View Full Version : Halo 2 XP

November 27th, 2007, 04:51 PM
I have a slight prob, I installed h2v but on starup it starts the game but then it just closes no message nothing....

November 27th, 2007, 05:50 PM
Well that sucks.
You're not going to get much help since it's on XP
Reinstall, read the readme's carefully.

November 27th, 2007, 07:13 PM
And what about the thread title? You trying to install on windows XP? It's called Halo 2 Vista, and not without reason...

November 27th, 2007, 07:21 PM
It doesn't work fully on Windows XP, theres a hack that lets you play Singleplayer, but Multiplayer doesn't work.

November 27th, 2007, 08:18 PM
It doesn't work fully on Windows XP, theres a hack that lets you play Singleplayer, but Multiplayer doesn't work.

Yeah, I think thats common knowledge here. But like Vicky said the game is made for vista. The real fix for your problem leorimolo is to install Vista first.

November 27th, 2007, 08:54 PM
Thats an even larger problem and its computer suicide.... So I will stick to the xbox version

November 27th, 2007, 09:09 PM
My computer's been doing just fine with Vista, I don't see any problems, not even suicidal attempts.

November 27th, 2007, 09:41 PM
Vista's fine, stop whining about it and try it.

November 27th, 2007, 09:43 PM
If vista runs like crap on anyone's computer the problem is not the operating system. Its a next generation operating system. Ofcorse with vista you need alot more to make it run good but do you think the xbox 360 has alot more inside it as the original xbox? Ofcorse it does and you can see the differance. The same with Vista. Vista changes your whole computer experiance. Think about it, Xp is over 6 years old. Its like comparing Xp to windows 95.
Sorry guys I just think its crap that alot of people dont like Vista when its an awsome OS.

November 28th, 2007, 08:02 AM
Thats an even larger problem and its computer suicide.... So I will stick to the xbox version
vista is not a bad platform, it's just like the misunderstood frankenstein monster, just not as ugly

vista has a better graphics ui than xp, it has a host of more and might i add new features, and it has directx 10.
people's main problems with vista are incompatibilities that resulted from microsoft's refusal to create a new os for 5 years...
to run vista smoothly with no problems, you need a multicore processor, at least 1gb of RAM (2Gb makes it run as smooth as butter), and a newer gfx card (most ppls use crossfire/slic platforms, but a dx10 gpu will be good enough).

reasons why vista is getting bad publicity:

people are computer-illiterate; like grampa who thinks robot-overloards will take over the planet (he runs from a vacuum cleaner)

people fear change-they like th familiarity that xp offers, cos guess what They've BEEN USING THE SAME DUSTY ASS SHIT FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS

or, they believe it's too much money to spend on an entire os-guess what dumb ass, vista's got many different versions, based on prefrence and features. you'll be fine with a vista home basic/premium system.

final words about vista:
give vista a try, it's almost a year that it's been out and MS has broken it in a lot more, besides i don't remember xp being perfect right after its release, we had to wait for SP2

oh and johnny, you said comparing xp to 98, you're forgetting 2 os that came out between them: Me (aka microsoft's failure) and 2000

halo 2 for vista on the other hand...
is a piece of shit in a jewelery box

there's no support
there's user-creativity restrictions (the editing kit only supports level creation. what about everything else? nope)

it's not too different than it was 2 years ago, just graphic improvements

the idiots at hired gun left that overpowered aim assist on for ppls using the xbox 360 controller


you can have a high-end system and it still has framerate issues due to lack of other settings (halo combat evolved has 30fps-best setting, vsync, no vsync) halo 2, vsync or no vsync


there's issues with the ai (they sometimes don't go past places where they usually would on the xbox version)

they left voice chat on (great it's like the xbox attack of the 10 year olds again)

and lastly, it's nothing special compared to the better games this year; Quake 4, Battlefield 2142 and Northern Strike, Crysis, CALL OF DUTY 4, and Gears of War.

halo 3 for pc, if anything it'll release with Microsoft Windows Vieanna in 2 years (also that os will only come in X64, eliminating the use of 32 bit os permanently) and it'll be worse than the 360 version, if they keep up the track record.

what does this mean? it's time to move on from halo :(

i'm not spamming, but i know where you can get a dx10 card for $60
and there's a multicore bundle that comes with 1gb ddr2 sdram at tigerdirect for $240 after rebate

November 28th, 2007, 01:44 PM
...the idiots at hired gun left that overpowered aim assist on for ppls using the xbox 360 controller...

Go die in a fire, they did what they were told to do, and to the best extent that they could. You best hope Kornman doesn't see your post or he will unleash the beast.

All in all, your argument is: full of redundancy

November 28th, 2007, 02:11 PM