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§partan 8
December 31st, 2007, 09:14 PM
I just wanted to know what you guys belive in.
Evolution has been proven wrong several times and they continue to use it in text books all over the world. What's going on?
Heres a good site.
Some stuff to think about. Read it all don't just look at it.
"The Trail of Tears was where the Cherokee Indians were driven out of the Chattanooga area all the way to Oklahoma. One third of the entire nation died en route. . . . Evolution is responsible for what happened to the Indians. How any Indian can believe in evolution just blows my mind. . . . the evolution theory is what destroyed them."-Hovind, Kent
"The Smithsonian Institute [sic] has 33,000 sets of human remains in their basement right now as you are reading this. Many of them were taken whilethe people were still alive. They were so desperate to find missing links, so desperate to prove their theory that they murdered people to prove it." -Hovind, Kent
"Of course the Devil is laughing at folks for believing it . But hey, it works, it sends 'em to Hell, so he'll use it. " -[B]Hovind, Kent
"In 1271 A.D. Marco Polo came back from China and reported that the Emperor of China was raising dragons to pull his chariots in parades. Now why on earth would Marco Polo say something like that just 700 years ago? Well, I think he probably said that because the Emperor of China was raising dragons to pull his chariots in parades. " -Hovind, Kent
"Teaching the pagan religion of evolutionism is a waste of valuable class time and textbook space. It is also one of the reasons American kids don'ttest as well in science as kids in other parts of the world. " -Hovind, Kent
"Satan is seeing to it that well meaning parents are destroying their children's immune system by putting over 22 viruses into their system before they are two." -Hovind, Kent
"Evolution was Theodore Roosevelt's problem. Theodore Roosevelt believed in evolution. Roosevelt said, "We have an inferior species on this continent." In America? Who were the inferior species in America, Theodore? Ah, he thought the Indians were inferior. Have you ever wandered why we broke all the treaties with the Indians? We made treaties with the Indians and then broke them. Why? Many of our leaders were strong evolutionists, and they thought that the Indians were savages, inferior species, and that it wasn't their right to have any land. They thought that the white man and the superior Europeans ought to have the land. In 1871, Congress scrapped all treaties with the Indians and moved them out to the worst property that they could find. " -Hovind, Kent
"If Evolution is true, there is no Creator, so laws come from mans opinion. That is called a democracy, which is a terrible form of government. Democracies always degenerate into dictatorships. In America, it is sad to say, has become a democracy. " -Hovind, Kent
December 31st, 2007, 09:28 PM
Evolution has been proven wrong?
And the imaginary man with the big white beard that lives in the sky that controls everything in the universe has been proven to exist?
December 31st, 2007, 09:31 PM
go go evolution
also, lol
Evolution has been proven wrong several times
December 31st, 2007, 09:38 PM
Lol, they think the mummy Dakota was mummified in the flood of Noah?
December 31st, 2007, 09:44 PM
Dinosaurs were put there by the devil to make you question your faith :tinfoil:
edit: that site is lol
...expose evolutionism as being largely responsible for molding the thinking of hosts of people like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot of the Khmer in Cambodia, Margaret Sanger, and Karl Marx, who have caused untold suffering in our world:o
December 31st, 2007, 09:45 PM
I think this thread is going to implode on itself very soon. I'll just say one thing: nobody will ever know what the "real truth" is, because nobody will ever be able to prove their claims. Therefor, any arguments on the subject are completely pointless.
December 31st, 2007, 09:47 PM
Evolution. I believe that god is just a device our ancestors used to explain the unexplainable.
December 31st, 2007, 09:48 PM
Now how about:
Flat earth vs Round earth.
Educate yourself. (
December 31st, 2007, 09:49 PM
Evolution. I believe that god is just a device our ancestors used to explain the unexplainable.
Thank you. I blame our ignorant ancestors.
December 31st, 2007, 09:49 PM
I think this thread is going to implode on itself very soon. I'll just say one thing: nobody will ever know what the "real truth" is, because nobody will ever be able to prove their claims. Therefor, any arguments on the subject are completely pointless.
wut, evolution has plenty of proof going for it, unlike creationism
December 31st, 2007, 09:53 PM
More to add on what I said before, I think that then, the idea of a God was exploited by rulers of the day, who used it to control their disciples and regulate their lives through fear of being damned for not following their rulers. Fast forward to today, the people have perpetuated the belief, and I think it's spiraling out of control. Case in point: Radical evangelicals. Watch Jesus Camp.
December 31st, 2007, 10:01 PM
Evolutionary Scenario:
A child is born with a birth defect making him completely bald, and have a grey-ish skin tone. Little did this person know that the pigment in his skin actually makes him highly tolerable to radiation. Many generations pass, and his traits are passed down from his children, to his grand children and so on. Pretty soon his dna has defused into pretty big group. giving rise to a whole generation people with grey-ish skin. Soon a nuclear war breaks out, and 90% of the earth becomes a wasteland full of toxic radiation. Almost all of humanity dies out, except for those who have the that one person's genes making them tolerable to radiation. Now the majority of mankind is grey skinned and bald. Evolution.
Creationist's explanation for the above scenario:
In the beginning of time there was a creator who made everyone with grey skin. No one else existed before that. If you don't believe this, the creator will punish you. He also placed all the evidence that mankind existed before to test your faith in believing in him so there. End of story.
December 31st, 2007, 10:22 PM
December 31st, 2007, 10:44 PM
It'll only go there if people make it go there.
December 31st, 2007, 10:46 PM
Now how about:
Flat earth vs Round earth.
Educate yourself. (
i honestly didnt think it was possible for people to still believe in this. WoW.
Hot topic.
December 31st, 2007, 10:49 PM
i honestly didnt think it was possible for people to still believe in this. WoW.
Hot topic.
People still believe in creation, how could this surprise you lol...
December 31st, 2007, 10:49 PM
Evolutionism obviously.
I'm open to the possibility that there is some type of higher power that created the universe and everything in it, be it god or someone or something else. But I won't believe anything until I see unshakable proof with my own eyes.
i honestly didnt think it was possible for people to still believe in this. WoW.
Hot topic.
World of Warcraft?
December 31st, 2007, 10:51 PM
How come no love for the flying spaghetti monster (
December 31st, 2007, 10:53 PM
Well, in ways I hope God did create everything he did and that everything the bible says is true, but the older I get the more the idea sounds stupid and science can explain.
Exam pretty much hit it on the head, I feel they just made it up to account for unknown things, but be able to control people and spread peace.
December 31st, 2007, 11:02 PM
What if...
God made evolution?
December 31st, 2007, 11:04 PM
you cant divide by zero emmy
>: (
December 31st, 2007, 11:27 PM
Umm, I believe in evolution, creationism is ridiculous, how can you be right about that? How can you prove that? You can look at a mammal fetuses and see that a horse, cow, and pig all look the same early in the process, and deduce they are related. You can't look at the stars and think, wow that's pretty, must've been God.
Besides, all the creationists I've met have been closed-minded pricks.
