View Full Version : Contact Harvest

November 7th, 2007, 09:51 AM
Anyone reading it yet? I'm just about halfway through, and it's awesome :awesome:
Aside from the usual typos and grammatical errors that plague the series...

November 7th, 2007, 10:03 AM
Fucking hell I haven't even read Ghosts of Onyx yet http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-argh.gif

November 7th, 2007, 10:32 AM
I'm almost done with it- I haven't noticed any errors- I'm generally quite good regarding grammar and spelling, but maybe I'm reading too fast to see them.

November 7th, 2007, 10:40 AM
I read the cover, does that count :downs:

Rob Oplawar
November 7th, 2007, 11:33 AM
I read the prologue on b.net, does that count?
I really really need to read it, because it pertains directly to the storyline for BCE.

brb I'ma go to amazon right now.
edit: shit, amazon.com has a really good interface. I logged on and less than 3 minutes later I had already bought the book and two other things. =x

November 7th, 2007, 02:12 PM
only halo book i've read was the fall of reach.

didn't impress me. it didnt go into enough detail or description. in 2 pages i was pretty much flying accross the universe after getting in 2 different battles.

the hole thing lacks depth.

November 7th, 2007, 04:03 PM
only halo book i've read was the fall of reach.

didn't impress me. it didnt go into enough detail or description. in 2 pages i was pretty much flying accross the universe after getting in 2 different battles.

the hole thing lacks depth.

Rob Oplawar
November 7th, 2007, 05:34 PM
what do you expect, it's a videogame novel. I for one enjoyed it.

November 7th, 2007, 05:39 PM
Well the antagonists and protagonists' conflict has to be built up somehow.

I for one liked it. Haven't read the others, but CH was definitely enjoyable. Lighter than Some was awesome.

November 7th, 2007, 05:46 PM
Wait, what? I dont recall any typos or fucked up plot points. I actually considered it a good book since it didn't have any magic that popped up in the Nyland books.

teh lag
November 7th, 2007, 05:49 PM
Lighter than Some was awesome.


That sub(-ish) story was very touching, even more than Yayap's in The Flood.
It was also neat (though unexpected) how the Brutes, not the Elites, were the first large-scale contact with Humanity. The part with the Shipmistress was definately interesting, too... I guess even Jackals need some time to get it on, eh?

All in all, I liked the book. Very telling on alot of issues, but there's a few things I have problems with... I'll make a post with all of them soon.

November 7th, 2007, 05:53 PM
One typo I found said "Avery pulled his out IV..."

November 7th, 2007, 07:27 PM
what do you expect, it's a videogame novel. I for one enjoyed it.
your missing my meaning.

the universe itself has tremendous depth. but the Novel describes it terribly.

Rob Oplawar
November 7th, 2007, 10:07 PM
lol, wtf is with you people who look at something that's good and say "i hate it because it's not as good as i want it to be"

I read a book or watch a movie or play a game; if it's good I enjoy it, instead of moaning over how it's not better.

yeah, you know what? screw you guys. I love Halo 2! Halo 2 is pretty damn good. if you hate it just because it isn't better, well fuck you, buddeh.

November 8th, 2007, 01:58 AM
lol, wtf is with you people who look at something that's good and say "i hate it because it's not as good as i want it to be"

I read a book or watch a movie or play a game; if it's good I enjoy it, instead of moaning over how it's not better.

yeah, you know what? screw you guys. I love Halo 2! Halo 2 is pretty damn good. if you hate it just because it isn't better, well fuck you, buddeh.
your so far off what i was talking about it's not funny.

IF this book was not covered by a franchise it wouldnt sell a single copy. it is Very poorly written. theres no descriptive detail, it's criminally short and it repeats the same mannerisms constantly.
i mean ffs u know exactly whats going to happen, before it happens. it's predictable, poorly written garbage.

i was being a little more diplomatic before, but if u want to get nasty fuck you.

When idiot fan-boys praise this book as if it was Allah and then sneer at the works of Tolken it annoys me. because they clearly dont have a fucking clue what there talking about.

November 8th, 2007, 02:57 AM
Oh... Wait... It's out? I fail, I;ll pick it up tommorow after I finish off the last 10 or so chapters in Ghosts of Onyx, again...

November 8th, 2007, 03:09 AM
I haven't read any of the books, and never finished h1 or h2...I've finished the fight, though...


November 8th, 2007, 04:42 AM

November 8th, 2007, 04:58 AM

I don't get it :smith:

November 8th, 2007, 05:41 AM
I agree with this post.

Rob Oplawar
November 8th, 2007, 11:40 AM
it's predictable, poorly written garbage.

