View Full Version : Funky's HWRS web rcon

December 28th, 2007, 10:29 PM
ok i got this thing working... sorta...

i get this error when i input a rcon command...

http://www.hivclan.net/hivshack/thumbs/503319rconerror.jpg (http://www.hivclan.net/hivshack/viewer.php?id=503319rconerror.jpg)

any ideas?

December 28th, 2007, 10:44 PM
Not sure what that means but you might wanna fix your title...

December 28th, 2007, 10:47 PM
its Funky's, not Fucky's. anyhow, you are missing a file.

December 28th, 2007, 10:54 PM
Must use some jpg code, trying to find a dll for it. Maybe download the dll and put it the app folder.

December 28th, 2007, 11:17 PM
I don't even know what that is. Where did you get it??

December 28th, 2007, 11:36 PM
Probably dl'd from here:

I don't know what you did wrong, but I got mine to work, baturkey.

Oh nevermind, it doesn't work with remote people, only myself =(

December 29th, 2007, 01:37 PM
I've never gotten webrcon to work right. :/

December 29th, 2007, 01:47 PM
I got it to work at midnight yesterday...now it gives me the same message StinkBacon gets...

Jpg.dll, tried to google, I had some sense that it didn't work but searched for it anyway, I actually don't know what I should be looking for exactly...

December 29th, 2007, 02:00 PM
Download and rename the original jpg library and try again.

December 30th, 2007, 02:58 PM
Download and rename the original jpg library and try again.

And where, Oracle, is that?

I know what you mean, but where the hell am I going to find that...

December 30th, 2007, 06:41 PM
yah, any jpg dll is nowhere to be found.

also, did i really put fucky's ?

December 30th, 2007, 06:42 PM

Sending commands within the app works, but with the browser... no no =(