View Full Version : thoughtlessness

December 6th, 2007, 07:07 PM
People in the world today don't think about anything for any decent amount of time. If you ask a question, they will answer the first thing that comes into their head, without considering it for a second. This is upsetting to me. Do you think people are just naturally growing stupider? I used to say no to this, but i don't know anymore. Heres a few examples?

IC: "What do you think of abortion?"

subject: "I think abortion is killing babies! Its wrong because its not natural and that baby was meant to live! If you didn't want babies you should have used a condom or just not had sex."

IC: "What if you were raped, or if the baby is going to be born with some kind of life threatening disability?"

subject: ".... Then thats different."

(before anyone explodes on me about abortion, I want you to know that I'm not expressing an opinion here.)

These weren't her exact words, I should have written them down... my bad, but it gets the point across.

However, its not just questions that cause people to do this. A person can make a fully valid statement, and be instantly criticized by everyone who heard it, and interpreted it incorrectly. I want to hear some opinions on this subject (people being dumb, not abortion for those who only half read), thats why I made this thread.

Rob Oplawar
December 6th, 2007, 07:17 PM
don't you know, everyone but me is stupid and I'm the only sane person left in the world. ;D

No but seriously, sure there are a lot of obscenely stupid people out there, but there are also quite a lot of smart people too. On average I'd say people are still, er, average. But there sure is a lot of apathy out there, isn't there? This is the text and instant messaging generation. It's been said that we're encouraging people to do everything faster and faster and spend less time actually thinking about it.

But you can rest assured that at least I take the time to think about something before posting a reply.
Usually. =P

December 6th, 2007, 07:20 PM
Please, everyone, stop being human! <:mad:>

People just aren't given PROPER education these days. Maybe you'll learn to live with that fact one day. I know I won't, but I have accepted it.

December 6th, 2007, 07:21 PM
LOL... At least there's always Rob. I'm not claiming people are stupid, (thats for another day :D) but just that they don't think. The answers I showed in the first post, were from a teacher. I find that a little sad.

December 6th, 2007, 07:26 PM
Boy, won't it be great when all these delinquent wanna-be gangsters we've grown up with try raising kids with their bimbo girlfriends? The next generation's gonna be crap.

Rob Oplawar
December 6th, 2007, 07:27 PM
If you really want me to I could go on and on about the way that people are being trained not to think, to let computers do everything for them, blah blah blah, and that it's their own damn fault, not the computers'. I'll agree that it's a bit offensive how people are so, as you aptly put, thoughtless from time to time. But sometimes I envy them, as I figure the sole cause for almost all unhappiness I feel is the fact that I think too hard about everything. But once you flip that switch to the off position, it's pretty hard to get it engaged again, innit?

December 6th, 2007, 07:32 PM
Boy, won't it be great when all these delinquent wanna-be gangsters we've grown up with try raising kids with their bimbo girlfriends? The next generation's gonna be crap.
actually I think the HIV\dysfunctions caused by the drugs done by and abuse administered the parents will solve the problem of this "next generation" growing up. If not that, some drive by will more than likely be another solution :haw:

December 6th, 2007, 07:36 PM
If you really want me to I could go on and on about the way that people are being trained not to think, to let computers do everything for them, blah blah blah, and that it's their own damn fault, not the computers'. I'll agree that it's a bit offensive how people are so, as you aptly put, thoughtless from time to time. But sometimes I envy them, as I figure the sole cause for almost all unhappiness I feel is the fact that I think too hard about everything. But once you flip that switch to the off position, it's pretty hard to get it engaged again, innit?

Totally agree. I used to be an aid for a group of mentally challenged kids, and after a while you begin to realize that they will always be happier than you are. Though sometimes they realize that they are completely outcast from the rest of society, they still find pleasure in the smallest things. I set up a nintendo 64 for a boy in the class, and he was so happy... he had no idea that he wasn't actually playing mario party, he was just at the title screen, but he was so ecstatic from the concept. I wish I loved ANYTHING as much as he loved mario party...

