View Full Version : [Filter] Sin City
January 3rd, 2008, 10:25 PM
Probably the last filter I'll make, unless I can think of something cooler. For now, I'm back to working on my other projects. Enjoy :)
Rat Race
Download Filter (
Download DXTweaker + Surreal Filter + Camo Fix (
If you don't already have DXTweaker, download it from the link above.
Download the filter from the link above, and place the .xml file in the DXTweaker\Plugin\PostFilterEffect\ folder.
Run DXTweaker, and under "Modules to Load," make sure that "Post Filter" is checked. For the module properties, maker sure that Sin City is selected.
Optionally, you can create a shortcut to the config file in the DXTweaker\Config folder which corresponds to Halo CE with the filter enabled. Also make sure that .dxtp files are associated with DXTweaker.
Elite Killa
January 3rd, 2008, 10:40 PM
I'm not sure about this one...but I guess it looks alright.
January 3rd, 2008, 10:40 PM
:wtc: Conscars.
Gogogogo make more. Make one that changes the hue constantly, if you can.
January 3rd, 2008, 10:48 PM
for anyone that's a complete troll and misses the reference:
January 3rd, 2008, 11:08 PM
I like it :D!
January 3rd, 2008, 11:29 PM
All we need now is Catwoman.
January 3rd, 2008, 11:31 PM
It looks real nice on Rat Race. Blood Gulch looks kinda fugly, though. :x
January 3rd, 2008, 11:34 PM
Try to make one that makes things look cartoonish =D
January 3rd, 2008, 11:39 PM
It looks real nice on Rat Race. Blood Gulch looks kinda fugly, though. :x
no way around it unfortunately. Then filter takes things that have a lot of red in them, makes them bright red, then makes everything else a contrasty black and white.
January 4th, 2008, 12:18 AM
Try to make one that makes things look cartoonish =D
You're thinking TF2. I like it...
January 4th, 2008, 08:54 AM
i love it conscars.
very cool looking.
January 4th, 2008, 08:46 PM
Please tell me you didn't get you idea from here, because I was trying to do this :(
Love the effect though....
January 4th, 2008, 09:21 PM
Please tell me you didn't get you idea from here, because I was trying to do this :(
Love the effect though....
yeah, I was having trouble putting the red into the image, so I asked at that site. He said:
you should instead subtract it from the gray value's blue and green components and then add it to the red I wrote up some new code and it worked. I don't even know if the code he made works at all. This stuff's pretty simple to make if you've got an idea of what it needs to do.
January 4th, 2008, 09:37 PM
Ohshit, I didnt even read who posted that...
January 5th, 2008, 01:55 AM
Who cares, it looks nice :awesome:
A new era of Halo CE. :D
January 5th, 2008, 04:59 AM
any chance you could get abit of a motion blurr going on or is that not possible with a filter?
also a high contrast filter that leaves ghosting behind moving targets would strike me as the shit. though again, I know shit about these things :P
January 5th, 2008, 04:03 PM
also a high contrast filter that leaves ghosting behind moving targets would strike me as the shit. though again, I know shit about these things :P
I didn't think this would work, but it did. I wrote a new one that overlays the previous frame over the current one; a ghosting effect. Moar testing needs to be done, but it's kinda neat.
the problem is it's hard to see unless you're looking around rapidly or things are moving really fast.
January 5th, 2008, 04:08 PM
Any way of implementing this directly into the game? I talked to Rob Op about something like this for when you only have one bar of hp left (in his SP campaign, Bridge/Scythopolis). That, along with the standard heartbeat effect would be awesome if it is possible.
January 5th, 2008, 04:20 PM
I don't believe so, it'd have to be some sort of effect tag or something. I don't know what you can do with effects. You could always script a blur effect in or something. I think there's scripts to detect the player's health, and you could use scripts to make the blur higher as the health goes down.
also, here's a pic:
me just shaking the camera up and down
January 5th, 2008, 04:21 PM
I see no pic???
Nor is there a link???
January 5th, 2008, 04:46 PM
I edited my post. Can you see it now?
January 5th, 2008, 05:21 PM
January 5th, 2008, 07:01 PM
Looks interesting. any chance you could post a short vid so we can see it in real time?
January 5th, 2008, 07:02 PM
The effect isn't super obvious. A video wouldn't do it justice, so I'm still working on it.
January 5th, 2008, 07:14 PM
Do want moar filters! These are sexy
Pyong Kawaguchi
January 5th, 2008, 07:15 PM
make a billion of em!
