up is by killing them and showing them they're not good at all.
And with the fact that people use pistol/sniper only, live with it. People just suck with other weapons and they don't want to get killed, and they will if they use anything other, because it takes skills.
You should walk away from both the fight and the idiots being retards on halo. Just play the game and dont give a shit about them, let them use sniper/pistol if they want, take out ur best weapon and kill them.
October 31st, 2007, 02:07 PM
Oooh, look at me, I can hold my crosshair over someone and press left mouse 3 times in quick succession... the only time that could be called 'skillful' is if your ping is in the ballpark of 300 and your framerate is either fluctuating below 30 or is just constantly below 30.
lol... are you serious?
sure there are alot of people that use the pistol, but very few of them are good enough to get 3sk, with any ping.
that being said, i use the plasma rifle alot, but the ar suck balls unless your at shotty range. (shotty rules)
October 31st, 2007, 02:18 PM
i'm a shotgun/assaultrifle whore.
god why cant people see how strong the assaultrifle is.
i barely ever use the pistol, only when someone is out of range of my other weapons, because i dont like the pistol. it's a fucking PISTOL. i love the assaultrifle, for it's potential in the right hands. MINE. and god the sound rocks BRARARARARA! and the shotgun, khubWOOOWWM!!1. also plasmarifle, takes care of all those nasty shields in a jiffy.
it's also about how you play. if you like bloodgulch, and jump into the teleporter when you can, chances are you're a pistolbitch.
i myself prefer to grab a hog, drive up to people, and shotgun/AR them to shit from close range. i try to avoid the long range fights, since that's where my disadvantages are. i'm the kind of person that knows how to PUSH!
i see it in BF 2142 all the time too. people defending the last corridor in TITAN, and veryone is just nadespamming.
i'm the ONLY guy that runs in, blasing, and managing to kill 5 of the 6 people defending, and only then everyone runs in after i die, and win the damn game. that's most of the time. sometimes, theres like 8 guys left behind, and they dont even push in when theres onlhy 1 dude defending. silly people. learn to run in and blash some asses.
October 31st, 2007, 02:33 PM
this is the overall opinion:
If you know how to use a pistol, u can beat any guy with an AR. Thats why most ppl choose the pistol over the AR. It takes 3 headshots to kill, while the AR mostly takes a guy a whole round. Needlers makes you a noob,:lol: plasma rifle/pistol too:lol:, rockets/fuel rods completely:lol:, and thats about all weapons! Only thing left is the shotgun, which only works close range. Leftovers: the pistol and sniper. And AR, but as i said... line 1.
That is the overall opinion the way i see it. I agree with it mostly:lmao:, but i also think one should use most weapons at least once a game:confused:. The game will become very, very boring if everyone uses sniper and pistol.
responses in emots
You think that needlers, plasma weapons, frg's and rockets make you a noob yet you think that everyone should use these things at least once a game?:XD: logical.:eyesroll:
October 31st, 2007, 02:53 PM
snaf he was being sarcastic
October 31st, 2007, 03:02 PM
shut up and face PistaliZation >:U
October 31st, 2007, 03:07 PM
snaf he was being sarcastic
i didn't see any sarcasm. i put those emots in there mockingly. :hurr:
October 31st, 2007, 03:29 PM
<-- Pistolwhore
October 31st, 2007, 03:30 PM
October 31st, 2007, 04:26 PM
I honestly use ALL of the weapons to their fullest extent, and constantly use BOTH grenades. Each weapon is the way it is for a reason, and I take advantage of their strengths when in my hands, and shortcomings when in my enemies'.
October 31st, 2007, 05:47 PM
^ TBH. I am just the same. It honestly depends on the situation for me. I don't always use any specific weapon, although there are some I simply don't use. Flamethrower for instance is one I don't really touch. Although it also depends on who I'm playing. If I'm playing someone of a similar standard or better than me, I play as best as I can with what weapons are suitable, but if the person I'm playing is worse than me, I tend to use other weapons that I might not normally use both for practise and to make it more interesting.
October 31st, 2007, 05:51 PM
This is best fucking post ever made here since Z-Team came back out of the closet. :x I have experienced this shit so may times, it's not even funny. I thank you for spending time to actually express yours and others' feelings about this subject...:suicide:
October 31st, 2007, 05:58 PM
I personally love the Plasma Rifle and the Assault Rifle, the only reason I really use the pistol is cause everyone else is using it, when I have it at least I have a chance of surviving.
October 31st, 2007, 06:13 PM
I use all the weapons tbh because I find it hillarious when you get called a noob for not using a pistol or sniper to kill someone. If I'm such a noob for using other weapons, what does that make the people I keep killing? lol
Its even better when they don't even watch their own radar and they claim you use hax when you kill them. :lol:
The AR and the Plasma rifle get no love it seems.
October 31st, 2007, 06:14 PM
this is halo 1. thats just how it is. if you don't like it don't play it.
October 31st, 2007, 06:18 PM
Ross get on H2V, there is NO Pistol whoring at all! GUARANTEED!
Unless it's an all magnum game.
