View Full Version : World of Warcraft?

December 22nd, 2007, 12:46 AM
Anybody here play it? (Private servers don't count)

What are your characters and what realm you play on? An armory link would be cool too.

I currently have a 60 Undead Fury warrior (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Ysera&n=Retardlad) on Ysera. I'm very bored with it so I picked up the Public Test Realm and transfered a premade warrior to it. All my gear on him sucks and I can't find a group for anything on this realm. I don't even have enough money for my epic mount =\. Though my premade on the PTR has a 27% crit chance un buffed and in battle stance with T5 DPS set. While my 60 has a 19% crit chance un buffed in battle stance.

Also I don't need to hear if any of you are WoW haters. In fact don't even bother posting if you are going to try to start a flame war. I'm just wondering if any H2vista forumers play WoW.

December 22nd, 2007, 02:04 AM
I'm off and on player. I have never made it past level 32 on any character, but I'm renewing my subscription this month so I'll let you know.

December 22nd, 2007, 02:05 AM
god dammit I hate that freaking game :smith:

December 22nd, 2007, 03:35 AM
i quit

had a shadowpriest into black temple/hyjal on silvermoon.
then i got bored and sold account for lotso moneys <3

December 22nd, 2007, 01:15 PM
god dammit I hate that freaking game :smith:

Then come....Dane.....join the forces of good in the LOTRO!

December 22nd, 2007, 01:32 PM
Got up to level 62 with a mage. My account is now deactivated, and I probably won't reactivate it until June or July.

I do occasionally play on a private server, though. >_>

December 22nd, 2007, 09:21 PM
Lets see:

52 Draenei Shaman Eonz Azjol-Nerub
52 Tauren Druid Eonz Shadowsong
61 Undead Rogue Drux Shadowsong
30 Orc Hunter Orcbayne Shadowsong
34 BloodElf Warlock Aonen Shadowsong
03 Undead Priest ----Crap cant remember/not important
70 Tauren Hunter Doozer Shadowsong
70 Undead Rogue Kelfayne Shadowsong
64 Gnome Mage Gnomezorz Azjol-Nerub

'Bout sums it up, although I don't own all of the accounts (They are friends) I frequently play them.

December 22nd, 2007, 11:35 PM
I make love, not warcraft!

December 23rd, 2007, 12:02 AM
I make love, not warcraft!

That was stupid.

December 23rd, 2007, 12:50 AM
Its from south park... Actually, the title of an episode.

December 23rd, 2007, 01:57 AM
...World of Warcraft?

*holds up fingers in cross and backs away*

December 23rd, 2007, 04:07 AM
I think Wow has sucked too many people away from all the other good games. Too many fucking people play just it now.

December 23rd, 2007, 05:12 AM
WoW is fun for a hobby, but I wouldn't take it too seriously.

I played on private servers for a while, but it kept crashing my PC :( (one of the allience blue dude mages).

WoW hateboys piss me off just as much as WoW fanboys tbqh.

December 23rd, 2007, 05:48 AM
Tried the game, it was good, but then failed. Level 26 Human Mage, think that was earlier this year. Haven't and will not go back. EvE is my MMO and always will be, i can't stand the graphics on WOW nor the artistic design. And the grind is annoying, i prefer inter-changing missions and hardcore PvP and Solo Ratting haha (EVE ftw).

December 23rd, 2007, 06:20 AM
I did the trial, I think I ended up as about a level 10-12 human mage. It was fun, but it didn't grab me, really, so I just decided it wasn't really worth my money and uninstalled it.

December 23rd, 2007, 08:55 AM
Im gonna come in here and sorta bash WoW. Enjoy.

I bought the game and tried it for a few weeks. To be honest, the game was too carebear for me. Yes, carebear. It wasn't anything hardcore, you cant really get ganked, and theres really no such thing as buffers. (or maybe there were and I just didnt get high enough to see them) I hate that. I need a game with wars, pvp at anytime, buffs REALLY decide a battle, and the ability to gank or get ganked at any point in time. Thats why i play Lineage 2.

Compare this WoW pvp (http://www.livepvp.com/index.php?p=viewfiles&fileid=1080) to this Lineage 2 pvp. (http://files.filefront.com/demigods+reverbavi/;8188695;/fileinfo.html) Imho L2 > WoW.

/leave thread (no more bashing from me)

December 23rd, 2007, 03:40 PM
@the people who don't like the grind/paying for a subscritpion, just play private servers.

I played one with 10x XP and GP, and it was free :awesome:

December 23rd, 2007, 03:53 PM
Im gonna come in here and sorta bash WoW. Enjoy.

I bought the game and tried it for a few weeks. To be honest, the game was too carebear for me. Yes, carebear. It wasn't anything hardcore, you cant really get ganked, and theres really no such thing as buffers. (or maybe there were and I just didnt get high enough to see them) I hate that. I need a game with wars, pvp at anytime, buffs REALLY decide a battle, and the ability to gank or get ganked at any point in time. Thats why i play Lineage 2.

Compare this WoW pvp (http://www.livepvp.com/index.php?p=viewfiles&fileid=1080) to this Lineage 2 pvp. (http://files.filefront.com/demigods+reverbavi/;8188695;/fileinfo.html) Imho L2 > WoW.

/leave thread (no more bashing from me)

You have no idea what your talking about, well except that you had no experience with the game and now your bashing it like a jackass.


December 23rd, 2007, 05:31 PM
You have no idea what your talking about, well except that you had no experience with the game and now your bashing it like a jackass.


I played it for a month, never did any battlegrounds, and only made it to like ~20. I was just basing my opinion on what I experienced. And my points are true. There are no buffers. Its all self buffing, and all about the DPS.

December 24th, 2007, 02:37 AM
Well if you were playing in a PvP realm you were at the point where you will probably never be in controlled territory while questing again. Battle grounds suck till about level 40's because all you will encounter before that is a bunch of twinks. When I did BG on my warrior at about 59 I was getting the tops of damage done even though my gear was level 52 shit. Warriors also suck in PvP till the late 50's (I mean FUCKING SUCK). After that and into 70 they are pure over power goodness.

TBH casting PvP is boring. All you pretty much do is kite the opponent to death. I would rather beat somebody to death with some swords then to shoot magic out of my hands.

Self buffing, lol wut?

