View Full Version : [MAP] HEADLONG PB2
December 31st, 2007, 04:24 PM
Title : Headlong_PB2
Release Date : 12-31-2007
Author : Kenney001
Description : A Halo ce remake of the popular Halo 2 level Headlong
DOWNLOAD HERE ( ef1a523fc257c293c5fc2582776c46)
Welcome to the second Public Beta of Headlong CE. I realize this level looks completed, but I am a perfectionist, so it will never be "finished"
Id like to give thanks to
Masterz1337 for alot of off-hand help with tags
CtrlAltDestroy for the shotgun animations and some misc help
EP_Killa for the HUD icons
The Halo 2 CE team for the Base of my weapon models, and the base of the vehicles
Bungie the BSP gemoetry, the models, textures, skins, halo engine, hek
Halodoan The Banshee shaders
P0lar_bear The H2 HUD
Zteam Alot of accuracy references before the release of H2v
Adobe Photoshop
autodesk 3ds max software A great community for help and support For hosting this and for my beginningsand any other person who has pitched in, feel free to PM me on either or
If you find any glitches, feel free to PM me, but i probably will never fix them, nor will there be another release.
You know a little +rep never hurt anyone
December 31st, 2007, 04:32 PM
yea! finally released XD Awesome job!
December 31st, 2007, 04:39 PM
Bout time!
December 31st, 2007, 04:40 PM
First DL, woop woop.
December 31st, 2007, 04:53 PM
ill have a game up
December 31st, 2007, 05:18 PM
I'll try and join that game if it's still up.
December 31st, 2007, 05:41 PM
Nice, got my D/L.
Edit- I played it, really nice man. :D
December 31st, 2007, 05:46 PM
ftw, I'll get on later :awesome:
December 31st, 2007, 05:50 PM
Damn, can't play it here. :saddowns:
May we see pics? >_>;
December 31st, 2007, 06:04 PM
It was very nice, even though it kinda lagged as a result of me not being in a dedicated server :p
t3h m00kz
December 31st, 2007, 06:34 PM
Fucking nice, really awesome work; the weapons seem to be as close to the originals as you could get on this engine.
Just give the BR some more volume and it'll be all gravy >D
Also: How did you get the battle rifle to fire three burst every time without being full auto? That's all I want to know.
If you use full auto bullets with overheating, it keeps firing. If you make it fire a burst after a charge and then overheat, it'll fire a stray round.
December 31st, 2007, 06:37 PM
Ok a few things:
-Looking down with the turret, aiming becomes off, but you can compensate for that by not aiming with the reticle.
-Beam Rifle Overheat time, it is a bit longer then it should be
-Tank shells: I think the grace period between each shot is too short...I'm not too sure.
At least the beam works =D
t3h m00kz
December 31st, 2007, 09:07 PM
Upon playing the level a bit more, I've got to say a few things.
1. EXCELLENT tagging work on the weapons; they act almost exactly like the ones in Halo 2. Again, the BR is great, the Brute Shot acts pretty much just like it should, pistol, needler, etc.
Few things though: The shotgun's pellet range should not be as insane as it is; I'd say they should dissapate at about, say, 15, 20 world units? Beam rifle's overheating recovery should be set to 0.01 so it doesn't fire before it's fully recovered, and the recovery time should be shorter. Some of the plasma projectiles seem to move too fast, but it may be due to Halo 1's FOV.
And off of the non-tagging topic, the turrets are really REALLY wierd camera-wise (I think they're too far away from the player), and the Beam Rifle's crosshair needs a makeover, as well as the Brute Shot's :p
Excellent work overall, I'm suprised there's no servers up playing this map yet.
January 1st, 2008, 02:54 AM
About time. Glad to see you finally pulled through, Kenney.
January 1st, 2008, 03:57 AM
OK, my list of bugs I found:
About the water/Skybox meeting: WTF? Where the water meets the skybox, it looks horrible, no offense.
About the guns: What everyone else said.
About the Flags: The H2 flags look slightly different, I'm getting good at Flags, I can make and tag a perfect replica for you. Also, when you pick them up, it says "Picked up a Shotgun". This is a common error when using custom string lists, as you need to change the index for the flag, which hardly anyone does.