December 31st, 2007, 11:31 PM
you cant divide by zero emmy
>: (
December 31st, 2007, 11:36 PM
Evolution, because it's obviously happening (look at bacteria if you don't have the patients to wait a few million years).
December 31st, 2007, 11:43 PM
Evolution, because it's obviously happening (look at bacteria if you don't have the patients to wait a few million years).
I don't have any patients because I'm not a doctor.
December 31st, 2007, 11:44 PM
Fact: only macs can divide by zero:
December 31st, 2007, 11:50 PM
However, iPod Touches use a modified, but still true Mac OSX system, but gets Error when it divides by zero! Discuss.
Anyway, evolution. More proof. I think the bible is for telling good morals and the like with magic and huge backgrounds. However, people believed it to be true, and now people kill others over it. :saddowns:
January 1st, 2008, 12:06 AM
You know theres a episode of NOVA that deals with this that you can watch on the site: (
Creationism. or "Intelligent Design", got owned :downs:
January 1st, 2008, 12:13 AM
I'm now watching "Jesus Camp". I gotta say, that's some dumb stuff.
January 1st, 2008, 12:17 AM
"Evolutionism"? Isn't even a real word just like macro evolution and micro evolution. These are just creationist terms made to support their bullshit.
Arguing with a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll knock over a few peices, crap on the table, then fly away and boast about their victory.
January 1st, 2008, 12:31 AM
Good to see this topic hasn't gone off the rails yet.
January 1st, 2008, 12:33 AM
Arguing with a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll knock over a few peices, crap on the table, then fly away and boast about their victory.
That is a fucking awesome quote. Do you mind if I put that in my sig?
January 1st, 2008, 12:39 AM
That is a fucking awesome quote. Do you mind if I put that in my sig?
Feel free to use it I guess.
January 1st, 2008, 12:42 AM
"Evolutionism"? Isn't even a real word just like macro evolution and micro evolution.
Of course macro and micro evolution can't be words! They're phrases, silly!
January 1st, 2008, 12:46 AM
Of course macro and micro evolution can't be words! They're phrases, silly!
My bad, well you get the point though.
January 1st, 2008, 12:53 AM
Here is a creationist video which absolutly proves that GOD exists. <-- SARCASM
7sanplNTr6c (
January 1st, 2008, 12:58 AM
January 1st, 2008, 01:04 AM
I honestly don't understand why people can't sort of believe in both. I feel it's extremely foolish and naive of people to not acknowledge that everything we see today has never changed over time. There's too much changing in the world around us TODAY that proves that it has been happening for the past 6 billion years. There's more proof that says that points to evolution as the answer than that of everything just appearing. What I can't comprehend is why religious nutjobs have to be so thickheaded that they can't think critically with any stream of logic. Here's my answer to this question without saying that they are wrong about creationism: maybe you are misunderstanding it completely. Here's what I mean:
The first thing is that they say is that Earth and everything on it was created in 6 days and it is only a few thousand years old. Well, if you pay any attention in physics class, you'd realize that time is completely relative. Hell, if you pay attention in church, you'd hear the same thing. There is no specific set-in-stone amount of time a day is. Time is completely relative to the person. For all we know, maybe Earth WAS created in 6 days, but not 6 days our time. Now, what if God's creation was all the energy and matter we have today, then from there it evolved to what we have today. Maybe His image is the matter and whatever becomes of it. Maybe he needed evolution to take place to have his mastermind plan of humans come to be.
January 1st, 2008, 01:12 AM
Never mistake science with religion.
That's all i have to say.
January 1st, 2008, 01:34 AM
I honestly don't understand why people can't sort of believe in both. I feel it's extremely foolish and naive of people to not acknowledge that everything we see today has never changed over time. There's too much changing in the world around us TODAY that proves that it has been happening for the past 6 billion years. There's more proof that says that points to evolution as the answer than that of everything just appearing. What I can't comprehend is why religious nutjobs have to be so thickheaded that they can't think critically with any stream of logic. Here's my answer to this question without saying that they are wrong about creationism: maybe you are misunderstanding it completely. Here's what I mean:
The first thing is that they say is that Earth and everything on it was created in 6 days and it is only a few thousand years old. Well, if you pay any attention in physics class, you'd realize that time is completely relative. Hell, if you pay attention in church, you'd hear the same thing. There is no specific set-in-stone amount of time a day is. Time is completely relative to the person. For all we know, maybe Earth WAS created in 6 days, but not 6 days our time. Now, what if God's creation was all the energy and matter we have today, then from there it evolved to what we have today. Maybe His image is the matter and whatever becomes of it. Maybe he needed evolution to take place to have his mastermind plan of humans come to be.
Evolutionism obviously.
I'm open to the possibility that there is some type of higher power that created the universe and everything in it, be it god or someone or something else. But I won't believe anything until I see unshakable proof with my own eyes.
I win.
January 1st, 2008, 01:38 AM
Something in the history of everything was created, somewhere, somehow, it sparked into existence thusly it was created. Now, the difference is if you believe that it was created by a higher power, such as God in religion, or by something else. Now, my belief is that everything was created by something, it had to spark somehow, now whether it's explained by science or there truly is some higher form of existence, I don't know, and thats my stance.
If I had to chose, I'd believe in Creationism (by name only, not idea), why? Because something was created somewhere down the road to start what is now the Universe, now I don't believe or not believe that it was caused by a religious icon like God, I'm waiting for more information on both sides of the argument.
Also, from what I skimmed from jcap's post, I technically agree with both. Something was created, as I said, and that sparked an evolutionary process to get us where we are now.
January 1st, 2008, 02:26 AM
I just wanted to know what you guys belive in.
Evolution has been proven wrong several times and they continue to use it in text books all over the world. What's going on?
Heres a good site.
Um, aren't you that guy who "didn't want to be a nerd no more?" and left a bunch of forums in a big rage quit?
January 1st, 2008, 02:38 AM
OMG Dano isn't drunk anymore :rape:.
^^lol late to the party.
Evolutionists don't even need to argue. The Creationists (not like Atty described it, the nutjobs) shoot themselves in the foot enough with their retarded Raptor Jesus theories as is.
January 1st, 2008, 02:55 AM
Arguing with a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll knock over a few peices, crap on the table, then fly away and boast about their victory.
That was awesome.
January 1st, 2008, 03:46 AM
This whole thread has got me thinking. What I wonder is why do we have to assume the universe needs a creator. You can't destroy matter and energy(2nd Law of thermodynamics) so couldn't the conclued that matter and energy have always existed with out needing to be "created"?
The question that I posed to creationists is if GOD created everything than who created GOD? (Creationists have this state of mind that everything everything needs to created inorder to exist)
The answer that I received was "GOD is infinite and doesn't need a creator"
This answer is fundimentally inconsistent to there state of mind and leads to infinite regression.
What do you guys think?
January 1st, 2008, 03:48 AM
Interesting point.
January 1st, 2008, 05:00 AM
I just don't like the whole "god is all around you, he see's everything you do" stuff...