December 24th, 2007, 02:51 AM
You do know every class has a "buff" except rogues.....

December 24th, 2007, 03:43 AM

For fucks sake.

Cant, "the game is really stupid looking and plays like pokemon" be enough of an explanation. What the hell man.

December 24th, 2007, 09:18 AM
Hey man, pokeymans is awsum. :saddowns:

December 24th, 2007, 11:49 AM
It's kinda stupid how WoW has basically killed any chance for a Warcraft 4. Blizzard is just going to let every epic character get killed by the Happy-Fun-Time Dragon Killer guild. Blargh.

At least there's still Starcraft.

Chewy Gumball
December 24th, 2007, 01:40 PM
I played it for a month, never did any battlegrounds, and only made it to like ~20. I was just basing my opinion on what I experienced. And my points are true. There are no buffers. Its all self buffing, and all about the DPS.

Actually, its all about the healing. You have crap healing, you have crap pvp. You could argue that the shaman is the buffing class. People bring them mostly for their totem buffs, not their dps. It shouldn't be that way, their dps is ridiculous, but people just see the nerfs and think they suck. Also, a purely buffing class would be stupid. They would be nearly useless when trying to solo level. More useless than a holy priest even!

When you actually play arena or a bg, its not self buffing at all, nor is it all about dps. If you played in a high pop pvp server, you would know that you can, and will, get ganked. Often. Sometimes repeatedly. But that only starts around lvl 15 cause it would be no fun to start off and then die every 2 seconds.

December 24th, 2007, 03:21 PM
On my hunter I like to tame a Level 1 guy from the starting zone of the gnomes, then flip on pvp and wait....


December 24th, 2007, 03:58 PM
Yeah, some of my friends always talk about WoW and they're like "OMG I have like 504 gold!!!" I ask them if that's a lot, and they say yes, it is a lvl 50, but it's crap at lvl 60 (or something like that). How in the wold can 10 levels make a lot of gold turn into crap? When people talk about WoW, they say "sorry, are you bored?" and then they just keep on talking about it. Also, who would pay 20$ a month just to play one game? If ever somebody buys me a copy of that game, I'm either blowing it up in front of a bunch of fanboys, or selling it. Also, I made my friend switch from WoW to Xbox LIVE (Halo 3).

December 24th, 2007, 04:23 PM
I prefer EvE. >_>;

December 24th, 2007, 06:35 PM
Also, who would pay 20$ a month just to play one game?

Millions upon millions of people, apparently.

December 24th, 2007, 06:57 PM

For fucks sake.

Cant, "the game is really stupid looking and plays like pokemon" be enough of an explanation. What the hell man.

For fucks sake.
Cant you relise that not everyone agrees with your opinions? afterall, there just fucking opinions. not facts.

December 24th, 2007, 07:17 PM
It's kinda stupid how WoW has basically killed any chance for a Warcraft 4. Blizzard is just going to let every epic character get killed by the Happy-Fun-Time Dragon Killer guild. Blargh.

At least there's still Starcraft.
No, there isn't starcraft. Blizzard ruined Starcraft II with it's World of Warcraft style of the 3d Models. I despise the cartoony look of the games models suchs as WoW, Starcraft II and some parts of Warcraft 3. Sure it's original, but for some reason I just hate it.

December 24th, 2007, 10:45 PM
I despise the cartoony look of the games models suchs as WoW, Starcraft II and some parts of Warcraft 3. Sure it's original, but for some reason I just hate it.

I, on the other hand, like it. In these days where developers are trying to strive to break the barrier of real and simulated, a cartoonish design is much needed; at least, that's how I feel. In fact, I was initially turned off by Guitar Hero 3 when I saw the characters lost just about all of their cartoony appeal.

But then I saw Johnny Napalm shoot fire from the neck of his guitar during star power, and was like "holy shit awesome :v"

December 25th, 2007, 12:25 AM
No, there isn't starcraft. Blizzard ruined Starcraft II with it's World of Warcraft style of the 3d Models.

Hey, you know what...

Fuck off.

The game hasn't even come out yet and you are judging it's graphics on early models. Blizzard wants the game to be able to run on many different systems and configurations, so it's not going to have all the bells and whistles Crysis does. They are focused on having a fun game to play, the looks are just extra. Anyone who rates graphics above game play is a piece of shit and should not be allowed to speak. It's not that big of a fucking deal, people.

Please don't ever bitch about a sequel to a game that changed video game history, especially one that hasn't come out yet.


December 25th, 2007, 01:12 AM
For fucks sake.
dano bro just relax.

i dont always like to play with loud noise's, voices, lights and speed constaly assaulting my sense's.

I play W.o.W on occasion as a break from all the action, ACTION, ACTION!! that you get from games like UT3.

December 25th, 2007, 02:37 AM
I prefer EvE. >_>;

I hate Eve as well, but I haven't actually played it. However, it ranks much higher, because it isn't made of complete gay. Guns and ships and stuff are awesome. Gnomes and Unicorns are not. I don't give a shit about opinion. Those things were never cool. They are for girly men.

And people, don't bring up 9 million people play it therefore it's a good game. 9 million people is a very small chunk of the world, and I'm FAIRLY certain there are at least 1.5 billion stupid people on the earth. Go figure.

Oh and bodie: There are much better games for that.

December 25th, 2007, 04:31 AM
you silly there are no unicorns in wow.

also, quit bashing, you've made your opinion clear enough by now :P

December 25th, 2007, 04:42 AM
Meh, EvE didn't tickle my fancy.

Being a rogue, does though :) I was thinking about starting a shadow priest but.... I cant be bothered to learn how to play a new class

December 25th, 2007, 05:13 AM
it's only mindflaying stuff do death.

1300+ shadow dmg, and VT restores more mana than you use with mindflay only.