Speaking of poorly written garbage...
I thought it was very well written, but I hardly worship it. It was an enjoyable read, ok? I've never read any works of Tolkien (although I can at least spell his name right), so I won't criticize his work.
While I disagree with your opinion, I respect it and your right to have it. Apparently you like Fantasy novels; I'm more of a Sci-Fi guy myself. We just come from two different schools of thought.

November 8th, 2007, 12:02 PM
One typo I found said "Avery pulled his out IV..."

That's still not bad, and easily missed by most people. Compared to Nylund, it's nothing. I mean, how can you change a spartan's name/number or what ship a character is in without realizing it?

November 8th, 2007, 01:53 PM
So when are you going to write a high dollar 100% error free book zeph?

November 8th, 2007, 02:08 PM
Speaking of poorly written garbage...
I thought it was very well written, but I hardly worship it. It was an enjoyable read, ok? I've never read any works of Tolkien (although I can at least spell his name right), so I won't criticize his work.
While I disagree with your opinion, I respect it and your right to have it. Apparently you like Fantasy novels; I'm more of a Sci-Fi guy myself. We just come from two different schools of thought.
i thought there was an extra I in his name, so i googled it to be sure. apparently a couple million people spell his name that way.

novel wise this is on-par with things like the deltora quest series and goosebumps. it lacks detail depth, it has nothing to do about which genre it's classified into.

and go read lord of the rings. best book(s) ever written. and thats based off more then my own personal opinion.

Rob Oplawar
November 8th, 2007, 02:34 PM
/me smiles and nods.

November 8th, 2007, 02:52 PM
I haven't read any of the books, and never finished h1 or h2...I've finished the fight, though...


That is just Epic Fail right there. :fail:

November 8th, 2007, 03:29 PM
I've never read any works of Tolkien


-1 respect :(

November 8th, 2007, 05:00 PM
I read the Halo books because I'm a fan of the series and want to learn more about the story and life in its universe. I'm not looking for a complete detail on the mechanics of everything that pops up in any of the books (go listen or read to King's On Writing book, good shit). It adds more depth to the story that the games could never do themselves without becoming less of a game and more of just a movie.

I haven't read the book yet, it won't get shipped to me until the H3 soundtracks are released (Nov 22nd last I checked), but I am looking forward to it.

November 8th, 2007, 05:06 PM
...it won't get shipped to me until the H3 soundtracks are released...

I see that you use Amazon.com as well, km00.

November 8th, 2007, 05:46 PM
I agree with this post.He said "iawpt", not "iawtp". Phobias was poking fun at his typo.

November 8th, 2007, 06:47 PM
I see that you use Amazon.com as well, km00.
yessir, severnumbers

November 9th, 2007, 10:16 PM
The only error I noticed was that Chapter 4 takes place Dec 21, 2524, but Chapter 5 takes place Dec 21, 2525, and Chapter 7 takes place Jan 16, 2525. Let's do the time warp again!

Anyways, it was an enjoyable read. It felt too retcon-ish though, since it focused so much on Halo 2/3 content that was absent in Halo 1/2, such as Drones, Brutes, Brute power armor, Spikers, Choppers, Drones, Hornets, and Battle Rifles. It felt too much like it was trying to assure the reader that, yes, this stuff did exist before Halo 1/2 even though it was never even hinted at or shown previously when it would have made sense.

November 9th, 2007, 10:59 PM
yessir, severnumbers

At least you got the first part right! So many nooblets people think that I (Gamertag: Sever) am the moderator of whatever server I am on, or at least misspell my name. *glares at noob1n8r*

Back on topic: I am currently unable to share my opinion of the novel, due to my lack of the novel for the time being. From what I have heard from most of you, I will probably have a fun, but not great OR technical, read.

November 9th, 2007, 11:51 PM
At least you got the first part right! So many nooblets people think that I (Gamertag: Sever) am the moderator of whatever server I am on, or at least misspell my name. *glares at noob1n8r*

considering you spelt it wrong, I think we're even :P

Rob Oplawar
November 11th, 2007, 05:45 PM
I'm about 2/3 through. So far I like it, but prefer Nylund's writing over this. Somehow the other books felt more epic and real, and were less predictable.

In terms of my map- so far I've only found one thing that may adversely affect my storyline, and if it does it's a bit of a doozy- there are only 17 human colonies. For some reason, from the previous books I got the impression that there were hundreds. So Now I have to look over all the resources and see if they name all 17 colonies, and if the 17 is including Earth or not. If they're all taken, I'll have to change Epoch to one of the existing colonies.

But other than that, so far, everything is terrific for my map. I guess I did my research well, cause it all ties in. :iia:

Bad Waffle
November 12th, 2007, 09:09 PM
So when are you going to write a high dollar 100% error free book zeph?