Wait a sec, could god be santa? Santa see's everything, theres a song about it (cannot remember the lyrics >__> )
January 1st, 2008, 11:04 AM
Wait a sec, could god be santa? Santa see's everything
So does the CIA. What's your point?
January 1st, 2008, 12:19 PM
I think we'll all find out the answer to this question on December 23rd, 2012.
January 1st, 2008, 12:28 PM
I think we'll all find out the answer to this question on December 23rd, 2012....Or not. :/
§partan 8
January 1st, 2008, 02:22 PM
It's sad to see that there are allot fewer believers in god in world today. Just like it says in the bible. It was nice to see everyone's opinions though.
January 1st, 2008, 02:26 PM
Well, we've learned more, and we don't need a deity to explain it all.
January 1st, 2008, 02:36 PM
It's sad to see that there are allot fewer believers in god in world today. Just like it says in the bible. It was nice to see everyone's opinions though.
Just because someone doesn't believe in the commonly accepted theory of creationism doesn't mean they don't believe in God.
I also love how you took 38 out of 44 in one small sample as proof that hardly anyone believes in God in the world today, because there can't possibly be over a billion Christians in the world today.
January 1st, 2008, 02:40 PM
n- is god n- is god
January 1st, 2008, 03:36 PM
You ppl can say everything you want about god (not THE god, the real, the christion one o_O), but the bible has to be one of the most sucsessfull piece of literature ever. even atheists or agnostics know at least some of the popular episodes of this great collection of bs epics, lyrics and prose.
and, just to state my point on this (old) topic once again,
NO god didnt create the world 6000 years ago,
NO god doesnt manufacture every child all by himself
NO man isnt gods prefered creature
NO god does not vote republican
YES if you really insist on it, god may have some little corner on the edges of empiristic conception
NO its surely not the christian god but THE God.
sounded more annoyed than i really am.
heres a smiley to make up for it:
I think this thread is going to implode on itself very soon. I'll just say one thing: nobody will ever know what the "real truth" is, because nobody will ever be able to prove their claims. Therefor, any arguments on the subject are completely pointless.
alright then.
according to your logic, if i said the earth is flat as a pizza and im right because nobody has -°360 vision, i would really be right and the enlightment age phailt bigtime.
your logic leads straight into nihilism sir as it could be easily expanded to all other topics. :/
Arguing with a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll knock over a few peices, crap on the table, then fly away and boast about their victory.
GREAT thruth. +rep
January 1st, 2008, 03:42 PM
It's sad to see that there are allot fewer believers in god in world today. Just like it says in the bible. It was nice to see everyone's opinions though.
Yeah, only 5.9 billion people believe in a god now, what a crying shame
January 1st, 2008, 03:44 PM
I think its ironic how god didn't want man to eat from the tree of knowledge.
idk I was never brought up to practice any religion... I just find that part of the entire thing ironic, because it seems the more scientific knowledge we gather on this subject the more people argue over the whole thing.
While I do believe that ignorance is bliss, it is also in no way helpful.
I believe in there being only 1 god and that is all, I don't want proof of him either, I'd rather just believe that there is one. I also don't have any true religion. I partially believe in the 10 commandments and I incorporate them into my morales.
What I mean by partially is... "Thou shall honor thy father and mother" or what ever that one is called is kind of calling for ignorance saying you should always obey your parents and do what they say.
The youth should always be aloud to question the elders, its how we move forward I believe. If we didn't then there would probably still be slavery.
Theres probably a few other commandments I don't like either... the big ones are "Thou shall not steal" "Thou shall not kill"
January 1st, 2008, 03:53 PM
Apparently, god wants us to blindly follow and worship him, or he'll make us burn for eternity. Wow, great guy.
January 1st, 2008, 03:58 PM
You ppl can say everything you want about god (not THE god, the real, the christion one o_O), but the bible has to be one of the most sucsessfull piece of literature ever. even atheists or agnostics know at least some of the popular episodes of this great collection of bs epics, lyrics and prose.
and, just to state my point on this (old) topic once again,
NO god didnt create the world 6000 years ago,
NO god doesnt manufacture every child all by himself
NO man isnt gods prefered creature
NO god does not vote republican
YES if you really insist on it, god may have some little corner on the edges of empiristic conception
NO its surely not the christian god but THE God.
You must be Unitarian.
January 1st, 2008, 04:05 PM
I actually meant the philosophical concept of god that isnt really attached to any religion D:
whoops smells like blasphemy i better go sacriface a goat or two to calm jesus´s wrath.
January 1st, 2008, 04:29 PM
Jews, Muslims and Christians all worship the same god. Just from slightly different perspectives.
yet here we are with violence that has lasted hundreds of years and will continue for many years to come. And all for what exactly? a slightly different point of view? :fail:
i'm sticking with evolution.
January 1st, 2008, 04:32 PM
Jews, Muslims and Christians all worship the same god. Just from slightly different perspectives.
yet here we are with violence that has lasted hundreds of years and will continue for many years to come. And all for what exactly? a slightly different point of view? :fail:
i'm sticking with evolution.
Religion was created because someone either wanted the attention or some figureheads thought the world so was damn stupid that they needed something to follow. If it's the latter, then religion serves no real purpose. We can already teach ourselves whats right and wrong in human society, and how to live a good and fulfilling life.
Personally, I don't need something telling me I'm going to burn in some awful place because I'm different.
January 1st, 2008, 05:04 PM
The thing that annoys me the most about creationists is even when you show them evidence that the world is not 6000 years old or that dinosaurs and humans didn't live together and they go into a state of denial.
So basically they like to stick their heads in the sand just like ostreges in order to avoid questioning their beliefs.
Remember now, Questions are the Devil's tool; whenever you see a question mark beware!!!!!!!!! :lol:
January 1st, 2008, 05:10 PM
yet here we are with violence that has lasted hundreds of years and will continue for many years to come. And all for what exactly? a slightly different point of view? :fail:
Racism also factors in.
January 1st, 2008, 05:21 PM
"...expose evolutionism as being largely responsible for molding the thinking of hosts of people like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot of the Khmer in Cambodia, Margaret Sanger, and Karl Marx, who have caused untold suffering in our world."
Blaming evolution and/or atheism for suffering caused by a few power hungery dictators is like blaming forks for Rosie O'Donnald being fat.
January 1st, 2008, 05:34 PM
Is this a joke?
January 1st, 2008, 05:43 PM
Apparently, god wants us to blindly follow and worship him, or he'll make us burn for eternity. Wow, great guy.Actually, that's some hocus pocus the church cooked up back in medieval times. Really, if you do believe in some religion, everyone is supposed to go to heaven or some form of paradise anyway. Back then (in medieval times) everything was in chaos and out of order so when the church (it was the Pope Gregory V, I believe) stepped up and tried to act out as a "government," one of the things they did was create the concept of hell and, in short, tried to scare people into doing the right thing.
e: Oh also, I believe really in what Atty described.
January 1st, 2008, 05:46 PM
I follow my own ideology, not a good thing unless it perfectly implements into society, which mine, after my friends opinions, does.
