View Full Version : Makin FP grunt arms...
November 27th, 2007, 07:20 PM
...but I couldn't find a 1st person arms tutorial. Is there such a thing?
I did find theGhost's first person cyborg arms, with AR reloading anim.
I loaded that and deleted all but the cyborg's bones
Then I imported a grunt and deleted it's body mesh
so i got 2 skeletons lookin at me like, wtf, bobbysoon
I'm not sure what to do from here :confused:
do I need to keep the spine and clavicles? Should it have markers? (I didn't see markers in cyborg\fp\fp.gbxmodel)
I seek guidance, wise one(s)
November 27th, 2007, 07:53 PM
grunt fp arms would be epic, someone help this guy
November 27th, 2007, 07:56 PM
grunt fp arms would be epic, someone help this guy
If only there was a way but I don't think anyone has tabbed into this kind of modding yet. Different fp arms other than the Master Chief.
November 27th, 2007, 08:05 PM
easy to do
get the gbx model importer
import master chief fp arms
delete the mc arms
rig all the bones\markes\nodes\thigys
also kill teh grunt bones
and only keep the arms
November 27th, 2007, 08:05 PM
Then what about the "play as an elite mods"
I'm sure CAD has the answer
Rob Oplawar
November 27th, 2007, 08:07 PM
Are you kidding? Of course it's been done. I would love to see some grunt fp arms.
...Unfortunately I have no idea how it's done. But I have definitely played a map where the fp arms are elite arms, it it's definitely possible.
The thing about serious modding for HCE is that a lot of the time you really just have to experiment and figure it out for yourself. It can be really hard if you're new to it, and if that's the case, I reccommend you get some experience by following some of the fp animation tutorials, since that might give you a nice introduction to fp models.
If you haven't already, follow the link on the top left of the forum pages- Resources (
e: Dammit, somebody beat me to the punch because I'm stuck in longpost mode again.
November 27th, 2007, 08:18 PM
rig the arms, and its possible
November 27th, 2007, 08:43 PM
If only there was a way but I don't think anyone has tabbed into this kind of modding yet. Different fp arms other than the Master Chief.
Pyong Kawaguchi
November 27th, 2007, 08:59 PM
OMG thats sex there cad!
thats total SEX
November 27th, 2007, 09:34 PM
import master chief fp arms...
also kill teh grunt bones...
:( whats wrong with the grunt's bones? It's rigged up all purty, and it's gruntly proportioned and posed...
import mc fp - Why hadn't I thought of that? der, theGhose's fp mc's ar reload animation was throwing me off with the rotations...i got dizzy
Aight, I'll give it a shot. Thanks, all!
(if all works out, fp grunt arms will be available for rippage from GruntCity)
November 28th, 2007, 01:24 AM
photoshop :downs:
The quick and dirty way to do it would be to import JUST THE MESH of the grunt's superhigh LOD arms region, scale up the arms, and then rig them to the cyborg FP bones.
However, this will look like complete and total shit; 3p arms aren't very detailed at all. To make them look good, you should remodel them and possibly even reanimate them.
November 28th, 2007, 01:28 AM
grunts would be clumsy at reloading and such, you could have a lot of fun animated them
November 28th, 2007, 02:27 AM
3p arms aren't very detailed at all. To make them look good, you should remodel them and possibly even reanimate them.
Thats something I don't get - the animated fp bit. There's no fp.model_animations, so I figure it depends on...I don't know what - do you mean reanimate the grunt? Definately a possibility, maybe. I'm willing and nooby :dance:
November 28th, 2007, 02:55 AM
the correct way would be to import the grunt arms and model them nicely, using the arm mesh as scale reference.
November 28th, 2007, 04:24 AM
Thats something I don't get - the animated fp bit. There's no fp.model_animations,
EDIT: I am a dum-dum :downs:
FP arms are defined in the Globals tag, and each weapon's FP animations are defined in the weapon tag. Since the Master Chief was the only playable character in the stock campaign, there is only the cyborg FP arms and animations made for that bone structure.
