November 19th, 2007, 05:43 PM
I thought I'd make this for the hell of it.
So far I just gained entrance to the rich district of Damascus. And the only REAL trouble I had was with that doctor in Acre, getting out of the hospital while being tailed by 8 guards wasn't easy for me. Acre has got to be the city I hate the most in the game, its such a dismal place; just screams death and suffering, not to mention the corpses everywhere. >_>;
Who else has it and how far have they gotten? :0
So far I just gained entrance to the rich district of Damascus. And the only REAL trouble I had was with that doctor in Acre, getting out of the hospital while being tailed by 8 guards wasn't easy for me. Acre has got to be the city I hate the most in the game, its such a dismal place; just screams death and suffering, not to mention the corpses everywhere. >_>;
Who else has it and how far have they gotten? :0