Finally, I have a syncing destructible vehicles script, just give me a list of what vehicles are in Headlong, and I can change the script to fit your needs.
But overall, good job.
EDIT: Also, you forgot the golden hog. Possible, but would require a long script. Here's how to get it (I've done it before, it works):
January 1st, 2008, 04:07 AM
I loved the Battle Rifle and Shotgun because you could actually see the casings flying out of the ejection port! Awesomeness.
January 1st, 2008, 04:47 AM
45 minutes of work later:
(You have no idea how much work it takes to recreate the 7th Column PERFECTLY.)
I'll get to tagging it for you.
And, before you ask, yes, H2's flags ARE in pristine condition, look at them.
January 1st, 2008, 05:04 AM
I have screenshots, but at the moment I can't be assed to convert them from TGA to PNG and then upload. :v
So, text descriptions until I do:
Your weapon HUD interfaces are inconsistent and sometimes borked. Some use knave's ammo meters, some use my meters, some use stock meters. Also, the battle rifle ammo meter is missing two bullets on a full clip. And one more thing: the icons you're using for the spot next to the ammo counter aren't the right type of icon.
Some weapon icons look incredibly ugly.
Picking up a Beam Rifle results in no HUD text.
The thirdperson SMG model is lolhueg.
The sniper rifle and battle rifle spawn halfway into the ground; they need collision models, and the ground point needs to be on the side of the gun; not inside the gun.
The needler's thirdperson model has no needles, rather, the shader used is just the wavy plasma with no pink on them at all.
Various sounds are too loud and a couple overload the engine; namely the active camo pickup sound. Doublecheck your source sound WAVs and make sure that they are the correct format; 22Khz, Mono, 8bit PCM.
A lot of your thirdperson models have no LODs. This can cause performance hits in populated games.
Some scenery objects' collision models are made of dirt; blowing up the crashed bus with a tank shell results in a huge sand cloud. O_o
All in all, you're getting there, but right now a the quality of a lot of objects are only just above that of h2_coagulation. The map itself is done well; the content just needs more polishing.
January 1st, 2008, 03:14 PM
Amazing. :awesome:
January 1st, 2008, 03:32 PM
Alright, I tried posting this last night before I went to bed, but my internets crashed on me before I could say anything.
Anyway, after a nice threesome between me, the map, and devmode, here's what I think can be improved weapon-wise.
For the sake of H2 replication, the magazine should be ejected to the left, not to the right, and the grenade throwing animation is off. Also, its accuracy is higher than that of an (unzoomed) Battle Rifle, which needs to be changed.
The third person model is about as big as Chief himself, and (if the Halo engine can support this) the upward crawl needs to start a half-second after firing. Oh, and see if you can h4x an empty clip to appear after reloading.
Battle Rifle
The HUD ammo cunter starts with two bullets missing and goes through some weird stuff after that. Also, it needs to be much more accurate unzoomed; swtich this accuracy with that of the pistol.
No complaints here, actually, except maybe to make the bullets dissipate sooner.
Sniper Rifle
The reloading and melee animations are strange.
Rocket Lawn Chair
It's still got the old Halo 1 animations, and there's no lock-on. I know this is possible, as proved with CMT's old SPv1.
Plasma Pistol
Halo 2's charging is the same as Halo 1's, except with some particles coming in. The lens flare you've put in is fugly. Also, see if you can get some H2 animations in there.
Plasma Rifle
I can hear the old H1 firing sound underneath the new one, and why is it slanted like that? Just move the original idle position up and to the left a bit. Oh, and see if you can get some H2 bitmaps over the little blue tips at the end. New animations would also be nice.
I can tell it's precisely the same one that's available for download on Halomaps, next to the rate of fire. As a result, the third-person model's needles are simply a shader_transparent_plasma with no background color. Halo 2 animations would also be good.
For replication, the contrail needs to be thicker, and have a yellow-green center with a green outline. Also, the third-person model has the flashlight attached to it in the on position. The recitle is much fatter than it needs to be, and why is there no HUD icon?