December 25th, 2007, 07:37 AM
you silly there are no unicorns in wow.

also, quit bashing, you've made your opinion clear enough by now :P
he cant, he's a warrior and gets +10 rage for every bash.

it'll never end :gonk:

[23:38] The Real Ziz Lady: just drop the WoW issue ok.
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: where it sliek acafe key
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: and played it
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: i was expecting like
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: what reviews say
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: 9.8
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: awesome
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: best game ever
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: and i start playin git
[23:38] Ð4ÑØ *: and i foudn myself playing Battlfield 1942 like 40 minutes later
[23:39] Ð4ÑØ *: like it was ok
[23:39] Ð4ÑØ *: but as soon as i got into a fight with something
[23:39] Ð4ÑØ *: i was like
[23:39] Ð4ÑØ *: ohkay
[23:39] Ð4ÑØ *: i just think its sucking hte players out of all the other games
[23:40] Ð4ÑØ *: its proof
[23:40] Ð4ÑØ *: Ut3 has less players than hte halo demo does
[23:40] Ð4ÑØ *: yet
[23:40] Ð4ÑØ *: all the Ut99 players who didnt go to Ut2003 and 04
[23:40] Ð4ÑØ *: ar eplaying ut3
[23:40] Ð4ÑØ *: saying its so awesome and sticks to the original yet doing justice for the 04 players
[23:40] Ð4ÑØ *: but i cant see why no one is playing it
[23:41] Ð4ÑØ *: fact is
[23:41] Ð4ÑØ *: peopel are just too busy playing wow
[23:41] Ð4ÑØ *: everywhere
[23:42] Ð4ÑØ *: i just hate the game case it really seems like pokemon
[23:43] Ð4ÑØ *: which is ok when your into that sort of thing but when it intrudes on the rest of the game industry i dont like it
[23:43] Ð4ÑØ *: I guess im just ranting and all but i really do not see what on earth is worht people paying money per month to get no where

i actually happen to really like the Storyline of Warcraft. i've grown up playing every single game, expansion... and just recently i've started reading the books.
The game has massive depth to it, theres 1000's of years of history, not to mention the Vast abundance of races and the conflicts between them all.
Now i used to read alot of Fantasy books when i was younger. David Eddings, Raymond E Feist, Tolkien and many others. And to be honest the warcraft books have been incredibly well written and just utterly submerse you in detail.

There very good reads.

December 25th, 2007, 01:17 PM
I play.level 70 shadow priest with all epic gear.(Armory Link Here (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Smolderthorn&n=Thecondemned))on SmolderThorn(PvP) the game is very fun and the only thing im missing is my Epic Flying Mount (NetherDrake) Which I should be getting soon.If anyone needs any help go on my server make a guy and we can chill.

December 25th, 2007, 01:42 PM
...theres 1000's of years of history...

That reminds me, my friend knows all of that History by heart, no joke. It's kind of freaky sometimes.

December 25th, 2007, 04:34 PM
You know whats sweet.

This thread died after the first post.

http://www.lotro.com, there's a game WORTH playing.

December 25th, 2007, 04:47 PM
Karsi - 70 Paladin - Shattered Hand
Loew - 18 or 19 Mage - Shattered Hand

Shattered Hand is where it's at. I don't play much anymore, though. Every now and then I miss it and buy another month's worth, get bored with it, and then stop playing again.

December 25th, 2007, 06:35 PM
I play.level 70 shadow priest with all epic gear.(Armory Link Here (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Smolderthorn&n=Thecondemned))on SmolderThorn(PvP) the game is very fun and the only thing im missing is my Epic Flying Mount (NetherDrake) Which I should be getting soon.If anyone needs any help go on my server make a guy and we can chill.

kharagear and blues. fail.

i had 2 nether drakes (dunno why, felt like having bragging rights), and that stupid ray.

ps, BT is boring. especially at 1450+ shadowdmg, and loads of spell haste.
dont even need to THINK about conserving mana anymore, and i got bored dead, and sold account. i felt that game was taking up too much of my time. i'd give an armory link, but it can't find the character, he propably renamed it.

shadowpriest - Silvermoon.
got so overpowered it got boring.

December 25th, 2007, 07:40 PM
http://www.lotro.com, there's a game WORTH playing.

Okay opinion time. LOTRO is horrible. I got the game, and the graphics where good for an MMO but the quests, the grind and the structure where horrible. Now I've played just about every MMORPG out there, and it's better then some (cougheverquestcough) but still needed alot more work.

Also, i would not recommend Tabula Rasa to anyone!

WOW has it's up's and downs. I'm enjoying blowing in an insta 70 fun server. Hopefully going to find a high exp win p-server soon. See i enjoy it more....because i don't have to dish out my cash, which is going towards my gf and cinema....lots haha!

EVE Online is probably the best MMO I've played. The grind is low, and the structure is fascinating. If you have good friends in the game you can get into PvP within 2 months; and kick some ass.
I know alot of people who don't like space/sci-fi so EVE Would not cater to them. But Science-Fiction is my favorite genre, so thats probably why older based MMOs do my head in.

Just a quick rant on older based medieval/fantasy games, i don't see the point in them because, although people like them, i want to get into the game industry, and i play games, just because of imagination and things that have happened or have an old feel don't grip me. I also don't like games based in a 'present day' setting, no imagination to them i feel.
-That said....
I feel like Assassins Creed was very well done, i probably liked it more due to the Science fiction approach. I also loved Call of Duty 4, which is the first COD game I've ever liked. Maybe games are getting better, but who knows.
More RPG makers should look at games like;
Fable and Knights of the Old Republic, i find it difficult to get more fun from a game then i did from them.

:rolleyes: Merry Boxing day planet earth, now make some good games in '08 to make this British guy happy :eyesroll:

PS. Dr.Cox for president of Planet Earth 2010!

None of this was offtopic...well...i mentioned WOW =/ haha

December 25th, 2007, 08:10 PM
I hate Eve as well, but I haven't actually played it. However, it ranks much higher, because it isn't made of complete gay. Guns and ships and stuff are awesome. Gnomes and Unicorns are not. I don't give a shit about opinion. Those things were never cool. They are for girly men.

And people, don't bring up 9 million people play it therefore it's a good game. 9 million people is a very small chunk of the world, and I'm FAIRLY certain there are at least 1.5 billion stupid people on the earth. Go figure.

Oh and bodie: There are much better games for that.

Dano, tbqh, I'm fucking sick of your idiotic bashing. you hate a game you've never even played based on what exactly? you claim that the reason UT3 isn't popular is that everyone is playing WoW. do you have any statistics to back this up? what makes UT3 definitively better then WoW anyway? there totally different genres. obviously people enjoy the game, and isn't that what a game is all about? fun? remember that thing? graphics do not make a game. a game is a game and a game requires game play. graphics are just icing on the top. define "cool" for me? is cool "anything I like"? if that's the case, get the fuck out and stop telling people what they are and are not aloud to like. And "girly men" wtf? are you seriously that idiotic that you consider that an adequate insult? fuck off, take a good look at your hypocritical oath and then come back and try again. You are not automatically "right" simply because you are you, nor are you automatically wrong. however, you should not go around parading your beliefs as irrefutable "fact" and saying that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically "wrong" and "stupid" or a "girly man".


anyways, that rant may be a bit rambly, but it just came out and I thought I may as well leave it like that so people can see my train of thought.

