View Full Version : Gears of War (pc)

November 9th, 2007, 06:31 AM
Anyone get it? I got mine yesterday and love it. :D There have been problems of crashing when starting it up, but I fixed that, Anyway post yoou gt if you got it.
KODKiLLeRv2 :)

November 9th, 2007, 09:17 AM
Good luck running it, anyone with a medium-spec PC. I'd recommend a Dual-core, atleast a 6800GT and I'd say 2 gigs of ram to be safe, if you want AT LEAST medium settings.

November 9th, 2007, 10:17 AM
Games are to damn demanding these days! :gonk:

November 9th, 2007, 11:54 AM
Good luck running it, anyone with a medium-spec PC. I'd recommend a Dual-core, atleast a 6800GT and I'd say 2 gigs of ram to be safe, if you want AT LEAST medium settings.
Runs fine for me...
8600GT 2GB 2.4Ghz Dual Core.

Looks ok on the PC, Doesn't have as much 'playability' as it did on the 360.

November 9th, 2007, 12:37 PM
Will there be a demo?

November 9th, 2007, 12:41 PM
Yeah, i actually just ordered it from Circuit City two days ago. There selling it for 39.99 instead of 50.00.

November 9th, 2007, 01:11 PM
i might grab it

November 9th, 2007, 02:36 PM
Runs fine for me...
8600GT 2GB 2.4Ghz Dual Core.
Wow, what an effin surprise it runs fine for you.. you pretty much doubled the power of the gfx card and the power of the typical dual core.

You sorta missed the point of my post.. :rolleyes:

November 9th, 2007, 02:51 PM
They should release the extra campaign levels for the 360 eventually, it pisses me off that I'll never be able to play them.

November 9th, 2007, 02:58 PM
idk i might go for it...is the campaign any epic?

November 9th, 2007, 03:20 PM
The fact that multiplayer requires games for windows live dropped my interest in it instantaneously. I also heard that the fact that it uses g4wl gives it problems straight out of the box with trying to update it.

I played the multiplayer before the on xbox, wasn't too fond of the fact that you play as giant steriod pumped brutes, whom you must play like little scared bitches and spend most of the time hiding behind crap shooting at what ever idiot gets some bit of guts to run out in the open.

November 9th, 2007, 03:29 PM
Games are to damn demanding these days! :gonk:

they've always been demanding... they'll just seem more demanding to you now if you haven't upgraded your PC in a while. It's all relative :)

November 9th, 2007, 03:32 PM
The fact that multiplayer requires games for windows live dropped my interest in it instantaneously. I also heard that the fact that it uses g4wl gives it problems straight out of the box with trying to update it.


they've always been demanding... they'll just seem more demanding to you now if you haven't upgraded your PC in a while. It's all relative :)



November 9th, 2007, 03:49 PM
Your images are broken

November 9th, 2007, 04:34 PM
The fact that multiplayer requires games for windows live dropped my interest in it instantaneously. I also heard that the fact that it uses g4wl gives it problems straight out of the box with trying to update it.

i'm with Jah on this one.

i plead to u guys to not buy it. if Gears of wars fails as much as shadow run and H2V, microsoft may be forced to drop the live service.
we already know there in trouble due to the rearrangement of the top jobs over there.

as much as i like Epic and there games, i cant justify paying for something we already receive for free.
i plead to you. do not make this a success or in time we may be forced to play everything through Live.

look at the big picture.

November 9th, 2007, 05:13 PM
as much as i like Epic and there games, i cant justify paying for something we already receive for free.

this changed my mind, i'm not getting it.

November 9th, 2007, 05:29 PM
Buy it for mac, the mac version doesn't use games for windows live.

November 9th, 2007, 05:32 PM
Buy it for mac, the mac version doesn't use games for windows live.

There's a mac ver?:eek:

November 9th, 2007, 05:38 PM
There's a mac ver?:eek:

I know, shocking isn't it? Games actually do exist on macs.

November 9th, 2007, 06:51 PM
wow, the Mac version is instantly better than.

November 9th, 2007, 07:14 PM

I know, shocking isn't it? Games actually do exist on macs.
thats awesome.

November 9th, 2007, 08:01 PM
Wow, it's on mac? Time to buy OSX.

November 9th, 2007, 08:29 PM
wow, the Mac version is instantly better than.

I though I'd never see the day.

November 10th, 2007, 07:23 AM
its not new for epic to make there products mac compatible

November 10th, 2007, 08:50 AM
How is the editing kit that comes with it?

