View Full Version : How would you describe you gaming "style?"
September 14th, 2006, 03:07 PM
This is more directed towords shooters (of any sort really)
Title more or less says it all; do you run 'n gun? Take out your targets from afar? Prefer the spray and pray logic of machine guns or the accuracy of rifles?
I'll start:
I'm more or a run 'n gun sort, I'll just sprint in and blow away anything possible (which isn't much, often.) Sometimes I'll start out taking it slow and taking down targets from afar, but usually end up just storming in and shootin' the place up in the end. Occasionally, I'll find a nice sniper spot and decide to take it. But I'm not really all that great of a shot, so at best I end up taking out 1 guy before I'm found out. Storming is always more fun I thought, especially if you catch him by surprise. That way, they have no idea what the hell is going on and panic, shooting blindly at anything that looks to be moving.
Your turn. :D
September 14th, 2006, 03:14 PM
This is more directed towords shooters (of any sort really)
Title more or less says it all; do you run 'n gun? Take out your targets from afar? Prefer the spray and pray logic of machine guns or the accuracy of rifles?
I'll start:
I'm more or a run 'n gun sort, I'll just sprint in and blow away anything possible (which isn't much, often.) Sometimes I'll start out taking it slow and taking down targets from afar, but usually end up just storming in and shootin' the place up in the end. Occasionally, I'll find a nice sniper spot and decide to take it. But I'm not really all that great of a shot, so at best I end up taking out 1 guy before I'm found out. Storming is always more fun I thought, especially if you catch him by surprise. That way, they have no idea what the hell is going on and panic, shooting blindly at anything that looks to be moving.
As you can guess, I like the KotH Stratergy.
Your turn. :D
I like to storm into a enemy filled area whilst in 3rd person. It's extremely interesting.
I'm more of a work with team, then once we've got one area, I stay behind and keep the area under our control, whilst the rest carry on and try to get to the base/objective.
September 14th, 2006, 03:30 PM
I'd say I really adapt to the game. In Halo 1 I'm all about standing far back with a pistol or sniper. I love to charge the enemy base when I see an opportunity and then take it to close-quarters combat with a shotty and grenades. I also love being the rocket gunner on the back of a hog.
September 14th, 2006, 03:55 PM
I'm a short range man. Get me within 10 feet of my enemy with a shotgun/AR and nades, and they will go down faster than a 50-cent hooker.
September 14th, 2006, 03:58 PM
Go in there any blow off anyone head that I can find, but if the team is good offence I'll stay back with a a far range weapon and pick them off.
September 14th, 2006, 07:30 PM
I use tactics based on what weapons I have/am carrying/medical situation. In F.E.A.R. multiplayer there are plenty of places to wait in an ambush, and you can also hear gunfire from afar and guess where people might come from, thus setting up traps or meeting them off from another section where they are retreating to. I'm that one guy you find in a game where you turn around, scream, "Oh s***," and totally didn't expect me to be there.
Bad Waffle
September 14th, 2006, 10:42 PM
Two words.
Jihad. Strike.
All i usually do is just throw my body at them meleeing and shooting and blowing up and i usually come out 1st. It's just that they never really expect it, so i rely on their suprise. Ask Zeph, or anybody i've played with.
September 14th, 2006, 11:20 PM
Depends on the game, and who I'm playing with.
Example: I play Hidden and Dangerous II with Punx: I use rifles, not machine guns.
I play Halo with a guy from school: I try to humiliate him with the AR.
I play Counter Strike with a friend online: I spray.
September 15th, 2006, 03:03 AM
In slayer or deathmatch style games I tend to charge into the fray and take as many enemies as I can with me (which is usually 2 or 3 befoer I die). In objective games I try to be the one that either scores or is my teams last defense.
This is in Halo 2, mind you. I suck at CE and PC.
September 15th, 2006, 05:16 AM
Nade-whoring, sniping, rifle-bashing, bullet-spraying, rocket-launching maniac.
A bit of everything.
September 15th, 2006, 05:17 AM
I like to have strategies for each map I play, in Halo 2 I have a strategy for every map and every game type for that map. In GR:AW or CoD2 I like to pick off enemy's from distances then move in for the objective or move in to spawn camp a bit.
September 15th, 2006, 05:25 AM
Yeah- for most games I snipe a lot (cough DOD Source cough), although thanks to Halo's netcode I rely on the pistol/assault rifle combo, and lots of nice bouncy nades. <3
September 15th, 2006, 05:59 AM
Yeah, grenades are fun untill someone uses them on you :D
September 15th, 2006, 08:06 AM
On DOD:S I use the mounted turret that you can carry around, Im lethal with it without even mounting it :O
On Halo I prefer to jump around rifining like a maniac until I kill someone. And then I most likely die.
September 15th, 2006, 08:22 AM
I prefer sniping and pistolling from close- to mid-range. I will often just charge into battle without considering the fact that I'm not invincible. :D
Oh yes, I'm a real nadewhore.
