View Full Version : Please can someone help me with graphics card probs

November 6th, 2007, 12:13 PM
Firstly hi, my first post and its a leeching post sorry :(

Right my situation is my current graphics card is very poor for Halo2v. I am looking at 6fps with graphics from the 80's.

I need advice and hopefully model numbers of what cards i should look at.

The main problem is i do not have a lot of money to blow on a graphics card. I am not after super high detail, and i cant save any money.

What would make me happy is med detail and a decent fps. Something that looks fairly decent and playable.

My budget is up to £40-£80 I know its not lots, but i am not after super high detail or a super high fps. just something playable

If people need to know i have a duo core 2 2.4ghz conroe x fire mobo and 2 gig ram.

Please can someone guide me, i am making myself ill through stressing lol.

Any input is defiantly a bonus

Thank you

November 6th, 2007, 12:56 PM

I dont know if that one's good enough for H2V, But its only about £5 over what you said.

November 6th, 2007, 01:31 PM
Ow thank you, thats the sort of cash i am looking to spend. All i intend playing is halo2 and thats it really. I dont mind buying a super 8800 NEXT year.

So would that card run halo2 on medium quailty and a decent playable fps rate??


November 6th, 2007, 01:32 PM
That's enough money for a decent one...lucky that £ are stronger than € and above all..$$$ :P

Anyway we need slot type...for that we need the exact motherboard stats.

November 6th, 2007, 01:55 PM
Well thats good news i went to pc world and nearly spent £54:99p on a 128 card, glad i didn't now. It was nivida 6100 or something ?

My Motherboard is here


November 6th, 2007, 02:13 PM
i'd be more concerned about wether or not your GFX card your buying will fit into your current mother board.
is it AGP or PCI?

November 6th, 2007, 02:13 PM
Well thats good news i went to pc world and nearly spent £54:99p on a 128 card, glad i didn't now. It was nivida 6100 or something ?

My Motherboard is here

Please for the love of GOD! Don't buy a Graphics card from PC World. I like there stores for the more 'easy' items such as PCI Wireless cards and Keyboards. But there Graphics cards are a little over 'priced' for my liking.

I'd go with JunkfoodMan's original sell and get a 8600GT it's a solid card and they usually range from £70 to £90

If not, get a high end 7000 series which you can get as low as £50, maybe a 7600GS.

NOTE: Your motherboard needs a PCI-E Graphics card do make sure it's a PCI-E card when you buy it, not AGP (ewww...)

Pyong Kawaguchi
November 6th, 2007, 02:19 PM
try an 8300 its decent for h2v,
it can play high quality at 15+ fps (sometimes 30+)
and it does medium at atleast 40fps

November 6th, 2007, 02:21 PM
It has both according to the specs.

November 6th, 2007, 02:59 PM
lol @ pc world comment. I thought they were expensive. I "just" thought i had pci express. I have checked and i have.

So with the 8600 series? Could i run decent fps and medium detail??

Thanks for the advice guys :D

November 6th, 2007, 03:48 PM
with an 8600 you can... but you dont want h2v :(

you might want to check this (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3721) thread and see the vast amount of bugs currently existing in this game, and make sure you're okay with all that, before buying it

November 6th, 2007, 04:05 PM
LOL i have already brought H2V and the microsoft wifi receiver so i am all set to go. Yeah i know there are bugs, but i love halo


Thats the card i am going to order! Whadda guys think?

November 6th, 2007, 05:15 PM
try an 8300 its decent for h2v,
it can play high quality at 15+ fps (sometimes 30+)
and it does medium at atleast 40fps

No one listen to this, it's complete bullshit. An 8300 is completely fucking terrible, and you can't even buy one without getting one in a pre-built computer

November 6th, 2007, 05:24 PM
Ive heard the 8 series are the cards to get. So


any good^^^^^??

