View Full Version : Shaders & Templates

November 8th, 2007, 04:22 AM
One large problem i'm having is creating good shaders. I'm trying and trying but I must just be doing something wrong.

My main problem is i can not get a good shader for realistic grass to work, I think its just because i dont know what template to start with and what bitmaps go where in the shader.

Also i went through that H3 looking rock tutorial and i can not get my rock to look right. Is that a Bump bitmap that mudbox spits out and if not where do i put it?

Some advice would be greatly appreciated.

November 8th, 2007, 10:40 AM
Do you mean 3D Grass? I dont think that can be done in H2. I have a grass shader that looks like that fake stuff that you put down(sod I think its called). I use Opaque->something_keep.shader_template for all my shaders.

Its in armoman's tutorial(sorry If I misspelled your name)

"3D" grass can be done, you just need to use the right decorater set in sapien.

November 8th, 2007, 04:42 PM
Well in korn's bitmap pack i found all the grass bitmaps & i think i found the some good 3d looking decorators but i cant get it to look 3d atall. Is there a special template i should use? I'm trying it on the terrain template in opique folder.
What bitmap do i put in the base map slot? Is actually the "base" of the shader? Meaning do all the decorators go over top of the base bitmap? I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure it out.