Beam Rifle
The heat needs to dissipate about twice as fast as it currently does, and make it so that it can only fire after all the heat has gone. Also, you need to get a shader_transparent_plasma over those little purple bits on the side of the gun, and the two ends of the recitle need to be closer together.
Brute Shot
The reticle is very wrong. Go look at a Zteam map or something. There's also no new HUD ammo counter bitmaps.
Frag Grenade
Less dirt.
Plasma Grenade
The white smoke after the explosion needs to dissipate more gradually, rather than instantly vanishing, and you need a lens flare that grows in size attached to the projectile once it comes to rest.
Most of your HUD weapon icons are nasty and have inconsistent styles. The Banshee has no boost or fuel rod cannon, and makes a bunch of ghost anti-grav particles when it touches the ground. The Ghost's anti-grav particles need to be constrained to the vehicle, instead of flying around everywhere, and the Scorpion needs to have a slightly decreased rate of fire. Most of the weapon readying animations are weird, and the moving animations give the weapons a "floaty" feel to them. Cut down on the sway there.
Of course, don't let this discourage you. The shaders are about as close as we're ever going to get to Halo 2 without h4xing in real bump-mapping, the map itself is very well constructed, and your new blood textures are sexy.
I know I spent much more time criticizing the map, but believe me, it's a standout in the thousands of H2 replication attempts out there. And remember that the above are all just my perspective. The point of making a map is to have the author's dream map, not the fan's dream map.
Overall opinion: It ain't perfect, but it's still plain :awesome:.
January 1st, 2008, 04:02 PM
Great job on the map! Here are a few things I noticed:
Pickup icons- Some look choppy, others look ugly.
Sniper Riffle-
Melee-The riffle floats in between the left hand and the right hand, right hand thumb goes through the scope, right hand is not pushing the sniper in it's appropriate location.
Hand Location- 3rd person hand location for the sniper riffle is placed wrong. The butt of the riffle should be in the shoulders, not being handled by the chief.
3rd person
melee- hands move out of place
Hand location- out of place
Hand placement (again)
3rd person melee- hand bends in a very, VERY, unnatural way..
Surprsingly, hands are adjusted pretty good :o, but one of the arms (The one holding the barrel up) is warped (overly rotated?)
3rd person Melee- hand out of place
Melee- MC has alot of reach. Standing from the blue flag base, MC can easily hit the wall.
Brute Shot-
3p-Shots come out too high from where they actually come from.
Hand Placement (1p)
Some models are HUUUUGE (Ex. Plasma Riffle is as big as MC's leg)
Ghost- People can perform satanic rituals in Halo if they have no shields (AKA boosting with no shields)
Writing my name in my own blood is awesome :awesome:More to come.
EDIT: Ok then, I guess that everything was mentioned in the post before me >.>
If anyone needs me, I will be summoning the devil in the top of the building with the ghost.
January 1st, 2008, 07:05 PM
The HUD ammo cunter starts with two bullets missing and goes through some weird stuff after that. .Why is it that out of your whole post, this is the bit that jumped out at me first? :p
Anyway, great work Kenny! I really enjoyed playing this map. The BR has always been one of my favorite weapons and I like the anims you've put on it. Infact most of the animations are pretty good. A proper H2 conversion. Far better than the other one. Thank you Kenny.
January 1st, 2008, 07:14 PM
The HUD ammo cunter starts with two bullets missing and goes through some weird stuff after that.
Why is it that out of your whole post, this is the bit that jumped out at me first? :p
...Harf, cunter.
Anyways, after playing some more, I have couple more addendums.
-You're using the CMT FP arms model. Grab a H2 one if you can.
-The turret camera is very strange.
-Where are my Energy Sword and Fuel Rod Cannon?
-I'm <3ing your plasma pistol charged shot projectile.
-I still can't stress enough how damn sexy these shaders are. :v
January 1st, 2008, 09:30 PM
...Harf, cunter.
Anyways, after playing some more, I have couple more addendums.
-You're using the CMT FP arms model. Grab a H2 one if you can.
-The turret camera is very strange.
-Where are my Energy Sword and Fuel Rod Cannon?
-I'm <3ing your plasma pistol charged shot projectile.
-I still can't stress enough how damn sexy these shaders are. :v
The energy sword and Fail Rod aren't in Headlong, I believe.
