View Full Version : [MAP] H3T PB 2
Pyong Kawaguchi
December 24th, 2007, 12:01 PM
Hdoan Said
Merry Early Christmas, I got my ITouch so you guys get a old coagulation build, yay!;9313985;/fileinfo
So for the people who dont have it here it is
December 24th, 2007, 12:24 PM
Need more info and screenshots before a majority of us will even consider a download, especially since the last build of that map. :gonk:
December 24th, 2007, 12:35 PM
I will tell you that not much has changed tbqh. Dunno why Doan decided to release it.
And I'm not part of h3t anymore, btw.
December 24th, 2007, 12:48 PM
You got kicked out of your own team?
December 24th, 2007, 12:58 PM
You got kicked out of your own team?
he partially got kicked out ..but he mainly quit
Pyong Kawaguchi
December 24th, 2007, 01:07 PM
No, he didnt get kicked out, he left ( i think)
And im pretty sure its Hdoans team
Anyways, here are some pics
December 24th, 2007, 01:16 PM
This is the sadest thing I've ever seen.
December 24th, 2007, 01:29 PM
i know..i got it..i just deleted it..its an epic fail
December 24th, 2007, 01:38 PM
Doan fucked it up.
Trust me, I'm going loner by myself working on projects that will never see the light because of boredem.
If I ever release something, I will make sure 100% that it is PLAYABLE and doesnt have any major BUGS.
This is sad. Cmon' Doan! Those H3 FP arms are a failure, mongoose idk why you put it in, but I dont like h3t anymore.
I quit for a reason.
December 24th, 2007, 01:38 PM
Why does h3t have so much ripped h2 content if its an all custom h3 team? :fail:
teh lag
December 24th, 2007, 01:47 PM
Why does h3t have so much ripped h2 content if its an all custom h3 team? :fail:
They're placeholders remember? :v
Pyong Kawaguchi
December 24th, 2007, 01:48 PM
so, according to alot of people, this map is basically the equivilant to
December 24th, 2007, 01:50 PM
You're losing points each time you post rain. From what I've played of this, it got better once you left the team.
December 24th, 2007, 01:52 PM
I keep suggestions flowing through Doan. I criticize what he puts in and he takes it in or out upon my opinion when I was part of the team. He stopped doing that and started throwing in random shit when I left.
Pyong Kawaguchi
December 24th, 2007, 01:53 PM
although, the Maps are looking very good, espsecially considering the fail anims that Fgrain had in soulrunner, and the laggyness of that map
Also, im dont think its fail, im just posting that to show ppl
December 24th, 2007, 02:06 PM
Hey the size of it is smaller than the other one... (~81mb as compared to ~110mb)
Wait, someone said not much has been changed...Which means needler still kills in 3?
December 24th, 2007, 02:35 PM
No, alot of gameplay has been changed, but nothing new really has been added besides the mongoose, h3 fail fp arms, new bipeds, and new active camo/overshield shaders. And a new fail shield bar.
All these addons have taken a turn for the worst.
December 24th, 2007, 02:52 PM
Still all the messed up sounds. Still horrible online play. Yoyorast mongeese. Animations and sounds fail still. HUD visor over lay is the worst thing I have ever seen.
Seriously, go to work and come back with something worth while. Its like you haven't put an hours worth of work from the last beta.
December 25th, 2007, 01:42 AM
No, alot of gameplay has been changed, but nothing new really has been added besides the mongoose, h3 fail fp arms, new bipeds, and new active camo/overshield shaders. And a new fail shield bar.
All these addons have taken a turn for the worst.
Dude STFU! I am tired of hearing omg failed. He is doing the best he can as a ONE MAN TEAM. And I totally agree with Masterz the map did look better when you left. Seriously, if you hate it that much to say fail after every sentence please don't bother posting.
Also this map is not that different but it shows the progress of what he is doing. HDoan is alone so really if you guys think you can do better please either do so or help him out so you don't have to say EPIC FAIL all the time.
I do agree that the Mongoose/ATV is made poorly as the turning is awful but other than that it is good. The SP Laser is fine just a little adjustments, some skins are needed but that won't take to long. Resizing the mauler, and fixing up the sniper, and other various weapons. To me I am just glad that he still cares about H3T and doesn't abandon it because of what the public thought.