January 1st, 2008, 05:54 PM
You guys dont quite understand religion. Currently supposedly there is one person in hell. Satan. Since god created everybody he loves them equally He doesn't love more than the other. satan chose to be seperated from god forever and therefore the result of satan and hell. Hell is basically a place of seperation form god for eternity. Also heard is that hell is cold from satan's tears of his discision. But like rooster said there is some type of Paradise for ALL. Even non-believers have reservations. God will of course get angry if you dont follow what is right like the ten commandments cause they're meant for the greater good. I'll finish with a edit later. i'm hungry.
January 1st, 2008, 06:02 PM
Jesus said the Ten Commandments don't matter, so I can adulterize as much as I want.
January 1st, 2008, 06:20 PM
Jesus said the Ten Commandments don't matter, so I can adulterize as much as I want.
I'll see you later, babe.
January 1st, 2008, 06:39 PM
Can I be an adulterer if I'm not an adult? :confused2:
§partan 8
January 1st, 2008, 07:58 PM
All these quotes are not mine
"Evolution is tax supported"
"If evolution is true, you could not know that it's true because your brain is nothing but chemicals. Think about that."
"There is about four or five [feathered dinosaurs] that have been found. They're all fake. They're coming from China. These Chinese guys who make 40 cents a year. [...] They're faking them. They spend years forging these things.""Every farmer on planet Earth counts on evolution not happening. They count on it. It doesn't happen. People can believe whatever they want but whenever a farmer crossbreeds a cow he expects to get a cow not a kitten. Here we have from Willis [...] claims that "human evolution is false because certain species of hominids overlap each other. Do you agree". I said yes, that is one of many reasons I would not believe in human evolution.""Do you know chimpanzees are still having babies? Why don't they make another human?""Here's a question to ask a person who has bought into the millions of years junk. [....] If natural selection always replaces the inferior model with the superior model and man evolved from apes why can I still go to a zoo and see an ape?"
"What we’ve got today is a generation of people that have been raised believing in Evolution which says rights come from the government."
"Also at stake are the morals of our children, because if evolution is true, there are no moral absolutes and only the strongest have a right to survive. If evolution is true, abortion, euthanasia, pornography, genocide, homosexuality, adultery, incest, etc., are all permissible. "
"The entire theory of evolution is built upon the faulty assumption that the origin of the universe was "billions of years ago""
"Could it be that people accept evolution because [....] They know that evolution is the only philosophy that can be used to justify their political agenda of:
i. Communism
ii. Racism
iii. Abortion
iv. Nazism
v. Socialism
vi. Gay rights
vii. Women's liberation
viii. Extreme environmentalism
ix. Euthanasia
x. Pornography
xi. Humanism
xii. New Age Movement "
"The Earth is billions of years old. The geologic column is the way to interpret it, and Charles Darwin's evolution is right." That is what they teach in order to be a good communist. Did you know that Russian teachers come to America to study education because the American educational system is considered the best in the world for teaching students these three principals. This prepares them to be good communists and to doubt the word of God. "
Reaper Man
January 1st, 2008, 08:03 PM
A little detracted from the main subject. But if the god who created everything is so amazing, why did he feel it necessary to sacrifice himself to himself to appease himself for the sins of others? Very logical.
I think I'll stick with evolution, thanks.
teh lag
January 1st, 2008, 08:05 PM
Edit : please hold for a more constructive post...
Uh. Where does it state in any evolution-related study or paper that we can from dirt? Please try again.
"Evolution is tax supported"
"If evolution is true, you could not know that it's true because your brain is nothing but chemicals. Think about that."
Now you're refuting basic brain science. Also, what does the chemistry of the brain have to do with evolution? Also, who says chemical reactions aren't capable of producing the thoughts we have? I don't see how there's necessarily anything so special about them that would require there to be some spiritual explanation.
"There is about four or five [feathered dinosaurs] that have been found. They're all fake. They're coming from China. These Chinese guys who make 40 cents a year. [...] They're faking them. They spend years forging these things."
"Every farmer on planet Earth counts on evolution not happening. They count on it. It doesn't happen. People can believe whatever they want but whenever a farmer crossbreeds a cow he expects to get a cow not a kitten.
What the crap? If you crossbreed a cow you get ANOTHER COW. If you crossbreed cats you get a cat. If only certain cats are bred together, they change over time and become domestic cats. Noone ever said we came from ape to man overnight. Perhaps you should look at the time scale in your above pic, that's a looooooooooooooong time for shit to happen.
Here we have from Willis [...] claims that "human evolution is false because certain species of hominids overlap each other. Do you agree". I said yes, that is one of many reasons I would not believe in human evolution.""Do you know chimpanzees are still having babies? Why don't they make another human?"
Oh, I dunno. Maybe because this stuff takes a shitload of time? If a mutation or variation in the chimp genome were to appear, and be passed down until it becomes common enough to split off from chimps onto another species, then you'd have your "other human."
"Here's a question to ask a person who has bought into the millions of years junk. [....] If natural selection always replaces the inferior model with the superior model and man evolved from apes why can I still go to a zoo and see an ape?"
Apes are the best evolved for their surroundings, namely the jungle. That's why they haven't been "replaced"; humans do not fill the same niche. There's no inferiority of the ape in its environment. The evolutionary tree humans came from was better suited to their environment, which was moving farther away from deep jungle.
"What we’ve got today is a generation of people that have been raised believing in Evolution which says rights come from the government."
"Also at stake are the morals of our children, because if evolution is true, there are no moral absolutes and only the strongest have a right to survive. If evolution is true, abortion, euthanasia, pornography, genocide, homosexuality, adultery, incest, etc., are all permissible. "
Wait, so all of a sudden evolution is true and we have no morals? You seem to have lost me here. Also, you pretty much just admitted that if evolution was "true," you'd want to deny it anyway. :S
"The entire theory of evolution is built upon the faulty assumption that the origin of the universe was "billions of years ago""
Not necessarily. Also, why is that "assumption" false? Are we to disregard all evidence pointing to that?
"Could it be that people accept evolution because [....] They know that evolution is the only philosophy that can be used to justify their political agenda of:
i. Communism
ii. Racism
iii. Abortion
iv. Nazism
v. Socialism
vi. Gay rights
vii. Women's liberation
viii. Extreme environmentalism
ix. Euthanasia
x. Pornography :pervert:
xi. Humanism
xii. New Age Movement "
Clearly evolution is EVIL INCARNATE. Also, the bolded ones don't even sound so bad to me (with allowances for abortion because it's kinda iffy.)
"The Earth is billions of years old. The geologic column is the way to interpret it, and Charles Darwin's evolution is right." That is what they teach in order to be a good communist. Did you know that Russian teachers come to America to study education because the American educational system is considered the best in the world for teaching students these three principals. This prepares them to be good communists and to doubt the word of God. "
So... Lemme get this straight. Russia like America's school system -> Evolution teaches you to be Communist? Also, America has hardly the best education system in the world. Also, the faliure of communism as a realistic form of government seems to go to prove evolution occurs - it wasn't better suited for human society, and thus saw most of its governments revert while the more fit forms of government live on.