December 25th, 2007, 08:22 PM
Dano, tbqh, I'm fucking sick of your idiotic bashing. you hate a game you've never even played based on what exactly? you claim that the reason UT3 isn't popular is that everyone is playing WoW. do you have any statistics to back this up? what makes UT3 definitively better then WoW anyway? there totally different genres. obviously people enjoy the game, and isn't that what a game is all about? fun? remember that thing? graphics do not make a game. a game is a game and a game requires game play. graphics are just icing on the top. define "cool" for me? is cool "anything I like"? if that's the case, get the fuck out and stop telling people what they are and are not aloud to like. And "girly men" wtf? are you seriously that idiotic that you consider that an adequate insult? fuck off, take a good look at your hypocritical oath and then come back and try again. You are not automatically "right" simply because you are you, nor are you automatically wrong. however, you should not go around parading your beliefs as irrefutable "fact" and saying that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically "wrong" and "stupid" or a "girly man".


anyways, that rant may be a bit rambly, but it just came out and I thought I may as well leave it like that so people can see my train of thought.
I don't know, it seems the current market for PC games is MMOs, all other games seem to make measly 100 k sales according to IGN. Maybe it's cause they aren't WOW....or halo. :rolleyes: Hopefuly IGN is wrong about PC games dying. :(

Chewy Gumball
December 25th, 2007, 08:42 PM
People have been saying pc gaming will die for ages. It hasn't and it wont. MMO's make a lot more money because people pay for more than just the disk like they do for any other kind of game. They also cost a lot more to maintain than other games.

Also, Dano, you need to take a chill pill or something. I highly doubt WoW has done anything to you to deserve that kind of criticism.

December 25th, 2007, 08:57 PM
People have been saying pc gaming will die for ages. It hasn't and it wont. MMO's make a lot more money because people pay for more than just the disk like they do for any other kind of game. They also cost a lot more to maintain than other games.

Also, Dano, you need to take a chill pill or something. I highly doubt WoW has done anything to you to deserve that kind of criticism.
I don't know, they could be talking about the total amount of retail copies sold, not total from subscription fees. I hope PC gaming doesn't die, but the PC hardware "arms race" is too much.

December 25th, 2007, 11:37 PM
Okay opinion time. LOTRO is horrible. I got the game, and the graphics where good for an MMO but the quests, the grind and the structure where horrible.
If you tried to grind on LotRO your an idiot. You don't level by grinding in LotRO, you follow the Epic quests, and do all the quests that they lead you to. It's all quest related in LotRO, if you like grinding to gain levels, LotRO isn't for you. If you actually want a good story line, ditch WoW and pick up a copy of LotRO.

December 26th, 2007, 12:10 AM
kharagear and blues. fail.

i had 2 nether drakes (dunno why, felt like having bragging rights), and that stupid ray.

ps, BT is boring. especially at 1450+ shadowdmg, and loads of spell haste.
dont even need to THINK about conserving mana anymore, and i got bored dead, and sold account. i felt that game was taking up too much of my time. i'd give an armory link, but it can't find the character, he propably renamed it.

shadowpriest - Silvermoon.
got so overpowered it got boring.Did you play pre- BC? I started playing on the 4th of July and I never got to experience pre-BC. When i play on the PTR it seems like all I do is pre-BC raids (Of coarse going in with 40 T5 people and completely destroying the place is fun alone.) I just don't know why though.

I also think it was retarded to make Illidan killable. Illidan was probably the most symbolic character in warcraft (Seriously, fuck the lich king.) Also Illidan's death animation was pethetic IMO. He just kinda crumples into a ball like a dead bat. Nothing awesome like Ringos (w/e his name was from Molten Core).

Meh thats like 2 out of the 20 reasons why I dislike The Burning Crusade.

December 26th, 2007, 12:19 AM
I don't know, it seems the current market for PC games is MMOs, all other games seem to make measly 100 k sales according to IGN. Maybe it's cause they aren't WOW....or halo. :rolleyes: Hopefuly IGN is wrong about PC games dying. :(

I really don't know what your talking about when you say "the current market for PC games is MMO's". I walk into the local EB and I might see 2 MMO's. 2 out of a whole wall doesn't strike me as anywhere near the whole market.

December 26th, 2007, 01:33 AM
Dano, tbqh, I'm fucking sick of your idiotic bashing. you hate a game you've never even played based on what exactly? you claim that the reason UT3 isn't popular is that everyone is playing WoW. do you have any statistics to back this up? what makes UT3 definitively better then WoW anyway? there totally different genres. obviously people enjoy the game, and isn't that what a game is all about? fun? remember that thing? graphics do not make a game. a game is a game and a game requires game play. graphics are just icing on the top. define "cool" for me? is cool "anything I like"? if that's the case, get the fuck out and stop telling people what they are and are not aloud to like. And "girly men" wtf? are you seriously that idiotic that you consider that an adequate insult? fuck off, take a good look at your hypocritical oath and then come back and try again. You are not automatically "right" simply because you are you, nor are you automatically wrong. however, you should not go around parading your beliefs as irrefutable "fact" and saying that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically "wrong" and "stupid" or a "girly man".


anyways, that rant may be a bit rambly, but it just came out and I thought I may as well leave it like that so people can see my train of thought.

Dude, I have fucking played it. It's a stupid game that 9 million tards play
it online. Leveling up for no apparent reason. Dude, I have been there. I crazily, finished pokemon gold on gameboy legitimately. All 256 pokemon, I know about that kind of gameplay, so don't fucking bash me.

Crappy back and forth gameplay, stupid fighting sequence that are really honestly about as interesting as watching grass grow, walking for ages for exciting gameplay like "omg I see someone i can kill and take their stuff, even though it doesn't benefit me at all. awesome". The gameplay is a total sham. You all think your having fun, but once you get to the end of your experience level, get the best equipment, get the best stuff you can get, you realize, it was all for nothing.