I remember the first time I played, I always switched out the pistol for something else. When I started getting into my peaking noob days, AR for heavy or shotgun. Afterwards it would be AR for anything not heavy and not taken. (PR, shotgun.) I started playing again this past week, yes, I still use the pistol, but as Teekup said, it's mainly because everyone else has one.
Also, being that the pistol is one of the fastest firing, accurate, long distant piece of metalshit in Halo, it's the best use in a game that's client-sided. OF course, you can use other weapons, but some people go for the best of the most compensated.
October 31st, 2007, 06:27 PM
See, my weapon choice varies on how I feel that day.
Normal-Sniper, pistol
Bored-pistol, AR
Has acquired coke-Shotgun, PR or Pistol, shotty
Pissed off-RL and Shotty
Laggy-RL or weapon with wide spread weapon
Just feels like being in Halo- run around annoying the hell out of other players (most effective weapon)
I love my pistol <3 pew pew!
October 31st, 2007, 07:11 PM
I'm not a big player, I usually play CMT, I use either the shottie, sniper, or (last goddamn resort) pistol.
I only use the pistol if I have to close range someone and I have a sniper. Other than that, my long range weapon is the BR or MA5K (lol full auto glitch ftw)
October 31st, 2007, 07:30 PM
Ross get on H2V, there is NO Pistol whoring at all! GUARANTEED!
Unless it's an all magnum game.
thats because there is no pistol..... the magnum is the worst weapon ever.
October 31st, 2007, 07:46 PM
I prefer the needler, for 2 reasons:
1. It homes. Awesome.
2. After however many needles hit their targets, they detonate! Woot!
Though I must say I use the pistol heavily, that's only because you start with it on most maps, and so I use it until I can find another weapon, a Sniper or Shotty in HPC, a Battle Rifle or some other kick-ass gun exclusive to the map in HCE.
October 31st, 2007, 07:49 PM
It won't home...IF YOU DON'T HAVE A NEEDLER!
October 31st, 2007, 07:56 PM
Ross get on H2V, there is NO Pistol whoring at all! GUARANTEED!
Yeah, but it's H2V :smith:
October 31st, 2007, 08:26 PM
^awesome post :3
I like the pistol. it's a solid gun that works at any range short of halfway down bloodgulch (slight exageration). do I tend to use it over other weapons? yes, but that's because I'm not a fan of getting to a range where the AR would be more useful.
on the topic of the AR, I use it at either close range, while my pistol is reloading (double reload switch) or when the enemy's shields are down and their at an acceptible range for it. usualy I'd take a shotgun over an AR and the shotgun ties with the PR because it's useful at longer ranges and has stun and shield rape capabilities. on bloodgulch I'd use the PR over the AR and the shotgun over the PR if I was intending to attack the enemy's base (or hill or w/e).
the needler I don't like unless I'm sure they won't know it's coming (and it does have a rather distinctive fireing sound) and preferably they won't have anywhere to strafe if they do.
the failrod is just fail IMO. I don't like people who use it and I don't like using it. yes it's verry effective but I don't like it. I'll use the rocket launcher over the AR and probably a PR on BG and most other maps and with a ping of >200 I'd use a sniper over that and get somewhere where I don't have to wory about vehicles.
I enjoy using all the weapons in halo, especially when people are like "lol that gun sucks" and then you own them. verry satisfying (spelling?) and I'd love to see their faces.
loosing in a 1v1 proves that that person is better than you at that gametype only. so they got more kills than you? kills only matter in slayer-esque (juggernaught too) gametypes anyway.
I really hate how competetive halo is getting. it's becoming like a more lagy version of CS and if your not that great or are just beginning, it just wouldn't be fun at all.
October 31st, 2007, 10:02 PM
Not to mention that every time you kill a person in Snow Grove they yell claims of BOTTER and NOOB and FUCKER YOU BOT FAG.
October 31st, 2007, 10:11 PM
that's just snowgrove players for you.
also 1 post of 800^
October 31st, 2007, 10:19 PM
Not to mention that every time you kill a person in Snow Grove they yell claims of BOTTER and NOOB and FUCKER YOU BOT FAG.
Apparently it's like that in every server I go to.
Especially Yoyorast_Island servers.
October 31st, 2007, 10:22 PM
I got 5 head-shots in a row (one was inside a vehicle too ^^) and got 7 accusations of botting and 2 bitched to me that their bullets couldn't hurt me. <_<
The game "scream botter" is getting old. I'm not even that good tbh.
October 31st, 2007, 10:24 PM
getting accused of botting when your not is a massive compliment IMO. and it can be heaps of fun to play along with the 10 yr olds too :3
October 31st, 2007, 10:25 PM
Not to mention that every time you kill a person in Snow Grove they yell claims of BOTTER and NOOB and FUCKER YOU BOT FAG.
thats because only nubs and retards play that map... what do you expect.
October 31st, 2007, 10:47 PM
way to over generalize.
October 31st, 2007, 11:10 PM
See, this is why halo has dried up for me. The pistol just rises up above the rest so that's all that gets used.
