View Full Version : Bringing H2V-Hamachi a Step closer...

January 1st, 2008, 08:53 PM

I was reading a blog about playing Gears of War over Hamachi (thanks KiLLer...Also since it is a bit illegal I'll tell you to look up "Gears of War over Hamachi", it's the first one.) One of the ways to play over Hamachi was to edit the registry by adding a string:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Software\Micros oft\XLive]
"ConnectionOverride"="Hamachi"I noticed that it modified XLive instead of GoW, so I thought, "Wait if this is changing our connection to Live, then it sure in hell should affect Halo 2". Sure enough, I was right...to an extent. Me and KiLLer set up a Hamachi network and tried to join each other's server. The only thing that would work was seeing each other's server on the Network list. Attempting to join would only give you an error.

So I post this to show that it might still be possible to play H2V with hamachi...or that this might be as close as possible. Maybe someone out there will figure out a way, maybe not =(

The way in GoW to get to work after setting up Hamachi was to have a modified client that bypassed the "max limit of 30 ms ping over LAN" and to open up console and type "open <Host's hamachi ip>" I think that's the critical part of H2V's connection with Hamachi...

I WAS RIGHT BEFORE :awesome: I knew if we somehow forced H2V to recognize Hamachi's network, it should work. The thing is that it didn't but still made progress =D

January 6th, 2008, 12:19 AM
In Windows' connection manager, make a new bridge between the Hamachi connection and the LAN connection.

January 6th, 2008, 04:25 AM
Oh snap, theoretically bridging the connections together would do the job...

This is sweet.

January 6th, 2008, 10:38 AM
I tried that the last time...I couldn't connect to the Internet. I think.
I'll try it again.

Ok, I manually input my network information for Internet...now Hamachi gives an error about failing to configure the Hamachi adapter...since its Bridged would that matter?

January 6th, 2008, 12:01 PM
Re-enable the adapter manually should do it. I get that error sometimes myself.

January 6th, 2008, 12:31 PM
It still gives that error, BUT it doesn't matter, I'm still connected and able to talk to people.

Also, I need someone with H2V and Hamachi installed and is not too computer illiterate to try this out =/. (Meaning if theres a problem with your network, you would know how to fix it by changing settings...). Sure I could find someone that's not too good with computers but it would be hell of a lot easier to find someone that wants to take the time for stuff like this.

March 20th, 2008, 09:10 PM
Hello Syuusuke and others. I'm new to this forum and I apologize for bumping such an old topic. I found this topic from a simple Google search and it sounded interesting. My friends and I have been fans of Hamachi and have been playing various games via Hamachi. Our main goal now is to get Halo 2 Vista to work with Hamachi. The idea about "bridging connections" is an interesting one and we plan to try it out.

Unfortunately, school is our main priority and we can only focus on this situation on the weekends, when there is time of course. This is just a notification.

Cheers! I'll be back soon with more news.

March 21st, 2008, 10:05 AM
Wish you luck viche12345

March 21st, 2008, 11:17 AM
Well, good luck, school is a priority for me too, so I just stopped with it =/

March 25th, 2008, 01:11 AM
Currently, my friend has been running into Halo 2 installation problems. Once we get those fixed, we'll continue the adventure.