View Full Version : [UNREAL] So I got UT3
November 30th, 2007, 07:23 PM
Though, why is the console key set to ~ in the demo, but it's F10 (my fraps screenshot key) in the full? :(
Also, Necris vehicles are ftw
November 30th, 2007, 08:47 PM
I want it so bad. I had to cancel my pre-order because of money woes. :-(
Please tell me how it makes you feel inside.
November 30th, 2007, 09:34 PM
VERY warm and fuzzy. The levels are so fucking beautiful, and the whole thing is just pure awesome.
I swear, I cry as I'm playing it, because I don't want to blink and close my eyes for a second to miss it's awesomeness.
Even with the settings turned down on my machine, it's a hell of an experience.
Also, the impact hammer OWNS. I ran around an entire deathmatch game online, getting monster kills with it.
Fav weap is still the good ole flakky though. My fav vehicle is either the little bubble thing, or the suicide bombing thing :P
November 30th, 2007, 09:38 PM
Was that $100 for UT3, or a UT box set? either way, it seems like a high price.
Also, lol at your comp's background.
November 30th, 2007, 10:00 PM
Was that $100 for UT3, or a UT box set? either way, it seems like a high price.
Also, lol at your comp's background.
He's an Aussie.
November 30th, 2007, 10:09 PM
Also, the impact hammer OWNS. I ran around an entire deathmatch game online, getting monster kills with it.
ahaha I did that on the demo. My FPS was so bad it was the only thing I could get kills with tbh, but I was so good with it I emptied out several servers :lol:
Rob Oplawar
December 1st, 2007, 01:30 AM
I'll may be getting it when I finish my maps- I want to move on to a new engine.
Mr Buckshot
December 1st, 2007, 01:40 AM
I've hardly played Unreal games before except for UT2004 which I haven't touched in 2 years. But yes, UT3 looks very awesome, except that its "widescreen" mode actually chops off sections of the top and bottom view rather than expand the horizontal FOV. I can't wait to see the engine used in other games (fast fact: The first Splinter Cell game was a third-person stealth action title, and it used the Unreal engine)
December 1st, 2007, 01:48 AM
I can't wait to see you use it for your own content now >: )
December 1st, 2007, 02:05 AM
He's an Aussie.
yeah :/
also, needs more ingame pics!
December 1st, 2007, 02:14 AM
I've hardly played Unreal games before except for UT2004 which I haven't touched in 2 years. But yes, UT3 looks very awesome, except that its "widescreen" mode actually chops off sections of the top and bottom view rather than expand the horizontal FOV. I can't wait to see the engine used in other games (fast fact: The first Splinter Cell game was a third-person stealth action title, and it used the Unreal engine)I am very tired of people complaining about that...
Notice if the FoV favoured 16x9 -- they lose less and what they *do* lose is the floor and part of the sky.
Notice if the FoV favoured 4x3 -- they lose more and what they *do* lose is what's around them.
If you were developing a game, anyone on 4x3 would be at a serious disadvantage... why?
Most of the action occurs horizontally (blue zone).
If something is above you, its typically a plane... those move fast and they will quickly move into your field of view even if it happens to be blinded by the red zone.
Less angle is lost from the top and bottom than from the sides anyway.
Almost no-one cares about the floor.
Its better than stretching a 4x3 image to fit a 16x9.P.S. -- Epic added a FoV slider anyway... it should be enabled by the first official patch. The only other option is to run either 16x9 or 4x3 in letterbox...
December 1st, 2007, 05:36 AM
I just got it yesterday. Finally found a game to distract me from play TF2. I want to start modding it, but playing, its just so :awesome:
December 1st, 2007, 06:20 AM
i've alreayd played it :awesome:
at danos house :P
December 1st, 2007, 02:58 PM
Tis a very good game. I was surprised with the high customization of the characters in multilayer for an fps.
And the editor kicks ass, the lighting you can pull off, from what I've done in the past 2 hours is amazing.
GO EPIC GAMES.... Or just Epic win....mb not Epic.... :rolleyes: I'm not high.
December 1st, 2007, 07:25 PM
Epic is epic
December 1st, 2007, 07:46 PM
Seriously, you'll see custom maps come out that will be of comparable quality to Epic's maps, judging by the awesome UT2003/2004 maps I've downloaded and played.
Not to mention me and Tweek's awesome maps :P
Also, I'm just going to render things in the UT editor now :P
Btw, someone wanted screenshots?
December 1st, 2007, 08:59 PM
I think i just soiled my favorite pair of pants. FU dano, Fu.
December 1st, 2007, 09:16 PM
The creativity, originality, and complexity of these maps is by far to best i've ever seen. This is an artist dream.
