View Full Version : Assassian's Creed
January 2nd, 2008, 12:01 AM
Now that I got that off my chest let me
Its like, Splinter Cell in the dark ages (expect not really) mixed with Halo 2's "ending". I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO WAIT FOR TWO MORE GAMES TO BE DEV'D\RELEASED TO FULLY UNDERSTAND YET ANOTHER FUCKING STORY LINE T_T
Fucking cliff hangers.
Nice game though, Three days have been spent and two controllers now lay in pieces.
Reaper Man
January 2nd, 2008, 12:26 AM
:gonk: PC version doesn't come out until February. Played on 360, <3.
January 2nd, 2008, 12:30 AM
I fucking bashed the shit out of those controllers dude, down to one now :(
January 2nd, 2008, 12:50 AM
'Twas a good game, if very repetitive after the first two assassinations. Also proud holder of the best (and most unexpected) opening twist ever in a video game. Glad they decided to release it on the 360 instead of keeping it a PS3 exclusive.
Still, cliffhangers are fail, but they do help get me excited for the sequel.
January 2nd, 2008, 04:28 AM
Speaking of Assassin's Creed related things, my friend and I were playing Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 today (surprisingly fun, though childish), and unlocked a rabbid character wearing an Altair costume. :v
January 2nd, 2008, 05:14 AM
I demand pics <:mad:>
January 2nd, 2008, 05:57 AM
Google turns up this:
Official Ubisoft content :lmao:
Let's see...
Carrot throwing knives and retractable spatula device. GENIUS.
January 2nd, 2008, 06:09 AM
That bunny disgusts me. Looks like one of those blow job dolls.
January 2nd, 2008, 11:19 AM
I played through it on a friend's 360. My overview:
Great medieval styling
Assassinations felt good and looked cool
Parkour is neat
Looked gorgeous on a 42"
Guards having their periods too often
Pushy citizens and the inability to fight back without consequence
Parkour moves caused me to go through the BSP multitudes of times
Not enough assassinations :(
What the Fuck
Definitely looking for a Splinter Cell remake; received a bowl of half baked lasagna
Combat system: What the fuck?
Fog not a good cover up for loading screens.
Meh, at least I didn't buy it. It's not a horrible game, but I am still looking for an awesome stealth game set in a different time period than today.
January 2nd, 2008, 04:55 PM
Great game although repetitive. Reviews critisize the guy who voiced Altair to be "under-par", but I didn't even notice that it was "under-par". Thing that pissed me off the most in the game is when you're on the rooftops and the soldiers knock you off.
January 2nd, 2008, 08:32 PM
I fucking bashed the shit out of those controllers dude, down to one now :(
At ease Soldier. Save those button pressings for when u see Jcap :D
January 2nd, 2008, 10:04 PM
I thought the game was excellent. Yes, it was repetitive, but the ability to role play through the each city after beating it without consequences was awesome. And the ending.. omg.. yes a cliffhanger, but awesome cause it opened SO MANY possibilities.
<3 cant wait for a sequel.
January 2nd, 2008, 11:01 PM
Looks like one of those blow job dolls.
what the FUCK?
Guards having their periods too often
Pushy citizens and the inability to fight back without consequence
Parkour moves caused me to go through the BSP multitudes of times
Not enough assassinations :(
What the Fuck
Definitely looking for a Splinter Cell remake; received a bowl of half baked lasagna
Combat system: What the fuck?
Fog not a good cover up for loading screens. I agree, they need to do more drugs.
Meh, that didn't bother me so much.
I agree, especially the ones that acted like fucked up druggies. HOLY SHIT I fucking hate them fuckers. They caused me many times to get chased because they pushed me into some bitch or guard.
I've never had any problems with collision :s
What? Did you complete every investigation in each city? Helping out those fellow assassins added plenty more of game driven assassinations, then of course you have the guards on the roofs that you can sneak up on D:<
Um, yeah. I'm in no way looking forward to Ubisoft's fucking killing of the series with their next game. DON"T FIX WHAT ISN'T BROKEN YOU JACKASSES <:mad:>
Combat was ok with me
What do you mean it wasn't good? I think they did a pretty good system for the loading screens. I mean, you're in a computer system anyway and the way they do it is if you're loading the screen (where you pick the memories), then when you try to load the memory you have your character. Sure, it may not be the most "omfg coolllllll" thing but I think it fit well.
January 2nd, 2008, 11:57 PM
I cannot believe you didn't have a problem with collision. The first time I picked up the control, 30 seconds later I was through a wall because I was just mashing the button and running everywhere. It's probably just bad luck, but it was depressing when I was trying to make an awesome jump off a wall when I decide to go through a solid wall and fall into a white abyss.
Alright, for the assassination part I meant I wanted "moar" assassinations whenever and wherever with minimal consequence. It was crazy awesome to see these kick ass moves and sometimes I want blood. So sue me. :)
Combat system fucking fails in my eyes. If you're an Assassin, why the fuck would you block a blow? First off, the whole blocking system fucked with my head and hands because I mashed the wrong god damn button half the time, forcing me into a state that resembled a retarded man holding a marshmallow holder being beat to death by a trained samurai bouncer in a medieval night club. I would think that a man who can scale buildings and jump perfectly into a shallow bucket of hay could at least dodge a sword. (/Yahtzee-ness)
As for the loading screens, it was a weak point on my part. The only thing that pissed me off was the first time I was like, "Woah! That's pretty damn neat! I can walk and shit while I'm not actually playing!" but then I realized that same very thing: you can't do a fucking thing. The one suggestion that I have is to go all Call of Duty 4 on Assassin's Creed 2's ass (fucking numbers, btw) and actually learn something while things are loaded, even if it's minuscule like a location. I would have to say that they could of used some more character development and the loading screens look like perfect times to do so.
