View Full Version : Would you like some beef with that turkey?

November 23rd, 2007, 09:41 AM
My Thanksgiving afterparty,

As we where coming home from a family gathering we saw two police officers pulled to the side of the road. One on each side, lights on. Slow down and try to see whats up, and at the last second we saw a cow laying on the grass. We thought it had got hit. As we kept going a few more yards, we saw a SUV in this huge field, lights on, once again, we saw a cow and one guy trying to keep it away from the road. Me and my Dad figure might as well help out. He pulls over to the side of the road, turns on his warning lights and he gets out to see if he can help out. I stay in the truck, and no more than 10 seconds later a women comes running across the street towards a barn on the other side of the field. (Turns out she was the owner of the cows that had got out. ) Now i figure its just my dad and the women in the SUV. So i get out and see if i can help somehow. As i step on the street a car goes whizzing by. I am like what the fuck, do you not see the lights? So i get over it, and head out to the field where the cow is and my Dad. As i get out to the field my Dad comes walking out towards the SUV. So me and him hang there for a few minutes, and the women tells us the women who crossed the street was the owner, and she was the mother in law i believe. There was a guy out in the field too, he was the Father in law. That cow out in the field was going everywhere, so we try to help out. And as we come over he says hi and what not. We form a little ring around the front of the cow, and that's when i saw the horns. First thing i thought was, "Oh shit." He was mooing like no tomorrow. Right about now traffic is starting to start to slow down. The owner came out to the field, said thanks and that we could go, then she had to leave again. So me, my dad and the father in law say alright hes not going to go anywhere, and started to walk away. Cow starts to follow..head down. I kept my eye on him hard. We start coming towards the road and now we have to turn around to make the cow stay there somehow. Well the cows still mooing right, some fuck wads in a car that was in traffic try to moo at it. As in they there mimicking the cows moo. Well the cow hears this stars heading that way. And its mooing like crazy now. The fuck wads in the car are still doing it, cow starts running, we start going oh god. Luckily it was heading towards a rock wall that would keep it away from going towards the car any closer. So now we are hoping those idiots will stop. Nope, kept going, and the cow became a little mad. Luckily the owner came over and said that we had to leave because there asking all the vehicles on the side of the road to leave. Well we thought that was Little odd, because where where the only one. And we where off the road so much it wouldn't matter. We say what ever, and leave. she wants out, where out :D. The man says thanks as we walk away, and the women in the SUV says thanks for helping, not like we did anything. And we leave.
While we where out in the field, we saw some cars, still going as fast as they could.
Words of advice, when you see some pulled over on the side of the road with hazard lights on, and police no more than a couple yards away with there lights on too. SLOW YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN, RIGHT AWAY.
Also, don't try to mimic the cows moo. Its not funny for the guys trying to keep it calm. Most of us would not do this, but remarkably there are some who think its alright to do 50 on a 30 mph zone, while the police lights are on.
And that's what i did on Thanksgiving. :D

November 23rd, 2007, 10:14 AM
there are some who think its alright to do 50 on a 30 mph zone, while the police lights are on.
chances are he saw the pigs cops outside of their vehicle, so the amount of time for them to run back to their vehicles (both of them, one having to cross the street it would seem) and put their seatbelts on (because no cop thinks they're above the law :rolleyes:) and start a pursuit would be pretty good for him to get away without them catching up.

Teh Ganon
November 23rd, 2007, 02:34 PM
mooooooooooo. Good story :D