View Full Version : Huge grafique bug

January 7th, 2008, 09:01 PM
hi every body , and first sorry for my poor english

ok next

i got a kind un huge bad a** super bad ( yeah that right )

grafique bug in halo 2 vista , ok here the fact

when i was running halo 2 on xp , it was perfect no huge bad a** bug

but size then i instal vista , and everything, and now my halo 2 look like this sh*t


spec: win vistal ultimate x32
nvidia nx7600gs
1.5 gig ram
asus p4 3.0 ( single core but i show a dual )
and other sh*tis

newest driver

it never apen before , someone got idea or tip .. ?:confused:

Mr Buckshot
January 7th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Your computer is more than enough to run the game well. Did you update your graphics drivers? Did you play around with the in-game video settings (seriously, there have been users here who don't even know that the graphical settings in a PC game can be changed)?

January 7th, 2008, 09:36 PM
yeah like i already say i got the newest nvidia driver (165.28) yeah .28

and i already try the 165.25

edit :

oh yeah i alreeady try all the config ingame and test all the resolution

January 7th, 2008, 09:37 PM
Did you do a clean install of vista and halo? I'm just wondering if you upgraded from xp to vista and didn't reinstall the game. I'd try uninstalling halo and I'd also check drivers.

January 7th, 2008, 09:43 PM
Ha ha, same thing happened to me, I just restarted and it fixed the problem, so I don't really know.

January 7th, 2008, 09:43 PM
that make 3 time i instal halo 2 vista and my nvidia driver .

edit : oh and . i instal vista whil i was on xp.. like run the dvd from xp.. is this could be the f*ck

January 7th, 2008, 10:46 PM
So you uninstalled halo 2 and reinstalled it along with the patches?

January 7th, 2008, 11:02 PM

edit : here the really bad fuck

i dont think halo 2 is the bug but Vista .

Look at that


what the problem with vista ?

this was fun at start, but now it really

starting to piss me off.

i will reformat my pc again .

Anyway i have already reformat my os-disk ( naming it that way) disk yesterday , so it wont be long to do .

What do you think guys ?.

I dont think it my graphic card because on Xp it was fine .

Mr Buckshot
January 8th, 2008, 12:45 AM
Si tu ne peux pas parler anglais bien, tu peux communiquer en francais. Il y a beaucoup des personnes qui etudient francais. A l'ecole, j'ai etudie francais pour quatre ans. Est-ce que tu peux repeter ton question en francais, parce que ton question en anglais est tres difficile.

I assumed you're French, since your name is monsieurD and you're using the French word for graphic.

I don't know how to say it in French, but go to your Nvidia control panel and tweak the settings. Reformatting is an option but it's tiresome.

January 8th, 2008, 01:03 AM

oui je suis quebecois ..

la question et , ces quoi le problem avec vista . mais en gros sa voulai dire que demain je formaterer mon ordi pour mettre un clean tout prope vista neuf ..

ces tout

and i thing it the way i instal vista ta make my sh*t all wierd.. so thans to every body that try helping , and help , and ill will say feedback ween my thing finish .. :XD:

January 8th, 2008, 12:24 PM
Could be a Hardware error, or your GPU is overheating.

Il y a la possibilité que votre hardware c'est entaché ou votre GPU est très chaud.

My french sucks...3 years in school >.> finally over.

Love De Lux
January 8th, 2008, 01:27 PM

C'est sûrement ta carte graphique qui chauffe un poil trop pour avoir les modèles 3D qui explosent comme ça dans tous les sens. :p

Tiens nous au courant de la suite.

January 8th, 2008, 03:50 PM
ok hi guy here the new fact

after reformating and reinstalle all WHIT new driver it look like fine right now.

i think the bug is over ..

and nop is not my hardware.. never get this before..

to ill post a pic next i can

EDIT: omfg this dont WORK !! YEAH live to fucking vista .. this is bullshit .. look at that

http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/9374/wtfgg1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

i really dont overheating, and i got the newest driver , update , avec utility . but vista keep fcuking me up ..

what bad now ?

ps : please dont try speak frensh i hate speaking frensh , frensh ruined my life ( seriously:( )

January 9th, 2008, 03:28 AM
Are you overclocking any hardware?

January 9th, 2008, 10:55 AM
here the end phare ill going to say about this topic

vista = bullshit

im back on my xp

, no more graphic bug , all my other thing work perfectly

live to MICRO$OFT(:mad:)!

anyway thanks guy to try helping me , and no i never overclocking

ps: i just going play halo 2 xp . end .

you can close , and stick it as name changed = VISTA IS GAY AND IT BULLSHIP .

Llama Juice
January 9th, 2008, 05:51 PM
Why was everyone nice in this thread?

It was like I was on a different forum when I was reading through it.

*shrug* Sorry we couldn't help you with yer graphic bug, but.. well.. H2Vista isn't worth he headache about it anyway.

January 9th, 2008, 07:36 PM
Why was everyone nice in this thread?

It was like I was on a different forum when I was reading through it.

*shrug* Sorry we couldn't help you with yer graphic bug, but.. well.. H2Vista isn't worth he headache about it anyway.

because he at least he actually apologized about his terrible english before he started typing and going on about something and making no sense lol, much like most people do, which annoys us because we can't tell if its a 7 year old kid or just someone being a dick, or an actual person in need of help :lol:

idk what was wrong with that but it looks alot like the problem/glitch I get with my gfx card (note my pc is considered outdated now lol, Ive always had this problem though) My gfx card does this thing where it flips out every now and then and flashes faces across the screen much like that, usually only in games when 3d stuff is being run though. I still have no clue what causes it I used to think it had to do with overheating and over use but sometimes it'll happen right after starting up. I'll open halo ce and faces will be flashing around like nuts. I actually think it has to do with some sort of loose connection/dust contamination of the graphics card because I remember cleaning out inside of my pc one day when I was installing a wireless card and the problem seemed to completely vanish for a good amount of time then came back again randomly, but I'm not entirely sure thats the cause though... idk I've tried cleaning it again and it doesn't always fix it, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Thats my suggestion, maybe open up your pc and see if the video card is engulfed with dust bunnies or something...

o yea.. my gfx card specs..

I have a cruddy Ati Radeon 9700 TX with like 128 mb memory lol.

January 9th, 2008, 09:38 PM
im 18 years old .

January 9th, 2008, 09:57 PM
im 18 years old .

I know I didn't mean that literally, n/m lol :lol:

but yeah it could be dirty or something thats just my common sense guess, I don't really know a lot about this stuff tho but I had a similar problem and dust clogging up the ventilation to the card or somthing seemed to be the problem usually idk why though...

January 10th, 2008, 12:11 PM
Humm. Yeah!



but anyway , it good now. i just make my pc dual boot so if i wana play halo 2 i go on vista but if i pissed off i go xp ,

January 11th, 2008, 10:05 AM
if it's dust bunnies, don't use a brush (static electricity) use a can of compressed air, make sure all of your connections are clear.

as for problems with vista make sure it's on a blank clean install, use the VISTA drivers and make sure you have the latest updates along with the latest dx package before you install your games.

(i love vista on desktops, but i hate vista on lappies, it eats RAM and battery, even with battery saver on, i get less than 2 hr)