December 25th, 2007, 06:36 AM
I know that Doan is trying his best, but seriously, he doesnt take my advice for anything now, because im not on the team. And then he asks me to do animations for him, and I don't mind! It's when he started adding stuff to the mod like the h3 fp arms, which need a LOT of work, also try the mongoose, the new fp shield bitmap, see if I were on the team and I saw those, I would have said "take them out, people wouldnt like it." and he would.
But I'm not on the team, and HDoan doesn't care about my opinions, he's making like his opinion is always > than mine, even if it's not better.
December 25th, 2007, 11:15 AM
Rain shut the fuck up. You're not better or smarter to him, so stop trying to act like you are. After what you've done, you are in NO position to critisize him. God I can't wait till you get banned again.
December 25th, 2007, 01:40 PM
God I can't wait till you get banned again.
Wouldn't that make it a holly, jolly christmas :)
As for H3T, every beta, anything you ever gave to the public is pretty much no better than the last one.
December 25th, 2007, 01:46 PM
It's kinda insulting actually, giving us these maps for Christmas is kinda like if your mom took some markers and a napkin and turned it into a birthday card for you.
December 25th, 2007, 02:17 PM
And I don't see you fucking keeping a team working, Masterz.
God, I can't wait until you shut up and get the fuck off your high horse, because you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, and if you do, then prove the fucking evidence.
Good fucking day to you sir.
I came here with 0 intention to start a fight, but you did, so guess who's the immature one around here.
And I think I just found out why CMT fell apart.
You don't listen to anybody, just because I'm FlamingRain doesn't mean I can't fucking improve, and I have over the time I've been banned.
December 25th, 2007, 02:23 PM
Well you continued it so that makes you both immature. You could've easily been the better man and just ignored it.
December 25th, 2007, 02:24 PM
Since I don't know exactly what the fuck is going on here, nor do I care to learn, next post here to continue down this tangent, or even hint to it in the slightest way gets a trolling warning.
Take it to PMs or IMs, or just shove it under the carpet.
December 25th, 2007, 10:10 PM
Good things, good things???????
Uh..... that is the best bubble sheild I have seen yet. The mongooses aren't half bad. Not an epic fail.
Needs improvement though.
December 25th, 2007, 10:46 PM
I like the mongoose. does it also have a back seat?
Invader Veex
December 26th, 2007, 01:23 AM
It's seems to me more of a side seat >.>
The bubble I like better (the smallness)
December 26th, 2007, 05:32 PM
that too.
December 26th, 2007, 06:02 PM
the mongooses are from yoyorast with a seat added onto the back..=epic fail
the bubble shield however is pretty good actually..pretty much the only thing i like besides the sniper rifle sounds for reload
December 26th, 2007, 06:12 PM
At least do SOME weapon balancing.
December 26th, 2007, 06:41 PM
I keep suggestions flowing through Doan. I criticize what he puts in and he takes it in or out upon my opinion when I was part of the team. He stopped doing that and started throwing in random shit when I left.
wow, congrats, you doe exactly what everyone else does. I offered to help hdoan with the failure animations, but he refused, so hes stuck with bad animations with badly rigged arms
December 26th, 2007, 06:49 PM
Hey I am a one man team and look at what I have done....
Honestly I dont see much of an improvement Frain, and I see your still murdering my carbine with the horrid FP arms :)
December 26th, 2007, 06:57 PM
Stop bitching guys ffs. i mean cmon its not that bad. Its still 3d, the resolution is quite decent so its not annoyingly pixelated AND its not a crappy sidescroller. Hey theres even guns and vehicles in it so you dont have to run around in an empty level all the time. looks like 2 thumbs up for me.
December 26th, 2007, 08:48 PM
And I don't see you fucking keeping a team working, Masterz.
God, I can't wait until you shut up and get the fuck off your high horse, because you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, and if you do, then prove the fucking evidence.
Good fucking day to you sir.
I came here with 0 intention to start a fight, but you did, so guess who's the immature one around here.
And I think I just found out why CMT fell apart.
You don't listen to anybody, just because I'm FlamingRain doesn't mean I can't fucking improve, and I have over the time I've been banned.
He has no fucking clue how to run a team? Yeah, how fucking stupid of me, I had no idea CMT wasnt/isnt a team.