December 6th, 2007, 07:36 PM
I encounter these people all day. I think my problem is that I usually let them know how stupid they sound, just spouting off the things they've been "trained" to say immediately, and respond entirely with emotion instead of using cognitive process. It's about as intelligent as talking in your sleep.

Perhaps how I tell them isn't such a bad idea... maybe it'll shock some of their braincells into waking up.

December 6th, 2007, 07:38 PM
I encounter these people all day. I think my problem is that I usually let them know how stupid they sound, just spouting off the things they've been "trained" to say immediately, and respond entirely with emotion instead of using cognitive process. It's about as intelligent as talking in your sleep.

Perhaps how I tell them isn't such a bad idea... maybe it'll shock some of their braincells into waking up.

I know how that feels too. We're trained to give each other the time of day. If it wasn't for the social norms, no one would talk to anyone.

teh lag
December 6th, 2007, 08:27 PM
Boy, won't it be great when all these delinquent wanna-be gangsters we've grown up with try raising kids with their bimbo girlfriends? The next generation's gonna be crap.

Warning : Big wall o' text ahead.

That thought alone scares the shit out of me. Everywhere I see kids who would die in a week if they were cut off from mommy and daddy's money and don't know the first thing about reality. Everywhere I see kids raised in a life where parents are too busy to care about them or actually set *GASP* rules, and end up having a nanny their whole childhood and get away with murder because thier parents don't care. I see kids with no regard at all for the future or anything except getting Y item or going to X party over the weekend, because their parents do everything for them and they have zero life skills.

I see people whose entire vocabulary consits of phrases sitched together from rap songs and Comdey Central, and are perfectly content running around like the massive mental deficients they are spewing out lines for the 999th time. I see people who mindlessly follow social trends and then call themselves 'individuals', because the stores told them so. Every day I see these people, who go around disgustingly ignorant of the outside world, and then vomit up some rhetoric that's been crammed down their throats when you ask them about anything of substance.

I see people bitching to each other about how they need a new cell phone or want to go to some generic music concert or hate their parents for -god forbid- actually imposing some goddamn limits on them, and I just laugh inside at the thought of what problems will await them in the real world. I see kids who fit themselves into cookie-cutter social molds to try and feel love that thier parents never gave them in their cookie-cutter society. I see people who think they're cool by pretending* they're gangsters or emo or goth or gay or nerds or wearing suits to school or putting on some corporate-stamped shirt with writing that's supposed to make them an 'individual' like "The people who think they know everything are annoying those of us who do."

That brings me to another thing that scares me about these people - thier horribly overbearing arrogance. I see them acting like only they matter in the world, because in what little time their parents do see them, they are given everything they want on impulse, because thier parents find no other way to compensate for their jobs which give them the massive paychecks which in turn pay for their spoiled childrens' stuff. And then, when mommy and daddy don't do everything their little precious wants, they all of a sudden become the biggest assholes in the world for setting some limits. They get this incredibly irritating notion that all the world will be the same as thier parents, catering to their every whim and will think they're the most important thing ever. Selfishness and pettyness run rampant in this environment, and are turning an entire generation into a massive swarm of egocentric assholes.

There's also this careless and selfish "someone else does it, don't worry" attitude that grows here. Fuck picking up after yourself - someone else has done it all your life, why would anywhere be anything different? It's this mass of hopeless people that scares me when I think about the future. A society where everyone thinks they're the most important, noone has any life skills, and everyone laps up the latest trends to ensure that they are loved by all in their prefabricated social hole. But don't worry - mommy and daddy will still manage to get them a cushy job (if they get a job at all and don't live off of their parents entirely for the rest of thier directionless lives) to ensure that they can go on like this forever, without ever having to worry about anything else. This is why I'm scared.

Edit : * I'm not saying that all these groups are automatically pretending; just that a sad amount of people pretend to belong to these groups for attention.

Edit 2 : Paragraphs for great justice.

December 6th, 2007, 08:30 PM
It's okay to be hypocritical.