It's a stretched out game that may seem diverse, but really, all the paths end in the same way. They need to keep bringing out expansion packs before people hit the end of the road and realize how pointless it is. It.Is.Linear. It is sucking the life out of the games industry and depriving actual good games of players.

December 26th, 2007, 01:48 AM
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and to everybody else they stink.....

December 26th, 2007, 03:14 AM
the "bashing a game you've never played" bit was talking about eve.

people find UT3 a terrible game too. not everyoen is into bright flashing lights, explosions and some announcer guy yelling whenever he feels like it (HEADSHOT, MULTIKILL etc).

and you seem to be under the impression that anyone who plays WoW plays it exclusively and all the time. yes there are adicts, but you get that in every game. for the most part, people play it in moderation.

again, stop forcing your opinion on other people and claiming that you are wright.

December 26th, 2007, 04:18 AM
Did you play pre- BC? I started playing on the 4th of July and I never got to experience pre-BC. When i play on the PTR it seems like all I do is pre-BC raids (Of coarse going in with 40 T5 people and completely destroying the place is fun alone.) I just don't know why though.

I also think it was retarded to make Illidan killable. Illidan was probably the most symbolic character in warcraft (Seriously, fuck the lich king.) Also Illidan's death animation was pethetic IMO. He just kinda crumples into a ball like a dead bat. Nothing awesome like Ringos (w/e his name was from Molten Core).

Meh thats like 2 out of the 20 reasons why I dislike The Burning Crusade.


and yeah, burning crusade prettymuch was a big fat fuckup in my opinion.
all instances suck now, are linear as fuck, and all clustered together like some gay fortress thingy.
what happened to the awesomeness of stratholme, that place was full op people, ALL THE TIME. instances having only 3 bosses, man, BRD has like 20.
blackrock depths, although the most SUCKING instance ever, it's also the awesomest. along with stratholme, which i solo farmed every day, for the baron mount.

any dickwad can get "awesome" purples buy crafting em, or doing 10 matches in a week as a passtime.

back when i was doing naxx pre tbc, being full T2 ment something, hell "full epic" ment you were above average.
in my honest opinion, tbc totally killed the game. it was fun for a few weeks, but then the gay repgrinds came, and mote grinds. and it just became the dumbest game ever. i'm actually surprised i put up with it as long as i did.

(ps, try black morass with 4 shadowpriests, :iia: heroic is best but you'll want to have better gear than that kara-crap)

December 26th, 2007, 05:21 AM
I'm not forcing my opinion, n00b. That is practically impossible.

I was merely stating it. Too many people are now playing wow instead of their other games.

Gameplay involving who has the bigger sword and the bigger number is a complete fucking joke to me. People shouldn't have to sit at a PC for hours on end until they can be able to play against others. Games based on amount of time spent searching for crap is just fucking stupid. People love it, because it gives them a hope to cling to. A hope they will find the best item/weapon ever, and be praised for it on the internet by the friends list they've accumulated (until someone comes by with a bigger, better item) beat all the other players, make their character look more physically attractive than they themselves are and finally win at something in their "life".

First Person shooter moments are just short, sweet, and you can always get more, whenever you want them. I agree, having a cruisy story game to play is great, I love Zelda, I love Max Payne 2, Prince of Persia. I love RPG's.

But walking across a huge fucking field until you find some person, sluggishly stand stationary repeating a single attack animation next to them until they fall down, just for you to repeat the same process 400 times over, with the odd occasion of saving some ponies from the goblins every once in a while, is not good gameplay. It's gameplay, I'll say that much. I think the real gameplay going on is the psychological one.

Thats why it's the "perfect" game. Everyone wants to be someone else. The game is a competition of who has the best shit, and who has the best character. If the game was devoid of any story, it wouldn't matter.

I just really fucking hate MMOS, ok. I'm done, couldn't give a fuck anymore.

btw I only hate eve because its an mmo. I actually do like the artstyle and the story and all that.

December 26th, 2007, 05:51 AM
your missing the point of a game. people play it to enjoy themselves. the fact that 9,000,000+ people play it means that it is, by that definition a good game.

Chewy Gumball
December 26th, 2007, 12:38 PM
You musta kinda missed the majority of wow... When I play, I don't go around killing 400 things in a field using the same attack animation. The reason wow is so popular is because it doesn't require you to do that to do good. Thats called grinding, and if wow was all grinding it would be everquest. You hate mmo's because you associate them with grinding when, in fact, they have been moving away from that for a while now.

Also, people think you are trying to force your opinion on them when you state it as fact, like you have been.

December 26th, 2007, 04:10 PM
I like Alterac Valley.... It like, blows every bashing point you guys have made out of the water...

December 26th, 2007, 04:18 PM
I state it as fact in my opinion. I don't care how you think you play the game. It's all useless and they need to keep expanding the game otherwise people will get to the end of the road and stop.

People might think it's fun while you play it, but once you reach the end, get the best shit, spent all that time to get there, then realise how useless it was, because you don't feel any different, you realise it's not fun at all.

December 26th, 2007, 04:55 PM
Not really, I quite enjoy being level 70 on a few characters. And, it was worth it because now I get to spank newbs. :)

December 26th, 2007, 05:13 PM
i think the MMO is an AWEOSME premises for a game, it's just lame that so far they're all done with sparklesparkle magic, and all based on who gets the highest numbers.

hellgate london was supposed to be a step in the right direction, but they fucking stuffed up.

MMO FPS, in a seamless world with next-gen graphics, bring it on baby!

December 26th, 2007, 05:29 PM
I state it as fact in my opinion. I don't care how you think you play the game. It's all useless and they need to keep expanding the game otherwise people will get to the end of the road and stop.

People might think it's fun while you play it, but once you reach the end, get the best shit, spent all that time to get there, then realise how useless it was, because you don't feel any different, you realise it's not fun at all.
Dano there are updates for the game constently. new dungeons added and in Many peoples opinions, th game Starts at level 70. thats when all the PvP, Raiding partys come into play.

it's multiplayer action that Makes games fun and extend there lifetime, thats why it's illogical to compare it to something like Pokemon.
look at halo, look at counter-strike.

Despite everything you've said there are remarkable similaritys between this and Diablo. Which you played for a long fucking time. Theres Skill points (talent points) experience, spells, demons, Acts (outland, northland) theres even the same Character class's.