December 1st, 2007, 10:00 PM
The creativity, originality, and complexity of these maps is by far to best i've ever seen. This is an artist dream.
I take it you haven't played Jedi Academy.
Rob Oplawar
December 2nd, 2007, 12:02 AM
No to a couple of those screenshots but YES GOD YES to most of them.
I say no because some of them are just gratuitous detail overload without any order or meaning. If you're going to add detail, I think you should give it purpose, or at least make it look good, instead of just jamming as much geometry and texture detail as possible just because you can. Most of those shots have good detail, but a couple are just random pipes and rounded corners and meaningless shit.
Mr Buckshot
December 2nd, 2007, 01:13 AM
Those screenshots are awesome! The sheer beauty of the scenery rivals that of the Myst games. I don't have UT3 yet, but if I got it I would probably download maps like these and open empty LAN servers and browse the maps and just admire (or shoot up) the scenery.
Rob Oplawar
December 2nd, 2007, 01:46 AM
Do you guys see what I'm sayin tho? Especially that first pic- although it may be nothing more than personal taste, cause I just really hate that style altogether. But you have to admit that that interior shows absolutely no knowledge of architecture whatsoever.
Ok, maybe that's hyperbole, but I mean, it just makes no sense. Even less sense than Forerunner architecture. I mean, at least Forerunner architecture is pretty and embellished and symbolic. That first pic has ugly architecture that is made even uglier just by the amount of effort they put into making it ugly.
edit: just looked over the pics again, and I have to say, I've never seen such a bizarre mixture of "strikingly beautiful" and "omfg wtf were they thinking ugly". It seems to me that the aspects of it that imitate real life, including existing architecture, are absolutely gorgeous, while whatever unique style that is they invented for UT is appalling.
Maybe that's what they intended? I mean, I do admit that UT is all about the harsher, grittier, uglier aspects of battle. If they intended to create a stark contrast between pretty and puketacular, then they did a good job of it, but I just can't understand somebody intentionally making their model ugly as hell.
Oh and one more thing- when I say ugly, what I mean is the other type of ugly. There's artistic ugly, that's actually pretty in a certain way, like a spectacularly modeled drooling lumbering orc, or a dirty grimy industrial area. Then there's shitty ugly, that is ugly in appearance but without reason- not structured, with no flow, not dirty but clean- ugly on purpose if you get my meaning. Ugly without any reason for being ugly except to be ugly. I find the UT style to be that second ugly.
December 2nd, 2007, 05:06 AM
rob, i think you're totally right about some of the maps just being a cramfest of dstaticmeshes trying to get as many things smashed together without purpose.
but you gotta admit, it still looks cool.
your areguements are 100% solid though.
there's a thing called negative space, and less is more.
it's a delicate balance, but it should be aimed for as much as possible.
December 2nd, 2007, 05:14 AM
I love how difference the approach to design is, its sci-fi but unique and beautiful at the same time.
Some of the designs in the game make you think 'What?' but when u play everything it really makes sense because its a continuing design.
Anyway, i took some more screen shots myself, and all i can say is, i can't wait to start making some maps for this baby :eek:
FireDragon's UT3 Screenshots
Player screenshot
(FireDragon's Multiplayer Character)
Beauty shots
Map Screenshots
(My lesser favorite and less beautiful shots)
Vehicle Screenshots
Thats all from me at the moment... enjoy.
And Rob and Tweek both make sense. Well tweek kinda finished it (above) but yea, everything looks awesome.
December 2nd, 2007, 05:18 AM
I take it you haven't played Jedi Academy.
Jedi Academy was horrible from a programmer's view. Nothing beats KotOR.
Any UT3 modding community you guys joined? I might consider it too. :D
December 2nd, 2007, 05:23 AM
havent been able to find one i like so far.
found some new one, i might hang out there, see how it grows.
December 2nd, 2007, 05:49 AM
havent been able to find one i like so far.
found some new one, i might hang out there, see how it grows.
Same here.
But isn't there an old one upgrading just like HM->GBX->H2V?
December 2nd, 2007, 06:02 AM
UT3 + GOW > Halo 2
But the editors in both are alittle shitty...:(
December 2nd, 2007, 09:17 AM
UT3 + GOW > Halo 2
But the editors in both are alittle shitty...:(
Absolutely not. The Unreal Editor is one of the most powerful editors ever released in any retail game. It literally give you complete control of every value and resources the game uses. Not to mention the UnrealScript syntax is very close to C++, so developers can pick it up and use it from the start.