Mr Buckshot
November 6th, 2007, 06:26 PM
try an 8300 its decent for h2v,
it can play high quality at 15+ fps (sometimes 30+)
and it does medium at atleast 40fps

bullshit. You're worse than Kiwidoggie.

By the way, don't try to use H2V as a benchmark for how good or bad a video card is. H2V should never be run on high settings - on high, it only looks a tiny bit better than the Xbox version, and on low/medium, it looks just as good as the Xbox version. But on high settings, your framerate takes a HUGE hit.

and if his motherboard has a Geforce 6100 in it, it is highly likely that it has a PCI-express slot. I've heard many, many horror stories regarding H2V running on a Geforce 6100/6150. If you use windows XP to run it, you may scrape 20-30fps for the most part, but on Vista...single digit frames prevail. And that's at 640x480 on lowest settings (where it would look a little bit worse than the Xbox version).

I suggest a Geforce 8600 or an ATI Radeon HD 2600 model. I don't know which retailers charge in British pounds, but these two video cards are in the $100-$150 USD category, so they should be within your price range. By the way, how much would it cost to ship from newegg to Britain (if it is allowed at all)?

November 6th, 2007, 09:31 PM
try an 8300 its decent for h2v,
it can play high quality at 15+ fps (sometimes 30+)
and it does medium at atleast 40fps

Xetsuei™;184310']No one listen to this, it's complete bullshit. An 8300 is completely fucking terrible, and you can't even buy one without getting one in a pre-built computer

bullshit. You're worse than Kiwidoggie.

By the way, don't try to use H2V as a benchmark for how good or bad a video card is. H2V should never be run on high settings - on high, it only looks a tiny bit better than the Xbox version, and on low/medium, it looks just as good as the Xbox version. But on high settings, your framerate takes a HUGE hit.

and if his motherboard has a Geforce 6100 in it, it is highly likely that it has a PCI-express slot. I've heard many, many horror stories regarding H2V running on a Geforce 6100/6150. If you use windows XP to run it, you may scrape 20-30fps for the most part, but on Vista...single digit frames prevail. And that's at 640x480 on lowest settings (where it would look a little bit worse than the Xbox version).

I suggest a Geforce 8600 or an ATI Radeon HD 2600 model. I don't know which retailers charge in British pounds, but these two video cards are in the $100-$150 USD category, so they should be within your price range. By the way, how much would it cost to ship from newegg to Britain (if it is allowed at all)?

Damn, you all beat me to partially flaming him lol. But yes, that is utter bullshit.

November 8th, 2007, 08:16 AM
HI there thanks for all the input. i went for an oc 256mb 8600gt. I will let u know what i think when i get it, it was on offer. Free postage and a bit cheaper i paid £65 all in. I do want an high end 8 series or the new 9 series. But i had to save very hard to build my pc.

Many thanks, look out for me soon hehe ;)

November 9th, 2007, 06:42 PM
I've heard many, many horror stories regarding H2V running on a Geforce 6100/6150. If you use windows XP to run it, you may scrape 20-30fps for the most part, but on Vista...single digit frames prevail. And that's at 640x480 on lowest settings

Does H2V even have 640X480? The lowest screen res I can go to is 800X600. Anyways, with my 6150 I can play H2V with 15-20 FPS on medium with a moderate overclock on the core speed. That's while running Vista.

Anyways, I don't think you'll be disappointed with the 8600's performance. I should probably invest in one ;)

Mr Buckshot
November 9th, 2007, 08:17 PM
Whoops, I meant 800x600. But 640x480 is what the xbox version ran at anyway.

The 8600 is a good card. It may not pack the punch of an 8800 but it's adequate for just about every game, unless you want to run Oblivion at 1920x1200 on max with the best draw distance.

November 13th, 2007, 04:08 PM
I get it Tommorow. They tried to drop it off today. But i was out on a first aid course. So when i get home from work, i shall plug it in and hopefully be playing online in less than 20 hours woop woop!

Thanks for all the input