You would have to make your own grunt arms and animate them for it to be a true masterpiece.
November 28th, 2007, 05:03 AM
Don't forget the texturing part :awesome:
November 28th, 2007, 09:30 AM
Polar, each weapon uses a specific fp model animation. There isn't a universal one.
If he were to use a different bone setup, he would have to reanimate each weapon with the new rig.
November 28th, 2007, 12:25 PM
Correct ^
I see as the best way fit, remodel them using the SuperHighLOD as a reference, then retexture them using the old textures and another reference. Rig/Export/Compile
Good luck
November 28th, 2007, 09:49 PM
Thank you all for your feedback
I've remodelled the for-arms, added wrist and fingers, rigged and made a gbxmodel
Now I'm trying to prepare for weapon animations
Hows this look?
December 13th, 2007, 02:24 AM
I'm a little dazed and confuzed, please someone, help me understand how this works
Must I tool over existing model_animations? Will I have to add dummy bones to match the overwritten animations?
Any reason I couldn't or shouldn't add fp legs? I think those kneespikes might make a nice meele
How's my setup? I figure animating alongside the old anims would be helpfull.
I'm wanting to make a distributable fp grunt weapon animation kit for ... Balaho Mapping Team, i think we ares. I should probably put some hand markers on that ...
How does one normally export mesh & bones? mesh to root bone? That appeared correct in Guerilla, but idk bout mb consequences er der anims :haw:
I'm gonna print out some animation lists and meditate on the static in my head
December 13th, 2007, 03:34 AM
you can't do the legs.
Hickle Stine
December 13th, 2007, 05:24 AM
There is only an fp.gbxmodel that is used for all weapon fp.model_animations. So if you simply change the model to the grunts arms, then rerig (use the MC's bones, just re-scale em), all the weapon animations will be the same, just with grunty arms (or you can remake the anims if you want). All you need to do then is just change it in the globals file.
December 13th, 2007, 07:30 AM
Rescale? it seemed correct to me. I compared cyborg and grunt: grunt's arms are bigger
I figured the different lengthed bones would screw up the cyborg fp anims, so I made new bones with this linkage:
frame origin
*frame l upper
**frame l lower
***frame l wrist
****frame l f1
****frame l f2
****frame l f3
***frame l thumb
****frame l thumb tip
*frame r upper
**frame r lower
***frame r wrist
****frame r f1
****frame r f2
****frame r f3
***frame r thumb
****frame r thumb tip
*rigged mesh
thats what I exported for the gbxmodel. Is that right?
I'd like to import the grunt and it's 3rd person anims, and align bones key for key, but the jmo animations tie the grunt up in knots.
Would the mesh's link to parent cause this?
Maybe because I dropped the grunt to align the shoulders.
I see only some bones get keys from there a way I can reset those which get twisted?
Maybe I should just unrename my frames back to the grunt's bips and import directly, filling in for additional bones. Any suggestions? Maybe a tut I missed?
Hickle Stine
December 14th, 2007, 03:27 AM
I dont think there are any tuts for this...
As long as the bones are all called what the MC's are called, it should work, though not necessarily well...anyways, if you've got all the bones, and its all rigged, and looks fine in max, then just export and see if it works!
December 24th, 2007, 08:51 PM
Merry Christmass, everybody
Alright, I'm gonna scrap the 3rd->1st idea and go with your cyborg fp suggestion. Damn, I'm anal retentive sometimes. Thanks for your suggestions and patience
January 3rd, 2008, 08:12 PM
I went back to the 3rd->1st plan, and found a way! Constraints collapse to keyframes like modifiers do! Cool. I checked it out on a scenery arms with needler, and it works, but when I put it in the needler's fp anim field, the map exceptions. I take it out, and it loads, with no visable arms, probably cause they're low, at the sides.
So what would make the anims crash? Node sequence? Is node linkage not enough?
gbx is just arm bones and mesh (linked to bip24).
Anim's keys applied only to bip24 (root node), upper and lower arms, rotation only
Any suggestions?
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