View Full Version : Quick Tool Radiosity question:
Rob Oplawar
November 20th, 2007, 12:49 AM
Just got this error in tool when I tried to generate some quick lightmaps:
11.19.07 17:27:37 tool pc ----------------------------------------------
11.19.07 17:27:37 reference function: _write_to_error_file
11.19.07 17:27:37 reference address: 42ca20
11.19.07 17:27:37 Couldn't read map file './'
11.19.07 17:27:37 i'm going to render final lightmaps for b of levels\bridge1\bridge_beta_a.5, and i'll stop when red+blue+green = 0.051600.
Hit control-c now if this isn't right.
11.19.07 17:27:39 WARNING: 34 clusters in structure_bsp levels\bridge1\a have no background sound or sound environment.
11.19.07 17:27:39 WARNING: 39 clusters in structure_bsp levels\bridge1\b have no background sound or sound environment.
11.19.07 17:27:39 start levels\bridge1\b
11.19.07 17:37:39 0.000000
11.19.07 17:52:05 0.051606
11.19.07 17:54:41 EAX: 0xFFFFFFFE
11.19.07 17:54:41 EBX: 0x08685101
11.19.07 17:54:41 ECX: 0x0012FA00
11.19.07 17:54:41 EDX: 0x000002CC
11.19.07 17:54:41 EDI: 0x0012FA00
11.19.07 17:54:41 ESI: 0x00000000
11.19.07 17:54:41 EBP: 0x0012F8D8
11.19.07 17:54:41 ESP: 0x0012F8C8
11.19.07 17:54:41 EIP: 0x7C90EB94, C3 8D A4 24 ?????
11.19.07 17:54:41 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\structures\radiosity\interme diate_radiosity.c,#2686: failed to match vertex
The only other place I found this was in Halomaps, and it seemed to be associated with a degenerate triangle, but in my case I have no degenerate triangles, at least none that tool has caught.
I've got no debug.wrl to help me, so I'm kinda in the dark. Am I looking for an uncaught degenerate? A poorly uvw'ed surface? A vertex that's too far away?
November 20th, 2007, 11:17 AM
Post what tool says, (cmd.exe)
November 20th, 2007, 11:41 AM
^Wow is Cmd.exe tool?Since when?:D..Btw isnt it called Debug.txt?
November 20th, 2007, 11:43 AM
cmd.exe is what you copy into your Halo Custom Edition Root Directory, yes that is tool. and you can look at the debug.txt but i wanted to see the command that he typed in.
November 20th, 2007, 12:16 PM
November 20th, 2007, 12:25 PM
November 20th, 2007, 12:27 PM
this is where the internets laugh at you.
i lol'd freaking hard.
November 20th, 2007, 12:34 PM
How did i fail?
November 20th, 2007, 12:57 PM
by joining these forums. :gtfo:
Rob Oplawar
November 20th, 2007, 12:59 PM
I'd laugh too, but I know you were trying to help, Hunter. All the information is there, you just have to know how to look for it.
tool lightmaps levels\bridge1\bridge_beta_a.5 b 1 0.0516
and being the debug.txt, those timestamped lines are what tool says.
I have a feeling it's a problem with UVWs- I kinda rushed the uvwing on this one. But theGhost's jms exporter is so slow, it'll be about an hour before I can try radiosity after messing with the bsp. Silly me for eagerly jumping on the Max 9 train.
Hm, I wonder if it would be possible for anyone to upgrade blitzkrieg to work with Max 9? I have absolutely no experience whatsoever with plugins, so idk.
But focusing on the issue at hand: failed to match vertex???
November 20th, 2007, 01:02 PM
cmd.exe is what you copy into your Halo Custom Edition Root Directory, yes that is tool. and you can look at the debug.txt but i wanted to see the command that he typed in.
Nowai ive never used tool in my life...Well its good you try to help him but try not playing mr im-so-smart(nothing personally,just on some things you say..)
November 20th, 2007, 01:06 PM
check if you've got any isolated vertices, and degenerate triangles (you said you had none, but idunno) it looks like it could also be a vertex without any texture coordinates applied. (similar to the isolated vertex)
there's a button to remove all isolates verts. as for any without UV's, i suggest just to find the problem, grab your mesh, and stuff an auto-unwrap on the entire thing. make sure not to save this or at least under a different filename. see if that one will pass radiosity. if it still doesn't, at least you know it's not a vert without texture coordinates.