If you dont know what your doing in wow it becomes incredibly fucking boring. Quests take 4 times as long, it's harder to kill people and the entire time u play you just feel like your running. I know this because i had the same problem.
but now i've wizened up a bit and do things a little more productively and the games became 10x better.

Every attack you've made on the game has been unjustified and made out of ignorance. Just relax, shut your mouth and walk away.

December 27th, 2007, 03:12 AM
I state it as fact in my opinion. I don't care how you think you play the game. It's all useless and they need to keep expanding the game otherwise people will get to the end of the road and stop.

People might think it's fun while you play it, but once you reach the end, get the best shit, spent all that time to get there, then realise how useless it was, because you don't feel any different, you realise it's not fun at all.

Which isn't at all like halo, or half life, or any of those games? the reason people keep playing is the same reason you play UT3. for the multilayer, for the person to person interaction. In WoW, you might fight, help each other on raids, trade, or just chat. on UT3, you use guns. that's the only difference I see. the story mode gets to the end and then what? if it weren't for the multilayer, it wouldn't be that special.

December 28th, 2007, 05:18 PM
I have a 70 BE pali, considering getting a human shadow priest to 70m the humans on frostmane the pali is on guldan

December 28th, 2007, 05:39 PM
Alliance scum >:U

for the horde!

December 28th, 2007, 05:44 PM
Lets see:

52 Draenei Shaman Eonz Azjol-Nerub
52 Tauren Druid Eonz Shadowsong
61 Undead Rogue Drux Shadowsong
30 Orc Hunter Orcbayne Shadowsong
34 BloodElf Warlock Aonen Shadowsong
03 Undead Priest ----Crap cant remember/not important
70 Tauren Hunter Doozer Shadowsong
70 Undead Rogue Kelfayne Shadowsong
64 Gnome Mage Gnomezorz Azjol-Nerub

'Bout sums it up, although I don't own all of the accounts (They are friends) I frequently play them.
Now I know where you have been for the past year...BlueArrow got a cold in the meantime <:mad:>

December 29th, 2007, 03:20 AM
Oh, yea, about that.

Umm, I forgot everything about coding... Makeup sex?

December 29th, 2007, 04:10 AM
Do you people read the words you write?

I'm cringing.

"My Level 70 Paladin and I are going to fight the fire goblins of Mount Bloodthor and free the mystical pony dragons from the Ethulnar lair, but first I must equip my magic belt and charge my mana and attack the elven mage guarding the gateway..."


The whole games atmosphere is just hilariously dorky. I'm not talking cool dorky, I'm talking dorky dorky. Like dungeons and dragons dorky, warhammer dorky. You should all feel ashamed of yourself.

I've seen tanks that have more movement capabilities and more charisma than any Wow character.

Also Zilla, theres a reason I love Diablo, Lord of the Rings, Zelda, but absolutely HATE any warcraft game. Because it's made the Medievil theme some spastic crayon coloured Gnome fest.

I don't care if you have "an undead orc thing that breathes fire and shoots lightning from it's face" when it looks like a McDonalds happy meal.

I know looks aren't everything, but jesus christ.

I'd much rather play "World of Diablo" anyday of the week, even if it had the exact same graphics as Diablo 1.

It was just badass.

I don't care about graphics. This is about the FEEL and the ENVIRONMENT of the game.

WoW, to me, I group under the same section as Emos, Metro, Fat Free, Latte and Tofu. It's just........

Let me put it this way, If I was stuck in a room, and the only way to get out was either play WoW for 30 minutes, or punch my hand through the glass window to open it, I'd be out that fucking window in a breeze.

December 29th, 2007, 04:14 AM
you may find it dorky, others mught find it awesome.

i don't really care for it anymore. in my opinion, wow just has a very cool art style, and it it happens to be about goblins, elves and orcs, so be it.

December 29th, 2007, 04:25 AM
Your talking out of your ass.

E: tweek stop posting infront of me D:

December 29th, 2007, 05:24 AM
No, thats exactly how I feel. Maybe I just talk bullshit, but it's how I feel.

December 29th, 2007, 05:26 AM
^wouldn't be the first time :X

seriously dano, every example or point you've made about the game has shown time and time again that you dont know what your talking about.

just walk away.

December 29th, 2007, 06:59 AM
Quit bringing up the "your just ignorant " shit because that's not an argument. I'm fucking sick and tired of everyone on these forums being a hero, and everyone being a fucking savior, everyone trying to outdo everyone with pseudo intellectual garbage.

This is my last offering to this thread.

Think about this for a second. Calm down, read, in order.

The main factor of gameplay, the driving point, is fighting lots of people, to go up levels, and get better items, so that you can keep fighting better players, to get better items and go up levels, right?

So one would say, that the game is orientated around the fight sequences. After all, this is the very reason your going up levels, and looking for better equipment right? To fight?

So why is it, that the fight sequences themselves are one of the WORST playing parts of the game? It's take a turn, first person to strike wins, poorly animated, poorly stylized crap? The fights play like chess. Sorry, like pokemon.

This is the reason you play? CAN YOU SEE WHAT IM GETTING AT?

You play to be able to play, so you can play some more. While you pay.

You've all been fucking conned by blizzards gameplay trap. Fucking sucked in. Shit, the game doesn't even look good graphically to somewhat make up for the shit.

Anyway, here is the question I ask.

Which WoW player are you?

The person who is playing to uselessly fight forever, while the fight parts aren't actually the fun part? Are you trapped in the cycle?

Or are you the ones playing just purely to prove that your good at something, and getting a big juicy fat number to make people care about your internet persona for a whole 5 seconds?

If you are number 1, there is no hope for you. Your trapped inside a bubble of imagined fun, being milked by blizzard. You've just payed the mortgages on their houses, while you just got a nice chunky power bill. Hurray!

If you are number 2, you may as well be playing with your fucking dick. If you want a big number to satisfy you, go to your local chess club with an assault rifle and get a number thats a little more productive.

I'm done.

*edit* No I'm not.


THAT IS EXACTLY IT. Read that and understand why I hate blizzard and that game so much.

December 29th, 2007, 10:17 AM
the game is ok..ive never really played it though...however i agree with dano about blizzard. There just milking money from all there players.