This is why I love UT3. Every weapon is just as useful and equally matched against each other, not allways in damage, but in firing rate, cooldown time, and usefullness in certain situations. I have no real preference of weapon. I'm allways using a different one, though I do prefer the good ole flak cannon, just because I love shotguns.
Every weapon can hold it's own against every other weapon. Though this sounds impossible, it works. I switch out the flak when I'm round tight hallways, and I expect the same from other people. I switch out the rocket launcher to break the ice on a long ranged battle and switch out shock core or link gun from there depending on how close i am. I might even use the enforcer and just pistol them, and if they seem to have low ammo or no weapons (using only 1 weapon regardless of situation) I'll just use the air hammer thing and run right up to them.
Halo it's just an arms race with everyone trying to get the sniper rifle and the pistols. I rarely ever see anyone use the Needler or PR anymore.
While this isn't much of an issue, the issue is that if you don't have either the sniper or the pistol, your dead. The other weapons can't hold there own against the pistol in any situation. It's pretty much a lucky dip.
November 1st, 2007, 12:16 AM
It doesn't even prove that. All it shows is which player is in better form at that exact time, on that map, using the weapons they did. I can go from 25:5 to 5:25 in the same server, with the same players, and on the same map from hour to hour. As far as I'm concerned, 1v1s are a pointless and downright stupid attempt to outdo someone else's e-peen, unless it's done for fun between friends (like it generally is with the CE veterans).
well said, i fucking HATE when people try to argue with 1vs1s.
November 1st, 2007, 02:16 AM
well said, i fucking HATE when people try to argue with 1vs1s.
u just dun wana 1v1 me bcuz u kno il pwn u an ull cry lik a baby becuz im da best at dis game :hellyeah:
Mr Buckshot
November 1st, 2007, 02:21 AM
I usually start off with an AR and a pistol. I find the AR more effective than those online guides make it out to be. If your ping is low and you're fast with your mouse, you can mow down an opponent without having to waste a whole clip. Take the fight closer, and the AR's fast melee becomes very helpful.
I do switch out the AR for a shotgun when I can though. Owns at close range.
But unfortunately, I use the pistol too often.
Pyong Kawaguchi
November 1st, 2007, 02:42 AM
ye no, if halo pc didnt have the need to lead, i bet alot more weapons would be use, speccially the ar (well atleast for me)
i like playing with whatever, i just play with pistulz cus its fast paced.
i like the ar more but, my shots actually hit with the pistol, so thats that >.<
November 1st, 2007, 07:35 AM
I've taken out many a pistoller with burst-fire AR shots. And then i have been promptly accused of botting.:saddowns:
November 1st, 2007, 08:13 AM
This topic has a point.
In most servers, it's easier to kill people with a pistol, beginners and experiensed players. However there are weapons which are good at their own kind of situations. Close range: 1. Shotty 2. AR (+double melee, lol) and 3. plasma rifle. There are experienced players who are used to shoot only with pistol, barely using AR even in riddicculous close ranges. Those are often players with candy pc's and a good ping, too. And that's sad. You can "stealkill" and "cheapkill" easily with a needler, it can be also used against players who have no clue where you are. Plasma pistol, like everybody knows take off enemies shields and can be handy in some situations. Heavy weapons... No, everybody who are using a rocketlauncher or a fuelrod are not 'n00bs'. That's just not how it is. It's a kill, just like you got a kill with a pistol. Although I suck with heavy weaps. Sniper is handy like a pistol, also the best for long range shots. And it's always satisfying when you headshot people - in almost every FPS game. But remember that it's real skill when you beat down a good player with a plasma pistol. It's the most satisfying thing I know in Halo xD
November 1st, 2007, 09:12 AM
ye no, if halo pc didnt have the need to lead, i bet alot more weapons would be use, speccially the ar (well atleast for me)
i like playing with whatever, i just play with pistulz cus its fast paced.
i like the ar more but, my shots actually hit with the pistol, so thats that >.<
Please get out of ghettoville insomnia no grammar or spelling land and come to H2V forums.
November 1st, 2007, 10:34 AM
@snafubar, thats the OVERALL opinion, not the way i see it. If u READ u can see it doesnt reffer to me.
Have a nice day
November 1st, 2007, 11:05 AM
Just because everyone uses it doesn't make it a bad weapon.
November 1st, 2007, 12:55 PM
Just because everyone uses it doesn't make it a bad weapon.
The pistol is like Christianity; we like it, but we just want its fan club to die in a fire.
t3h m00kz
November 1st, 2007, 01:38 PM
Fuck the pistol, I swear to god. BUNGIE THEMSELVES said they fucked up on the pistol.
I only use it if it's a last resort. And even then it pisses me off.
Back in CMT-Snow Grove, I used the AR/Carbine combo when I was bored; the pistol only came whenever someone was using it at me. But holy shit I hate the thing; it throws off weapon balance so badly. Who's gonna use a Plasma Rifle if you've got a pistol? Even at close range the pistol's pretty dominant.
Compared the the pistol's range and versitility the AR is practically the side-arm and the pistol is the main weapon. I MEAN THAT MAKES SENSE, MAN.