Flaming, you used to be okay, fine you quit the team, sure you will be a bit annoyed, people dont just quit things for the fun of it. But that doesnt mean you have to be angry at masters when you know he is right so you try to "knock him down a post" by insulting his skills, which are I might point out, better than yours.
Personally I cant see any thing wrong with the screenshots, however I havent played the map yet (because I cant right now, I will when I go back to uni)
December 26th, 2007, 09:13 PM
Stop bitching guys ffs. i mean cmon its not that bad. Its still 3d, the resolution is quite decent so its not annoyingly pixelated AND its not a crappy sidescroller. Hey theres even guns and vehicles in it so you dont have to run around in an empty level all the time. looks like 2 thumbs up for me. if you give a 2 thumbs up to anything thats not a pixelated side scroller, your giving two thumbs up to all ce maps, some of which are absolutely horrible.
t3h m00kz
December 26th, 2007, 11:40 PM
I don't think I got a chance to review your last release, so I may as well start on this one.
Needless to say I'm a bit dissapointed in the lack of updates since the last one, but instead of whining and not doing anything about it, I'm going to, as an uptight perfectionist, give you some constructive criticism as to what you guys have accompished so far.
Good: The imported custom models, some sounds, some graphics and whatnot. Really impressive work on the MA5K, Assault Rifle and Mauler models and animations; I don't know the first damn thing about 3ds Max, so I'm impressed with that. Nice improvement on the Bubble Shield, btw. Still could use some polishing, but overall it's a great concept.
What needs the most work at this point is what I, however, HAVE had experience with: THE WAY THE WEAPONS ACT. This is something that matters dearly; because let's face it. A game that looks great but blows in the gameplay department won't last very long. Gameplay is the key. Every gun is instant-connect no matter what distance you are. Watch the guns in slow-mo replay in Halo 3. You'll notice that almost every gun there (EVEN THE CARBINE) is not instant-connect. The carbine goes across half of Snowbound in one frame; that's one frame out of thirty frames a second. Switch around some variables in the weapons tags, give the Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Assault Rifle some temporary camera impulse to give it more of a "Oh shit I just shot a gun and it's steadying" feel to it.
Here's a video of some some weapon tags I've modded around with to get them as close to Halo 3 as I could, and even made some crosshairs. (God I've slutted this video around too much xD)
Low quality/streaming (Youtube)
Medium quality/download (Mythica) (
Note the sniper rifle; how it jolts up and back down, sort of like in Halo 3. Same with the pistol. Even the Assault Rifle to an extent. That's done with Temporary Camera Impulse... try playing around with it a bit.
Other things I want to comment on are the needler and the MA5K. The needler should fire like it did normally, just with more homing and less time before detonation (There's no way I know of to make it detonate instantly when the seventh needle hits). The needler in Halo 3 didn't fire faster; it had faster and more deadly projectiles. Now the MA5K; when semi-automatically fired it should be much, MUCH more accurate than it is at the moment. It should do the same damage each bullet as the Assault Rifle, assuming that they are, in fact, using the same type of bullet.
Another thing: Sounds. Redo them, please. Open them in Sound Recorder and up the volume or something, I don't care, just make them the same volume.
The last thing I want to comment on are the custom crosshairs... they're pretty meh. They look like they were done in MS Paint, they're too thick, seem to have no anti-aliasing, and the MA5K DEFINETLY takes up too much of the screen... hard to shoot someone if you've got too much crosshair in the way. I suggest Paint Shop Pro for making crosshairs, lines about 1.5 thick. With the needler, just take the old one and bring them closer together.
Get some skins, as well. At least just slap something on there so it isn't completely white as a placeholder or something; anything to show you're making progress.
I also hear that you're using stuff from other modders and whatnot; I personally think that's fine as long as you have their concent and give them the credit. Me, I'd gladly lend you my modified weapon tags/crosshairs if you wanted. But if you're honestly taking the weapons from other people without their concent, take that shit out and don't call it your own.
I'm personally sort of excited to see where this mod may go, but it'll need some heavy refining. I think I speak for everybody when I say "Ffs, take your time and make some progress, don't release like we're all demanding it." Good luck. ;)
December 27th, 2007, 12:27 AM
I also hear that you're using stuff from other modders and whatnot; I personally think that's fine as long as you have their concent and give them the credit. Me, I'd gladly lend you my modified weapon tags/crosshairs if you wanted. But if you're honestly taking the weapons from other people without their concent, take that shit out and don't call it your own.