Much of what you just said is outright illogical. Please, at least show us some of your logic for some of these statements. I respect that you have your beliefs, but please at least back them up more thoroughly. Also, let me just give you one example of evolution in action. If you can refute this, you're gonna also have to refut a bunch of pure logic.
Scenario : A mouse population has 2 variations. One white and one brown. Let's say that there is only one brown mouse, which occured by a mutation, and the rest are white. Now, on a forest ground, the white one is more likely to be spotted by predators, yes? The children of the brown mouse (assuming the trait for brown fur is dominant,) will be far more likely to survive than any white mouse, and will pass their trait on to their children. Well, after a few generations, there will be far more brown mice than white mice, and after even longer, the white mice will be almost all gone, because the brown mice are simply better at staying alive and are more likely to have brown-fur children. What could have happened? OH MY GOD THEY MUST HAVE EVOLVED.
January 1st, 2008, 08:09 PM
it's not right, fair or justifiable to use any of those as a defense against your beliefs.
comparing atheists to hitler and horrible atrocities that have been committed is slanderous and dam right hypocritical considering the long and bloody dictatorship the church and other religions have had in the past.
being an atheist does not make you a communist
being an atheist does not make you a Nazi
being an atheist does not mean you support your government.
And for gods sake do not quote that horrible, ignorant, close-minded fool who readilly dismiss's evidence then justify's his arguments with hearsay, beliefs and opinions.
and one more thing.
§partan 8
January 1st, 2008, 08:14 PM
Heres some videos you guys can watch and think about. I suggest you see them all before you say anything else.
January 1st, 2008, 08:16 PM
How does evolution promote pornography?
That's how.
January 1st, 2008, 08:18 PM
Heres some videos you guys can watch and think about. I suggest you see them all before you say anything else.
How about no? Take your religious bs elsewhere.
§partan 8
January 1st, 2008, 08:22 PM
How about no? Take your religious bs elsewhere.
That's what I expected someone to say. No one whats to hear the truth.
January 1st, 2008, 08:27 PM
That's what I expected someone to say. No one whats to hear the truth.
I hardly call a man that lives in the sky thats supposed to control everything in the universe the truth.
January 1st, 2008, 08:28 PM
That's what I expected someone to say. No one whats to hear the truth.
No one wants to hear from a hypocrite either.
Reaper Man
January 1st, 2008, 08:37 PM
That's what I expected someone to say. No one whats to hear the truth.
Explain this to me then.
A little detracted from the main subject. But if the god who created everything is so amazing, why did he feel it necessary to sacrifice himself to himself to appease himself for the sins of others? Very logical.
I think I'll stick with evolution, thanks.
By the way, if god is such a truth, why must we be taught about 'him' to know about him? I don't think there's anybody who is born and just 'knows' there is a 'god'.
Ask yourself this. Were you raised religious? If that's the case, well, it can be put pretty close to brainwashing.
January 1st, 2008, 08:50 PM
That's what I expected someone to say. No one whats to hear the truth.
Are you trying to get negative rep?
Scenario : A mouse population has 2 variations. One white and one brown. Let's say that there is only one brown mouse, which occured by a mutation, and the rest are white. Now, on a forest ground, the white one is more likely to be spotted by predators, yes? The children of the brown mouse (assuming the trait for brown fur is dominant,) will be far more likely to survive than any white mouse, and will pass their trait on to their children. Well, after a few generations, there will be far more brown mice than white mice, and after even longer, the white mice will be almost all gone, because the brown mice are simply better at staying alive and are more likely to have brown-fur children. What could have happened? OH MY GOD THEY MUST HAVE EVOLVED.
A sound theory, except what you described isn't evolution at all. It's natural selection.
Just for the record, I'm Christian and I do not believe in creationism as it is most commonly presented. I believe that God created the universe billions of years ago, and that He facilitated evolution. It sounds implausible, but not as implausible as this creationism garbage.
January 1st, 2008, 09:00 PM
well hey, as long as your beliefs dont try to force me to belief or belittle things i support then whatever you believe in is fine by me emmy :)
January 1st, 2008, 09:04 PM
This kind of pseudo-science really pisses me the fuck off. Why is it that some people just can't keep their damn religion to their own damn self? They have to fucking push it on other people to the point of ramming it down their throats with a spear.
In the modern era, these types of people like to get on their retard attention-whore soapbox and bitch about how the world's going to hell in a handbasket and only their god can save everyone from damnation. They've been doing this for hundreds of years. If doomsday was imminent, you'd think it would've happened already. The only reason creationism is becoming such a huge topic, when it's limited to a few idiots and a bunch of backwards-ass rednecks, is because of mass media giving equal time for nutjobs. Let's say ABC publishes an article about a missing link between monkeys and humans. They always have to interview someone who says something like this:
"That missing link was placed by God to test our faith. The more of these we find, the closer we are to apocalypse. Evolution is a myth and PLANTED BY SATAN SO THAT EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IT IS GOING TO HELL. GUYS LISTEN TO ME I HAVE BULLSHIT CREDENTIALS."
This always happens.
Furthermore, the more that common people listen to these nutjobs, the more they believe them. It's as if evangelists target stupids, because anyone with an IQ of over twelve will know that 98% of what they say is total and utter bullshit.
January 1st, 2008, 09:09 PM
This kind of pseudo-science really pisses me the fuck off. Why is it that some people just can't keep their damn religion to their own damn self? They have to fucking push it on other people to the point of ramming it down their throats with a spear.
In the modern era, these types of people like to get on their retard attention-whore soapbox and bitch about how the world's going to hell in a handbasket and only their god can save everyone from damnation. They've been doing this for hundreds of years. If doomsday was imminent, you'd think it would've happened already. The only reason creationism is becoming such a huge topic, when it's limited to a few idiots and a bunch of backwards-ass rednecks, is because of mass media giving equal time for nutjobs. Let's say ABC publishes an article about a missing link between monkeys and humans. They always have to interview someone who says something like this:
"That missing link was placed by God to test our faith. The more of these we find, the closer we are to apocalypse. Evolution is a myth and PLANTED BY SATAN SO THAT EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IT IS GOING TO HELL. GUYS LISTEN TO ME I HAVE BULLSHIT CREDENTIALS."
This always happens.
Furthermore, the more that common people listen to these nutjobs, the more they believe them. It's as if evangelists target stupids, because anyone with an IQ of over twelve will know that 98% of what they say is total and utter bullshit.
I've heard Emmzee say a good amount of bullshit over the years, but this post has hit the nail right on the head.
January 1st, 2008, 09:14 PM
Yes, tbh. Too bad it says I can't rep Emmzee again so soon. D:
January 1st, 2008, 09:18 PM
This kind of pseudo-science really pisses me the fuck off. Why is it that some people just can't keep their damn religion to their own damn self? They have to fucking push it on other people to the point of ramming it down their throats with a spear.