January 5th, 2008, 07:46 PM
filter updates going in the CE gallery thread
January 13th, 2008, 03:56 PM
How can you miss the reference. That's awesome, nice job.
January 22nd, 2008, 11:23 AM
Can you make a cell shader filter?
January 22nd, 2008, 08:57 PM
That'd be extremely difficult if not impossible, so no
January 23rd, 2008, 12:30 PM
hey conscars, after automatic updates replaced my ATI drivers to the new catalyst 8.0 suit dxtweaker filters and fixes don't work anymore.
besides downgrading, what do i do to ge them to work again?
January 23rd, 2008, 07:13 PM
I don't know much if not nothing about ATI drivers, but maybe 8.0 uses something like a proxy dll like DXTweaker does. Make sure in your ATI settings to turn off any post-processing done by the ATI drivers for Halo, then maybe it'll work.
January 24th, 2008, 05:54 PM
i tried running the filters on my desktop (which uses an nvidia card) and it did the same thing, i had the filters running fine after installing the latest firmware, so it's not the drivers that are preventing the filters from applying.
does dxtweaker use temporary files or even registry keys? because i'm pretty sure that the problem's a registry, temp file, or even an execution flaw. i know the problem's not dxtweaker because it shows all of my profiles with the information correct and all.
January 26th, 2008, 01:16 PM
I don't know much about how DXTweaker works, sorry. Try googling for some support forums.
January 28th, 2008, 06:51 PM
well, i fixed dxtweaker on my xp comp, it seems that i had some corruption in one of my .net framework packages.
on a sidenote, i found a way to get fake hdr into halo when i was looking on the internet apparently, there's this dll and a d3d effect that when dropped into a game executable's root directory enable fake HDR and bloom. the files were originally developed for elderscrolls oblivion, but can be used in halo. only one catch, the bloom effect is activated by using the "+" key on the numberpad and the bloom only shows up during text chat. but the effect file is editable, so maybe it could work in the actual gameplay, not just some neat text editor effect.
thank you for at least attempting to help i really appreciate it.
link to fake HDR:
link to saturation increase filter: (found the code on the nets as well);9529345;/fileinfo.html
January 28th, 2008, 08:06 PM
Fake HDR:
What he was trying to link us to:
Generic version
Also it doesn't work? (Placed it in the HCE directory, tried pressing + on the numpad, what's up?)
January 28th, 2008, 08:17 PM
not the cutdown version, i was linking the generic version
the cutdown and the oblivion release cannot run outside of oblivion
January 28th, 2008, 08:32 PM
Actually you linked to the "Trimmed" version which was under Cutdown version.
I even tried the generic version, Halo would close before it gets to the menu screen.
Choking Victim
January 28th, 2008, 08:53 PM
the filter works for me, but it just looks like it jacked up the brightness a bit. :(
January 28th, 2008, 09:38 PM
The Saturation bit? or the HDR one?
Choking Victim
January 29th, 2008, 02:34 PM
the hdr one
January 29th, 2008, 02:57 PM
how'd you get it to work?
dxtweaker's post-processing also seems to have problems with .net framework 3.5
January 29th, 2008, 03:34 PM
Wait, you used the .dll with DXTweaker? Huh?
Choking Victim
January 29th, 2008, 04:27 PM
you place the dll file into the ce directory, then go ingame and press + on the numpad. As demonmaster said, it only works while in text chat. I don't see any fake hdr. Just turn up the brightness on your monitor, and its equivalent to that lame fake hdr filter.
January 29th, 2008, 04:59 PM
i saw a bunch of bloom effect, but that's because i used it in conjunction with conscars' surreal filter
January 29th, 2008, 05:19 PM
Oh...well you can't use that d3d9.dll with Dxtweaker, it has to be one of them at a time.
January 31st, 2008, 04:14 AM
Oh...well you can't use that d3d9.dll with Dxtweaker, it has to be one of them at a time.
Yes :( I disabled Yelo and now this works
February 7th, 2008, 06:49 PM
I'd like to point out that in the movie the color yellow appeared too, and I don't really see any yellow here
February 7th, 2008, 10:39 PM
oh well
February 11th, 2008, 04:42 PM
Ya, if you notice the following colors appear in the movie...
& Green
They were all, however, done at selective times....
Now if he put all those colors in there it wouldn't resemble Sin City at all......
The Movie is most recognized by its BW&R theme.
February 18th, 2008, 05:26 PM
I don't suppose this can be done to the .map itself. That would be awesome. If somebody has an idea on how to do it that way, I'd love you.
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