September 15th, 2006, 10:02 AM
On DOD:S I use the mounted turret that you can carry around, Im lethal with it without even mounting it :O
On Halo I prefer to jump around rifining like a maniac until I kill someone. And then I most likely die.
/me has used nothing but the Springfield up to this point and yet still totally owns.
<3 rifle.
September 15th, 2006, 11:14 AM
It really depends on which game I’m playing. Mainly, it’s all about surviving with style.
In Halo, I usually start off getting ammo, frags, and running off in search of some plasma grenades. If there’s a sniper available I’ll grab it, and if I’m really feeling the urge to snipe, I’ll stick around.
Once I get everything I “need” to help me survive, I head out to any part of the map closest to me that’s in conflict. I’ll take out any enemies there and hold for a while to make sure the opposing team doesn’t gain control again. If it’s looking good, I’ll usually get tired of strafing around and head closer to their base, taking control of the general area where I’m headed.
I’m not one to run in and start shooting everything right in front of me. I scope out the area for potential enemies that would like to sneak up on me, and take them out before I head in.
Then there are warthogs. I’ll only get in a hog, driving or gunning, when someone I know is good at doing one of the two. I’m usually driving aimlessly around maps, taking cover whenever I can and trying best to keep my gunner alive. I’ll eventually make my way towards their base, dodging whatever I can, and keeping it classy.
CS is a completely different game. I’ll mainly use an M4 in short bursts, or an AK in two shot bursts. Source is all about a mad rush, and most of the time I’ll peal around corners and strafe back in fourth out of cover. I try to keep cover and watch my back as well as move to different parts of the map quickly.
And there’s also GRAW, which is great fun picking off enemies. Cover is essential here, and I love the tactical feel. Silenced M4 or the MRC are usually my weapons of choice while crouching and peaking around corners. There’s a 0% chance of survival for a “Run and Gun” type player in GRAW.
September 15th, 2006, 11:17 AM
It really depends on which game I’m playing. Mainly, it’s all about surviving with style.
In Halo, I usually start off getting ammo, frags, and running off in search of some plasma grenades. If there’s a sniper available I’ll grab it, and if I’m really feeling the urge to snipe, I’ll stick around.
Once I get everything I “need” to help me survive, I head out to any part of the map closest to me that’s in conflict. I’ll take out any enemies there and hold for a while to make sure the opposing team doesn’t gain control again. If it’s looking good, I’ll usually get tired of strafing around and head closer to their base, taking control of the general area where I’m headed.
I’m not one to run in and start shooting everything right in front of me. I scope out the area for potential enemies that would like to sneak up on me, and take them out before I head in.
Then there are warthogs. I’ll only get in a hog, driving or gunning, when someone I know is good at doing one of the two. I’m usually driving aimlessly around maps, taking cover whenever I can and trying best to keep my gunner alive. I’ll eventually make my way towards their base, dodging whatever I can, and keeping it classy.
CS is a completely different game. I’ll mainly use an M4 in short bursts, or an AK in two shot bursts. Source is all about a mad rush, and most of the time I’ll peal around corners and strafe back in fourth out of cover. I try to keep cover and watch my back as well as move to different parts of the map quickly.
And there’s also GRAW, which is great fun picking off enemies. Cover is essential here, and I love the tactical feel. Silenced M4 or the MRC are usually my weapons of choice while crouching and peaking around corners. There’s a 0% chance of survival for a “Run and Gun” type player in GRAW.
September 15th, 2006, 02:24 PM
Yea, my style depends on the game, and also the weapon.
Like in Halo 2, i dont like sniping. Im more of a BR, or SMG / Plasma Rifle Combo type of guy. In halo 1, im a sniper kind of guy. In GRAW, im a sniper in multiplayer. Life ninja said, you would die so fast just charging around in there. GRAW is all stealth. Hence the "Ghost Recon" (also the unit's name) It all just really depends on the game.
September 15th, 2006, 06:36 PM
Spray'n'pray. I can't aim for crap, and I can't twitch-shoot either. >_>
September 15th, 2006, 06:54 PM
Spray'n'pray. I can't aim for crap, and I can't twitch-shoot either. >_>
You and me both, though it kinda depends on the game. I can be a pretty good shot in SOCOM III, when I'm not half asleep.
September 15th, 2006, 06:59 PM
I use lead to get a huge advantage. I am awesome at leading.
September 15th, 2006, 09:58 PM
I actually like being tactical, such as hiding back of the enemy base, checking if clear, calling my team in to storm the front, as we plan a mass attack, someone grabs flag, calls a hog, a hog pulls up at the front of the base, and drives away with the flag carrier.
Pretty much.
September 16th, 2006, 04:58 AM
I do that when I have a decent team, i.e. once every year and a half.