January 1st, 2008, 10:13 PM
It's called a Fuel Rod, and you're not funny.
January 1st, 2008, 11:02 PM
It's called a failrod and your not cool.
January 2nd, 2008, 12:13 AM
i took them out, because the fuelrod isnt in the real headlong, and the energy sword is always fail in halo 1. Look at zteams for example. It is very nice, but sucks really really bad over the network......
And for those talking about accuracy of my weapons to halo 2, don't. I wasnt going for accuracy, I was going for similarity. I know the animations are different, and yes I could have done better. Let me put it this way: This is not a full final release, this was me throwing together what I had so you guys could play it and i could get it off my back, because i am tired of working on it.
Thanks to those who posted honest criticism.
...Harf, cunter.
-You're using the CMT FP arms model. Grab a H2 one if you can.
actually im using the default halo 1 FP hands with a little detail map modification. The only publically avaliable H2 fp hands look like total crap TBH..
AS for the animations: You can probably tell what order i made them in based on quality.
1: My first real weapon animation practice, was the Battle Rifle.
2: Brute shot
3: carbine
4: sniper
5: magnum
6: SMG
7: Beam rifle
in that order.
January 2nd, 2008, 12:54 AM
Actually, the currently available H2 arms are the exact same models/bitmaps as Halo 2. Even still, you could probably model and rig your own ones, with some even sexier shaders.
Forgot that FRC wasn't in Headlong, and yeah, sword is nasty in HCE, but I was just curious as to whether you had one planned or not.
Also, strangely, I'd rate your animation quality like this (best to worst):
1. Beam Rifle
2. SMG
3. Battle Rifle
4. Carbine
5. Brute Shot
6. Magnum
7. Sniper
Just an idea for what you may want to work on the most.
Thanks for the clarification on accuracy/similarity. If I find anything else to relentlessly criticize, I'll keep that in mind. I'm eagerly looking forward to another release, if you decide to pick this up again. I honestly hope you will; with the proper fixes, this map would become godly.
Oh, and I still want to sleep with those weapon shaders.
January 2nd, 2008, 12:58 AM
When are you going to release the weapons, Kenney?
And when you do, are you going to upload them to Filefront, or make us wait for them to upload to Halomaps?
January 2nd, 2008, 03:40 AM
Are you talking about this biped and arms (
They look out of place in CE because Jahrain took the maps and baked the bumpmap into the diffuse map, since Halo 1 can't do bumpmaps on objects. Have you been using these in your map?
If you haven't make sure you read the customization instructions, they tell you how to make it fit right in with your map.
January 2nd, 2008, 09:43 AM
I had them, and it stretched really weird when the hand was sideways.¤t=haloscreencopy3.jpg
January 2nd, 2008, 10:50 AM
I had them, and it stretched really weird when the hand was sideways.
January 3rd, 2008, 07:06 PM
well, h2headlonpb2 was a very good map. most of the weapons are very close compared to their halo 2 counterparts however, there are a few adjustments that could be made to increase the gaming experience.
first the banshee:
use a purple-shaded cubemap for the reflection.
add barrel rolls.
get rid of the antigrav particles, banshees don't use antigrav particles
and change the boost contrails. they're two blue (not purple) steaks not 1.
lower the boost it's too fast.
change the contrails (add 2 markers towards the bottom of the boost vents).
add boost lights (which isn't hard to to do either).
it looks to plain, add some detail to the texture.
the scorpion moves slower than h1 (acutally it seems that in every game it moves slower than the last)
the rate of fire's too high
it uses the wrong crosshairs take a look at the original h2headlong.
where's the wraith and the specter did they make the cut?
other than that, this level has come a long way keep up the good work
January 4th, 2008, 01:47 AM
where's the wraith and the specter did they make the cut?
Due to the limits of the engine, the Wraith and Spectre can't make it in the map.
Halo's gametypes can only spawn 5 vehicle types; stock tagset dictates a Warthog, Ghost, Scorpion, Banshee, and Shade Turret.
This map has those all taken, except the Shade turret is now a mounted machine gun turret.
January 4th, 2008, 02:17 AM
Due to the limits of the engine, the Wraith and Spectre can't make it in the map.
