December 5th, 2007, 09:36 PM
So here is a Sapphire HD 3850 256MB DDR3 for only $192 CAD: 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=840777021590&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1 ( 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=840777021590&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1)
There's a typo that says it uses a GeForce 8800GTS GPU, it's a typo that's all.
And then here we have an ASUS HD 2600XT DDR4 for $185 CAD: 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=610839030767&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1
So basically I'm getting this card for a steal price?
More info on the Sapphire 3850 here:
Does anyone here actually have this series of card because my birthday is in 10 days and I was gonan settle on a GeForce 8800GT but it's expensive and most manufacturers recommend 500-Watt power supply for a single card set-up whereas the HD 3850 is recommended 400-450-Watt power supplies for CrossFire. So does this mean I can run an HD3850 on my 420-Watt Power Supply? I was able to run an X1950PRO so I assume that I'll beable to run it because the Die is set at 55nm. 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=840777021590&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1 ( 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=840777021590&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1)
There's a typo that says it uses a GeForce 8800GTS GPU, it's a typo that's all.
And then here we have an ASUS HD 2600XT DDR4 for $185 CAD: 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=610839030767&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1
So basically I'm getting this card for a steal price?
More info on the Sapphire 3850 here:
Does anyone here actually have this series of card because my birthday is in 10 days and I was gonan settle on a GeForce 8800GT but it's expensive and most manufacturers recommend 500-Watt power supply for a single card set-up whereas the HD 3850 is recommended 400-450-Watt power supplies for CrossFire. So does this mean I can run an HD3850 on my 420-Watt Power Supply? I was able to run an X1950PRO so I assume that I'll beable to run it because the Die is set at 55nm.