Halo 3 did it right. The pistol's not too strong, but it's not a piece of shit either. I can pretty easilly out-pistol someone who's BRing me in the face if I do it right.
I'm just suprised nobody's made a map with a modded the Pistol to be weaker and have a lower rate of fire yet. Weapon balance seems to be so overlooked sometimes.
November 1st, 2007, 01:55 PM
@snafubar, thats the OVERALL opinion, not the way i see it. If u READ u can see it doesnt reffer to me.
Have a nice day
that is the overall opinion the way i see it. I agree with it mostly...
bitch please.
November 1st, 2007, 02:34 PM
People do know how to use them, but seeing as your starting weapon is powerful, there's no point in changing it when you can hold your own with your start selection. The starting choice is ment to give you average balance, being able to stop short range and semi long, and that's what the AR and Pistol give you. If you can't find a weapon to give you an advantage, take your pistol out against the sniper.
November 1st, 2007, 04:22 PM
It's somewhat cool and somewhat irritating how you like to take everything I talk to you about, that people ignore because it's me... and post it in a way cooler way that draws attention to it. I agree anyway I suppose, since that's basically my opinion.
November 1st, 2007, 05:08 PM
I find players who have around 30 ping and who have quite a bit of playing experience worse than pistol whores. They have such an advantage over higher pinged players. Less leading, less bump warping, less vehicle warping and easier headshots.
Also I find that Heavy Weapon whores can be a little annoying too, especially on Danger Canyon or on Sidewinder.
November 1st, 2007, 05:29 PM
It's somewhat cool and somewhat irritating how you like to take everything I talk to you about, that people ignore because it's me... and post it in a way cooler way that draws attention to it. I agree anyway I suppose, since that's basically my opinion.
thats why he's got more rep :lol:
I find players who have around 30 ping and who have quite a bit of playing experience worse than pistol whores. They have such an advantage over higher pinged players. Less leading, less bump warping, less vehicle warping and easier headshots.
that's really your/their problem for having eithert a shitty connection, or picking a bad server, resulting in a high ping for you.
also, hi, welcome to the forums.
i'll be keeping an eye on you.
November 1st, 2007, 05:59 PM
i agree, the pistol is used way too much, i use the right weapons at the right time, but the pistol nubs its just rediculous, its becomin like halo trial, no one uses anything else except the pistol.
t3h m00kz
November 1st, 2007, 06:45 PM
I find players who have around 30 ping and who have quite a bit of playing experience worse than pistol whores. They have such an advantage over higher pinged players. Less leading, less bump warping, less vehicle warping and easier headshots.
Also I find that Heavy Weapon whores can be a little annoying too, especially on Danger Canyon or on Sidewinder.
The difference here is that heavies (for the most part) are in fact pretty balanced; save for the MASSIVE SPLASH DAMAGE done by them. But even then it's not nearly as easy to hit people from across the map with heavies like it is with the pistol. Even at close range if the guy misses a shot you can beat the shit out of him with the pistol. Kinda retarded ;p
Back onto the subject at hand, someone back in the CMT forums said it right when he said that the AR has much more speed and a more armor-piercing bullet so it should do more damage and be MUCH more accurate; but that's not the case now is it?
It's not. The pistol is the dominating weapon of the entire game; it's got twelve shots, a decent ammount of auto-aim in the bullets, a 3sk for headshots, a 5sk for body shots, a BS one second reloading time, a BS scope, a BS ammount of starting ammo, the list goes on.
And the whole thing about range, let's face it. Blood gulch, Danger Canyon, Death Island, Sidewinder, Infinity, Ice Fields, they're all long-range maps. The pistol is going to dominate with the scope it's got. The accuracy with the click-click-click feature is really freaking retarded as well.
I'm not saying I'd prefer if it were completely nerfed, like in Halo 2. I'm saying I'd prefer it to be BALANCED. If Halo 1 had the Halo 3 pistol, I'd be so damn happy.
I'm kind of dissapointed the Pistol in Halo 3 isn't a starting weapon, because compared to the Halo 1 pistol it takes MUCH more skill, because it's slower and harder to kill with, but in the right hands it's damn deadly. I've kept snipers at bay with it before; it's great getting kills with the damn thing.
It's kind of wierd I haven't seen anybody make a map with a H3-esque pistol at this point for any custom maps. I'm a bit dissapointed ;p
November 1st, 2007, 06:47 PM
Well, most of us are good modders, I mean, can't you guys mod the Pistol's speed and damage? Enough to make it not-so-noobish, but not lolH2Magnumlol.
And get rid of the zoom. What pistol has zoom?
EDIT: Nuts, the person right above me beat me to it.
November 1st, 2007, 07:03 PM
gimme a gun ill kill you with it :p
November 1st, 2007, 07:13 PM
That is why the FUN clan for Halo PC has made the pistol unlimited and automatic and the damage of the gun is greatly DECREASED. it is worse than the assault rifle in their mods. If you guys hate the pistol so much try out that server. All the guns are used.
November 1st, 2007, 07:13 PM
Fuck the pistol, I swear to god. BUNGIE THEMSELVES said they fucked up on the pistol.
