View Full Version : OMGZ (Or Botolf has been caught aimbotting)

December 12th, 2007, 01:05 PM
Behold, the solid evidence that I was aimbotting on Snow Grove!

http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=IYP22AymI0k (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=IYP22AymI0k)

This sums up his "evidence" pretty well:



December 12th, 2007, 01:07 PM
Why the fuck would you waste a thread saying that you aimbot!?

December 12th, 2007, 01:11 PM
It amuses me that the dude went to such lengths to try to convince people I use aimbots, even though it's false and the grounds he did it on were nowhere conclusive.

(I'm not actually saying I aimbot, the title post is tongue-in-cheek ;))

December 12th, 2007, 01:14 PM
o, lol, ok, i ahe just watched it again and there is no aimbot because you miss alot of times, and you move the camera about alot, with a aimbot it would stay at one level. i probobly being a little noob and editited it.

December 12th, 2007, 01:20 PM
Commenting in my defence, but youtube is being slow :mad:

o, lol, ok, but i watched that video and that person defintly aimbots. Unless he did some video editing which i will have a look now.
The film is cut up quite a bit, so you're not seeing my countless misses, etc. The "snaps" don't even look like such.

December 12th, 2007, 01:30 PM
could be intermittently pressing shift to find your enemies, but i dunno.

December 12th, 2007, 01:31 PM
What would Shift do?

December 12th, 2007, 01:34 PM
Oh my god. Check my comment, on my old ass rumand account.

I've seen more blatant innocent videos from strider.

December 12th, 2007, 01:38 PM
I thank thee for your support :)

I've seen more blatant innocent videos from strider.
Links? I could use a good laugh :p

December 12th, 2007, 02:15 PM
Haha, the fool responded, and now he's taken it on himself to delete comments. Retard :rolleyes:

December 12th, 2007, 03:31 PM
MSK server, that figures. Most people don't give a shit, least of all me.

December 12th, 2007, 04:31 PM
Isnt MSK a bot clan or something?

EDIT: Also, commented in your defense.

December 12th, 2007, 04:35 PM
This topic serves no purpose other than to make your e-peen bigger.

You shouldn't care if anyone thinks you aimbot. If you don't you know the truth yourself and that's all that matters. Making a public statement about it can sometimes make it worse. Just lock this thread.

December 12th, 2007, 06:11 PM
You should get a refund for that aimbot ;)

December 12th, 2007, 06:11 PM
This topic serves no purpose other than to make your e-peen bigger.

You shouldn't care if anyone thinks you aimbot. If you don't you know the truth yourself and that's all that matters. Making a public statement about it can sometimes make it worse. Just lock this thread.
You'd think that, but some people (like myself) find a bit of entertainment in the fact that he thinks Botolf is cheating.

Thanks for sharing ;p

December 12th, 2007, 06:19 PM
You should get a refund for that aimbot ;)
More like... Gaybot!


You'd think that, but some people (like myself) find a bit of entertainment in the fact that he thinks Botolf is cheating.

Thanks for sharing ;p
I find it entertaining as well, 'twas the only reason I posted it for :p

(And it'd be weird to seek e-peen enlargements from this, in that match I was sucking :raise:)

December 12th, 2007, 09:37 PM
Waste of bandwidth :/

December 12th, 2007, 10:18 PM
Waste of bandwidth :/This is quality compared to the other shit on youtube.

It was funny because it was totally obvious you weren't aimbotting. Tell that kid to download a aimbot and see what a real one is like.

December 13th, 2007, 12:10 AM
He just keeps editing out any comments that disagree with them, retard has it in his head that what he says is ultimate truth, I guess :p

And the irony of his after-edit is priceless:

Update: To everyone who doesn't recognize it, you are truly blind. As for the insults and stupid comments: Don't care. If you can't see whats so clearly in front of you get your eyes checked.

December 13th, 2007, 01:29 AM
I didn't laugh. This is sad.