In the modern era, these types of people like to get on their retard attention-whore soapbox and bitch about how the world's going to hell in a handbasket and only their god can save everyone from damnation. They've been doing this for hundreds of years. If doomsday was imminent, you'd think it would've happened already. The only reason creationism is becoming such a huge topic, when it's limited to a few idiots and a bunch of backwards-ass rednecks, is because of mass media giving equal time for nutjobs. Let's say ABC publishes an article about a missing link between monkeys and humans. They always have to interview someone who says something like this:
"That missing link was placed by God to test our faith. The more of these we find, the closer we are to apocalypse. Evolution is a myth and PLANTED BY SATAN SO THAT EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IT IS GOING TO HELL. GUYS LISTEN TO ME I HAVE BULLSHIT CREDENTIALS."
This always happens.
Furthermore, the more that common people listen to these nutjobs, the more they believe them. It's as if evangelists target stupids, because anyone with an IQ of over twelve will know that 98% of what they say is total and utter bullshit.
I sort of agree with you. I can't stand the extremes people go to either. But really it goes both ways. While I was a jehovahs witness in highschool, all I ever got from people who knew was them telling me I was brainwashed, forcing evolutionism on me, the same type of stuff extreme religious buffs do. I never asked their opinion, nor wanted it. Hell I hardly told anyone I was a religous person, let alone try to force it on someone, yet I dealt with more shit then they ever had to from christians trying to spout their opinions. It just plain didn't happen, and it was like their own beleifs were a damn religion.
January 1st, 2008, 09:20 PM
I sort of agree with you. I can't stand the extremes people go to either. But really it goes both ways. While I was a jehovahs witness in highschool, all I ever got from people who knew was them telling me I was brainwashed, forcing evolutionism on me, the same type of stuff extreme religious buffs too. I never asked their opinion, nor wanted it. Hell I hardly told anyone I was a religous person, let alone try to force it on someone, yet I dealt with more shit then they ever had to from christians trying to spout their opinions. It just plain didn't happen, and it was like their own beleifs were a damn religion.
I didn't talk about the non-religious brainwashing bullshit because that was implied with the religious brainwashing bullshit.
Atheism is religion, and its god is science.
January 1st, 2008, 09:23 PM
Lol, in the olden days, religion was a way to get people not to fear death, that way they would be more succeptable to dying for their land (province, country etc.) If you want a semi-old example that you might know, just look at the crusades. In the olden days life was more of a thing to struggle through to reach an after-life than anything, and as new religions were created and time progressed the goals expanded and changed. Buddhism to encompass a state of mind and an inner peace, that way there would be less uprisings in the classical societies, christianity so that people would sacrifice themselves (i.e. religious martyrs) and be less socially deviant, and islam and similair other religions in order to promote sanctity of land and community. Sure, there are many different religions meant to accomplish many different goals, but that doesn't mean they are not corrupt. The church killed people all the time for bringing up such contraversial issues such as 'the world is round' and 'the earth revolves around the sun' (heliocentric theory) and many churches 'stole' from their members (Look up indulgences in relation to catholic and christian references) as well as various forms of tithe. In modern terms people are as brainwashed as ever, and really keep on believing this stuff though, and that's their right. Some people are better people because of it, but when the issue of religion arrives, it only causes hatrid and bloodshed.
And to go on the tangent of homosexuality;
An interesting note is that homosexualistic tendencies were commonplace at the time of the 'supposed' writing of the bible. Though the exact year is highly disputed, we know that at that time gay and lesbian relationships were seen as the norm in many classical societies, and many societies in general, as was bestiality and many other things conceived as oddities (Jcap). Sexual intercourse was something you did with a friend, something done to bond (as far as same sex sex goes), and to conceive with a woman rather than what it is looked at as today. In fact in some african tribes, it was looked on as more socially acceptable to have sex with someone who was a friend and of the same sex because wives were meant to be partners in the daily work of life and producing offspring. The reason for writing this 'commandment' (or whatever you would call it) against marriage of same-sex couples was to promote offspring because homosexuality was so common that the carrying rate was steadily dropping and the church needed a way to promote offspring and children so they could have more 'helping hands' in the way of god as well as crop gathering, labor, etc..
January 1st, 2008, 09:25 PM
I find it funny that the Catholic Church supports evolution, ( on_by_religious_bodies) whereas Protestants don't.
§partan 8
January 1st, 2008, 09:26 PM
Heres a interesting debate between Mike Shermer and Kent Hovind
Google Video (
January 1st, 2008, 09:27 PM
"Evolution is tax supported"
Because religious institutions totally have to pay those.
"Could it be that people accept evolution because [....] They know that evolution is the only philosophy that can be used to justify their political agenda of:
i. Communism
ii. Racism
iii. Abortion
iv. Nazism
v. Socialism
vi. Gay rights
vii. Women's liberation
viii. Extreme environmentalism
ix. Euthanasia
x. Pornography
xi. Humanism
xii. New Age Movement "
First of all, the vast majority of these beliefs not only have nothing to do with evolution, but aren't even bad, I mean, at least five of those I have bolded essentially believe in the equal rights of all people. Several things on this list completely contradict eachother, racism and humanism, par example. The majority of these are also widely held beliefs, although people might not categorize themselves in these groups. Not only does this list confuse Social Darwinism with belief in evolution but it also...I mean...WHAT THE FUCK? Is this list telling me that believe in evolution so that I can watch porn? I hope the retarded reactionary who compiled this list of misused and abused phrases applied as propaganda to support the beliefs on the origins of the universe originally written by people who had just figured out how to build a house gets slapped across the face, which is ridiculous as it is currently thrust beneath the sand of blind faith like some sort of freightened ostrich, I know, but still, go take bio again and keep your offensive quotes out of our forum.
whoa, text wall.
January 1st, 2008, 09:28 PM
Heres a interesting debate between Mike Shermer and Kent Hovind (
Google Video (
I'm not watching a two-hour video that you think proves you right yet proves you wrong at the same time.
I also love how you found that video on
January 1st, 2008, 09:30 PM
Heres a interesting debate between Mike Shermer and Kent Hovind (
Google Video (
Who the hell wants to waste 2 hours in watching you prove yourself wrong?
January 1st, 2008, 09:31 PM
Not to mention, I'm going to guess that I could put up a better argument than the representative for evolutionism if he lost in a debate over this issue.
January 1st, 2008, 09:34 PM
Are you trying to get negative rep?
A sound theory, except what you described isn't evolution at all. It's natural selection.
Just for the record, I'm Christian and I do not believe in creationism as it is most commonly presented. I believe that God created the universe billions of years ago, and that He facilitated evolution. It sounds implausible, but not as implausible as this creationism garbage.
Natural selection is a part of evolution.
January 1st, 2008, 09:36 PM
Natural selection is a part of evolution.
Natural selection is always evolution, but evolution is not always natural selection. What he wrote was a basic scenario involving short-term natural selection (those better suited to survive do so and pass on traits to their offspring). Evolution is a much more long-term process.
January 1st, 2008, 09:39 PM
Natural selection is a part of evolution.
Right, but he meant its only a part of evolution, not the entire definition in itself.