November 10th, 2007, 11:04 AM
I just bought the game and played it for a while. I must say that I'm impressed with it. My laptop runs the game at highest settings (no AA) and it still is very playable. Sadly I don't have a xbox360 controller to play with. Sadly they made it use the GFWL service.

A small problem was that after the installation. GFWL was not allowing me to even enter a product key, another thing that proves that the service brings more problems than it solves.

Even though it has the GFWL service, I would recommend this for everyone who hasn't played it on the xbox360.

November 10th, 2007, 11:35 AM
Hey beele could you PM me your AIM?

Mr Buckshot
November 10th, 2007, 12:08 PM
wow, the Mac version is instantly better than.

...except that iMacs and MacBook Pros are overpriced and don't offer enough features despite having pretty good specs. The power macs are the only tower-style Macs that can be upgraded, but those really break the bank. and the iMac desktops are really higher-clocked laptops (just look at their physical size - the components have to be laptop chips). So while the Mac version may be better, the computer needed to run it is not better at all. And no, emulating PowerPC is not quite the same.

I might buy the game once I build a new desktop computer with a C2D and 2 GB DDR2 and a Geforce 8800 GT and all that...my desktop can easily take the game but probably won't be powerful enough to let it show its true colors. I have the X360 version anyway, but I don't have xbox Live, and never will, which is why I'm interested.

as for GFWL, I hate it too, but in concept it is a good way to unify PC gaming and prevent piracy. It's just poorly executed.

November 10th, 2007, 12:42 PM




Gears looked bloody amazing (no pun intended) when it first came out. I think I'll buy it, just so I can catch up on the plot. Plus I need a 4th game for my 360.

November 10th, 2007, 12:43 PM
...except that iMacs and MacBook Pros are overpriced and don't offer enough features despite having pretty good specs. The power macs are the only tower-style Macs that can be upgraded, but those really break the bank. and the iMac desktops are really higher-clocked laptops (just look at their physical size - the components have to be laptop chips). So while the Mac version may be better, the computer needed to run it is not better at all. And no, emulating PowerPC is not quite the same.

I might buy the game once I build a new desktop computer with a C2D and 2 GB DDR2 and a Geforce 8800 GT and all that...my desktop can easily take the game but probably won't be powerful enough to let it show its true colors. I have the X360 version anyway, but I don't have xbox Live, and never will, which is why I'm interested.

as for GFWL, I hate it too, but in concept it is a good way to unify PC gaming and prevent piracy. It's just poorly executed.

EVGA 8800GT (http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0665000FS10095590&logon=&langid=EN)

Shit look at how cheap this 8800GT is...I think I'll get this instead of the HD 2900PRO. I need a card that is low on power and is relatively cheap but has extreme graphics capabilities. As much as I loathe nVidia, I can't say that they don't beat the shit out of ATi with that price. I really wish it would have HDMI too but that would screw over one of the main advantages of my beloved ATi cards.

November 12th, 2007, 04:21 PM
Let's not jump to conclusions...

I bought Gears of War PC as soon as it came out. I've been playing it non stop ever since. This title does not compare to Halo 2 Vista. Everything is tighter: graphics (customizable options, almost the same requirements as H2V - and GoW is a 360 title!), functionality (I haven't found any real problems with any part of the game - only the CD key thing, which isn't really a bug at all - it's just not out in the open), gameplay (no gamebreaking issues - period), AND the Live implementation.

I agree that they shouldn't be charging us to use all the features in a game we already purchased, but that's beside the point. I have a 360 and a pretty high-end PC, and I found the Gold subscription was a good purchase. Anyway, Gears uses it much better, and get this: there's ranked matchmaking and quickmatch, unranked quickmatch and a server browser. The server browser is available for free along with the unranked quickmatch.

Graphically, the game is stunning. Here are my specs: Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 @ 2.13 GHz, 2GB RAM, eVGA 8800GTS 320MB (got it for $200), Vista Home Basic 32bit. I can run the game with every option on high/enabled (except texture quality - which is on medium). The game uses DX10 and there's the option to turn it off, on, or on with antialiasing (4x). I run it at 1024x768, and unlike H2V, there are tons of options when it comes to resolution.

The game uses the Unreal Editor, so hopefully that clears things up. I watched a short clip showcasing the basic steps to making a map. It looks incredibly simple, and Epic released lots of documentation. The community isn't very big (that, or I haven't found the popular forums yet) but the users show potential.