Halo's gametypes can only spawn 5 vehicle types; stock tagset dictates a Warthog, Ghost, Scorpion, Banshee, and Shade Turret.
This map has those all taken, except the Shade turret is now a mounted machine gun turret.
With scripts, you CAN spawn more then 5, but they seem to have a little trouble with respawn.
January 4th, 2008, 04:36 AM
With scripts, you CAN spawn more then 5, but they seem to have a little trouble with respawn.
Which is why I didn't bring them up. I tend to ignore buggy, half-functional methods like that because they simply will never work; they stretch the oh-so-limited engine too far and only do half of what they're supposed to.
January 4th, 2008, 09:58 PM
Due to the limits of the engine, the Wraith and Spectre can't make it in the map.
Halo's gametypes can only spawn 5 vehicle types; stock tagset dictates a Warthog, Ghost, Scorpion, Banshee, and Shade Turret.
well if that's true than how did tiamat get more than 5 into coldsnap and still make it work
(he has the longsword, mythos, mechs, ghost, snowhog, gausshog, rockethog, missilehog, LAAGhog, the jets and the scorpion)
correct me if i'm mistaken but can't you set up trigger volumes, use one vehicle that actually in the globals, and have the vehicles respawn everytime within that volume through scripting?
January 4th, 2008, 10:05 PM
Due to the limits of the engine, the Wraith and Spectre can't make it in the map.
Halo's gametypes can only spawn 5 vehicle types; stock tagset dictates a Warthog, Ghost, Scorpion, Banshee, and Shade Turret.
This map has those all taken, except the Shade turret is now a mounted machine gun turret.
Rocket warthog.
Also, I used a "h2-style" vehicle spawning system that makes a selection based on how many of each vehicle you specify in a gametype in zteam's public beta maps. (For example, if you set the warthog count to 1, it will spawn a standard warthog, if you set it to 2, it will spawn an gauss warthog, etc) I have had no problems with this system.
January 4th, 2008, 10:09 PM
Rocket warthog.
Also, I used a "h2-style" vehicle spawning system that makes a selection based on how many of each vehicle you specify in a gametype in zteam's public beta maps. (For example, if you set the warthog count to 1, it will spawn a standard warthog, if you set it to 2, it will spawn an gauss warthog, etc) I have had no problems with this system.
:mad: *mutter*...
January 5th, 2008, 04:10 AM
Rocket warthog.BAH! I forgot all about the rwarthog. How could I... :(
Also, I used a "h2-style" vehicle spawning system that makes a selection based on how many of each vehicle you specify in a gametype in zteam's public beta maps. (For example, if you set the warthog count to 1, it will spawn a standard warthog, if you set it to 2, it will spawn an gauss warthog, etc) I have had no problems with this system.Oh yeah, I vaguely remember you saying something about that.
Did vehicle respawns handle correctly?
January 5th, 2008, 04:56 AM
actually, using scripts to spawn more than 5, and having them respawn correctly is pretty simple, and not "buggy" at all.
January 5th, 2008, 10:08 PM
Im going to download it to look around
January 5th, 2008, 11:32 PM
Alright, i decided to work on it some more.
so far:
I have slowed the BR reload and made it smoother
I have made a H2 Sniper reload
I made a H2 Magnum reload
I made the carbine reload look more natural
I cannot seem to get my lightmap to match the real headlong seems to have 2 differnt colors, one slightly pink when looking toward the water, and one slightly yellow when facing the other way. --I could use a little help getting my colors a little closer...any help is appreciated here.
I could also use a set of pick-up icons that arnt "fugly" as you say (I personally dont see whats wrong with the ones I used, so this could be a problem)
t3h m00kz
January 6th, 2008, 12:46 AM
:D <3
January 6th, 2008, 01:41 AM
Well I haven't been able to play this map at all online because there are no servers running it that I can join.
Its a shame because I want to see how much the I-beam lags.
January 6th, 2008, 11:26 AM
What do you mean you can't join the server? It says unable to join server you mean?
Does it do that with any other maps? Also, kenny, so they'll be a PB3? Also, did you fix how some weapons take 3 seconds to pick up? (Could I ask more questions? Too bad I just did.)