January 1st, 2008, 09:47 PM
Well, I'm a Christian, but I believe that billions of years ago, God and his friend Chad were hanging out. God had to fart, and Chad took out his cigarette lighter. God then farted, and the big bang occurred. God then proceeded to prove that red was actually green and got himself killed at the nearest traffic intersection.
January 1st, 2008, 09:48 PM
I didn't talk about the non-religious brainwashing bullshit because that was implied with the religious brainwashing bullshit.
Atheism is religion, and its god is science.
I'm not seeing anywhere that it was implied. You mentioned nothing but the creationism beleiving ones.
January 1st, 2008, 10:39 PM
I hate to break it to you Spartan 8 but your little Idol Kent Hovind is currently in jail for not paying his taxes and lieing to the IRS about it.
January 1st, 2008, 10:46 PM
Heres a little video on Kent Hovind. Check it out, its good for a laugh.
bFm8uCZ6Uoc (
§partan 8
January 1st, 2008, 10:50 PM
I hate to break it to you Spartan 8 but your little Idol Kent Hovind is currently in jail for not paying his taxes and lieing to the IRS about it.
Thats nice, I already knew that before I started this topic.
January 1st, 2008, 11:05 PM
I still don't get how you can buy into his bullshit especially since hes a religous hypocrite. Last time I checked "thou shall not lie" was one of the ten commandments.
Reaper Man
January 1st, 2008, 11:07 PM
I still don't get how you can buy into his bullshit especially since hes a religous hypocrite. Last time I checked "thou shall not lie" was one of the ten commandments.
I hate to be the devil's advocate here (lol, irony), but where's your evidence? That's just a statement. If you're just coming here to make demeaning statements, don't.
Arguments are fine.
January 1st, 2008, 11:21 PM
I'm not seeing anywhere that it was implied. You mentioned nothing but the creationism beleiving ones.
Atheistic brainwashing wasn't part of the point I was trying to make, so I fail to see why it's relevant.
January 1st, 2008, 11:31 PM
I hate to be the devil's advocate here (lol, irony), but where's your evidence? That's just a statement. If you're just coming here to make demeaning statements, don't.
Arguments are fine.
Here let me clarify my point for you. Kent Hovind his trying to promote the bible and judao-christian values. But he broke the eighth commandment "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" AKA "thou shall not lie". Kent Hovind lied to the IRS about not paying his taxes. This shows that he doesn't practice what he preaches; so that would make him a religous hipocrite. Thats why I don't understand why anybody would buy into his bullshit. As for evidence, just do a quick google search and you should find all the info you need on Hovind.
Reaper Man
January 1st, 2008, 11:37 PM
Here let me clarify my point for you. Kent Hovind his trying to promote the bible and judao-christian values. But he broke the eighth commandment "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" AKA "thou shall not lie". Kent Hovind lied to the IRS about not paying his taxes. This shows that he doesn't practice what he preaches; so that would make him a religous hipocrite. Thats why I don't understand why anybody would buy into his bullshit. As for evidence, just do a quick google search and you should find all the info you need on Hovind.
Thats more like it. I already plenty about that idiot anyway.
January 1st, 2008, 11:41 PM
Atheistic brainwashing wasn't part of the point I was trying to make, so I fail to see why it's relevant.
No shit eh? Then why did you say that it was implied in your last post? You're not making sense. Anyways, I was the one trying to make the point that it is not only creationism beleivers who force their beliefs. That is all.
January 1st, 2008, 11:44 PM
No shit eh? Then why did you say that it was implied in your last post? You're not making sense.
Just because I imply something doesn't mean that's the point I'm trying to make.
January 2nd, 2008, 12:10 AM
Just because I imply something doesn't mean that's the point I'm trying to make.
But you didn't imply it! So if you're saying it wasn't a point of yours, then there's nothing wrong with my statement clearly making a point of it. Therefore making your post replying to my original one pointless. If you indeed were trying to make the point, then I'm saying you didn't do a good job of implying it in your point. If you weren't making a point of it, then my statement is still relevant as you did not expand on it. But this has really gotten stupid, so whatever.
January 2nd, 2008, 12:27 AM
But you didn't imply it!
Yes I did. Please actually read my post.
January 2nd, 2008, 01:11 AM
I plan on sticking with evolution for 2 main reasons. The first reason is the the massive about of genetic evidence and transistional fossils found. My second reason for sticking evolution is because it makes a more sensethat organisms adapt and change over time through natural selection and genetic mutations.
The creationists alternative to the Theory of Evolution is simply, "A Magic Man done it."
January 2nd, 2008, 03:19 AM
I just found this episode of Penn and Teller's Bullsh*t which is on Creationism vs Evolution. Here check it out. The episode is about 24 minutes long but its relavent to this discussion.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
January 2nd, 2008, 03:23 AM
I love that show!
January 2nd, 2008, 09:51 AM
Oh so THATS this guy:
[not trying to offend anyone xept those who want to be offended]
nice vids btw.
those redneck wackos pretty much remind me of those 9/11 scholars. wierd isnt it?
also, if (their) god really created this world, and let it become how it is today, he is either cruel as hell or dumb as shit.
and i cant keep myself from stating that god/jesus surely WASNT republican.
[/rant] <-[/sarcsasm] <-[/<3]
January 2nd, 2008, 03:47 PM
Evolution because it is based on science.
January 2nd, 2008, 05:27 PM
My view:
God created a mixing bowl of, stuff, and is watching it all play out. All those religious happenings mentioned are, in my eyes, rare phenomenon. Only in the most extraordinary of circumstances might it be divine intervention.
Therefore, I believe in evolutionism, but also that it is essentially the result of a higher power at work.
January 2nd, 2008, 08:05 PM
That was a great show. Good job ;D
January 3rd, 2008, 02:46 AM
Creationism is obsolete.
January 3rd, 2008, 03:12 AM
I don't believe either. It just wouldn't make sense for us to come from a god, but then again coming from moss and monkeys doesn't really sit well with me either. that only leaves one option. WE DON'T EXIST, WE ONLY IMAGINE THAT WE DO. :rolleyes:
Reaper Man
January 3rd, 2008, 04:48 AM
I don't believe either. It just wouldn't make sense for us to come from a god, but then again coming from moss and monkeys doesn't really sit well with me either. that only leaves one option. WE DON'T EXIST, WE ONLY IMAGINE THAT WE DO. :rolleyes:
Why is it so hard to imagine that we came from apes? Look at our skeletal structure, compare it to an ape. Look at our anatomy, compare that too. Do you not see the similarities?
Why doesn't it 'sit with you well'? Is it because, god forbid (for lack of a better phrase) that we 'superior' humans can be related to 'disgusting, lowly apes'?
January 3rd, 2008, 04:54 AM
Here's how apes still exist today, without having turned into humans. Let's look at this scenario:
Ape group A lives in area 1, and ape group B lives in area 2. Assuming the apes from ape group A and B don't leave their respective areas, let's continue.
Area 1 is a hostile environment for the apes. An ape is born with a genetic mutation that protects against one hostile aspect of area 1. Meanwhile, ape group B is doing just fine in area 2, which is not hostile. They do not change. The apes from group A continue to mutate to suit their environment, eventually turning into humans. The non-mutated apes of group A eventually die off. Again, group B stays the same.