In all, this game sets itself apart from Halo 2 Vista completely. I haven't even played Halo 3 since I picked up Gears. It even makes the Live service actually satisfying. It doesn't feel like I'm paying for useless features. I never played the game on the 360, but from what I've heard, the PC version is the defining version of the game.

Plus, there's online coop.

November 12th, 2007, 04:24 PM
Know whats funny and weird?
my shitty amd 64 3200+ s754(with no thermal paste on it because I keep forgetting to buy some and some dick rubbed it off)
1 gig o ram
and a sapphire x1600 pro 256 agp, actually ran the game, on xp, with low/medium settings at 800x600 reso and 30 fps...
unreal engine 3 is the shit..

November 12th, 2007, 04:44 PM
my shitty amd 64 3200+ s754(with no thermal paste on it because I keep forgetting to buy some and some dick rubbed it off)
1 gig o ram
and a sapphire x1600 pro 256 agp, actually ran the game, on xp, with low/medium settings at 800x600 reso and 30 fps...
unreal engine 3 is the shit..

That's kind of why I'm wondering why people are telling other people not to buy the game... Wow it has optional features that you can choose to buy... Huge bummer, brings down any game [/sarcasm].

November 12th, 2007, 05:17 PM
I want it soooooo bad :( I'ma have to wait till the holidays to get it :/

November 12th, 2007, 07:06 PM
I've been playing it nonstop. Versus online is pretty much what I'm on. Online coop is awesome, enjoyed playing with others on hardcore and insane.

November 12th, 2007, 08:26 PM
On the different difficulties how hard is GOW?

November 12th, 2007, 09:20 PM
You PC gamers sure are ungrateful. You should thank your lucky stars every day that Microsoft brought the wonderness that is Live to the shitty PC platform.

http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1525/bowgk0.gif Xbox Live http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1525/bowgk0.gif

November 13th, 2007, 12:46 AM
http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1525/bowgk0.gif Xbox Live http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1525/bowgk0.gif

I don't know about that...

November 13th, 2007, 12:47 AM
I agree that they shouldn't be charging us to use all the features in a game we already purchased, but that's beside the point.
No it is not.

That IS the fucking point. Supporting and Purchasing these Fucking bullshit "features" Will eventually lead to us to have to Play Everything through Live.

we all know how good the game is, it's made by epic, of cause it's gunna be fuckign awesome. But that IS besides the point. WE DO NOT WANT these Useless, Redundant, over-priced and Ultimately Monopoly building bullshit On PC.

That shit can Go back to where it fucking belongs. On Consoles.

i am not about to support microsoft in creating another fucking monopoly.

November 13th, 2007, 01:20 PM
I totally agree with you, but my dad pays for my live :) So im happy.

The only thing i do is buy the game. I buy nothing within it.

Still i would perfer to have things back to how they were :mad:

November 13th, 2007, 03:13 PM
Only reason I enjoy Live is because I own a 360. If I didn't, I'd probably hate it as much as everyone else.

I should be buying the game in the next week or so, but I suppose I can make a reference to UT3 as a reference to the engine's abilities. Indeed, it is the shit. I can only imagine the sexiness on DX10.

Since this game's editor actually incorporates sound, I'll probably stop working with H2V once I get this. If there's a GoW map team that needs me, just holler. Pretty please? =D

November 13th, 2007, 03:17 PM
I totally agree with you, but my dad pays for my live :) So im happy.

No one gives a shit about kiddies whose parents buy shit for them. The people complaining about Live are the people, like me, who pay out of pocket for their own games and don't appreciate having to pay extra for features that are already free in the vast majority of PC games.

November 13th, 2007, 03:41 PM
You PC gamers sure are ungrateful. You should thank your lucky stars every day that Microsoft brought the wonderness that is Live to the shitty PC platform.

http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1525/bowgk0.gif Xbox Live http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/1525/bowgk0.gif

Aha your insane

November 13th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Am I the only one who has to wait over 30 minutes for this game to install?

November 13th, 2007, 03:53 PM
Am I the only one who has to wait over 30 minutes for this game to install?

Nope, Installation took some time for me too.

November 13th, 2007, 04:44 PM
Mine keeps crashing when I try to load the campaign. :(

November 13th, 2007, 05:24 PM
No one gives a shit about kiddies whose parents buy shit for them. The people complaining about Live are the people, like me, who pay out of pocket for their own games and don't appreciate having to pay extra for features that are already free in the vast majority of PC games.
i pay for mine, and its not expensive, so who cares

November 13th, 2007, 07:47 PM
i pay for mine, and its not expensive, so who cares
so u think that once you've supported microsoft dilligently untill the Live service becomes the dominant form of multiplayer they will be obligated to keep it "not expensive".