People, DO NOT LAUGH AT THIS, this is serious.
This poor young man is trying to reach out to us, he wants our attention.
Just because he is mentally retarded, doesn't make him any less of a--


Fuck that.


December 13th, 2007, 01:54 AM
I dropped him a message on JewTube. Let's see what he has to say.

Kid wouldn't know a snap if he aimbotted himself.

December 13th, 2007, 02:09 AM
Who wants to have fun with this guy? :D

E: lame he disabled comments :<

December 13th, 2007, 02:13 AM
Ya, he's a nazi like that D:

December 13th, 2007, 05:48 AM
do you even know the guy? how did you find about the vid?

December 13th, 2007, 10:13 AM
He said he'd post it after he accused me of aimbotting, I remembered what he said recently, so I looked around to see if he actually did :lol:

December 13th, 2007, 10:23 AM
Wow... what a retard... I just saw the video (didn't watch it on first post), this guy is now banned from using sightjacker ever again. That was retarded.

I still say it is a waste of bandwidth though.

December 13th, 2007, 10:53 AM
But it's funny.


December 13th, 2007, 12:19 PM
But it's funny.


I lold.

Im gonna spam him with PMs on youtube.

December 13th, 2007, 12:55 PM
just go in and flag it as bullying, because it looks like it could be...

this guys retarded.

December 13th, 2007, 01:53 PM
I somehow doubt Youtube admins would know the difference between an aimbot and standard play, "wtf's an aimbot?!" :p

December 13th, 2007, 02:17 PM
I messaged him, with this attached video (proof of what an actual aimbotter looks like):

Btw, I'm not the one aimbotting ;), I like where I start kicking their ass's at the end there, then crouch on the hill and watch two shots fly over my head.

December 13th, 2007, 02:46 PM
Ha if someone wanted to really hide an aimbot they would set the height setting to .4 or lower so if they crouched they get hit. :D
Ha what a noob. Poor guy missed you...

December 13th, 2007, 02:50 PM
*Remembers Law course*

Hey.. This is defamation, I wonder if you can sue him :D

December 13th, 2007, 03:16 PM
I despise frivolous lawsuits, I don't wanna be a hypocrite! :mad:

December 13th, 2007, 03:23 PM
I despise frivolous lawsuits, I don't wanna be a hypocrite! :mad:

I dont either, but detterance is fun :D

December 13th, 2007, 05:35 PM
Deterrance with birdshot, maybe...


December 14th, 2007, 10:05 AM
Flagged his video explained what he said and what some server admins do to "botters" (like ban on sight or just keycode hash ban) also said the edit snaps more then all of your playing, wonder if it will actualy get it to be removed... maybe if we just flag it enough XP

December 14th, 2007, 10:13 AM
This guy needs a good kick up the ass for being a noob. (The guy who did this stupid video)

December 14th, 2007, 10:17 AM
Update 2: After examining it, it looks like he was using it to locate people and seek them out (like behind walls and stuff), rather then use it to aim.

He's a stubborn dude, ain't he? :p

December 14th, 2007, 05:02 PM
He sent me a message back about deleting the comments because he didnt want to deal with the comments. No idea why he kept the only good comments about it, let alone the fact he cut the video up to MAKE it look like snapping, most people aim at the wall they're hugging, because it makes it easier to hit the guy that could be there.

December 14th, 2007, 05:10 PM
If he didn't want to deal with 'em, he could have ignored them :p

December 15th, 2007, 04:47 AM
If he didn't want to deal with 'em, he could have ignored them :p

If he didnt want to deal with them, he would have deleted ALL of them.

December 15th, 2007, 07:49 AM
or locked the reply from the start.

December 15th, 2007, 10:27 AM
If he didnt want to deal with them, he would have deleted ALL of them.
I really don't think his intentions were all that benign, deleting comments disagreeing with you and leaving neutral ones, it starts looking like deliberate manipulation, as if he doesn't have much confidence in his assertions, maybe :p

December 17th, 2007, 12:59 AM
I loled. Guy needs to see what real aimbots look like before he says someone else does.