Both group A and B were initially the same species, but group A had to overcome the challenges their environment presented.
Natural selection at work.
January 3rd, 2008, 05:02 AM
January 3rd, 2008, 05:28 AM
Sure I could, given thousands of years and a couple of islands. OH WAIT. IT'S ALREADY BEEN DONE. Go to galapagos islands pl0x.
January 3rd, 2008, 05:35 AM
but then again coming from moss and monkeys doesn't really sit well with me either.
you've never seen a side by side picture of george bush and a monkey have you?
Here's how apes still exist today, without having turned into humans. Let's look at this scenario:
Ape group A lives in area 1, and ape group B lives in area 2. Assuming the apes from ape group A and B don't leave their respective areas, let's continue.
Area 1 is a hostile environment for the apes. An ape is born with a genetic mutation that protects against one hostile aspect of area 1. Meanwhile, ape group B is doing just fine in area 2, which is not hostile. They do not change. The apes from group A continue to mutate to suit their environment, eventually turning into humans. The non-mutated apes of group A eventually die off. Again, group B stays the same.
Both group A and B were initially the same species, but group A had to overcome the challenges their environment presented.
Natural selection at work.Hes right because his avatar is an elite with a funny hat.
Don't make me whip out Chewy on your ass <:mad:>
January 3rd, 2008, 05:46 AM
He's right because his avatar is an elite with a funny hat.Mm-hmm. Damn right I am. [/johnson]
January 3rd, 2008, 10:59 AM
Here's how apes still exist today, without having turned into humans. Let's look at this scenario:
Ape group A lives in area 1, and ape group B lives in area 2. Assuming the apes from ape group A and B don't leave their respective areas, let's continue.
Area 1 is a hostile environment for the apes. An ape is born with a genetic mutation that protects against one hostile aspect of area 1. Meanwhile, ape group B is doing just fine in area 2, which is not hostile. They do not change. The apes from group A continue to mutate to suit their environment, eventually turning into humans. The non-mutated apes of group A eventually die off. Again, group B stays the same.
Both group A and B were initially the same species, but group A had to overcome the challenges their environment presented.
Natural selection at work.
Actually, apes didn't evolve into humans at all, we just have a (comparatively recent) common ancestor.
January 3rd, 2008, 11:15 AM
If it looks like a monkey it is a monkey :eng101:
t3h m00kz
January 3rd, 2008, 12:18 PM
How about both to an extent? ;O
Like... as a Christian/semi-Agnostic, I think there may have been some intelligent design at some point, and from there evolution might have taken place.
Bad Waffle
January 3rd, 2008, 01:27 PM
I believe in both. Figure that one out.
§partan 8
January 3rd, 2008, 02:54 PM
I'm sorry if I offended anyone and if you think I was pushing religion on you. You got the right to believed in whatever you want. I just wanted to see how many people believed in what out here. And I was kind of trying to spice up the forums with this topic. Just remember this; we are all going to die someday. Where do you think your going after you die? Think about that because you’re going to be dead allot longer then you were alive.
EDIT: Why are the mods messing with the title of my topic? I started the topic then leave it how it was, don't change it.
Bad Waffle
January 3rd, 2008, 02:55 PM
You see spartan8, what you did is like sending every christian you know this image in an email:
January 3rd, 2008, 03:32 PM
Actually, apes didn't evolve into humans at all, we just have a (comparatively recent) common ancestor. still demonstrates natural selection ok :mad:
January 3rd, 2008, 05:12 PM
Where do you think your going after you die?
i dont think i'll be going anywhere, because i'll be dead :downs:
January 3rd, 2008, 05:20 PM
I believe in reincarnation =\
Mr Buckshot
January 3rd, 2008, 06:59 PM
I believe in evolution.
But the myths about creation are cooler to read about and easier to absorb. Greek mythology owns.
January 3rd, 2008, 07:14 PM
I believe in some if the Buddhist beliefs. But most important to this thread: Reincarnation.
So obviously Evolution. Though I tie in a greater power dumping building blocks of life in the beginnings of Earth and see what happens. :v
January 3rd, 2008, 07:23 PM
Just remember this; we are all going to die someday. Where do you think your going after you die? Think about that because you’re going to be dead allot longer then you were alive.
your dead. you'll be experiencing less then a rock.
January 3rd, 2008, 08:47 PM
We only are alive so long, so we need to do what we want to do or change while we can. Once we;re gone we're gone. For all we know though the after life could be an alternate demension where we start the cycle again. No one knows what its like to be dead when alive, those that know whats its liek to be dead can't tell us. I do feel that I have people watching me somg times, like my Grandpas, but it could just be that they set a mentality in me that is re-awakened whenever I think about them.
It doesn't matter who you are in life, but what you do with it. No one will care about who you are because of a name, its what you do. You can grieve more for a pet then a relative because you never really knew them. I know that what I hope to do can change the world, and I believe that as long as I make sense to people I will likely never be know. How ever I do believe that being a good person to a few, is much better then being known by all for doign wrong. What you do everyday affects everything around you. The butterfly effect, ever breath you take is doing something to the world. Everyone needs to relise that what you do can't be blamed on a higher power or a belief, but only on what you have done that leads up to it. A single event can change the outcome of many peoples lives. Driving while drunk, not being there for some one who needs it, not caring about any one but yourself, not trying to do everthing in your power to do what is right.
I believe in Evolution and I also believe in karma.
It doesn't matter what you believe as long as your a good person.
Also can we either have both be "-ism's" or both be "-tion's" it just pevs me.
Ism shouldn't follow n's it makes it feel weird.
January 3rd, 2008, 09:08 PM
The thing is, nobody knows what's going to happen after you die, so it's paramount to make the most of this life.
January 4th, 2008, 01:59 AM
EDIT: Why are the mods messing with the title of my topic? I started the topic then leave it how it was, don't change it.
I agree, the topic title is perfect as it is as of the time of my post.
January 4th, 2008, 03:18 AM
God, this is a dumb thread....
January 4th, 2008, 03:36 AM
I'm sorry if I offended anyone and if you think I was pushing religion on you. You got the right to believed in whatever you want. I just wanted to see how many people believed in what out here. And I was kind of trying to spice up the forums with this topic. Just remember this; we are all going to die someday. Where do you think your going after you die? Think about that because you’re going to be dead allot longer then you were alive.
EDIT: Why are the mods messing with the title of my topic? I started the topic then leave it how it was, don't change it.
I don't wanna be a Creationist no more :(
January 4th, 2008, 03:39 AM
God, this is a dumb thread....
You know what, you're right.
All sides have had something to say about this. This topic has been discussed intelligently as far as it can. All that's going to come now is spam and the general fucktardery that leads to infactions and bannings.
So people, I leave you with these final words: believe what you want. Nobody in this day an age can prove exactly what happened far, far into the past, be it back to 6,000 BC or to the big bang. While it's fun to theorize, trying to pass off your theory as fact without evidence is where things get messy and people get stupid.
Thread over.
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