It's MS ffs. give them an Inch and they will run the world.
just try and think about the future ok. Live will only get more expensive, and once it becomes another of there monopoly's u wont have a choice.

November 13th, 2007, 07:59 PM
No one gives a shit about kiddies whose parents buy shit for them. The people complaining about Live are the people, like me, who pay out of pocket for their own games and don't appreciate having to pay extra for features that are already free in the vast majority of PC games.

Hey, all i did was activate a gold trial when halo 2 came out, and i never ended it, he forgot, and continued paying for it.

My parents buy nothing for me NOTHING, i get a christmas present, birthday present from them THATS IT. Ehh.. except when my mom bought me BF2142 and Rainbow Six: Vegas, thats for getting a good report card..which i rarely get. Im around a D student.

November 14th, 2007, 12:18 AM
I agree that the features are way over priced for PC owners (those who own pcs but no xbox). How is the fact that you have to pay $8 a month justify the ability to use a player stat biased "quick join" feature. I don't even consider that a service, its just a simple software solution that choses a server with players with around your own stats; its sort of like auto joining the server with the lowest ping. Theres also those little "achievement points" but thats just a silly gimmick and not even worth advertising. It pointless to sell such needless and petty "services" if all its going to do is irritate players with pop ups asking "upgrade to gold to get this feature" like in H2V.

I think its slow but steady plan to sucker pc gamers into the notion of paying recurring fees for basic online multiplayer like they have suckered the naive console gamers whom this notion of online multiplayer has been alien to them therefore charging for it was no immediate shock. However pulling such a stunt, which they apparently ultimately seek to do with games for windows live, on the pc will require some long term conditioning. First they start with small feature, like quick-join and achievements, then in the next generation of titles after pc gamers start accept the idea of paying for online multiplayer, kick in some more important features such as voice communication, and fewer "free servers" with the gold price tag, and by the time it becomes more mainstream, just take every possible aspect of online multiplayer and attach it to the gold exclusive package just like on the xbox.

I pity the fool who will eventually fall for this games for windows live scheme, and those who already have.

November 14th, 2007, 07:15 AM
I don't mind Windows Live, as I pay for XBL. A fee of 5$ a month isn't bad either. I'm more concerned how it will affect the modding communitys.

My main complaint with this game is that it still crashes when I start the singl eplayer, even though I have more than a decent rig, and I have all the windows updates and driver updates.

November 14th, 2007, 05:58 PM
does it crash or just minimize and say its crashed with a error report.
if its minimized, alt tab back into the game ignoring the error report(dont send error) box..
a most common error with the game so far.. its annoying..

November 14th, 2007, 07:25 PM
What I did to make it work was, go to the game directory and find startup.exe and create a shortcut on your desktop. Set administrator rights and it worked.

November 14th, 2007, 08:02 PM
Hmm, I take these "extra" features being the you need gold live account to play MP or start a game in MP.

Ok it does suck, but seriously people need to lighten up about it. Seriously Live uses the internet, you have to pay for that dont you? ok it sucks you need to add more money to it to get an account, but internet costs are going down all the time/speeds going up. You need to look at it from a different perspective.

November 15th, 2007, 12:04 AM
Hmm, I take these "extra" features being the you need gold live account to play MP or start a game in MP.

Ok it does suck, but seriously people need to lighten up about it. Seriously Live uses the internet, you have to pay for that dont you? ok it sucks you need to add more money to it to get an account, but internet costs are going down all the time/speeds going up. You need to look at it from a different perspective.
your an idiot.

no matter which way you look at it or try to justify it, a step backwards is a step backwards.

November 15th, 2007, 11:54 AM
your an idiot.

no matter which way you look at it or try to justify it, a step backwards is a step backwards.
Bahaha, your just ignorant. I suggest you look around the corner and see what developers are doing in the future, instead of thinking "backwards".

"no matter which way you look at it or try to justify it, a step backwards is a step backwards."

What the hell are you blabbing on about? How is this a step backwards? Ok you have to pay for Live, but that is optional, you had to pay for the console to play it on, you had to pay for internet connection.

If your talking about the pay to play aspect, well, one of the most popular games is pay 2 play.