January 6th, 2008, 11:37 AM
No, just some peer hosted games with high or no ping.
January 6th, 2008, 12:20 PM
What do you mean you can't join the server? It says unable to join server you mean?
Does it do that with any other maps? Also, kenny, so they'll be a PB3? Also, did you fix how some weapons take 3 seconds to pick up? (Could I ask more questions? Too bad I just did.)
the weapon pickup thing is a server problem not a map problem. I have never run into that before....
January 6th, 2008, 12:40 PM
Oh, stupid gearbox letting Dial-Up users play online...right? And I only sometimes run into it also.
January 6th, 2008, 06:47 PM
I found this map very enjoyable
but there were some minor issues
like the tank
instead of the tank would you add a wraith to the next version
the tank is a issue in team slayer games
also some reticles need touching up like the beam rifles
and some sounds like the plasma rifles
sometimes its the halo 1 sound sometimes its the halo 2 sound
but overall I found the map very enjoyable
good job kenney
also fix the brute shot please
the animations were very off
January 6th, 2008, 06:56 PM
I found this map very enjoyable
but there were some minor issues
like the tank
instead of the tank would you add a wraith to the next version
the tank is a issue in team slayer games
also some reticles need touching up like the beam rifles
and some sounds like the plasma rifles
sometimes its the halo 1 sound sometimes its the halo 2 sound
but overall I found the map very enjoyable
good job kenney
also fix the brute shot please
the animations were very off
The Tank is there by default in Headlong, removing it would make this less like it. It ALWAYS murders everything in it's path, that's why they have the Rocket Launcher up by the beam device thingy (Except not really a Device).
The Plasma Rifle also does that in H2, it's a mix of old and new sounds.
January 6th, 2008, 06:59 PM
Except the tank's "reload" time is faster than it is in Halo 2.
January 6th, 2008, 07:19 PM
45 minutes of work later:
(You have no idea how much work it takes to recreate the 7th Column PERFECTLY.)
I'll get to tagging it for you.
And, before you ask, yes, H2's flags ARE in pristine condition, look at them.
Pyong Kawaguchi
January 6th, 2008, 08:10 PM
lol pwnt mb?
January 14th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Aww... You bastard.
Oh well.
January 14th, 2008, 10:11 PM
Actually This kind of criticism is much much better than "OMG your AWSOME!!!"
I learn from it. I learn how to improve from it, and I don't need any self esteem from it.
January 14th, 2008, 10:51 PM
Oh boy, he attacked an admin. inb4b&
Anyway, to counter the derailment, I've been playing on the odd server that pops up, and for some reason this map seems to lag a lot more than most others. Don't know why this is; even on dedicated ones I can't play for anything whereas it works fine for every other map. Probably not on your end, but if there's something that might contribute, I'd like to know.
January 14th, 2008, 11:05 PM
There is a good explanation for the lag. I included an Anit-botting script. It seems to work fine on my local servers, but over the internet it seems to cause ALOT of connection lag even with low ping. This is a huge issue and I will remove it before the next release...
January 14th, 2008, 11:36 PM
Dammit people, stop foiling my efforts to keep this thing on topic.
Anyway, you're saying there will be another release, Kenny? Mebbe you can h4x some syncing dual-wielding scripts in, or is that a lost cause for online play?
January 15th, 2008, 05:19 PM
Oh nvm, sorry, wrong page I was looking at *Smacks forehead*
January 15th, 2008, 05:22 PM
I'm pretty sure the resemblance to FRain's animations is the fact that they both use the same model, although Kenny's shaders are far superior.
Personally, I thought the Brute Shot animations were fine. The Sniper Rifle needed a slight bit of work, but that's what PB3's are for, right?
January 15th, 2008, 06:50 PM
And SO...
I think we need to see the map with the baked textures w/ the Surreal effect. Or just me, I want to see how it looks.
January 15th, 2008, 07:35 PM
Ignoring the failing grasp on sanity by a certain user for a moment, do you have an idea when Headlong will be updated?
January 15th, 2008, 08:03 PM
The recent tangent involving WaRReN has been moved to here ( Please keep the discussion in this thread to THE MAP ONLY. :cop:
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