View Full Version : Fraps Problem.

December 26th, 2007, 05:17 PM
Uhh This might sound wierd but i've been using Fraps for a long time.

Now everytime i start fraps and press the record key in halo fraps Crashes.

The wierd part is that when it crashes halo still is running but then i start getting low space in my hard drive. I check in my fraps folder and i get these 4gb - 5gb video that don't even work. Can someone help me.?

EDIT: The most annnoying part is that i get exception after it crashes.

EDIT2: Why I am I getting no responses?

December 28th, 2007, 11:11 PM
Now everytime i start fraps and press the record key in halo fraps Crashes... then i start getting low space in my hard drive. I check in my fraps folder and i get these 4gb - 5gb video that don't even work

EDIT: The most annnoying part is that i get exception after it crashes
I think its your codec. Afraid I can't help more than that