I only use it if it's a last resort. And even then it pisses me off.
Back in CMT-Snow Grove, I used the AR/Carbine combo when I was bored; the pistol only came whenever someone was using it at me. But holy shit I hate the thing; it throws off weapon balance so badly. Who's gonna use a Plasma Rifle if you've got a pistol? Even at close range the pistol's pretty dominant.
Compared the the pistol's range and versitility the AR is practically the side-arm and the pistol is the main weapon. I MEAN THAT MAKES SENSE, MAN.
Halo 3 did it right. The pistol's not too strong, but it's not a piece of shit either. I can pretty easilly out-pistol someone who's BRing me in the face if I do it right.
I'm just suprised nobody's made a map with a modded the Pistol to be weaker and have a lower rate of fire yet. Weapon balance seems to be so overlooked sometimes.
I use the pistol quite a bit on Grove, not by preference or because I like the weapon, but as to give me some defense against the hordes that use it constantly.
(A pistol-balancing mod sounds interesting, I just might learn how to do such a thing for the map I'm slowly making. No scope, lower damage & lower rate of fire, etc)
November 2nd, 2007, 12:17 AM
I use all the weapons, but I can't kill with any of them so I don't think it matters. :(
November 2nd, 2007, 12:19 AM
If you weaken the pistol in halo 1 you ruin the entire game. The maps are big and open and were made with the range and power of the pistol in mind.
Pistol and shotty = :D
November 2nd, 2007, 12:38 AM
If you weaken the pistol in halo 1 you ruin the entire game. The maps are big and open and were made with the range and power of the pistol in mind.
Pistol and shotty = :D
No, I believe the maps were designed with GAMEPLAY in mind, not Pistols.
November 2nd, 2007, 03:31 AM
I'll have to actually finish the tags someday so you guys can use them, they're pretty well-balanced. I just have a few things I need to work on (mainly the shotgun, which I need to nerf a touch), and they should be ready. I played on a modified version of Portent against Phobias last night, it was a good game and both of us were forced to actually exercise caution and use cover.
Do want!
November 2nd, 2007, 03:59 PM
I'm sorry, but this whole click click kill thing happens with all weapons, seeing as that's the only damn way to kill people.
November 2nd, 2007, 07:55 PM
I think we're playing different games or something because the assault-rifle kids seem to predominate nowadays.
I personally liked the pistol for the fact that you had to actually aim your shots. Same with the sniper, shotty and even the fucking fuel rod to some extent. But guess what, what is the AR? Pray and spray and a few nade chucks? No thanks. It's not fun to me.
Besides, there really isn't any rule which says USE THIS WEAPON. Admit it, the pistol is powerful and they like to use it. The nice thing about halo is that its versatile and you can do whatever you want. I'm sure bungie intended for the multiplayer to be something different, but guess what? The pistol made halo FUN and in a strange fucking way, it made the game feel more balanced. Did you enjoy spawning with an AR in chillout when the other team had shotties and snipers controlled? I'm sure you'd try to out AR them, I'm very sure.
And quite honestly the people who play the way they play is probably because they're tired of having their asses handed to them all the time. The pistol can be soooo effective when you master it, and it can really up the enjoyment factor of the game. So should I go and pick up an AR or a PR just for the sake of diversifying my weapon choices as I get raped to chunks by the opposing team?
Want more diverse weaponry? Halo 3 is for you.
November 2nd, 2007, 08:36 PM
Want more diverse weaponry? Halo 3 is for you.
Tbh, it is.
Personally I am one of those gamers who plays as a total asshole, I am very tactical and pretty much only enter encounters if I know I'll win, and I'm always in control of when and if I'm fighting due to my play style.
I agree though, it always seems like there are just gonna be 10 people in the middle with pistols, never making any progress towards any objective. Due to my graphics I find fast and furious gameplay impossible because of FPS lag, therefore I make use of my controller (yes, I play with one) and drive a hog, or make use of my low ping and sit back for some satisfying and well timed snipe head shots. Only time I use a pistol is when I'm coming from above or in general on someone who isn't expecting it; I fucking hate the move back and forth while shooting pistol head shots bullshit.
Also, shotty ftw.
November 2nd, 2007, 11:42 PM
I personally liked the pistol for the fact that you had to actually aim your shots. Same with the sniper, shotty and even the fucking fuel rod to some extent. But guess what, what is the AR? Pray and spray and a few nade chucks? No thanks. It's not fun to me.
The Halo AR is pray and spray? Not really. As stated, firing in bursts is more effective.
Honestly, when you play Counter-ShitStrike, do you ever fire ANY of the weapons on full auto? No? And why is that? Could it possibly be because fully automatic fire is... gasp, inaccurate, and that, get this, short bursts ARE accurate?! :O!!!
November 3rd, 2007, 12:45 AM
massacre, stop being awesome <:D>
November 3rd, 2007, 12:48 AM
Wait, there's other weapons besides the pistol?!