September 16th, 2006, 06:36 AM
I do that when I have a decent team, i.e. once every year and a half.
That often?
September 16th, 2006, 07:38 AM
One stupid teammate is enough to ruin it all. LIAM anyone? >_>
Or... Mastergamer. v_v
September 16th, 2006, 03:47 PM
I find it my style to pick off anyone from afar, usually with a pistol or/and a sniper rifle. When I'm up close, I prefer the shotty, and I usually throw random nades.
September 16th, 2006, 06:26 PM
I used to be a run 'n' gun, with games like halo and CS:S.
Now im into more tactical games like AA.
If you owned some one tactically, its like "i just owned the shit out of you when you WERE trying to be the best" but in run 'n' gun style its "i just owned the shit out of you because your a fucking dumbass/ i got lucky cuz of your reload"
either way is fun though
September 16th, 2006, 08:52 PM
You play AA too?
All I'm good for in AA is putting 203s through windows from afar and sniping anyone stupid enough to stand in my line of sight ^_^
September 17th, 2006, 08:12 AM
You play AA too?
All I'm good for in AA is putting 203s through windows from afar and sniping anyone stupid enough to stand in my line of sight ^_^203's are annoying, unless im firing them of course..
203 spammers shall go to satans asshole!!
September 17th, 2006, 10:46 AM
203's are annoying, unless im firing them of course..
203 spammers shall go to satans asshole!!
That, or your teammates.
September 17th, 2006, 09:32 PM
Im a better team player then a loner. I work better if there is a defined mission plan, like for example, in BF2 when squad's actually use mics. In Halo I end up more or less either going for the flag and avoiding fights if possible in CTF, or finding a nice well defended spot and defending it, letting the noobs funnel into my machine-gun/pistol fire in slayer.
September 18th, 2006, 02:07 AM
203's are annoying, unless im firing them of course..
203 spammers shall go to satans asshole!!
Anyone stupid enough enough to stand in the same bloody window EVERY ROUND when they know plain well a 203 is going to sail through and rip them apart deserves it. I see that a lot, it's hilarious.
Guh, no DoD for me for at least ANOTHER day... I've found out that EB only have 2 copies in the country due to the publisher change and they're both in Queensland >_> :fail: I'll have to content myself watching Reaper's videos of him getting owned.
September 20th, 2006, 09:21 PM
I started out as a get the flag, keep yer head down style....which got boring. I advanced to jumpin out there and getting my ass shot off...alot :), now i prefer a pistol/sniper combo, keepin a frg or rl close for dudes who like to just kill people with vehicles. I prefer shooter games but Star Wars jedi knights did get interesting...when i found out you can go to the dark side muhahahah.
September 20th, 2006, 09:29 PM
First, I hold shift and get instant headshots on all my teammates. Then, I hide in a corner and run out the clock. That's how I win.
September 20th, 2006, 09:34 PM
I would +rep you for sheer lols but I've +rep'd you too much, apparently.
September 20th, 2006, 09:48 PM
was that you? you, you you. jeese!!!
September 21st, 2006, 07:35 AM
OMG I still can't rep anyone :( ... except MAL. :)
September 21st, 2006, 09:12 AM
Ditto ^
September 21st, 2006, 06:15 PM
Not sure "style" would be the correct word for me to apply......
Best described by the phrase "DECOY was killed by...{insert random player name here}...."
September 25th, 2006, 09:20 AM
It all depends on what weapons I have during the game really... If I start of with a Pistol and an AR I will probably pull out the pistol and get to maximum engagment range and open up. If I get close enough to make the AR effective, I swich...
If its a sniper rifle, I usualy go were ever the best shots are.
Shotgun, Move in as steathly as possible to the enemy base and camp awile...
Plasma pistol, punch ppl in the face.
It really all varies.
September 27th, 2006, 01:40 AM
when i play normal cs1.6 (not deathmatch), i try to not die as long as possible :)
at pubs i usually don't stick with my teammates, i sneak around behind the enemy in choke points (double doors in dust 2 ftw :))
but at private lans and stuff like that w/ prizes and shiz i stick with the strats :D
September 27th, 2006, 05:09 PM
it depends on the map, like a Halo 2 map, i ofen use a BR and shotty at close range, or Fallujah, i use the beam rifle (not railgun), and pistol and pick them off from the top of buildings or the covvie ship
but mainly i use a stealthy aproch, run on a cliff thats nearby, *grove_final* and i use the PP, Pistol, and plas nades =D
September 29th, 2006, 06:29 PM
Whore hats aviable.
Im a "warty warthog hogger" tbh. :hyper:
October 9th, 2006, 12:28 PM
Whore hats aviable.
Im a "warty warthog hogger" tbh. :hyper:
You don't have a high voice and like to yell, WHERES MY WORTHOG!!!!, on relic do you? :eek:
October 11th, 2006, 09:06 AM
I do! ...on Blood Gulch.
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