November 3rd, 2007, 06:03 PM
About 2-3 days ago i was asked to put together a piece of video that consisted of 5 maybe 6 videos of upcoming platforms, and then they followed to ask me which platform do you want to do.
I immediately replied with can i have Xbox 360 and PC.
So i wasn't sure even when this was for, but last night i was contacted once again, saying come to this conference hall at 10am and we want you to show segments of your video and talk about it... TO A HALL OF 40 TO 60 Year olds.
Straight off, I basically have to explain upcoming Xbox 360 and PC games to a bunch of 40 to 60 year olds... OH CRAP!
Not even having anything prepared i get something done and then go to sleep.
So, i wake up, travel for an hour or so and I'm there.
People before me showed things like Halo 3 as a game that is already out there. (People before me where basically all showing games that had been released...i had to sell games i haven't even played yet).
Someone even brought a Wii in and demonstrated some Twilight Princess... which was fun to watch him getting killed... twice.
So my time was here, i looked at my watch and it was 11:30am, so im like ok, 10-20min talk should be ok.
But i get this massive introduction, and I'm like oh crap what... I get up there, and there all clapping, so straight of i just go, Lady's and Gentlemen TimeShift! (I swear there where more middle age women in a gaming room ever, there where over 150 people all together...and no old age smell :eek::lol:).
Now some people may ask, why did i pick TimeShift to open this open, well it may not be the most ancipated or amazing game ever made, but it's pretty...Different! So after the in-game trailer played. I explained the game as a Shooter with a twist where you could control time. I even went into the audience and asked random people what they thought, which no one had done yet.
From a bunch of 40-60 year olds, i got comments like:
"I'll be picking this one up"
I explained later that it was a game for Xbox 360, and PC... then unhappily mumbled 'and the PS3', followed quickly by, It was released yesterday!
Now anyone who's from England or have been here knows the 40-60 year old age range don't really play video games, but thats what i thought.
The next trailer i showed was Mass Effect.... i paused it on the title screen entry of the trailer, just because i wanted to introduce it. But before i could atleast half the room CHEERED! Scared me half to death, but they cheered!
Frightened I explained "This is mass effect, a gorgeous RPG set in our future. Produced by Bioware exclusively for the Xbox 360, I'm sure you'll all be picking up your copies on the 23rd" (People oddly laughed at that end bit). I let the rest of the trailer roll on.
As it ended there was an other cheer, there must be some Mass Effect fans here, or people are high... either way, i talked about the game for a little while, knowing what i did about the game, i rambled...for along time.
When I'd finished with Mass Effect i stud aside again and let, BlackSite: Area 51's trailer roll on. No cheers this time.
After i spoke about the game, and went into the audience because it seemed people where a little unsure about the game.
The comments i got where, not what i expected from the age range:
"Doesn't look as amazing as the others"
"I might rent it, but I'd rather spend 40 quid on Mass Effect"
So i pressed my hand wireless button majiger thing... and on came UT3 Trailer.
After (with a few cheers i must add) i explained what the game was, and how it's held up in the past with its titles. Before explaining the multi-platforms it was for.
Lastly, i stud up, and just said a game that needs no introductions (everyone looked anctiously), the trailer rolled... i walked back up in front of the audience as it ended. And said...CRYSIS.
Thats it, i just thanked them for listening and walked off, with standing ovation and all...quite scary!
I was followed by a guy who did a retrospective of a few pc games one been the Unreal series, which was a nice follower for me.
After my rather long presentation it was 12:15pm. And i sat down ate some lunch, and just as i came back the last 'act' was on, playing some 2v2 on the big screen with 2 volunteers on Halo 3. Which was nice to see.
After loads of people came up to me, and where discussing games like Mass Effect and Crysis with me. Quite surprising i have so many avid over 40 gamers so close to my home. I handed out some gamer tags, and headed home.
Been only 17 it was quite odd to be talking to loads of people 3 times my age. But they where nice, and it was fun. And over a quarter of the people in this PACKED hall where women, so that was happy, and not just tag along wives, some where avid gamers too, one even stud up to play some Wii.
I was quite worried going into all this because i thought i was just going to be editing a quick video together, in the end it ended up me speaking in front of people...which i hate! SO MUCH! But it was good. £200 back pocket. Job done!
I know i easily could have chosen some better games, but i thought stick to what i know best, so i did. And with this £200 I'm picking up TimeShift tomorrow (Yes Sunday lol).