Zeph already has. Ask him about what was GOING to be the evolution universe, which a few professors talked him into working on it to create a marketable universe.

Speaking of poorly written garbage...
I thought it was very well written, but I hardly worship it. It was an enjoyable read, ok? I've never read any works of Tolkien (although I can at least spell his name right), so I won't criticize his work.
While I disagree with your opinion, I respect it and your right to have it. Apparently you like Fantasy novels; I'm more of a Sci-Fi guy myself. We just come from two different schools of thought.

The halo books are shittily written, i didnt like how i could easily understand a more complicated book like perhaps 1984 but i have to constantly re-reference and flip pages to know what the fuck everybody is doing. Totally ruins the fun of reading the book, and turns it into a scratchy, terrible experience--unlike the game, which the story progresses at a milky smooth pace where EVERYTHING is understandable at the same time as providing lots of info. Also, the halo books are short and have crappy grammar, as if nobody minded to look through them. If bungie actually had control of QC (and weren't always busy making damn games :| ) on these books, it would be a lot different. Microsoft has a shitty habit of pushing out horrible quality products to the consumers because they rely on the fact that they're a huge monopoly with a lot of customers.

November 12th, 2007, 10:35 PM
I didn't have a problem understanding it :|

Rob Oplawar
November 12th, 2007, 10:38 PM
wol, gdiaf. they're not Shakespeare, but they're decent and an enjoyable read.

November 12th, 2007, 10:45 PM
The writing gets a little sloppy in places, but it's nothing story-ruining.

Rob Oplawar
November 12th, 2007, 10:49 PM
although it just occurred to me that if Staten took the same approach to that book as Bungie did to Halo 3- that is, testing its brains out over and over and over on a ridiculously large group of people to work out every conceivable bug, it would have been better. =P

November 13th, 2007, 12:04 AM
The halo books are shittily written, i didnt like how i could easily understand a more complicated book like perhaps 1984 but i have to constantly re-reference and flip pages to know what the fuck everybody is doing. Totally ruins the fun of reading the book, and turns it into a scratchy, terrible experience--unlike the game, which the story progresses at a milky smooth pace where EVERYTHING is understandable at the same time as providing lots of info. Also, the halo books are short and have crappy grammar, as if nobody minded to look through them. If bungie actually had control of QC (and weren't always busy making damn games :| ) on these books, it would be a lot different. Microsoft has a shitty habit of pushing out horrible quality products to the consumers because they rely on the fact that they're a huge monopoly with a lot of customers.
Just when i thought i couldnt Possibly Love you anymore then i already do, you produce this.
<3 x182

November 13th, 2007, 04:36 PM
wol, gdiaf. they're not Shakespeare, but they're decent and an enjoyable read.

Stop being a fucking fanboy Rob. Like it or not, people are entitled to not like this book. End of story.

November 13th, 2007, 07:27 PM
Stop being a fucking fanboy Rob. Like it or not, people are entitled to not like this book. End of story.


Rob Oplawar
November 13th, 2007, 07:56 PM
hey, don't you call me a fanboy! I'll kick you in the nuts! Respect my authoritaw!

The point I was trying to make was that Halo or not, they're still decent books. You guys are projecting your opinion that the only people who could possibly like the books are mindless fanboys. I'm trying to say that you guys might not like them but they're still pretty good books (the one based directly off of the game's storyline excepted- tbh Halo 1 doesn't translate well to narrative, cause it's designed to be played).

So there, it's you guys giving your baseless opinion off as fact, not me. You're the ones saying I don't like it therefore it's bad therefore Rob's being a fanboy. Ok, Actually, Metroid wasn't saying that. I agree wholeheartedly with what Metroid did say- people are entitled to not like it. But that doesn't mean they can call it complete crap when it isn't. Heywaitaminute, Metroid's the one who called me a fanboy. >=U
/me slaps metroid with a glove
I demand satisfaction!

November 13th, 2007, 08:38 PM
The halo books are shittily written, i didnt like how i could easily understand a more complicated book like perhaps 1984 but i have to constantly re-reference and flip pages to know what the fuck everybody is doing. Totally ruins the fun of reading the book, and turns it into a scratchy, terrible experience--unlike the game, which the story progresses at a milky smooth pace where EVERYTHING is understandable at the same time as providing lots of info. Also, the halo books are short and have crappy grammar, as if nobody minded to look through them. If bungie actually had control of QC (and weren't always busy making damn games :| ) on these books, it would be a lot different. Microsoft has a shitty habit of pushing out horrible quality products to the consumers because they rely on the fact that they're a huge monopoly with a lot of customers.
Your post is shittily written. I didn't like how I have to constantly scroll up and down to know what the fuck you're ranting about. :lol:

