View Full Version : Dedicated Server on same Computer.. Problem!

October 31st, 2007, 08:56 PM
Ok.. i was wondering how this would work and if it is possible. I have halo 2 installed on my computer. I also have the dedicated server installed on my computer as well. I have gotten as far as putting the DS as a service for windows as well as I have created my custom .hpl file. The Server is up and running and I can see it when I browse for a server in the Halo 2 game itself. Problem is when i click on it to join the server it tells me that I cant join and to try again later. All others that I have contacted are able to play in the server but I cant from my computer. the server is running off a seperate live account, than the one i use to actually play the game. Ive tried diabling the firewall but to no avail. My router has ports forwarded to my computer (http port 88 and http/udp port 3074). I also tried to DMZ the firewall to allow anything to go through but that didnt work either.. I know its communicating since I can see it. Just cant join the server. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. I have another computer I can use to host DS but unless I have to, I dont want to have to dig that thing out just to run one server.

October 31st, 2007, 11:16 PM
You cant play on the same computer your ds is running on. Well as far as i've herd. So you might wanna dig that comp out unless its crap.

November 1st, 2007, 05:39 PM
Ok, After some trial and error I have managed to be able to run the server and the game off the same computer which also allows me to join it as well as others.. We'll call it a bit of creative inginuity. If anyone would like a tutorial on this process, please let me know. My gamertag is icesick06.

November 1st, 2007, 07:09 PM
Actually, I'd like to know how you managed to get the DS to work on your machine AND play on it at the same time.

Maybe you can PM me if you don't want to publicly announce it?

November 3rd, 2007, 09:19 AM
Well, it's invite only, only the people you "invite" can join.

And If you mean you already invited them and they still can't join...then I don't know. It doesn't have to be the host to invite, it can be anyone that's in the server, I think.

November 3rd, 2007, 02:29 PM
I will post a tutorial some time this coming week.. Right now im inbetween jobs and finding a new one is more important at the moment. Things you will need though are a copy of vista, a copy of server, a decent computer with at least a core duo. You can also use two nic's if you want but only one is neccesary. Later.

November 3rd, 2007, 03:36 PM
What did you do? Create a virtual machine and run the game on one OS and the game on another? Why else would you need two operating systems and a computer with at least a core duo?

November 3rd, 2007, 04:23 PM
lol, laggy servers here we come :P

November 3rd, 2007, 05:44 PM
Maybe he did something with 2 different product keys then different ports for the dedicated server. But I really don't know what he did.

November 3rd, 2007, 06:00 PM
Even 2 different keys won't work on the same computer.

I think if you have two NICs that might work. I'm not going to try. I have no idea how to get them both connected to one internet.

November 3rd, 2007, 08:51 PM
Even 2 different keys won't work on the same computer.
Oh thanks for clarifying that for me!

No, I use my laptop for the server and my pc to play.That is not a bad idea. Is your laptop a wireless connection or some sort of wired connection (Ethernet, Dial, Cable, etc). Because if it is wireless wouldn't the connection get faulty sometimes?

November 3rd, 2007, 08:56 PM
I think jcap is on the right track, not gonna try either...got a good server pc to host anyway.

November 3rd, 2007, 10:32 PM
I'm gonna try it! =D

November 4th, 2007, 06:08 PM
What did you do? Create a virtual machine and run the game on one OS and the game on another? Why else would you need two operating systems and a computer with at least a core duo?

You know, it actually works =S

And yea...it is laggy =S with a bunch of people.

November 6th, 2007, 07:13 AM
So maybe some one should post a tutorial on this just in case anyone who doesn't know how to do it and wants to, can.

November 6th, 2007, 09:24 AM
I didn't know how to do it...It's pretty simple actually. Install Virtual PC, install OS on that, install Dedi after a long wait, install update, set it up as usual.

I mean it was common sense.

November 6th, 2007, 10:35 AM
Ok i have finished tutorial. I see some of you have found how to do this but ill post it anyways for the people who need a run through. If anyone wants the actual haloservertutorial.rtf, message me on aim and ill send it to you. Screenname is icesick06