Rob Oplawar
November 20th, 2007, 02:26 PM
good ideas. I'll give those a try.
'Course it's a good idea!
editedit: I had... 18 isolated vertices o.0
oh damn, I think I know where they came from. Oh, the stupid mistakes...
anyway, structuring now- about 1.5 hrs until I know whether that fixed the problem or not >.<
shit. Didn't work. ok, I'll try doing an auto-unwrap.
well, i don't know if I should be relieved that I don't have to go over the whole model looking for a poorly uvwed vertex or frustrated that now I have to look for degenerate triangles. But tool hasn't found any at all, so idk if that's it. =(
last edit:
The plot thickens! I get no error when I do debug lightmaps, and since this is for an alpha test, I guess I'll just leave it on debug. There are still a few fixes I have to do on the bsp anyway- maybe those fixes will take care of the error later on. So, I'll return to this thread later, either to report mysterious success or continuing frustrating failure.
Rob Oplawar
November 22nd, 2007, 06:52 PM
instead of making another thread, I'll just ask my silly question here:
anybody know how to enable subtitles in Halo CE? There must be a way. It would be handy if for testing purposes I could have subtitles for the characters since I haven't recruited actors to voice their lines yet.
There must be a way to use a script to output text- for debugging purposes. I need to know the paths my code is following. So far the techniques I've found only work in the console. Little help here please?
November 22nd, 2007, 06:54 PM
I don't think subtitles are even IN the game? Maybe you can make your own...somehow.
November 22nd, 2007, 08:06 PM
You'd have to ask p0lar, he knows the most about scripting.
November 22nd, 2007, 08:11 PM
By subtitles you mean that cutscene thing, then something along the lines of "Rolling Thunder" or "I Would Have Been Your Daddy..."? If so, I think I read a tut on that somewhere. Let me see if I can find it.
Rob Oplawar
November 22nd, 2007, 08:15 PM
Looking through the garbage that somehow got dumped from the scripting from AotCR once, I've found some pretty tantalizing tidibts- the garbage is all arguments to scripting commands, but only a few of the commands themselves.
This bit in particular interests me:
sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_010_cortana
print cortana: this is it. halo's control center.
But I can't seem to get the print command to work.
I'm sure I've seen subtitles in Halo before, but it may have been on the xbox. But I mean, I consider that code fragment to be conclusive evidence that somewhere in the engine there once was and maybe still is code for subtitles.
...I need to get p0lar's aim screenname.
edit: @flyinrooster: No those are chapter titles you're thinking of. I know how to do those, and if I really really wanted to I could use them for subtitles, but it would be a huge pain in the ass to create and maintain.
November 22nd, 2007, 08:17 PM
Oh, this is what you meant by subtitles? Er, sorry. D:
November 23rd, 2007, 03:40 AM
Hmm... I think the print command prints something to the console, like when you press Tab with dev mode activated to see all the different commands. I don't think it will work with subtitles.
You may have to use a different command to print the chapter titles to the screen, I'm too lazy to look it up, though. Same concept, but more of a pain in the ass. Time yourself for the time it takes to say each line, then make the chapter titles appear for that length of time.
November 23rd, 2007, 04:07 AM
Looking through the garbage that somehow got dumped from the scripting from AotCR once, I've found some pretty tantalizing tidibts-
Rob Oplawar
November 23rd, 2007, 12:55 PM
no see I don't have actual scripting. A few months ago I came across a forum where a guy posted a bunch of garbage that got dumped when his game crashed, and in it was all the arguments to the scripting commands, in order but unformatted and containing no special characters. lemme see if I can find the link...
edit: Ah, found it. actually, it's got commands without arguments and arguments without commands. It was posted in Halomaps by Jay2645:
editedit: ohai jay =P
November 23rd, 2007, 08:46 PM
no see I don't have actual scripting. A few months ago I came across a forum where a guy posted a bunch of garbage that got dumped when his game crashed, and in it was all the arguments to the scripting commands, in order but unformatted and containing no special characters. lemme see if I can find the link...
All the info in the post comes from the scenarios "script table", which is what the syntax data references for command names.
