View Full Version : NVIDIA JUST RELEASED THE 8800 GTS!

December 11th, 2007, 07:59 PM

I'm sure all the techies here have known about this for weeks, but I thought I'd update everyone else. It's basically the 8800 GT except it is a bit faster in memory, shader and core plus it has an extra Shader Unit unlocked (total of 128). Runs a bit cooler and apparently a hell of a lot quieter. One score I looked at had it getting 14K 3Dmark 06 points to the 8800 GT's 12.9K.

I bought one from Newegg myelf :awesome:. It's my first card from EVGA and I think it is the sexiest GTS(G92) on the market right now.

December 11th, 2007, 08:18 PM

It's a decent card, but ugh, where is D9E? :v

December 11th, 2007, 09:58 PM
Isn't there supposed to be a 1 GB version according to some websites?

December 11th, 2007, 10:00 PM
Eventually I'm sure. There already are some 1gig variants of the 8800 GT on the stock PCB and both cards use the same PCB, it's really just a matter of finding memory that would run at the rated speeds for the GTS (not too hard I'm sure).

December 11th, 2007, 10:19 PM
How much does it cost on average?

December 11th, 2007, 10:22 PM
Right now it is going for $350 - $400, MSRP is $300 =/. Thats just Newegg trying to pull another 8800 GT though. If demand stays low (it might considering this is much more then the GT) it might go down in price.

[edit]My card will be here tomorrow =). I love being in newegg's backyard.

December 11th, 2007, 10:25 PM
Stuff from them typically takes less than a few days to reach me, depending on the center it's shipped from, since I've noticed they've sent me stuff from several places around the country.

Teh Ganon
December 11th, 2007, 10:40 PM

Was looking at the 8800 GTS earlier myself but, ^^ :3

December 12th, 2007, 12:13 AM
dear god.

how many 8800's are there now.

i lost count after 26 >_>

December 12th, 2007, 09:11 AM
dear god.

how many 8800's are there now.

i lost count after 26 >_>


December 12th, 2007, 10:41 PM
It's in, it also happens to be bigger then my motherboard xD. Imma game with it a bit and see how it goes.

December 12th, 2007, 10:46 PM
Whats the difference between PCI-E 16 and PCI-E 2.0?

Found my answer. So I can install this card on my motherboard with just PCI-E x16.

December 13th, 2007, 12:20 AM
Yup, thats what I am doing.

I now need a better CPU =(.

December 13th, 2007, 12:20 AM

Edit:You beat me to it:suicide:

December 13th, 2007, 10:15 PM
Yup, thats what I am doing.

I now need a better CPU =(.

I now need the Intel QX9850 :(

December 13th, 2007, 11:30 PM
Yup, thats what I am doing.

I now need a better CPU =(.
Or just a board that doesn't limit the overclock with all it's might. ;)

December 14th, 2007, 12:37 AM
Or just a board that doesn't limit the overclock with all it's might. ;)
Exactly :D.

I can play Crysis with absolutely everything maxed in the D3D10 renderer at 1280 x 720 with minimal lag until I start seeing lots of snow in dark rooms. My 3DMark06 score jumped from 3,500 in Vista x64 to 7,600 (this is with beta drivers on a poorly maintained install, so I imagine I could get a better score if I reinstalled with new release drivers). Until I can OC my CPU to hell and back though I can't do too much to improve it. Needs moar P35/X38 mobo =(.

Portal (and probably other Source based stuff) runs flawlessly with everything maxed at 1680 x 1050 (with HDR, motion blur and bloom, although I'm not positive if Portal uses that last one) and 5 Portal render passes. It starts to get a little laggy at 6 and I haven't tried anything past that.

Imma try S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with that one patch and Oblivion later, but I have a 500 word essay to write =/. Day before school lets out too, I am sad xD.

December 14th, 2007, 12:43 AM
Are you going to use the step up program and get a GeForce 9 series or stick with the 8800 GTS (G92) you have? [I think there is going to be a 1 GB version of the 8800 GTS (G92) and the 8800 GT.]

December 14th, 2007, 08:25 PM
If the performance is worth the step up fee then yes, but I'm happy with the card.

My motherboard however just pissed me off for the last time. The battery and the piece of plastic that holds it in literally fell out when I went to replace it =D.





Suggestion for all of you planning on buying motherboards or anything for that matter, DO NOT BUY USED. YOU WILL REGRET IT. Make sure that when you pick up the part that it is properly sealed and that some jackass at the store hasn't marked it as new to make a buck off of you.

[EDIT] After a half hour of soldering and a shit load of duct tape I have the fucker booting, but I need to get myself a new mobo anyway since I don't trust my soldering + the fact that the battery is free floating on some wires. I'll probably go for this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130097) or this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813127030), but I'm open to suggestions. I need DDR2 though since theres no way in hell I'm paying another $400 for 4 gigs of ram =/.

I just won the Aggy Award for Technological Excellence!

December 14th, 2007, 10:25 PM
*Cough*Get the Abit*Cough*

December 15th, 2007, 01:11 AM
Portal runs flawlessly with everything maxed at 1680 x 1050 (with HDR, motion blur and bloom, although I'm not positive if Portal uses that last one)

In Source games, you either get bloom or HDR, not both at the same time. Personally I can't stand bloom in Source engine games, because they always seem to make it obscenely bright, so it's either HDR or nothing for me D:

December 18th, 2007, 05:56 PM
I don't like either full HDR nor bloom in source engine games made so far, it fucking hurts my eyes. :(

December 20th, 2007, 08:50 PM
Semi-bump, but I'll just post my final review sort of thing of the card. Verdict: epic win.

So far out of all the games I have played (check xfire) I can play them all pretty much maxed except for Crysis (to be expected). I haven't add any pretty-up-packs to Oblivion yet and I haven't installed KoN yet but right now playing the game with everything maxed at 1680 x 1050 is amazing, I wish I had made this upgrade years ago with the 8800 GTX :D. Guess it's a good thing I didn't since this card is better.

Someone overclocked their GTX to 1ghz core, 2.2ghz mem and 2.6ghz shader and scored 21K in 3DMark06 with ONE CARD (http://xtreview.com/addcomment-id-3924-view-GeForce-8800-GTS-512-MB-extreme-overclock.html). THAT IS CRAZY. If I remember correctly it beats out a pair of 8800 Ultras, I'll have to find the article about it again and see if I'm talking out of my ass right now or not. Once I can afford a good waterblock this thing is so going to be watercooled xD.

I should be getting the Abit IP35 Pro either for Christmas or soon afterwards at which point I aim to OC my CPU to hell and back. Hopefully I'll be able to play Crysis at a higher res as right now I can't go above 1280 x 720 without experiencing painfully bad lag, especially during firefights and physics heavy things which points to my CPU being a bottleneck (constantly maxed at 100% for both cores). Hopefully I'll be able to get myself a 45nm Quad core for an affordable price when they come out (whenever that is, I heard they got delayed again =/).

Anyways, STALKER plays flawlessly absolutely maxed with the global dynamic lighting or whatever it was enabled. Forgot if I had any AA enabled but I'm sure I can enable it if it isn't considering it was absolutely silky smooth framerate wise. I remember that there was a patch for STALKER that improved the performance and made it prettier at the same time, if someone has it on them I'd be happy if you could send me a copy since I'm having trouble finding it =/. Renders in 3DS Max are noticeably faster then my old 7600 GT. I am in love with this thing :D. Hell, it's even quieter then my old 7600 GT (which had like a 40mm fan or something). Honestly this thing has probably been the best upgrade I have ever made.