Chewy Gumball
December 29th, 2007, 02:12 PM
Your only valid point here is you don't like the art style. I can see how you wouldn't. Other than that, you have a very narrow view of it.

December 29th, 2007, 02:37 PM
the game is ok..ive never really played it though...however i agree with dano about blizzard. There just milking money from all there players.

Business folks, business; it's all about getting as much money as you can while spending as little as possible. If people get sucked in, well, it's their own fault and their own choice. While we may frown on Blizzard's scheme, it is making them millions every day.

Personally, I don't like World of Warcraft, but only because I disagree with paying a monthly fee for any game (I don't even have XBOX Live! because it's retarded to pay for something I get on my PC already), and because I think the graphics are lousy, in my opinion (and to me, graphics are 40% of a game, game-play is 40%, sound is 10%, and everything else is 10%).

December 29th, 2007, 04:40 PM
The main factor of gameplay, the driving point, is fighting lots of people, to go up levels, and get better items, so that you can keep fighting better players, to get better items and go up levels, right?
wrong. while massive pvp is one factor, there are other things like doing quests, exploring and interacting with other players in noncombat situations. all of these things can either earn you new loot or xp or even both.

So why is it, that the fight sequences themselves are one of the WORST playing parts of the game? It's take a turn, first person to strike wins, poorly animated, poorly stylized crap? The fights play like chess. Sorry, like pokemon.
perhaps on a 1v1, but on a massive raid, against dragons and deamons and all that, where you've got 50+ people working together, charging, healing spellcasting and all that, things look pretty epic.

This is the reason you play? CAN YOU SEE WHAT IM GETTING AT?

You play to be able to play, so you can play some more. While you pay.

You've all been fucking conned by blizzards gameplay trap. Fucking sucked in. Shit, the game doesn't even look good graphically to somewhat make up for the shit.
this post is starting to sound more and more like a bad a current affairs report.

Anyway, here is the question I ask.

Which WoW player are you?

1. The person who is playing to uselessly fight forever, while the fight parts aren't actually the fun part? Are you trapped in the cycle?

2. Or are you the ones playing just purely to prove that your good at something, and getting a big juicy fat number to make people care about your internet persona for a whole 5 seconds?

1. there you go again, telling people what is and isn't fun. seriously, get out.

2. that doesn't sound like anybody here :downs:

3. If you are number 1, there is no hope for you. Your trapped inside a bubble of imagined fun, being milked by blizzard. You've just payed the mortgages on their houses, while you just got a nice chunky power bill. Hurray!

4. If you are number 2, you may as well be playing with your fucking dick. If you want a big number to satisfy you, go to your local chess club with an assault rifle and get a number thats a little more productive.

3. Tonight, on a current affairs...

4. I hope you get banned for that.

I'm done.

stay done.

El Lobo
December 29th, 2007, 05:12 PM
Dano, I knew you were sort of an idiot, but this thread really proves it haha.

52 hunter on Shattered Hand

EDIT: Dano's been replying for awhile, what a waste of time.

December 29th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Do you people read the words you write?

I'm cringing.

"My Level 70 Paladin and I are going to fight the fire goblins of Mount Bloodthor and free the mystical pony dragons from the Ethulnar lair, but first I must equip my magic belt and charge my mana and attack the elven mage guarding the gateway..."


The whole games atmosphere is just hilariously dorky. I'm not talking cool dorky, I'm talking dorky dorky. Like dungeons and dragons dorky, warhammer dorky. You should all feel ashamed of yourself.

I've seen tanks that have more movement capabilities and more charisma than any Wow character.

Also Zilla, theres a reason I love Diablo, Lord of the Rings, Zelda, but absolutely HATE any warcraft game. Because it's made the Medievil theme some spastic crayon coloured Gnome fest.

I don't care if you have "an undead orc thing that breathes fire and shoots lightning from it's face" when it looks like a McDonalds happy meal.

I know looks aren't everything, but jesus christ.

I'd much rather play "World of Diablo" anyday of the week, even if it had the exact same graphics as Diablo 1.

It was just badass.

I don't care about graphics. This is about the FEEL and the ENVIRONMENT of the game.

WoW, to me, I group under the same section as Emos, Metro, Fat Free, Latte and Tofu. It's just........

Let me put it this way, If I was stuck in a room, and the only way to get out was either play WoW for 30 minutes, or punch my hand through the glass window to open it, I'd be out that fucking window in a breeze.

Please sir, I need more hypocrisy.

Also, why the fuck are you in a WoW thread if you don't like the game. No one is forcing you to be here, and as much as I hate to say it, you sir, can GTFO.

<3 Dan0

December 29th, 2007, 07:21 PM
blah blah blah

i play the game for the Storyline. Which happens to have 10 000x the depth of your UT3 shit and 99% of games out there.
i've already answered this about 10 fucking times.

for fuck sake dano.
Get. Out. Now.

December 29th, 2007, 08:56 PM

i play the game for the Storyline. Which happens to have 10 000x the depth of your UT3 shit and 99&#37; of games out there.
i've already answered this about 10 fucking times.

for fuck sake dano.
Get. Out. Now.Yea but UT3, like Mario, isn't played for the story. I have a suspicion that WoW doesn't have much story depth either, but I couldn't say.

Actually I was pondering playing World of Warcraft... but with my modding I probably couldn't fit it in my schedule. How long are typical stints of World of Warcraft? I mean not for people who are addicted -- but I mean like -- how long does it take to DO ANYTHING in World of Warcraft? Is it like UT where you could be in and out in 10 minutes if you're short on time and still get a part of a quest in... or is it like Battletech where you need to dedicate 50 minutes to WALK to the battle before anything even happens (and another 50 minutes to walk your busted arse back to base... literally)?

December 29th, 2007, 09:55 PM
Lvl 20 is when it gets good.... or some say later.

December 29th, 2007, 10:02 PM
it does take sometime to do quests on there own in W.o.W. However if u gather the quests and look up where you need to go for each part you can do 5-6 quests in nearly the same amount of time.
Depending on how you use your time depends on how long it seems to play. Walking to and from individual quests will just make u feel like you havnt done anything but walking. Whereas if your a bit more productive a 5 minute walk could get u to 2-3 parts of different quests completed.