I do believe he does ask permision, although he didn't ask about the h2 coag brute shot particles I made. I don't really care about them or want them removed. Just an interesting thing to note.
What H3T needs to do is make a solid team. If what Rain says is true, Hdoan is the only part of the team. Hdoan didn't do this all, and even the ex-team members didn't make 2/3rds of the content. I think H3T needs to make sure that they do the majority of the work, and either assimilate other people into their team that are adding content in, like we do with CMT, or just a non team member on occasion to do something if they feel they can't do it right (Like CMT did with EjBurke and Madworkz).
December 27th, 2007, 12:53 AM
the Ma5k model was made by kenney, muki, but I agree with you mostly. A lot of the weapon and projectile tagging needs a redo. The spartan laser charges far to fast, the ma5k is practically useless in combat... It feels like they put some of the weapons in game just to have them, and not for any strategic purpose. Ive said it before that the animations need a redo on most weapons, especially since the fp arms aren't perfectly rigged. (though they're far better than any rigging I've done). however there are aspects of the animations that cant be blamed on rigging. Basic motions are robotic, and some things are completely illogical, such as the bolt pulling on the sniper rifle reload. the bolt is already at the back of the slide, and goes beyond the slide and through the gun (and other bolt motions on different guns ..)
December 27th, 2007, 05:37 PM
actually most models were made by sumone non-h3t ........... btw the bubble shield looks like a gigant soccerball :)
Pyong Kawaguchi
December 29th, 2007, 12:36 PM
the back seat looks funny when someone is in it in 3p, its the banshee anim..
December 29th, 2007, 01:54 PM
WARNING: Epic giantpost. If you don't have ten minutes on your hands, disregard it.
Alright, here's my gathering of the mod.
Apparently, H3T does not grasp the meaning of releasing a public beta. It's not for advertising or popularity purposes; it's to locate any bugs the developers may have missed before release. This thing is full of bugs and unfinished work; look at the Halo 3 beta. They had what they mostly considered a finished product, but added some balancing and polish after information gathered from the beta contestants. Obviously, and also by your own statement, this is not even close to a real beta. A pre-alpha, maybe.
Next up for burning, texturing. Please, you need to do more than add a few scratches and then slap a detail map over the rest. And whatever else isn't completely untextured is ripped from something else, disregarding the Plasma Pistol, which is nastily modeled. The edges are much too sharp. Please, at least make the weapons look like their counterparts. I know you're saying you're just testing out the gameplay and the "feel," but I can assure you that using an untextured gun doesn't feel a thing like Halo 3. Oh, and the visor overlay on the HUD needs to be about twice as transparent as it is right now, and please smooth the shield meter.
Then there's the tagging work. Lemme list the problems with each weapon I've seen:
Pistol: Lowered rate of fire and 6-round clip, but otherwise precisely the same as Halo 1, which isn't bad, except for the fact that it doesn't use the HE-DP ammo; remove the explosion effect on the bullets. A small thing. The firing sound, on the other hand, can be fixed by not referencing the sound in the model_animations tag, but instead in the fire_bullet effect tag.
Assault Rifle: Temporary Camera Impulse, please. I want to feel like I'm firing a gun.
Plasma Pistol: Needs a new, more Halo 3-esque charging effect.
Plasma Rifle: OH GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE. I'll get to the model and animations later, but for now, change the bolt and firing effects to the dark blue color of Halo 3, and, again, fix the sounds by inserting the proper sound in the "plasma rifle lower fire" and the "plasma rifle upper fire" effect tags.
MA5K: Temporary Camera Impulse, and make the accuracy deteriorate over time. You can do this by modifying the "error" box under rate of fire exactly the same way as rate of fire.
Battle Rifle: Temporary Camera Impulse. Sound sound sound sound sound. If you're tagging it the way I think you are, make an effect for your secondary fire and reference a sound for a three-shot burst in there, rather than a one shot sound for each bullet.
Sniper Rifle: Go get your own, and cut down the kickback.
Spiker: Temporary Camera Impulse. Sounds. Fix 'em by opening up Sound Recorder, increasing the volume by about 125%, and saving them as mono. That'll kill the "one speaker" effect.
Mauler: See above.
Carbine: I can't see a contrail, and get the symbol above the ammo meter in. Also, see if you can jam in a smoke plume effect upon ejecting the magazine, like Halo 3. And grab a Halo 3 sound.