If someone where to put the script table in the right order for commands and script header it would come out looking like this -
( script static void cutscene_extraction
( wake extraction_music )
( objects_predict chief )
( objects_predict cortana )
( object_beautify chief true )
( rasterizer_model_ambient_reflection_tint 0 0 0 0)
( cinematic_start )
( camera_control true )
( switch_bsp 2)
( object_teleport ( player0 ) player0_extraction_safe )
( object_teleport ( player1 )player1_extraction_safe )
( camera_set chief_zoom_1a 0)
( camera_set chief_zoom_1b 180)
( object_destroy chief )
( object_destroy rifle )
( object_create chief )
( object_create rifle )
( unit_set_seat chief alert )
( object_teleport chief chief_walk_1_start )
( object_beautify chief true )
( object_pvs_activate chief )
( objects_attach chief right hand rifle )
( recording_play chief chief_walk_1 )
( sleep 5)
( fade_in 0 0 0 30)
( sleep 180)
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_010_cortana none 0)
( print cortana: this is it||| halo's control center||| )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_010_cortana )
( camera_set chief_walk_rev_1b 0)
( camera_set chief_walk_rev_1a 180)
( sleep 180)
( camera_set control_crane_1a 0)
( camera_set control_crane_1b 500)
( sleep 450)
( camera_set cortana_insert_1a 0)
( camera_set cortana_insert_1b 300)
( object_teleport chief chief_walk_1_stop )
( recording_play chief chief_walk_2 )
( sleep ( - ( recording_time chief) 0))
( camera_set plugin_1a 0)
( camera_set plugin_1b 200)
( sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_foley\b40_extraction_foley none 0)
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip01-thisisit true )
( sleep 60)
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_020_cortana none 0)
( print cortana: that terminal||| try there||| )
( sleep 84)
( effect_new_on_object_marker cinematics\effects\cyborg chip insertion chief left hand )
( object_destroy cortana_chip )
( object_create cortana_chip )
( objects_attach chief left hand cortana_chip "")
( sleep 30)
( object_destroy cortana_chip )
( sleep ( camera_time ))
( camera_set cortana_appearance_1b 0)
( camera_set cortana_appearance_1a 90)
( object_destroy cortana )
( object_create cortana )
( object_beautify cortana true )
( unit_suspended cortana true )
( object_set_scale cortana 0 60)
( unit_set_emotion cortana 2)
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip00-intronodialoge true )
( sleep ( unit_get_custom_animation_time cortana ))
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_030_chief chief 0)
( print chief: you alright? )( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_030_chief )
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip01-neverbeen true )
( camera_set cant_imagine_1a 0)
( camera_set cant_imagine_1b 250)
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_040_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: never been better||| )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_040_cortana ))
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip04-loop true )
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip02-youcantimagine true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_050_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: you can't imagine the wealth of information--the knowledge||| so much||| so fast||| it's glorious||| )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_050_cortana ))
( camera_set what_sort_1a 0)
( camera_set what_sort_1b 90)
( object_set_scale cortana 0 0)
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip02-sowhatsort false )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_060_chief chief 0)
( print chief: so||| what sort of weapon is it? )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_060_chief ))
( unit_set_emotion cortana 4)
( camera_set what_talking 0)
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip03-whatareyou false )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_070_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: what are you talking about? )( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_070_cortana ))
( camera_set how_do_we_1a 0)
( camera_set how_do_we_1b 180)
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip03-letsstayfocused true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_080_chief chief 0)
( print chief: let's stay focused||| halo||| how do we use it against the covenant? )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_080_chief ))
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip04-loop false )
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip04thisringisnt false )
( camera_set chief_rev_1a 0)
( camera_set chief_rev_1b 200)
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_090_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: this ring isn't a cudgel||| you barbarian||| it's something else|||||||||something much more important||| )
( sleep ( - ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_090_cortana ) 0))
( unit_set_emotion cortana 6)
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_090_cortana ))
( camera_set cortana_cu_2a 0)
( camera_set access_cu 200)
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip05theconvenent true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_100_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: the covenant were right||| this ring|||||||||it's forerunner||| give me a second to access|||||||||yes||| the forerunner built this place|||
what they called a 'fortress world' in order to--wait||| no||| that can't be||||||||| )
( camera_set cortana_rev_2a 0)
( camera_set cortana_rev_2b 390)
( sleep 390)
( unit_set_emotion cortana 8)
( camera_set wait_1a 0)
( camera_set wait_1b 180)
( sleep ( unit_get_custom_animation_time cortana ))
( unit_set_emotion cortana 5)
( camera_set oh_1a 0)
( camera_set oh_1b 30)
( unit_set_emotion cortana 3)