Also W.o.W doesnt have the same percentage of storyline as the other games have and thats because in order to Fight the big badass hero's from the previous games like Illidan you need to be a big badass as well. In the other games you already have the Hero's so things can progress alot faster.
So in WoW theres are alot of minor things for you to do to build up your skills like hunting animals or slaying monsters to give the towns relief.
While annoying it can be most of the side quests are still fun to do :).

it wouldnt make sense for you to just start the game and your heading off to do some major parts of the game. So this is why the game appears to have less depth then the previous games.

If you happen to like Fantasy books the Warcraft Trilogy "War of the ancients" Which will give you an indepth look at things like the Dragon Aspects, deathwing the betrayer, tyranade, illidan, Malfurion and the Dragon mage Krasus. I recommend it.

Final thought:
Tbh the game is not something you should play as your primary game. It's more of a hobby on the side when you want something slower paced. If you want to purchase the game to play it like you would say Half-life 2 then you'll be disappointed.

good luck and Happy gaming :rape:

December 29th, 2007, 10:43 PM
and be careful of mudkips, hey zilla :-3

December 30th, 2007, 12:16 AM
I'll try and resist pulling out the holy water and the Internet Cable Cutter of Antioch for this post, but I'm afraid I may not be able to restrain myself.

Literally half my school plays WoW. A significant proportion of these people play more then 6 hours a day and as evidenced by a friend whose house I just visited several of them will play 24 hours without sleep, take a few hours off and then go back to playing. This game scares the bajezus out of me. It reminds me of The Dark Game (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/www.runescape.com) that I was once hexed to play until I had level 80someting mining/60someodd smithing.

Anyway, I have never played WoW but I did watch my friend play it for about an 1 while playing GH3. That type of MMO never really makes me want to play. I can agree with what Dano said, I really don't see what makes playing 60000 Hours to get to Level 70 so enticing. This same thing struck me in Hero Online (I played it for like a week during beta and got bored as fuck, I only played it with my friends) and to some extent in LOTRO, although the story was somewhat interesting and the main thing that turned me off there was the fact that it was such an unstable ram pig while I played it.

The reason that I liked Runescape was because there really were no end goals. The closest thing to an end goal would be completing every quest, but once again you don't play Runescape for the story. I mainly played the game because most of my school friends in Middle School played it and I could go kill things with them. Being a miner/smith/crafter in that game I generally had lots of money compared to my friends. Basically that game became like a competition between the group of us and I always had the highest economical skills and not neccasarily the highest level/combat/whatever. That was one thing in the game that sucked me in and when I became a member all the extra crafting crap added made that $5 a month fee worth it. I really became involved in the social aspect of it then and before the game finally got boring (when I quit and recovered my soul) I was about to start up a clan/money guild thingy (I forgot the details of it but I had this scheme to become very rich because of it that probably wouldn't have worked). Basically I liked it because it focused more on being social then on having really high skills or completing all the quests.

I'm sure some people like WoW, I'm not saying they shouldn't. If they want to spend $20 a month on something that they like to play then sure, why not. I'm just justifying my dislike of the game here.

What the fuck have I been saying? OH GOD THE PAIN! THE MEMORIES! MAKE THEM GO THE FUCK AWAY!!! ...mining 2000 Mithril and 10,000 coal...PLEASE MAKE IT GO THE FUCK AWAY :suicide:

Cutting cable in 5...

December 30th, 2007, 01:18 AM
Your school's full of idiots then.

but yeah, I used to be right into runescape for the same reason as you. now I just go to lumbridge every couple of months and show the n00bs how to find all the free loot up north ;)

December 30th, 2007, 04:28 PM
Your school's full of idiots then.

but yeah, I used to be right into runescape for the same reason as you. now I just go to lumbridge every couple of months and show the n00bs how to find all the free loot up north ;)
I owned that game to.

December 30th, 2007, 04:57 PM
it does take sometime to do quests on there own in W.o.W. However if u gather the quests and look up where you need to go for each part you can do 5-6 quests in nearly the same amount of time.
Depending on how you use your time depends on how long it seems to play. Walking to and from individual quests will just make u feel like you havnt done anything but walking. Whereas if your a bit more productive a 5 minute walk could get u to 2-3 parts of different quests completed.

Also W.o.W doesnt have the same percentage of storyline as the other games have and thats because in order to Fight the big badass hero's from the previous games like Illidan you need to be a big badass as well. In the other games you already have the Hero's so things can progress alot faster.
So in WoW theres are alot of minor things for you to do to build up your skills like hunting animals or slaying monsters to give the towns relief.
While annoying it can be most of the side quests are still fun to do :).

it wouldnt make sense for you to just start the game and your heading off to do some major parts of the game. So this is why the game appears to have less depth then the previous games.

If you happen to like Fantasy books the Warcraft Trilogy "War of the ancients" Which will give you an indepth look at things like the Dragon Aspects, deathwing the betrayer, tyranade, illidan, Malfurion and the Dragon mage Krasus. I recommend it.

Final thought:
Tbh the game is not something you should play as your primary game. It's more of a hobby on the side when you want something slower paced. If you want to purchase the game to play it like you would say Half-life 2 then you'll be disappointed.

good luck and Happy gaming :rape:Yea thanks.

I was mostly worried about it because -- for instance -- Battletech you needed to account for the 50 minutes to WALK HOME otherwise you cost your faction about 8,000,000 dollar to replace the mech you just left sitting in the middle of nowhere because you couldn't bring it home.

It's not so much the time it takes to do something, as much as it is "how long does it take to quit if I need/want to?"

Chewy Gumball
December 30th, 2007, 09:16 PM
Besides not being able to quit in the middle of a fight, as long as you let the people in your group know you might have to leave before you finish what ever you are doing (if you have a group), you can quit whenever you want. You don't have to go to any certain spot to quit. A big part of wow is the social aspect, just like runescape. If you don't know anyone who plays it, or you don't make any friends the first few times you log in, you probably wont like it for very long, if at all.

December 30th, 2007, 10:33 PM
you can quick instantly :P

there is a small benefit of getting back to town. For instance a place you cleared out of monsters before will be infested again when you return. so you could spawn in a trap.
and theres a large advantage of Double exp depending on the time you spend in town.
So if you have say 2 characters, leave one in town and play as the other for a week, when you use the first character again you'll have a Level (for a weeks worth) or a few bars worth of exp depending on how long u left it for. Double EXP is great way to level up when u kill monsters.