View Full Version : Normal maps :/ [56k warning]

December 3rd, 2007, 11:25 PM
So yeah, I guess I'm just too stupid and can't figure the damn things out. I've tried at least 6 times, not all tonight, but I just can't fucking do it :'( I used 2 tutorials, that say basically the exact same things, one with a little more info. Also, I didn't think it was worth pictures but yes I did put the driver to dx9 and the units to generic. If you need any more info or pictures, just ask. I recorded myself doing it aswell, but I'll only upload it if anyone thinks I'm worth helping by downloading it, lol. Here are the tutorials I used:
So, to the best of my knowledge I followed them exactly, and it just doesn't work. First, is a picture of what my results are. Then following are screenshots of all my steps.

December 4th, 2007, 02:51 AM
you're posting your image you get from the render window.
the normalmap you're looking for is in the RenderOutput folder. (Images in your case (max 8?))

also, reset your cage, and give the Push modifyer a nice smack in the ass. the cage doesnt need to be tightly to your high res.

make sure your high res COMPLETELY envelops your low-res, and your cage COMPLETELY envelops your high res.

what i do usually, is grb my lowres, and give it a negative Push modifyer. your low res is less important when you're normalmapping, you can push it back when it's rendered.

your UV's are also not great for normalmapping. the render to texture algorith axtually adds a few pixels to your UV outline, to prevent any seams from appearing. you really shouldnt put those things so close to eachother, it'll screw tings up. give it more room, and more space apart from eachother.

also, i used to have trouble with this bit:
make sure to use your low res as base for the render to tecture.
broken down to the most basics steps, this is what yous hould do.
select lowres, hit 0, add projection to highres, reset cage, push cage, render.

your normalmap will be in the Images folder, unless you selected it to save to a different location.

December 4th, 2007, 03:51 AM
O M G W U B <3<3<3<3<3

Thanks! lol stupid me, I didn't know the lowres had to be enveloped, it was going through before. It's not perfect, but it's at least in a spot where I can play with it to perfect it now. <3