November 3rd, 2007, 04:27 AM
ROFL, tis funny topic we have here. I personally use pistol and sniper the most of of anything. But.. i LOVEEEEEEE shotgun, AR, plasma, needler and RL and i use them all quite frequently, depends on the mood I'm in. And also, 3sk's with pistol... not everyone is that "skilled" to even do that lmfao. I have 267 - 300 ping in most servers, cause I'm Australian, for those of you who don't know.. but i still manage to 3sk anyways. It really isn't that hard. Also, if your not good enough to take out someone regardless of what weapon they are using, then you just fail. Practice makes better not perfect. :D
Pyong Kawaguchi
November 3rd, 2007, 10:55 AM
for once
in halo 3, there is a machine gun that takes Some skill
and isnt spray and pray
you actually have to aim at your targe to hit it
can you guess?
its called the AR
i like using the ar in halo 3
but one of my fav combos to have are carbine+ mauler
it just plain owns
November 3rd, 2007, 02:24 PM
I tend to go in with the AR, Shotty, Rocket Launcher, Fail Rod Gun, or a Hog due to my playing style (When I'm using it, occasionally I'll mix things up a bit).
I invented my own playing style, which I use primarily on CTF or other team objective games. What I do is attack an enemy stronghold head on, pretty much killing myself in the hopes I'll take some people with me. While the other team is distracted with me, everyone else on my team goes for the Flag or whatever the objective is.
With the Hog, my strategy is a little different. I pretty much try to splatter everyone on the other team, making me the primary target. While I get hunted down with grenades, Assault Rifles, and Rocket Launchers, my team can get the Flag and get out.
With some luck, I can buy my team 30 seconds or so of time to get out of there with either of my Kamikaze tactics running before the people I didn't kill come after them. If they manage to swipe the other team's Hog, then they should be out of there before any trouble arises.
Occasionally (Mostly on H1 BG servers), I take a Banshee, fly to the other team's base, and jump out. With some luck and good timing, I can drop right through the hole where the Flag is, then get back in the Banshee and do the same thing to our base. Annoying, but it's useful, as long as I don't drop from TOO high and die on impact.
November 4th, 2007, 12:40 AM
i still manage to 3sk anyways. It really isn't that hard IF YOU'RE MECH.
November 4th, 2007, 01:35 AM
I agree though, it always seems like there are just gonna be 10 people in the middle with pistols, never making any progress towards any objective.
Thats the one thing I disliked about pubbing since no one goes for the objective let alone defend it. Makes it really easy to go rambo and win the game solo by avoiding the main fight since no one is working together or paying attention to the other routes.
t3h m00kz
November 4th, 2007, 01:47 AM
I use the pistol quite a bit on Grove, not by preference or because I like the weapon, but as to give me some defense against the hordes that use it constantly.
(A pistol-balancing mod sounds interesting, I just might learn how to do such a thing for the map I'm slowly making. No scope, lower damage & lower rate of fire, etc)
I actually wound up doing that for a few weeks before Halo 3 came out; modded the weapons a bit for balance, but then my life was consumed and since then I have yet to touch Halo PC. Maybe I'll come back to it one of these days and do something with it.
The pistol I had was as close to a H3 duplicate as I could get it in the way it acted, damage done, etc... go figure that shit. ;o
November 5th, 2007, 12:32 AM
I'll have to actually finish the tags someday so you guys can use them, they're pretty well-balanced. I just have a few things I need to work on (mainly the shotgun, which I need to nerf a touch), and they should be ready. I played on a modified version of Portent against Phobias last night, it was a good game and both of us were forced to actually exercise caution and use cover.
Yeah, was a nice and fun change from the norm of pistoling/sniping on that damned cyberslam2 server...
That needler was like WOW, ar was fucking crazy from any range.
When I first shot the pistol, I was zoomed in the recoil actually made me say "What the fuck?!" then you told me there was recoil...I thought there was something wrong with my computer/connection.
Also, tell me again, ross, did that nade stick you while you were standing on the sniper spawn? :lol:
Edward Elrich
November 6th, 2007, 11:39 PM
Grenades for me. Just throw like crazy until I get killed and hope I actually take someone out with them. (that or, if I'm lucky enough to get one, needler with it's homing capabilities.)
The next-worst thing: spawn camping with said pistol/sniper/heavies. Getting killed before you actually see where you are and can move=major frustration. (especially on yoyorast island, when your graphics lag so much they don't even render the water.)
November 7th, 2007, 12:19 AM
TBQH, I find nades far under-rated. I run at somebody, drop their shields and they run into cover with a shotgun. do they expect me to charge in there all gung-ho? a nade will do.
they work for heaps of things:
if somebody is following you in a building, drop a nade and keep running (then double back when their shields are down).
a sniper shooting out of that window? a few grenades will sort them out (I find a sniper rarely is ready to move in a hurry, assuming their even paying attention to more than their next kill).
warthog giving you shit? get it to drive at you and send it into a nade (even better with sticky's).
also frags > sticky's in most situations.
November 7th, 2007, 04:26 PM
TBQH, I find nades far under-rated. I run at somebody, drop their shields and they run into cover with a shotgun. do they expect me to charge in there all gung-ho?
Hell, I do!
