View Full Version : Should I buy this?

December 5th, 2007, 09:36 PM
So here is a Sapphire HD 3850 256MB DDR3 for only $192 CAD:

http://www.businessvision.net/edge/Main.asp?D=%7BA1075E91%2DD06F%2D471E%2D8F3A%2DE8BC 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=840777021590&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1 (http://www.businessvision.net/edge/Main.asp?D=%7BA1075E91%2DD06F%2D471E%2D8F3A%2DE8BC 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=840777021590&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1)

There's a typo that says it uses a GeForce 8800GTS GPU, it's a typo that's all.

And then here we have an ASUS HD 2600XT DDR4 for $185 CAD:

http://www.businessvision.net/edge/Main.asp?D=%7BA1075E91%2DD06F%2D471E%2D8F3A%2DE8BC 8B620B1F%7D&PageType=Product&SKU=610839030767&CategoryID=658669&DisplayMode=Category&PageNumber=1

So basically I'm getting this card for a steal price?

More info on the Sapphire 3850 here:


Does anyone here actually have this series of card because my birthday is in 10 days and I was gonan settle on a GeForce 8800GT but it's expensive and most manufacturers recommend 500-Watt power supply for a single card set-up whereas the HD 3850 is recommended 400-450-Watt power supplies for CrossFire. So does this mean I can run an HD3850 on my 420-Watt Power Supply? I was able to run an X1950PRO so I assume that I'll beable to run it because the Die is set at 55nm.

Rob Oplawar
December 6th, 2007, 02:36 PM
Sorry, I'd say something helpful but I know very little about ATI graphics cards as I'm irrationally fixed on nVidia cards. Just posting to let you know your thread hadn't gone completely unnoticed.

December 6th, 2007, 04:40 PM
That's not a problem, Rob. I just want to know if the Sapphire cards are any better or worse than other HD 3850s. Newegg seems to have it as the best rated in the HD 3850 series.

December 6th, 2007, 05:07 PM
Why not a 512mb 3870, and your 420watt power supply would be enough for a single 8800gt. :-3

December 6th, 2007, 05:34 PM
The HD 3850 has great bang for the buck! I say you go for it!

December 6th, 2007, 06:41 PM
Why buy in CAD, not USD, last time I checked the Canadian dollar was worth more :)

Edit: nvm.

December 6th, 2007, 09:08 PM
Why not a 512mb 3870, and your 420watt power supply would be enough for a single 8800gt. :-3

That's the thing. This place is a local PC shop that is really good for computers, it's where I got the parts for my PC. They only sell 256MB versions of the card. I checked Futureshops and Best Buys around my area but they don't even sell the HD 3000 series cards. So I'm stuck with 256MB.

Also, I would like to get the 8800GT but it's expensive: $269 and up. I only care to play on high settings for most games and very high settings for older games. I know Crysis won't play on high and have good FPS with the HD 3850 but it's still a steal for $219.93 CAD. 7% GST and 7% PST added for a total of 14% tax.

I also want to play Lord of the Rings Online with DirectX 10 enabled. Other than that, games that I play will be: Crysis, Unreal Tournament 3, Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box, and Guitar Hero 3.

December 7th, 2007, 06:43 PM
if ur looking midrage the 3850 Destroys the 8600 GTS and HD 2600 XT, you can get 3870s for $239 and up on NCIX and 3850's starting at $184 (after rebates) canadian

or $185 with no rebates for $185
so cheaper then that site ur looking at

December 7th, 2007, 08:52 PM
2850?! :eek:

December 7th, 2007, 10:26 PM
2850?! :eek:

You know he means 3850. I'm looking for a local store so that I don't have to pay for shipping.

December 7th, 2007, 11:17 PM
yeah i dunno i think ncix is located in vancouver BC, or at least one of theyre locations, thats where my 3870 shipped out of