Shotgun: It's fine, but the animations are just dumb. I'll get to that later.
Needler: It needs to have the old rate of fire, but increase the speed of the projectiles. And get a purple texture/effect over the needles sticking out of the gun, please.
I'm pretty sure I've forgotten one or two, so remind me and I'll tear them to pieces as well.
Modeling and animations. It's either really nice or really fugly. Your plasma rifle is horrible, hands down, and the plasma pistol needs to be a bit smoother on the edges. Assault Rifle is nice, but raise it so that it shoots toward the crosshair, or else find a way to lower the crosshair. SMG, MA5K, Spiker, and Mauler are also fine. Carbine is alright except for the reloading; it makes it look like the hand is twisting in a very uncomfortable way. And PLEASE get some new Shotgun animations.
tl;dr: This thing needs more work, and lots of it. Being new to posting, I'll probably get flamed for not deserving an opinion or something, but I felt I had to comment.
Thanks for your time.
December 29th, 2007, 02:01 PM
No, you said it like the truth. This thing should never have been released. Like you said its a pre-alpha.
December 29th, 2007, 02:11 PM
I agree with you 100%, this really needs to be fixed up. I know it's a early build, but still... Maybe you should have waited to have something better before releasing, to make people have a better opinion of you.
December 29th, 2007, 02:25 PM
No ones shown this yet? Only on halomaps they did:
December 29th, 2007, 02:30 PM
epic giantpost
I agree with you until you mention that the animations are good on certain things. the mauler's model and animations both fail.
December 29th, 2007, 03:18 PM
..That HUD is the most distracting thing ever. Dear GOD lower the opacity.
Also... you need to learn proper shader creation, to be honest, also you need to learn proper LIGHT sources, tags, lensflares. Ugh.
t3h m00kz
December 30th, 2007, 01:09 AM
WARNING: Epic giantpost.
You didn't mention bullet speeds at all; the bullets in Halo 3 have a much different velocity, other than the snipers and laser, they don't hit instantly. Not even with the pistol, battle rifle, or carbine. They all feel more like projectiles than an instant tag.
December 30th, 2007, 01:14 AM
The problem with implementing non-instantaneous projectiles in HCE is the whole issue with clients having to aim a yard in front of their target thanks to the horrible netcode. Adding even more required leading onto that would just be plain harsh, and somewhat useless.
For weapons that rely on slow projectiles like the Plasma Rifle and Needler, that's a moot point, but otherwise, it needs to be instantaneous for it not to be hell on the client's end.
December 30th, 2007, 01:46 AM
For the weapons that didn't have skins or textures, every time you looked at one of the bases, it looked like someone tied a HUGE AND GRAY tarp from the base to my weapon... I was thinking of hanging my weapons on it.
Also, lol at the picture.
t3h m00kz
December 30th, 2007, 03:06 AM
The problem with implementing non-instantaneous projectiles in HCE is the whole issue with clients having to aim a yard in front of their target thanks to the horrible netcode. Adding even more required leading onto that would just be plain harsh, and somewhat useless.
For weapons that rely on slow projectiles like the Plasma Rifle and Needler, that's a moot point, but otherwise, it needs to be instantaneous for it not to be hell on the client's end.
This is true and I HAVE taken this into consideration.. but at the same time there is a nifty little option available. It gets pretty interesting if you set the projectiles to non-client-side only. This makes the bullet come out on your screen when it comes out in the server. It helps people learn how to lead their shots, as well as making sure that when you hit something with a bullet, it actually HITS them. It just takes a while for the bullet to shoot out of the gun, similar to the weapons in Unreal Tournament.
Honestly I can't imagine why Gearbox/Bungie didn't set all weapons to do this in the first place. More people would know how to play decently. ;\
December 30th, 2007, 04:23 AM
This is true and I HAVE taken this into consideration.. but at the same time there is a nifty little option available. It gets pretty interesting if you set the projectiles to non-client-side only. This makes the bullet come out on your screen when it comes out in the server. It helps people learn how to lead their shots, as well as making sure that when you hit something with a bullet, it actually HITS them. It just takes a while for the bullet to shoot out of the gun, similar to the weapons in Unreal Tournament.