Then again, on the Face Clan server (Go figure), I was accused of aimbotting by no less then 5 people, one of which said he was Sightjacking me and said I was snapping (He had 300 ping, so it was lag on his end). Then one of them found me by the caves at BG, went full auto (With bad aim) with an Assault Rifle, and when I brought him down with a Needler, he said he just got in a Hog and I snapped backwards. Anyone with half a brain could see that he had died, but the faces believed him.

Surprisingly, I am not banned from that server after that. I sometimes go in it to get cheap kills by crouching and using a Rocket Launcher to counter the Face clan's "Safety in Numbers" routine. Best server to get a Killtacular in.[/offtopicranting]

Llama Juice
December 17th, 2007, 06:30 AM
... Did you guys see his description of the video?

Update 2: After examining it, it looks like he was using it to locate people and seek them out (like behind walls and stuff), rather then use it to aim.

<3 noobs

December 17th, 2007, 06:36 AM
... Did you guys see his description of the video?

Update 2: After examining it, it looks like he was using it to locate people and seek them out (like behind walls and stuff), rather then use it to aim.

<3 noobs


December 17th, 2007, 09:28 AM
Ha if someone wanted to really hide an aimbot they would set the height setting to .4 or lower so if they crouched they get hit. :D
Ha what a noob. Poor guy missed you...

Now how would you know about that?

December 17th, 2007, 11:16 AM
... Did you guys see his description of the video?

Update 2: After examining it, it looks like he was using it to locate people and seek them out (like behind walls and stuff), rather then use it to aim.

<3 noobs
You're late. By three days.

"<3 noobs" (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/showpost.php?p=199589&postcount=39)

The dude's still as thick as a brick, there's nothing conclusive at all in that video, nothing even approaching suitable evidence.

EDIT: Or are you calling him a noob? Now I'm confuzzled on your intent. *brainhurt*

t3h m00kz
December 17th, 2007, 12:01 PM
I hate that shit >( I was in this server one time and there were two people in it. It was a non-dedi, and I was kinda irritated about how my day went, so I was LAYING WASTE. After about halfway through the game one of them says "Muki, you've been caught aimbotting." They don't even ban me... they just shut the server down.

Before that, I was playing in CMT-SnowGrove and someone had used a ghost to get up on the outer ridge. Someone was sightjacking me at the time, and the guy on top of the ridge had shot at me with a sniper rifle, hit the ground below me. I saw the contrail, knew exactly where it came from, looked up there for a split second. Sightjacker said "OMG U JUST SNAPPED HOLY SHIT THATS PECULIAR."

Oh and I got banned from MSK once because of "aimbotting."

These people just CANT TAKE IT

December 17th, 2007, 12:38 PM
I was on yoyorast once and this guy kept running straight at me with an AR.

I had a sniper, so he was easy picking, every time I killed him, he kept yelling bot OMG IM SIGHTJACKING U BOT BOTBOT.

Some people are just tards I guess :XD:

December 17th, 2007, 12:50 PM
Online games need 'tard-filters :p

December 17th, 2007, 01:18 PM
For some reason i keep on getting mistaken for someone who is in HIV. I always get asked that question, for some reason. In my opinion, if someone tells me i am botting i just say k. If they want to ban me, so be it. Right or wrong it is there server, if they want a bunch of jackass' instead of real good players fine so be it.

idiot+server+sightjacker+real-good-player=Aimbot accusations/ unjust banning.

Its just how it is. There are better servers you can play, who's players are more mature and responsible. MSK has there head up there ass, and boy, its up wayyy in there.

Your no bot, you just a player, like the rest of us.

December 17th, 2007, 03:02 PM
Basically the only reason I continue to frequent the server is to spite the retards who think I'm botting, it's amusing :lol:

December 17th, 2007, 06:02 PM
Basically the only reason I continue to frequent the server is to spite the retards who think I'm botting, it's amusing :lol:
So do I.
I still have my old aimbot from my dark past I break out every once in a while to go cause chaos in the MSK server.
Let me put it this way: These people cannot spot aimbots. I don't aimbot, they say I bot. I DO aimbot, and I get no accusations whatsoever.

