View Full Version : DeleteMe_target.txt

November 26th, 2007, 04:46 PM
So I have these two file in my main C:\ Directory called DeleteMe_target.txt and DeleteMe_source.txt. They are both exactly 1,024,000 kb. I wondered what could have created these odd files so I google the name and I get one result.


Windows got messed up for me, possibly by a virus. One of the boot files are corrupted, or missing. The reason I think it is caused by a virus is that I have a "DeleteMe_source.txt" and a "DeleteMe_target.txt" in my C:\ directory, each at 1000Mb.

I can only access through Ubuntu, (beryl <3), and I was wondering how I would do a virus scan/possible repair.

I do have enough room on my linux partition for a full backup, but that would be a huge hassle because I couldn't do a full replace, and I don't have install disks for some of my Steam games. Big hassle. And last time my computer got screwed up, it took about 15 hours to fix.

So is there anyone with a knowledge of windows boot systems, or how to fix this?

At first this looks promising but then I scroll down to see no one helped him.
The person with the problem posted again saying...

Never mind, I think it was a progressive virus. It creaed the text files march 4th, and a lot of my system files where accessed. It is now march 15th, and my C drive is blank. About 1000 hours, poof. Bye. Yep. I feel like suck. Arg. </3 life.

So I am like FUCK!!, and back up important shit onto my portable hdd. Anyone here ever see anything like this?

November 26th, 2007, 05:46 PM
Uh oh I have this folder called

$$DeleteMe.$$DeleteMe.$$DeleteMe.$$DeleteMe.$$Dele teMe.$$DeleteMe.$$DeleteMe..01c82599f4d4f8c3.0000. 01c8259acb331cd8.0000.01c82642cece2e98.0000.01c827 146ad17440.0000.01c82745e2456cc6.0000.01c827d21b1f 6c5e.0000.01c8289d16fba068.0000

In my C drive. Except it was created on Nov 2nd.

How did you get those ~1gb files?

November 26th, 2007, 06:07 PM
Uh oh I have this folder called

$$DeleteMe.$$DeleteMe.$$DeleteMe.$$DeleteMe.$$Dele teMe.$$DeleteMe.$$DeleteMe..01c82599f4d4f8c3.0000. 01c8259acb331cd8.0000.01c82642cece2e98.0000.01c827 146ad17440.0000.01c82745e2456cc6.0000.01c827d21b1f 6c5e.0000.01c8289d16fba068.0000

In my C drive. Except it was created on Nov 2nd.

How did you get those ~1gb files?

No idea

November 26th, 2007, 07:05 PM
Syuusuke: That was probably from uninstalling something. Sometimes when you uninstall stuff, it can't completely remove all of the files, so they put it in a folder like that for you to delete. Uninstall anything around that time?

Random: Try a virus scan. If it's just those two files causing the hole, all you'd really have to do is delete them in safe mode. By system files I'm assuming that guy means registry, since that's the only real system file that could fuck it up this severely. That can be fixed with system restore, which shouldn't be too much of an issue since you have that backup.

November 26th, 2007, 07:12 PM
I think I did, but...but it had nothing in it (0bytes).

November 27th, 2007, 05:53 PM
yeah, theyre marked as empty space.

when you delete something on a pc, it doesnt remove it.

really basically, itll just label it all as empty space, ready to be overwritten.
you used to be able to un-delete those by goign into DOS in windows 59, but since XP+ aren't based on DOS anymore, i dont think it works the same way to un0delete stuff anymore.

tl;dr: syuuske's are removed files, marked that way so the computer knows it can jsut write stuff over it.

random: idunno, go safe-mode and delete em.
you said you backed up, so should be fine.