Is the Unreal Editor like Halo's Guerilla editor? It is no where near as simple, but it is much more powerful. Many games, such as Red Orchestra ( and Tactical Ops (, have started out as mods of Unreal Tournament and grown into full blown retail games. Please god, don't ever call UE shitty.
December 2nd, 2007, 09:44 AM
Absolutely not. The Unreal Editor is one of the most powerful editors ever released in any retail game. It literally give you complete control of every value and resources the game uses. Not to mention the UnrealScript syntax is very close to C++, so developers can pick it up and use it from the start.
Is the Unreal Editor like Halo's Guerilla editor? It is no where near as simple, but it is much more powerful. Many games, such as Red Orchestra ( and Tactical Ops (, have started out as mods of Unreal Tournament and grown into full blown retail games. Please god, don't ever call UE shitty.
I dont mean what they can do...I ment as in Gears Editor and UT3 Editors had some problems that wernt epics fault, like cant being able to find it, crashing on start...The editor itself works like a charm and is AWESOME!
December 2nd, 2007, 09:53 AM
Im gonna start messing around with the editor some. This game has got me back into wanting to finish my maps :awesome:
December 2nd, 2007, 01:49 PM
The editor is really fun.
I was messing around with the editor earlier and...
Map I'm testing stuff in and some lighting and meshes.
Map i made quickly earlier for lighting tests.
December 2nd, 2007, 04:31 PM
funny, you're further ahead than i am.
im struggling with the editor so much, dunno why.
i keep thinking stuff is broken somehow, i dunno, it's propably just me.
December 2nd, 2007, 04:33 PM
funny, you're further ahead than i am.
im struggling with the editor so much, dunno why.
i keep thinking stuff is broken somehow, i dunno, it's propably just me.
Have you ever used the editor before? I used it back in UT2003 some, and it works almost exactly the same as before.
December 2nd, 2007, 05:33 PM
December 2nd, 2007, 10:20 PM
never.I think I found the problem! :)
Yea, watch the 3dBuzz tutorials and look up UnrealWiki ( and Hourences Tutorials (
December 3rd, 2007, 02:50 AM
Yea, if you use Subtractive mode in the editor its just like UT2k4's. Which i use to map in along time ago. So the only real new things in this editor are the high amounts of 'detail' you can do with the brushes and lights. And the number of static meshes you can load at once (100's can be on screen at once without much of a 'drop' in fps).
But like Phopojijo said 3DBuzz are the best i watched a few to renew my memory and get myself caught up to speed with the new stuff in the editor.
December 3rd, 2007, 03:57 AM
im watching a big series of tutorials myself, but like i said, i keep thinking stuff isn't there or broken, my brushes aren't showing up when i make them either. that's my main problem, i have to add/substract em before my box-cubes show up.
(unless there's only one thing, the builder-brush or whatever it's called) but the tutorials dont show that one so i am mega confuzzled about that.
ill have to research that a bit, or something.
December 3rd, 2007, 06:02 AM
You in additive mode or subtractive mode?
In subtractive mode, you make the brush with the tools on the left, and it appears in the view ports in a red wire frame, then press subtract and u have a hollow room of the shape u made. You can add back by adding shapes back with 'add'.
In additive mode, its the same but u have to check the hollow box when u right click the shape on the left to set its setting.
In a nut shell its easy lol. Its alot like Half-life 2's editing kit mixed with plane modeling. lol.
I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, it takes time of u haven't previously used a UT Editor.
December 3rd, 2007, 01:42 PM
yeah i know, this is, i dont see my brush, untill i add/substract it >_<
December 3rd, 2007, 03:04 PM
Do u still see the red wireframe box, or nothing at all? Maybe u should consult some forums and faqs see if anyone knows a fix. lol.
December 3rd, 2007, 04:47 PM
Thats how its always been, DONT PRESS the "W" KEY or your SMESH'es wont show up. Also you need to for your first box press Add, then when you want to add a room then hit subtract.
December 3rd, 2007, 05:20 PM
i know, i made several rooms, but mostly by guesswork, and undoing, and re-doing
December 3rd, 2007, 08:19 PM
after playing this game for a little bit, i must say....
what a huge disappointment.
it looks pretty and all, but the campaign is a joke...
the vehicles are pretty sweet tho, <3 the manta.
original unreal tournament ftw.
Mr Buckshot
December 4th, 2007, 01:03 AM
after playing this game for a little bit, i must say....
what a huge disappointment.
it looks pretty and all, but the campaign is a joke...
the vehicles are pretty sweet tho, <3 the manta.
original unreal tournament ftw.
tbh, I think different games that use the Unreal engine tend to be better than the original Unreal.