Oh, and supersniper, why is it that I found your name on a HCE aimbotting website about a year or so ago? I still have the address somewhere, let me see if your post is still there.

EDIT: Ah, here's a quick link using Yahoo. Top of the page:
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%2Bsupersniper+aimbot&ei=UTF-8&xargs=0&pstart=1&b=11 (http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=&#37;2Bsupersniper+aimbot&ei=UTF-8&xargs=0&pstart=1&b=11)
If I click on the post, it says the link is non-existent, but the text is there.

EDIT 2: http://www.uc-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47887

I'll keep looking, but I found those two with Yahoo.
Supersniper, an explanation?

Funny how he's known for running CMT's Official Snow Grove server.

EDIT 3: Just an FYI, I only use my aimbot for 2 purposes:
1. Testing my anti-aimbot script (If I don't have an aimbot myself, how can I test it?).
2. Causing chaos in the MSK server for a laugh.

December 17th, 2007, 06:09 PM

Looks like Patrick's got a following :3

December 17th, 2007, 06:16 PM
I just now realized the last post in the above quote of myself was 10 days ago, by Supersniper nonetheless. Now I REALLY want to see this explanation.

December 17th, 2007, 07:10 PM
Lol just because the name is supersniper doesn't mean it is the same one. I am against hacking (excluding the third person hack by Shawn). I am sorry that someone else used that name but I am not that person. That is all I can really say... meh it's not me.

I admit I have used hacks in the past like 2 years ago but I don't anymore

December 17th, 2007, 07:14 PM
Lol just because the name is supersniper doesn't mean it is the same one. I am against hacking (excluding the third person hack by Shawn). I am sorry that someone else used that name but I am not that person. That is all I can really say... meh it's not me.

I admit I have used hacks in the past like 2 years ago but I don't anymore.
Alright, I believe you. I was actually thinking the same thing.

December 17th, 2007, 08:03 PM
Just me being Frank.... Botolf why do you care what an ingorant idiot thinks about you?
Especially when he goes to the level of bitching that results in him taking his bitching to a video dedicated to complaining about you? Not that I read all..... the topic but if I was you I would feel the satisfction of some random idiot be so annoyed that he has to post it on youtube

~-~- Regards, Hailstorm65

December 17th, 2007, 08:04 PM
Just me being Frank.... Botolf why do you care what an ingorant idiot thinks about you?
Especially when he goes to the level of bitching that results in him taking his bitching to a video dedicated to complaining about you? Not that I read all..... the topic but if I was you I would feel the satisfction of some random idiot be so annoyed that he has to post it on youtube

~-~- Regards, Hailstorm65
Er, that's why I posted this, I find it entertaining :)

December 17th, 2007, 08:06 PM
Lol just because the name is supersniper doesn't mean it is the same one. I am against hacking (excluding the third person hack by Shawn). I am sorry that someone else used that name but I am not that person. That is all I can really say... meh it's not me.

I admit I have used hacks in the past like 2 years ago but I don't anymore

Liar. The coincidence is to much. And you can't prove it's not you.

December 17th, 2007, 08:31 PM
I used to use the aimbot...
Excuse me...the Syuubot, didn't work too well for me.

People "snap" on when they're trying to aim on to people and it worse with sightjacker because you don't get the framerate when on camera_first_person makes your look-see-movements a bit choppier.

December 17th, 2007, 09:36 PM
Xetsuei™;200903']Liar. The coincidence is to much. And you can't prove it's not you.
Unfortunately, we can't prove it's him, either.

Also, just some sideline commentary here, with an aimbot, it is extremely hard to tweak the values just right. By default, they are set for long-range sniper, and I am not a long-range sniper. You have to modify the values for one gun (I preferred the Pistol, Medium Range), and stick to it. If someone went close range when you had medium-to-long range, you were screwed. If someone went Long Range when you were close-to-medium range, you were screwed.