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_101_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: ohh||| )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip06-ohhh false )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_101_cortana ))
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip07-thosecovenant true )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_101_cortana ))
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_110_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: those covenant fools||| they must have known||| there must have been signs||| )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_110_cortana ))
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip05-slowdownyour true )
( camera_set slow_down_1b 0)
( camera_set slow_down_1a 60)
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_120_chief chief 0)
( print chief: slow down||| you're losing me||| )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_120_chief ))
( camera_set cortana_cu_2a 0)
( camera_set cortana_cu_2b 180)
( unit_set_emotion cortana 6)
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip08-thecovenant true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_130_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: the covenant found something||| buried in this ring||| something horrible||| and now|||||||||they're afraid||| )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_130_cortana ))
( camera_set something_buried_1a 0)
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip06-somethingburied true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_140_chief chief 0)
( print chief: something buried? where? )
( sleep ( - ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_140_chief ) 0))
( camera_set the_captain_1a 0)
( camera_set the_captain_1b 30)
( unit_set_emotion cortana 5)
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip09-thecaptin true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_150_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: the captain||| we've got to stop the captain||| )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_150_cortana ))
( camera_set chief_captain_1a 0)
( camera_set chief_captain_1b 30)
( object_set_scale cortana 0 0)
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip07-keys true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_160_chief chief 0)
( print chief: keyes? what-- )
( sleep ( - ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_160_chief ) 0))
( camera_set keyes_what 0)
( camera_set keyes_what_1b 120)
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip10-theweapons true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_170_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: the weapons cache he's looking for||| it's not really--we can't let him get inside||| )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_170_cortana ))
( camera_set dont_1a 0)
( camera_set dont_1b 30)
( object_set_scale cortana 0 0)
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip08-idontunder true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_180_chief chief 0)
( print chief: i don't-- )
( sleep ( - ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_180_chief ) 0))
( camera_set final_run_1a 0)
( camera_set final_run_1b 180)
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip11-theresnotime true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_190_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: there's no time||| get out of here||| find keyes||| stop him||| )
( sleep 15)
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\b40\b40 b40-clip09-theresnotime true )
( sleep ( sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_190_cortana ))
( camera_set too_late_1a 0)
( camera_set too_late_1b 180)
( unit_set_emotion cortana 3)
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( custom_animation cortana cinematics\animations\cortana\level_specific\b40\b 40 clip12-beforeitstoolate true )
( sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\b40\b40_extract_200_cortana cortana 0)
( print cortana: before it's too late||| )
( sleep 90)
( fade_out 0 0 0 15)
( sleep 92)
( unit_stop_custom_animation chief )
( unit_stop_custom_animation cortana )
( object_destroy chief )
( object_destroy cortana )
( object_destroy rifle )
( rasterizer_model_ambient_reflection_tint 0 0 0 0)
( game_won )
The print command is used throughout the script to keep track of where the dialog is i supose, it isnt visible outside the console. So i am afraid you are SOoL in terms of subtitles unless you want to use the cut scene titles to fake them.
November 23rd, 2007, 09:47 PM
thats the first time ive actually seen a clean line of scripts from a bungie map
November 23rd, 2007, 09:50 PM
I spy errors.
November 23rd, 2007, 09:53 PM
well its nothing compared to your script extractor thats being kept to Zteam's self now is it ;)
November 23rd, 2007, 09:54 PM
Choking Victim
November 23rd, 2007, 10:07 PM
The commands in the script table aren't in order and if you haven't noticed yet no command is used twice. Theres much more to it than just that.
November 23rd, 2007, 11:20 PM
The commands in the script table aren't in order and if you haven't noticed yet no command is used twice. Theres much more to it than just that.
I noticed and my own extractor isnt that good tbh. I learned all this from the h2 scripting tutorial and made this as my first real programing project. I dont really care for the script extraction so i haven't fixed it (if i can), i am more interested into adding scripts to halo:pc through process other then scenario conversions. I just thought i would post that buggy little thing as a idea of what bungies scripts look like. Also i believe this post is totally off the origanal topic. :eyesroll:
Choking Victim
November 24th, 2007, 07:23 AM
yea, conure I just compared your extracted scripts to mine and both scripts and globabls are off. I've been interested in injecting scripts for pc, though i dont see the point when we can just compile them in ce.
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