Charging straight at people and not letting up the trigger is actually a fairly good strategy, in enclosed spaces. All those pistol and sniper whores expect you to keep your distance, they depend on it. Charging them will fluster them badly enough that you can usually get an easy melee or AR kill.
Probably why those same people all suck at fighting the Flood.
November 7th, 2007, 04:35 PM
against a shotgun though?
i'm all for charging snipers but not when I know their packing one of those (and if they seem half decent)
November 7th, 2007, 04:41 PM
well you have to keep in mind most people can't lead the shotgun worth shit, especially snipers. So yeah it's a pretty safe bet to charge them
November 7th, 2007, 05:11 PM
Hell most people don't even think the shotgun has lead. Most of the time its a whole body length.
November 8th, 2007, 05:17 AM
aswell as aiming up :eng101:
November 8th, 2007, 10:35 AM
also frags > sticky's in most situations.
You need to play more lol. I have been getting some godly sticks lately, some when I only see my enemy on radar and line the shot up with their projected distance and expected altitude. Also, they're a great deterrent if your shields are down and you need to run. Just drop one in the direction of the incomming enemy and high tail it. They will usually be to concerned with avoiding the sticky to chase after you, and you can make a clean getaway. God I camp the central path on Yoyorast Island too much.
November 8th, 2007, 11:35 AM
Sever, do you use the "Warthog Door" in the central path on yoyo? Sticking the warthog into that foot tunnel makes it an excellent nade trap since you can hear when people enter the turret to get through it. Throw a frag and spray the front of the warthog with AR and you kill them just as they pop out of the turret into the tunnel. Most die before they even get a chance to see you. I love radar and sounds.
I usually don't camp but there was this one time two hogs loaded with reds started going around the first turn as I was about to go up to the tower. Rather then have them shoot me in the back I waited for them and killed them all as they tried to get past the warthog. I'm surprised though at the number of pubbers that don't understand how to get through it though, lol.
I also like that dark tunnel the flag carriers have to run through after they teleport to the foot route. Hardly anyone expects to find people in there and its dark for most people. I usually have a Rocket Launcher too. Best place to control the flag routes if you can't keep the top tower.
November 8th, 2007, 12:56 PM
I can control EVERYWHERE on the top of the island. I always have an Assault Rifle on hand (either on me, or briefly lying on the ground while I use another weapon), and I preform a massive amount of "back jumping", as I like to call it, to get from a higher level to a lower level with insane speed and zero fall damage. I have been known to control the area so well on my own that I can go a whole game with barely any (sometimes zero) deaths and a huge amount of kills. I probably have the most illegitimate 'bot/hacker' accusations of anyone who plays Yoyorast Island, due to my relentlessness and hunting of my prey. I'm obviously not the best, but I'm pretty damn good. The Diesel PL 3rd server's ranking list is proof enough.
And to get back on topic, I only use the pistol when it is necessary. I usually prefer to have the Assault Rifle when on foot, and the Shotgun when driving, and a Sniper Rifle or Rocket Launcher/Fuel Rod Gun in secondary.
November 9th, 2007, 09:07 AM
that's really your/their problem for having eithert a shitty connection, or picking a bad server, resulting in a high ping for you.
also, hi, welcome to the forums.
i'll be keeping an eye on you.
A random post I just read, must answer to that one. I have a -blam!- 8 megabytes internetconnection... but I live in Finland. Only about 33-ping servers I've ever played on, were in my country. And it's been a long time I've last played on a finnish server. Couse there are actually none.
Yeh, meh whinez -.-
November 9th, 2007, 07:15 PM
512 kb/s conection over here. i'm doing well to have 66 ping on a local server (which there is one that is only populated on friday-sunday evenings every other week). otherwise it's the good ol 300-ping-lead-a-hog-lenght-in-front for me.
You need to play more lol. I have been getting some godly sticks lately, some when I only see my enemy on radar and line the shot up with their projected distance and expected altitude.
stickys are fine in the right places, but in most situations (or atleast most I find myself in), I'd much rather have a frag than a sticky spare.
Also, they're a great deterrent if your shields are down and you need to run. Just drop one in the direction of the incomming enemy and high tail it. They will usually be to concerned with avoiding the sticky to chase after you, and you can make a clean getaway.
I usualy just run through them. i'm usualy close enough when somebody does that to run though it and only take shield damage on the way out. that and people who do that are usualy rather close to deathand are easy to AR rape as they run.
God I camp the central path on Yoyorast Island too much.
I want to play you. now. D:
November 9th, 2007, 07:42 PM
get on Diesel PL 3rd server or Yoyorast Island Paris server any time. I'm often on between 2200 and 0400 GMT. Gamertag=Sever. On a bad day, I'll give you a run for your money. On a good day I'll make you want to smash your monitor.
November 9th, 2007, 08:58 PM
I assume today was a bad day then ;)
(even if I did whore the heavys to get you :3)
November 9th, 2007, 09:16 PM
Quite a terrible day for me. needs less of the canyon fodder getting in the way. I'll invite you onto my group's dedi once its back up (the host and her sis are having some issues at the moment), then we can have an unobstructed killfest - well, I can anyways. You'll become another nameless corpse in my crosshairs lol.