November 15th, 2007, 01:03 PM
whines and dumbass comments here

dude, are you fusilly? did you miss the big fat thread about Live?
didn't you READ WHAT IT IS? what its for, what it does, what it offers?

it offers stuff, thats already WIDELY available, for FREE, and BETTER.
no matter how your retardo-vision wants to look at stuff, that's always going to be a step back.

this thread isn't a damn LIVE discussion, so don't freaking discuss it.
if you feel like gravedigging this old shit again, start a new thread about it, but don't derail this one.

November 15th, 2007, 01:52 PM
What the hell are you blabbing on about? How is this a step backwards? Ok you have to pay for Live, but that is optional, you had to pay for the console to play it on, you had to pay for internet connection.

Now one could use that same logic to justify charging one to pay-per-keystroke on their computers. You had to pay for your computer, you had to pay for your electricity to run it, therefore whats wrong with paying per-key-stroke? It costs to maintain service and support for computer users so its all fair. Yes that is ridiculous, but think about what your saying and think of what the implications are.

November 15th, 2007, 06:45 PM
dude, are you fusilly? did you miss the big fat thread about Live?
didn't you READ WHAT IT IS? what its for, what it does, what it offers?

it offers stuff, thats already WIDELY available, for FREE, and BETTER.
no matter how your retardo-vision wants to look at stuff, that's always going to be a step back.

this thread isn't a damn LIVE discussion, so don't freaking discuss it.
if you feel like gravedigging this old shit again, start a new thread about it, but don't derail this one.
What LIVE offers? Yes, I know about the subscriptions, you also had to pay for Vista to get it.

If it offers the same stuff thats widely available, why not use the widely FREE things instead? Because they arent compatible with the game? Because LIVE is built into the game? Then it isnt WIDELY available...

Uh, LIVE is a part of GoW for PC, so yes it is part of this thread, duh.

You need to think through the eyes of the game developers/producers, how are they going to make money out of the game? Yes this is a cheap way to go but sadly its the future for gaming.


November 15th, 2007, 07:32 PM
What LIVE offers? Yes, I know about the subscriptions, you also had to pay for Vista to get it.

If it offers the same stuff thats widely available, why not use the widely FREE things instead? Because they arent compatible with the game? Because LIVE is built into the game? Then it isnt WIDELY available...

Uh, LIVE is a part of GoW for PC, so yes it is part of this thread, duh.

You need to think through the eyes of the game developers/producers, how are they going to make money out of the game? Yes this is a cheap way to go but sadly its the future for gaming.

oh Shi.

i just found out where Nick dissapeared to.

it's only the future if u let it happen u idiot. so why would u lay down your arms, then support something that has Massive potential to Fuck u in the Ass every month till the end of time.

like WTF have u been smoking.

November 16th, 2007, 03:28 AM
You need to think through the eyes of the game developers/producers, how are they going to make money out of the game? Yes this is a cheap way to go but sadly its the future for gaming.
How do you feel about publishers making money in online pc games by giving advantages such as stronger weapons and vehicles to certain players who pay extra for it? EA has adopted this idea. Is that how you would like to see the future of gaming?

November 16th, 2007, 04:25 PM
oh Shi.

i just found out where Nick dissapeared to.

it's only the future if u let it happen u idiot. so why would u lay down your arms, then support something that has Massive potential to Fuck u in the Ass every month till the end of time.

like WTF have u been smoking.
First off, never ever compare me to Nick.

Uh, "its only the future if you let it happen?" you mean ONE gamer can be like "wtf mate payin = gay" and the companies will instantly change their minds and listen to what the one gamer says? No.

"Blablahblah ass blahlbah fuck"


Jahrain, EA are sell outs, since like the dawn of time. Of course they'd be the ones to first start since they are greedy bastards. Is this how I want gaming to go? No, but you need to comprehend how much risk is involved in making a game and I dont mean a sequel. Game companies need a "backup" plan, thats why they are trying to take our money.

All this stems from LIVE. Didnt I tell you Vista would fuck us all up? Told you so.

November 16th, 2007, 04:34 PM
First off, never ever compare me to Nick.

Uh, "its only the future if you let it happen?" you mean ONE gamer can be like "wtf mate payin = gay" and the companies will instantly change their minds and listen to what the one gamer says? No.

"Blablahblah ass blahlbah fuck"

All this stems from LIVE. Didnt I tell you Vista would fuck us all up? Told you so.
i can totally see where your going..... we wont win, so we might as well just accept it and try and rationalise it.

companys listen to the sound of money exchanging hands when people buy their games.
There are an awful lot of people that fucking Hate the Live service, and Creating what could-of been a successful game into a collosal failure is a good way to start them listening.

Live cant function without games being released on it.