UT2004 ftw. I tried out UT3 at my neighbor's (he just got into PC gaming for the first time, lol) and it was solid but nothing special. It's kind of like Doom 3/Quake 4 - awesome technology but a merely ok game.
December 4th, 2007, 03:02 AM
all UT games main purpose is to promote the engine. that's where epic gets all their money from, i think the sales of UT only are about 3% of their total income.
ofcourse, they still want to put down a good game, but it's not for the moneys.
December 4th, 2007, 11:07 PM
i <3 UT for the vehicles, and the sniper in UT3 is hella fun, nothing more satisfying then sniping people off hoverboards :)
December 5th, 2007, 03:33 AM
Lol, I agree with how much of a joke the campaign was.
"First mission: We must capture the enemie's flags to deactivate their respawn points! Second mission: We must destroy their primary nodes in a game of warfare to lower their defences, but first, we should play a quick deathmatch to see if you are worthy."
I could have lived without it. But the multiplayer is just pure awesomes. I love the weapon set, and the return of the trusty enforcers.
I guess UT3 makes up for gears of war's crappy wuss-based-hide-and-shoot multiplayer, but lacks in a good campaign mode, which gears of war had an excellent campaign mode. The two games should have been combined where gears of war is the single player, and ut is the multiplayer. Sort of like Orange box.
Also, UT3 on the ps3 supposedly has way more model/shader detail on the ps3 version compared to gears of war on the 360. According to epic - the ps3 can be pushed allot farther graphically in their engine. Just to shove a pine cone down the throats of those 360 zealots trolling the forums.
December 5th, 2007, 03:17 PM
Lol, I agree with how much of a joke the campaign was.
"First mission: We must capture the enemie's flags to deactivate their respawn points! Second mission: We must destroy their primary nodes in a game of warfare to lower their defences, but first, we should play a quick deathmatch to see if you are worthy."
I could have lived without it. But the multiplayer is just pure awesomes. I love the weapon set, and the return of the trusty enforcers.
I guess UT3 makes up for gears of war's crappy wuss-based-hide-and-shoot multiplayer, but lacks in a good campaign mode, which gears of war had an excellent campaign mode. The two games should have been combined where gears of war is the single player, and ut is the multiplayer. Sort of like Orange box.
Also, UT3 on the ps3 supposedly has way more model/shader detail on the ps3 version compared to gears of war on the 360. According to epic - the ps3 can be pushed allot farther graphically in their engine. Just to shove a pine cone down the throats of those 360 zealots trolling the forums.
theyd lose money if they combined the 2 games :p and apparently ubisoft doesent deem the PS3 worthy of Splintercell because it doesent deem it good enough to run certain aspects of the game, so meh to each his own
Rob Oplawar
December 5th, 2007, 03:38 PM
Wow, you really think GoW's mp was crappy? It's no Halo 3, but I had a lot of fun playing it.
Then again, I was always playing with 7 friends on a LAN. Online the mp is complete fail.
December 5th, 2007, 08:53 PM
and apparently ubisoft doesent deem the PS3 worthy of Splintercell because it doesent deem it good enough to run certain aspects of the game, so meh to each his own
Its usually the case of developers being too lazy, or lacking the man power necessary to optimize code to run on the 8 core architecture. I don't blame them however, its no easy task and requires the expertise of those who have experience programming on super computers to utilize the technology. I would also like to point out how microsoft likes to bribe major publishers to cut out game content and features from games available on other platforms, but I would rather not get into discussion of conspiracy theories.
As for UT3, its obvious that the unreal engine was built for scaling very high on multi core machines. I'm running a core 2 quad at 3.0ghz, and while running UT3 it tends to actually utilize all 4 cores up to 75% - 80%. Even in the most graphically intense moments with 30+ players in a single server, my frame rate never drops below 60fps with maxed settings.
December 5th, 2007, 09:23 PM
yeah but ubisoft claims that the 360 runs the ai alot better then the ps3, thats there reasoning on it, or at least what one of there Dev's said, but maybe the archtecture wasnt very well compatible with the ps3 seeing as most ps3 games are ports of 360 games *shrug*
December 6th, 2007, 04:05 PM\ (
i just died inside.
it's stuff like that that always makes me cry and think i'm not good enough, allthough it's ofcourse rediculous to measure myself to that stuff. can't help doing it though.
im waiting for the time when all computers come with a standard of 50GB RAM, and all engines are raytracer based, so we can have that stuff as ingame models ok? ok.
December 6th, 2007, 05:54 PM
Wow ^^ thats high poly looks amazing, who ever did that is amazingly skilled.
I was bored so i've been messing around with the editor again lol
Still working out the kinks.
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