November 9th, 2007, 09:28 PM
well, I can anyways. You'll become another nameless warping corpse that keeps disappearing from in my crosshairs lol.
ftfy :downs:
November 9th, 2007, 09:51 PM
loltrue. What part of the world are you in? My group's dedi is hosted in Northern UK.
November 9th, 2007, 10:50 PM
Gamertag=Sever. On a bad day, I'll give you a run for your money. On a good day I'll make you want to smash your monitor.
well, I can anyways. You'll become another nameless corpse in my crosshairs lol.
cocky much?
November 9th, 2007, 11:04 PM
Yes, sometimes I am. But what's wrong with confidence in your own skills?
I can be relentless on a good day, getting double kills and running riots all over the place (killing sprees are quite expected from me lol). Today was not a good day for me, as noob1n8r saw firsthand. i also had to deal with TiG and ZOZZ, who are both very effective, but TiG is predictable and ZOZZ doesn't frequent Yoyorast Island (thankfully). On a good day I can win a game of FFA Slayer to 25 on Yoyorast Island against my friends with minimal (under 5) deaths. And mind you, all of my friends are very skilled (I've taught them a few of my tricks also lol) and ranked quite high on the server's leader boards.
As cocky as I may sound, I can live up to it. That's what playing on Yoyorast Island for over a year does to you lol.
P.S. I am also one of the few people I know who can use a ghost to its full extent. I have been able to complete a lap on Yoyo facing backwards, and in pretty good time. God I play that damn good map way too much.
November 9th, 2007, 11:35 PM
loltrue. What part of the world are you in? My group's dedi is hosted in Northern UK.
"I come from a land down under.."
P.S. I am also one of the few people I know who can use a ghost to its full extent. I have been able to complete a lap on Yoyo facing backwards, and in pretty good time. God I play that damn good map way too much.
oh snap, I'ma go try that bbl.
November 9th, 2007, 11:46 PM
Once you get the hang of using a Ghost and know your surroundings, anything is possible. I can take out Warthogs that are tailing me, jump over allies, dodge rockets and grenades, make amazing leaps to cut travel time to objectives/enemies, and of course, splatter enemy infantry with ease. If anyone wants me to show them some of the handy tricks that I know and constantly use for getting around Yoyorast island (in and out of vehicles), drop me a line.
November 10th, 2007, 12:16 AM
ZOZZ doesn't frequent Yoyorast Island (thankfully)
Wtf? When I played HCE, he was always there. Damn, things have changed.
November 10th, 2007, 12:22 AM
Back in the day (3 months ago), ZOZZ did, but now I believe he's on the face clans' servers, last I saw at least. He's still as potent as ever. I remember one game of Blood Gulch CTF on one of the face clans' servers where he (Red Team) kept on putting a Ghost over our (Blue Team) exit teleporter while we had to fight for control of the tanks and defend against a constant barrage of Warthog and sniper assaults. I believe it actually ended in a draw, after lasting an hour.
November 10th, 2007, 12:50 AM
Once you get the hang of using a Ghost and know your surroundings, anything is possible. I can take out Warthogs that are tailing me, jump over allies, dodge rockets and grenades, make amazing leaps to cut travel time to objectives/enemies, and of course, splatter enemy infantry with ease. If anyone wants me to show them some of the handy tricks that I know and constantly use for getting around Yoyorast island (in and out of vehicles), drop me a line.
I've been doing that stuff for ages, it's just doing an entire lap backwards that interests me (though I will take you up on that "droping a line" part ;)
November 10th, 2007, 01:11 AM
i see zozz on yoyo alot, all he does is camp with a rocket.
November 10th, 2007, 03:46 PM
Wow I'm still in awe about the old gbx gamenights on yoyo back in 05.
This place is wayyy too new.
November 10th, 2007, 03:56 PM
I hardly play halo any more, (unless its halo 3).
But even when i did play it i didnt just use the pistal. I just picked up any weapon that was suitable for that situation. On halo 3 if there are some noobs going around in a warthog, one in driver, one in passanger, and one in gunner then i grab my self a Spartan Laser and cut the fuckers up.
Same thing in halo ce, or pc. if i see a warthog its of to get a rocket launcher and blow the bastereds up.
If there is alot of enemys far away and i cnt be arsed to walk over there and my team need help defending the flag then i grab a sniper rifle. or vehicle :).
Simple as. Dont use one weapon other wise you get shit at using other weapons. Just mix the weapons up a bit people...
November 10th, 2007, 04:08 PM
Guys stop playing with aliases =/
November 10th, 2007, 05:29 PM
How come Sever's avatar and signature make me think emo thoughts?
I use the Assault rifle from time to time, and sometimes a sniper rifle.
I prefer the pistol because it shoots fast and hits where you want it to, but in Halo 3 I tend to use the Ma5k (or whatever) more often than the slow-ass pistol.
Bad Waffle
November 11th, 2007, 03:30 PM
.. the only time that could be called 'skillful' is if your ping is in the ballpark of 300 and your framerate is either fluctuating below 30 or is just constantly below 30.
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