About 2-3 days ago i was asked to put together a piece of video that consisted of 5 maybe 6 videos of upcoming platforms, and then they followed to ask me which platform do you want to do.
I immediately replied with can i have Xbox 360 and PC.
So i wasn't sure even when this was for, but last night i was contacted once again, saying come to this conference hall at 10am and we want you to show segments of your video and talk about it... TO A HALL OF 40 TO 60 Year olds.
Straight off, I basically have to explain upcoming Xbox 360 and PC games to a bunch of 40 to 60 year olds... OH CRAP!
Not even having anything prepared i get something done and then go to sleep.
So, i wake up, travel for an hour or so and I'm there.
People before me showed things like Halo 3 as a game that is already out there. (People before me where basically all showing games that had been released...i had to sell games i haven't even played yet).
Someone even brought a Wii in and demonstrated some Twilight Princess... which was fun to watch him getting killed... twice.
So my time was here, i looked at my watch and it was 11:30am, so im like ok, 10-20min talk should be ok.
But i get this massive introduction, and I'm like oh crap what... I get up there, and there all clapping, so straight of i just go, Lady's and Gentlemen TimeShift! (I swear there where more middle age women in a gaming room ever, there where over 150 people all together...and no old age smell :eek::lol:).
Now some people may ask, why did i pick TimeShift to open this open, well it may not be the most ancipated or amazing game ever made, but it's pretty...Different! So after the in-game trailer played. I explained the game as a Shooter with a twist where you could control time. I even went into the audience and asked random people what they thought, which no one had done yet.
From a bunch of 40-60 year olds, i got comments like:
"I'll be picking this one up"
I explained later that it was a game for Xbox 360, and PC... then unhappily mumbled 'and the PS3', followed quickly by, It was released yesterday!
Now anyone who's from England or have been here knows the 40-60 year old age range don't really play video games, but thats what i thought.
The next trailer i showed was Mass Effect.... i paused it on the title screen entry of the trailer, just because i wanted to introduce it. But before i could atleast half the room CHEERED! Scared me half to death, but they cheered!
Frightened I explained "This is mass effect, a gorgeous RPG set in our future. Produced by Bioware exclusively for the Xbox 360, I'm sure you'll all be picking up your copies on the 23rd" (People oddly laughed at that end bit). I let the rest of the trailer roll on.
As it ended there was an other cheer, there must be some Mass Effect fans here, or people are high... either way, i talked about the game for a little while, knowing what i did about the game, i rambled...for along time.
When I'd finished with Mass Effect i stud aside again and let, BlackSite: Area 51's trailer roll on. No cheers this time.
After i spoke about the game, and went into the audience because it seemed people where a little unsure about the game.
The comments i got where, not what i expected from the age range:
"Doesn't look as amazing as the others"
"I might rent it, but I'd rather spend 40 quid on Mass Effect"
So i pressed my hand wireless button majiger thing... and on came UT3 Trailer.
After (with a few cheers i must add) i explained what the game was, and how it's held up in the past with its titles. Before explaining the multi-platforms it was for.
Lastly, i stud up, and just said a game that needs no introductions (everyone looked anctiously), the trailer rolled... i walked back up in front of the audience as it ended. And said...CRYSIS.
Thats it, i just thanked them for listening and walked off, with standing ovation and all...quite scary!
I was followed by a guy who did a retrospective of a few pc games one been the Unreal series, which was a nice follower for me.
After my rather long presentation it was 12:15pm. And i sat down ate some lunch, and just as i came back the last 'act' was on, playing some 2v2 on the big screen with 2 volunteers on Halo 3. Which was nice to see.
After loads of people came up to me, and where discussing games like Mass Effect and Crysis with me. Quite surprising i have so many avid over 40 gamers so close to my home. I handed out some gamer tags, and headed home.
Been only 17 it was quite odd to be talking to loads of people 3 times my age. But they where nice, and it was fun. And over a quarter of the people in this PACKED hall where women, so that was happy, and not just tag along wives, some where avid gamers too, one even stud up to play some Wii.
I was quite worried going into all this because i thought i was just going to be editing a quick video together, in the end it ended up me speaking in front of people...which i hate! SO MUCH! But it was good. £200 back pocket. Job done!
I know i easily could have chosen some better games, but i thought stick to what i know best, so i did. And with this £200 I'm picking up TimeShift tomorrow (Yes Sunday lol).