January 3rd, 2008, 12:08 AM
Not to rain on your parade, but there was already a thread on the game.
January 3rd, 2008, 12:31 AM
Not to rain on your parade, but there was already a thread on the game.
Then don't rain. It's fine, we're having a discussion.
January 3rd, 2008, 12:53 AM
January 3rd, 2008, 01:12 AM
I cannot believe you didn't have a problem with collision. The first time I picked up the control, 30 seconds later I was through a wall because I was just mashing the button and running everywhere. It's probably just bad luck, but it was depressing when I was trying to make an awesome jump off a wall when I decide to go through a solid wall and fall into a white abyss.
Alright, for the assassination part I meant I wanted "moar" assassinations whenever and wherever with minimal consequence. It was crazy awesome to see these kick ass moves and sometimes I want blood. So sue me. :)
Combat system fucking fails in my eyes. If you're an Assassin, why the fuck would you block a blow? First off, the whole blocking system fucked with my head and hands because I mashed the wrong god damn button half the time, forcing me into a state that resembled a retarded man holding a marshmallow holder being beat to death by a trained samurai bouncer in a medieval night club. I would think that a man who can scale buildings and jump perfectly into a shallow bucket of hay could at least dodge a sword. (/Yahtzee-ness)
As for the loading screens, it was a weak point on my part. The only thing that pissed me off was the first time I was like, "Woah! That's pretty damn neat! I can walk and shit while I'm not actually playing!" but then I realized that same very thing: you can't do a fucking thing. The one suggestion that I have is to go all Call of Duty 4 on Assassin's Creed 2's ass (fucking numbers, btw) and actually learn something while things are loaded, even if it's minuscule like a location. I would have to say that they could of used some more character development and the loading screens look like perfect times to do so.
Yeah, and I wasn't even using the update they have on XBL. Not once did I ever encounter any bugs what so ever. Nothing obvious anyway.
...You never did the tutorials in court yard did you? You CAN doge the sword blows and its with those moves that you get your totally awesome fatality moves into play. I don't think my friend played the tutorials either so don't feel so bad about not knowing all the button combos. The only real problem I had in any of the encounters was the 9th assassination. The only reason that encounter caused me to destroy two perfectly fine controllers was due to the fact that after fighting off like 20 guys at once, your target finally comes into play and I would be at like 3 sync bars and would die shortly after ;_;. It was VERY annoying to loose after just killing 20 mother fuckers so many times in a fucking row. UUUUUGGGH.
They do provide tips during the loading screen, but yeah, it would be cool to have some character development tidbits in there too.
January 3rd, 2008, 02:35 AM
Not to rain on your parade, but there was already a thread on the game.
Quiet Mokuba. mummy and daddy are talking.
So is this game Available for PC?
January 3rd, 2008, 05:53 AM
Yeah, and I wasn't even using the update they have on XBL. Not once did I ever encounter any bugs what so ever. Nothing obvious anyway.
...You never did the tutorials in court yard did you? You CAN doge the sword blows and its with those moves that you get your totally awesome fatality moves into play. I don't think my friend played the tutorials either so don't feel so bad about not knowing all the button combos. The only real problem I had in any of the encounters was the 9th assassination. The only reason that encounter caused me to destroy two perfectly fine controllers was due to the fact that after fighting off like 20 guys at once, your target finally comes into play and I would be at like 3 sync bars and would die shortly after ;_;. It was VERY annoying to loose after just killing 20 mother fuckers so many times in a fucking row. UUUUUGGGH.
They do provide tips during the loading screen, but yeah, it would be cool to have some character development tidbits in there too.
Thats why on the 9th you just run around in a circle for a bit to get some bars up. After that he wont attack you other than trying to pull you down to the ground. And that point your can counter-push and assassinate.
January 3rd, 2008, 05:52 PM
Personally, I thought the combat system was pretty good. Having one button for attacking worked out surprisingly well, and I still cackle every time I execute a fatality with the short blade. >:V I love those animations. The defensive break never seemed to work for me, though.
Still, the phrase "USE THROWING KNIVES TO DEAL WITH DISTANT ENEMIES" is forever burned into my head. Stupid thing always gave that hint during loading sequences. e_e And it would be nice if the game threw in a few guards to knock around while you wait for the game to load, or mabye a GRAW 2/Call of Duty 4 style introductory sequence.
Oh, and the 9th assassination was just an excuse to fight a bunch of guards. Please, evolve beyond the "go to x area, kill everything, go to y area, repeat." I would've much preferred to sneak around all those soldiers and then jump down on the camp in front of everybody.
January 3rd, 2008, 06:38 PM
I thought the combat system was really good, but to easy. All you had to do was to hold a defensive stance and wait for the enemies to take a swing with you (R1 Square) "Upp! Your dead!"
The next time around they should make moves like that require a bit more precision for the simple fact that their one hit kills. Your an assassin, yes your a bad ass, but no man should be able to take on literally thirty trained soldiers and come out without barley braking a sweat. I know the game wasn't trying to be realistic but without the ability to set a difficulty it was just too easy.
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