How to make a Server/Gaming Computer For Halo 2 PC
Beta Testing: This is in the early stages of being worked on. It does have some problems but they are being worked out as I get time. Servers bult this way do have quite a bit of lag on them when it comes to a live game. LAN games have not been tested yet. I am working on some new features to add to this to try and eliminate lag. If you have any suggestions, I'll be glad to have some input. You can send me a message on H2vista.net or on Xbox. Gamertag is icesick06.
Reasons for use:
There are some good reasons why someone would want to do this type of setup.
One, is that they dont have the money (or just dont want to spend it) to build a server. Two, this solution also allows you to be able to admin the server while playing on it at the same time. Before, you could run both applications off the same computer, but it wouldnt allow you to join the server you had just made.
Third, for playing LAN games with your buddies. Now we all know someone can host a LAN game right from the in-game options, but after me and my friends have tested this, this options becomes unfair to most players, while the host has a pretty good upper hand. Alright, now let's get started.
Things you will need:
Computer with at least these specs-
Core 2 Duo E6400 or higher
2 to 4GB of ram (depending on which two operating systems you choose)
Plenty of hard drive space (no need for specifications as most computers now come with at least 120GB or more)
Any videocard that will run H2V at a reasonable framerate
DVD Drive
1 NIC (2 if you have access to a 2nd one)
Main Operating System- Windows Vista (64-bit preferrable since you will be able to use all 4GB of ram instead of the stupid 3.1 or so 32-bit shows)
Secondary Operating System- Windows Vista or Server 2003 SP2
Virtual PC 2007
Broadband Internet Connection-
You'll want a connection with at least a 1Mbps upload speed
Downstream- 4Mbps or higher
1. Installing Windows Vista
This step is pretty easy. You pop in your DVD in the DVD drive, follow the on screen instructions, take a nice long shit while reading the newspaper, then comeback about 45 min later to find that Windows has been installed. There will be a couple more options like choosing your username. Next, go into your control panel and turn off UAC (User Account Control) while also adding another Windows account for the server. name that whatever you want. we'll call it h2server in this tutorial. Finish Installing all your drivers windows doesnt install for you, then restart your computer.
2. Using Virtual PC 2007
This will be install on your h2server account. If you do not have Virtual PC 2007, you can get it right off microsoft's website. This is a free program. Virtual PC is a nice handy program if used correctly. You want to make sure youre allocating enough resources to the virtual pc or performance will suck. Luckily, it has a wizard that asks you what OS you will be installing and gives you recommendations. If you are Using Vista again you will need at least 2GB of ram dedicated to it and 15GB HDD space. With server 2003 you can allocate 1GB of ram and 10GB HDD space. This is my opinion since I've used smaller amounts and they didnt seem to suffice. Also on the options tab under virtual pc 2007, you will want to desgnate which NIC you want to use for your virtual machine. If you only have one NIC, dont worry about this then. Now you can go ahead and start up your virtual machine and either put you installation disk in your DVD drive or if you have it in ISO format, you can install it that way as well. Once your done installing your OS of choice, then proceed to the next part
3. Setting up the H2 Server
A. Windows Vista
B. Server 2003
A. Windows Vista
If you installed windows vista on your virtual pc, you will follow these instructions. Once the OS is up and operational, just pop in your Halo 2 Vista dvd and navigate to the dedicated server folder in there and click the setup.exe file. Keep clicking next until it starts to install. Once its installed, it will give you an option to view the readme. If you are new to this, then I would suggest going through that readme. Also you will want to make sure and download the latest live update and halo 2 update. Install those once you have them and then you can continue. Make a shortcut of your command prompt on the desktop. right-click the icon and select properties. change the starting directory to "c:\Program files\microsoft games\halo 2 dedicated server" then click ok. this will allow you to go straight into the program without having to switch directories everytime. startup the command prompt and type h2server -createservice -live. Now to be able to admin this you will now have to log out and log back in on the virtual pc. Bring up the command prompt again and type in h2admin -live. It should say its connected after that. set your servers cd key by typing in live key xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx where the x is your product key. then enable live autosignin by typing live autosignin username@domain.com and then it will ask you to type in your password and then to confirm your password by typing it in again. Note: Do NOT use the same live signin you use to play the game. If you want you can also set static ip addresses and other things to your likings. If you wish to make your own playlist, consult the readme.
B. Server 2003
This is the same as Vista but there are some added options you can fool around with if you are familiar with server 2003. Things like Network load balancing and others but i wont go into that in this tutorial. You can send me a message if you would like to know.
Playing the Game
Minimize virtual pc and switch users from your H2Server user to your main User account. If you havent installed the game yet, go ahead and do so. Once installed, apply all current updates and patches and then start the game. Go to live and then browse games. You should see your Server listed under there as the username that you signed it in under. Click on it and enjoy.

November 19th, 2007, 10:32 AM
I'd rather just use my server comp, but that might help some people.

November 20th, 2007, 09:28 AM
Read the server readme.

November 20th, 2007, 04:46 PM
You can even type Help in the console..."help vip" to be exact or was it vip help...one of those.