If you excuse me, I'm going to go mess with some heads in the MSK server and see if I get banned this time.

December 17th, 2007, 09:50 PM
I messaged him, with this attached video (proof of what an actual aimbotter looks like):

Btw, I'm not the one aimbotting ;), I like where I start kicking their ass's at the end there, then crouch on the hill and watch two shots fly over my head.

I like that music

o and I did meet someone that is the most uhh.. "perfect role model" for noobs he said everything noob bot hacker you name it

December 18th, 2007, 12:10 AM
Also, just some sideline commentary here, with an aimbot, it is extremely hard to tweak the values just right. By default, they are set for long-range sniper, and I am not a long-range sniper.

No and no.

December 18th, 2007, 12:17 AM
Xetsueiâ„¢;200975']No and no.
Well, it is for me, anyway.
Last time I used it was to piss off some MSK guys, and I didn't tweak the values.

Llama Juice
December 18th, 2007, 07:40 AM
You're late. By three days.

"<3 noobs" (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/showpost.php?p=199589&postcount=39)

The dude's still as thick as a brick, there's nothing conclusive at all in that video, nothing even approaching suitable evidence.

EDIT: Or are you calling him a noob? Now I'm confuzzled on your intent. *brainhurt*

I was calling him a noob :P.

I read through the thread and missed where you quoted his update, my bad. You didn't really label it or anything, thought you or another H2V goer was saying it instead of him.


How does this thread make it to seven pages anyhow?... That's kinda sad.

December 18th, 2007, 11:21 AM
The stupidity of internet folks is fun to talk about, I suppose.

And much soz about completely misreading you :v

January 3rd, 2008, 03:59 AM

Hehe, so I went to see how my favourite video on youtube was doing, and was greeted with this new development:

"This video has been removed by the user."

I guess the dude finally listened to the voice of reason :XD:

January 3rd, 2008, 10:29 AM
Boo, video removed, means I cant have a laugh, oh well. SO jay, did your "antiaimbot" script work? Im guessing not.

E: Scrap that, that "hacking" site made me laugh a bit.


OMG it has like ultra security, wtf is that idiot on about. Ahh well. Time to tease some noobs.

January 3rd, 2008, 08:10 PM
:lmao: ^

That's great!

January 3rd, 2008, 10:42 PM
I caught this guy named PBS botting In a HCE server.

Look at how he locks onto my friend (in TS with) "3skwithpenis" and look what happens when he ports


I told my friend he was botting and my friend was like "lol naw hes too bad" so I decided to whip out sightjacker (which is like my best friend ever) and send him the vid.

January 4th, 2008, 12:08 AM
Boo, video removed, means I cant have a laugh, oh well. SO jay, did your "antiaimbot" script work? Im guessing not.

Actually, it did. It worked ALMOST all the time. I managed to get a lock once, but I couldn't hold it when he moved.

January 4th, 2008, 01:38 AM
So is it released yet...

January 4th, 2008, 01:59 AM
Boo, video removed, means I cant have a laugh, oh well. SO jay, did your "antiaimbot" script work? Im guessing not.

E: Scrap that, that "hacking" site made me laugh a bit.


OMG it has like ultra security, wtf is that idiot on about. Ahh well. Time to tease some noobs.
Wow :lol:

January 5th, 2008, 04:10 AM
So is it released yet...
I tried uploading it to Halomaps, but Dennis didn't upload it for some reason. I uploaded it about a month ago, and I know Dennis has updated the site since then, so I guess he must of not approved of it or something. Probably dismisses Aimbotting as "Childish Nonsense" or something like that.

So I'll keep it on a "If you ask me, I'll give you the file via Filefront" basis.

January 5th, 2008, 04:13 AM
Isn't that the script that just goes and attaches an invisible biped to other players rapidly at random?

If that's the case, just post it in [code] tags in the Release forum...