December 6th, 2007, 08:50 PM
Warning : They get this incredibly irritating notion that all the world will be the same as thier parents, catering to their every whim and will think they're the most important thing ever

This is true. If you listen to presidential campaign speeches, how often do you hear the words "you have the right"? To often. They appeal to the selfish people, who believe that they are the center of the universe and should be entitled to everything.

December 7th, 2007, 05:10 AM
i've been wanting to make my own country for a long time now. for NORMAL people only.

based on proper rules.

i could post an IMMENSE post here about this, but i think the people i've already talked to about this know what i mean.

people these days are just stupid stupid dumb bags of consuming shit.
also i spit on the way americans use the word "respect" they throw it everywhere, but they don't seem to know the real meaning of it. respect and honour are the most misudes words ever. also the muslim retards (no offence to you non-retard muslims here) but say a girl did something to "shame the family" and they restore their "honour" by doing horrible things to a defenceless girl. yeah, honour. my ass.

i swear, if the NORMAL people were in control, you'd see alot of changes.
so back to my own country with normal people in it. ran by normal people whi aren't dumb fucks.

lag: you might just want ti insert a few enters in there, just to make it easier to read.
also: yeah. ever seen my sweet 16 on mtv and stuff.

i can't even bear watching that shit. it's just too absurd for words.

December 7th, 2007, 05:18 AM
i've been wanting to make my own country for a long time now. for NORMAL people only.

based on proper rules.

People have tried that. The :downs: gene will quickly crop up due to low variety in the gene pool present in your island.

Also, it was tried again. The result was internet forums.

December 7th, 2007, 05:48 AM
i've been wanting to make my own country for a long time now. for NORMAL people only.

Define 'normal'.

December 7th, 2007, 05:53 AM
you're not gettign into my country damnit!

December 7th, 2007, 05:56 AM
Right...still doesn't answer my question though.

Are you normal?

If so, what are you? and how do people become you?
How can I become normal?

I'm sick of people saying things like "oh, he shouldn't be doing that, its not normal" or "oh my, that kids just not normal"
Different people have different views of what is normal and what isn't.
Some of those views may seem odd to others, ('un-normal') but to the person theres nothing wrong/weird about what they do.

Quoting a friend: there is no normal, not in psychology anyway...there is 'average'..but, yeah.

December 7th, 2007, 07:03 AM
yeah, maybe the word "normal" wasn't the word to use, but somethign more alogn the lines of "not a dumb piece of shit"

December 7th, 2007, 03:59 PM
Please, everyone, stop being human! <:mad:>

I heartily agree with this statement, taken literally.

December 7th, 2007, 06:29 PM
I don't believe that there really is a normal. If I were to make my own country, there would be an IQ test to become a parent. If you failed, your kid is taken from you and drafted into the military. That would mean that about 85&#37; of the population's children would be raised as soldiers, serve, be WELL educated and eventually retire, hopefully having kids and raising them right.


December 8th, 2007, 05:17 AM
Heres a few examples?

IC: "What do you think of abortion?"

subject: "I think abortion is killing babies! Its wrong because its not natural and that baby was meant to live! If you didn't want babies you should have used a condom or just not had sex."

IC: "What if you were raped, or if the baby is going to be born with some kind of life threatening disability?"

subject: ".... Then thats different."

"ignorant" ppl < ppl using reason to mindfuck ppl.
if i were given a proper amount of time, i could give you a perfect justification for almost any, and even contradictory amgumentation. but i wont do it cause it would only propagate nihilism. D:
But srsly, i dont think most ppl should be allowed to vote/be in charge of something. "ignorant" ppl, ppl who are to lazy to get themselves their own opinion, are way to vulnerable to all sorts of propaganda and populism. mb thats one of the reasons demoracies tend to not work too well.

December 9th, 2007, 04:59 AM
I don't believe that there really is a normal. If I were to make my own country, there would be an IQ test to become a parent. If you failed, your kid is taken from you and drafted into the military. That would mean that about 85% of the population's children would be raised as soldiers, serve, be WELL educated and eventually retire, hopefully having kids and raising them right.

See: The Aboriginal Stolen generation.

didnt really work out.

December 9th, 2007, 05:51 AM
i think the nazis had something like this going on aswell. :/