I didn't have any difficulty reading it. *shrug*

November 14th, 2007, 12:03 AM
You guys are projecting your opinion that the only people who could possibly like the books are mindless fanboys.
tahts not what where saying at all.

where saying there either mindless fanboys or people that dont have any idea of what a good book reads like.
we all have different opinions, and yes thats fine. However they jsut arn't decent books rob. there Shallow as hell.
the Halo book is like a "Read once and then chuck away" kind of book. because it lacks so much detail depth you cant gain anything out of it by reading it again.
Also another problem with the lack of Detail is the Pace of the book. I remember reading a chapter in Reach that had me in a battle, then we went to some obscure reasearch facility, picked up our suits, had another battle, then flew accross the universe to set up for another battle.
and there was absolutely Nothing in-between.

look mate. I said before that the Lord of the rings trilogy are the best books ever written. I took into account a National survey of books in Australia a few months prior that Rated it the Number 1 book in the world.
and it won by fair amount.
Now i'm sure there have been other surveys that have yeilded very similar results and that is because of the Great descriptive details the books have.
u can read those books hundreds of times and Gain something new out of them everytime.
not to mention the extensive history dating back thousands of years, all the different races, each with there own Written and spoken languages (some are awesome btw), the Alliances, the Mythical objects such as Israfelds Sword(sp? i think his name is something like that) and the Great tree and then there is extensive detail into the Customs, behaviour and mannerisms of each race.

Detail is everything.

Rob Oplawar
November 14th, 2007, 12:07 AM
You're a towel!


the monkey in me is commanding me to initiate poo flinging, so I've decided to just drop it. Ok fine, they suck, I'm a mindless noob fanboy who doesn't know at all what he's talking about when it comes to books, and that's why I enjoyed reading the Halo novels.

I don't care enough to argue the point.

November 14th, 2007, 12:10 AM
The halo books are shittily written, i didnt like how i could easily understand a more complicated book like perhaps 1984 but i have to constantly re-reference and flip pages to know what the fuck everybody is doing. Totally ruins the fun of reading the book, and turns it into a scratchy, terrible experience--unlike the game, which the story progresses at a milky smooth pace where EVERYTHING is understandable at the same time as providing lots of info. Also, the halo books are short and have crappy grammar, as if nobody minded to look through them. If bungie actually had control of QC (and weren't always busy making damn games :| ) on these books, it would be a lot different. Microsoft has a shitty habit of pushing out horrible quality products to the consumers because they rely on the fact that they're a huge monopoly with a lot of customers.

I didn't have any difficulty reading it. *shrug*


November 14th, 2007, 01:22 AM
You're a towel!


the monkey in me is commanding me to initiate poo flinging, so I've decided to just drop it. Ok fine, they suck, I'm a mindless noob fanboy who doesn't know at all what he's talking about when it comes to books, and that's why I enjoyed reading the Halo novels.

I don't care enough to argue the point.
just promise me you'll try and read the LOTR series.....

Rob Oplawar
November 14th, 2007, 03:25 PM
I have been meaning to for a really long time, I just keep putting it off. Lately I've been too busy to read- lol, maybe that's why I'm enjoying Contact Harvest- cause it is admittedly a really easy short read. Tell ya what. I'll read it over Christmas break when I'm driving all over Texas.

November 14th, 2007, 03:33 PM
You're a towel!


the monkey in me is commanding me to initiate poo flinging, so I've decided to just drop it. Ok fine, they suck, I'm a mindless noob fanboy who doesn't know at all what he's talking about when it comes to books, and that's why I enjoyed reading the Halo novels.

I don't care enough to argue the point.

I never called you 'mindless' or 'noob'. As a great poster once put it, a fanboy is someone who tries to force their opinion on others. In your case you were trying to force on zilla the opinion that the Halo books are good. My personal opinion on them was irrelevant in that statement.

just promise me you'll try and read the LOTR series.....
Or Dracula. :D

November 14th, 2007, 03:57 PM
I lol'd when I saw jen taylor interviewing eric nyland with a Halo: The Flood book in her hands.

November 14th, 2007, 04:58 PM
I lol'd when I saw jen taylor interviewing eric nylund with a Halo: The Flood book in her hands.fixed.

Yeah, that's funny.

November 14th, 2007, 05:32 PM
just promise me you'll try and read the LOTR series.....

Dune, ftw!

[Frank] Herbert was awesome. Not too fond of Brian Herbert's expanded universe though.

November 14th, 2007, 07:31 PM
Dune, ftw!

[Frank] Herbert was awesome. Not too fond of Brian Herbert's expanded universe though.
Yeah my bro used to read the Dune series. said they where fuckign Fantastic.
never got round to it tho, they never had the books at the library.
unless i wanted to start reading at like book 6 or something.