So THAT'S why there's a delay in the shotgun buckshot on CMT's maps; I had thought it to be an animation glitch. :v
t3h m00kz
December 30th, 2007, 05:09 AM
So THAT'S why there's a delay in the shotgun buckshot on CMT's maps; I had thought it to be an animation glitch. :v
Yep. The pellets are just coming out server-side, no glitch or anything. I think CMT may have accidentally clicked that option and forgot to unlick it ;p If I wind up making my shock rifle for a multiplayer level I'm going to have to have the option selected so it doesn't show up unsynced for all the players.
But yeah, the CMT shotgun is a good example; you may notice that when if more shots look like they hit somebody with that shotgun, they actually do hit them. I prefer it that way for the reasons I mentioned: it gives people a good idea of the lag, and it makes them look like they're actually being hit with a bullet as opposed to the bullet being shot a few feet in front of where they're going.
December 30th, 2007, 10:48 AM
If it is ment to be Halo 3 then why has the banshee got a Halo 2 texture on it...?
Also why dont the team make a Halo 3 map instead of using a Halo 2 map?
December 30th, 2007, 10:55 AM
By 'team' I hope you mean 'HDoan.' Right now, he's being lazy again, and taking a break because it's vacation.
December 30th, 2007, 01:56 PM
If he's going to make a Halo 3 map, he has to finish the HUD, weapons, vehicles, and graphical errors first.
December 30th, 2007, 06:00 PM
So basically DrunkenSamus, you want him to finish the mod?
December 30th, 2007, 06:46 PM
people around here need to stop confusing the words mod and map lol..
everything isn't always about aesthetics which was proven by Muki Hyena in his video with the shock rifle mod.
December 31st, 2007, 05:53 AM
people around here need to stop confusing the words mod and map lol..
everything isn't always about aesthetics which was proven by Muki Hyena in his video with the shock rifle mod.
Functionality first. Then pretty-ful-ness.
Pyong Kawaguchi
December 31st, 2007, 10:44 AM
Hmm, now only if bitterbannana or someone made a hack to select that button ingame without having it say you cant join the server, now that would be good :p
December 31st, 2007, 06:50 PM
Functionality first. Then pretty-ful-ness.
I don't know, I think thats true to a point. I think that a weapon/vehicle/map/whatever model and skin and animations should all be planned out at least, with a sort of "rough draft" in place. However this rough draft should never EVER be made publicly visible, especially in betas. Giving the weapon/vehicle/map/whatever a physical form usually helps the drive to finish it.
December 31st, 2007, 06:58 PM
Look at ambush, I wouldn't date it, yet how many more servers host that map than H3T-Coag?
And yes, this "rough draft" shouldn't have been released but it is their choice...I guess they just want to show what they have...which they could do by showing off gameplay videos =/
t3h m00kz
December 31st, 2007, 07:27 PM
I don't know, I think thats true to a point. I think that a weapon/vehicle/map/whatever model and skin and animations should all be planned out at least, with a sort of "rough draft" in place. However this rough draft should never EVER be made publicly visible, especially in betas. Giving the weapon/vehicle/map/whatever a physical form usually helps the drive to finish it.
Considering the fact that most of the weapons are H1 remakes (IE Assault Rifle, Plasma weapons, Pistol, and even the MA5K), they could have easily used the original weapons as placeholders to work upon instead of focusing mainly on looks.
If I were to start on a custom carbine, here's how I'd do it: Start with the pistol. Give the pistol a modified rate of fire, damage, clip size, etc. Then at that point I'd start focusing on things like colored contrails. Then once I get the gun to WORK the way I want would I start focusing on things like custom graphics and animations. Just to give an example. And I'd work one gun at a time, get the model, skin and everything.
Once I've finished one weapon and gotten it as close to what I want as possible, then would I work on the next. I think the mistake they made here was they tried to accomplish way too much at once rather than taking it step by step. They've got a crappy MA5K, a crappy needler, a crappy gravity hammer. If they would have taken all the effort they put into those and put it all into one weapon, they'd have a decent-assed weapon.
Don't get me wrong, the custom models and animations are really freaking nice, but in the end that's NOT what it comes down to.
January 2nd, 2008, 02:43 AM
yeah your right. but I don't think the custom models or animations are good (with the exception of kenney's ma5k model)
t3h m00kz
January 2nd, 2008, 12:53 PM
I meant in general ;P
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