View Full Version : [HALO 3] halo 3 vista?
January 8th, 2008, 09:07 PM
will their be a halo 3 vista?
January 8th, 2008, 09:10 PM
No. Will be halo 3 (insert next OS) probably.
January 8th, 2008, 09:17 PM
what do you mean
January 8th, 2008, 09:20 PM
yeah. Halo 3 Vienna. (Vienna is the OS after Vista)
January 8th, 2008, 09:27 PM
I don't think they'll be dumb enough to make that move again. I predict more compatibility.
January 8th, 2008, 09:29 PM
I don't think they'll be dumb enough to make that move again. I predict more compatibility.
I don't think the release of Halo 2 for Vista was dumb. It's just Vista is dumb and is a piece most of the time. I would actually enjoy halo 3 on the PC, if they could just do a decent port and continue to support it.
January 8th, 2008, 09:45 PM
I don't think the release of Halo 2 for Vista was dumb. It's just Vista is dumb and is a piece most of the time. I would actually enjoy halo 3 on the PC, if they could just do a decent port and continue to support it.
Why does everyone blame Vista for everything? Vista's a perfectly fine operating system as far as I'm concerned, and I wouldn't ever go back to XP. Whatever intentions MGS had, it was still a dumb move. Vista still hasn't caught on, because a lot of people don't feel the need to switch to Vista. We can see that the game has a very small userbase, and that Hired Gun was just that... a hired gun with no commitment to the product. The game is out, and that's all they care about.
January 8th, 2008, 09:49 PM
If only we the users had a way to continue support of the game :/
January 8th, 2008, 09:54 PM
It had potential. Everyone was ready to jump to the new game and its editing kit, hoping to create bigger and better things. There's not enough people playing the game to attract map-makers either. Who wants to spend their effort on a map that never gets played. There's maybe 6 good maps for H2V, but you're lucky to see any custom map even being played at all.
January 8th, 2008, 10:08 PM
It had potential. Everyone was ready to jump to the new game and its editing kit, hoping to create bigger and better things. There's not enough people playing the game to attract map-makers either. Who wants to spend their effort on a map that never gets played. There's maybe 6 good maps for H2V, but you're lucky to see any custom map even being played at all.
Yep. I also agree that Vista REALLY isn't that bad, the only major flaw, and the one people complain about most is UAC (which can be turned off).
But in response to the quote, yes, it is kinda sad seeing how bad the game died, and how poor a port it was (hey Halo PC wasn't the best port either, but at least they spent more than a month trying to fix it.) There's a massive amount of reasons for why this game died. Vista being too young, bad port, bad publicity, and while this might not seem like a big deal, massive loss of support from Bungie. Remember when we were stuffed with H2V updates we didn't give a shit about, back when we only wanted Halo 3 info? It seemed that updates on H2V just came to an instant, sudden halt (and I don't think it's necessarily due to Halo 3 updates, since they had no trouble with the guys from Shadowrun and a few other obscure updates along the way.).
January 8th, 2008, 10:15 PM
I am currently running vista also, I'm just saying that I find XP to be more stable and capable of doing what I want it to do with no hastle. I also believe that the game had potential, but they screwed up too many things. Locking up the editor, the amount of hardware that takes to even run a low end game that is Halo 2, and the poor PC port its self, etc.. I just was saying, if they would fix some things that they didn't really do in Halo 2 Vista, Halo 3 for the PC would be great.
Edit: Hmm, crap I was a little late on posting the comment.
January 8th, 2008, 10:18 PM
Well....someone could make another hack to make H2V (H@V) and LIVE work for XP. But, that's highly unlikely due to the fact that it's extremely rare to find someone that has the knowledge and motivation to do something as significant as that for XP users. =\
Yeah, hopefully Halo 3 for PC will take much shorter than the other two sequels to make.
January 8th, 2008, 10:20 PM
Actually, I can't argue much about the halo PC port. The netcode which some claim to ruins the game actually forces the players to adapt a learn a totally unique skill. It sorta gives everyone an equal chance to become a good player. The netcode also helps keep cheating out, unlike H2V. They also included CE/HEK, which is still alive today, and I don't think it'll be dying anytime soon.
January 8th, 2008, 10:38 PM
Vista is fine. The problem with H2V was the port. Vista being the source of the problem is far from the truth and is something that started from people hopping on the 'but he said' bandwagon.
Come on, what do you think will happen? H2V has terrible sales and its development team has already been disolved. Windows Live has failed to pick up any momentum and as far as I see it Microsoft is abandoning the platform.
Well....someone could make another hack to make H2V (H@V) and LIVE work for XP. But, that's highly unlikely due to the fact that it's extremely rare to find someone that has the knowledge and motivation to do something as significant as that for XP users. =\
Yeah, hopefully Halo 3 for PC will take much shorter than the other two sequels to make.
No. Halo 2 uses an old version of the Live service. When it was ported to Vista, it had to be specially engineered so it would work. That's why you dont see it connecting to Live on XP, where Gears of War will.
Mr Buckshot
January 8th, 2008, 10:41 PM
Vista is FINE, idiots. It wasn't the OS that brought down H2V. I mean, over 90% of computer users buy pre-built computers from stores, and now all new pre-built computers come with Vista. It won't be long before Vista replaces XP as standard. We all moved from Windows 95 to 98 to ME to XP. We can damn well move to Vista. Not everyone here builds a computer - I see that over half the users have store-bought computers, and if you buy a new computer this year and later, say hi to Vista.
It was a poor porting job that killed H2V. Along with a locked H2EK.
Dude, of course there will be a Halo 3 for PC. It's just that it won't come out until sales of the X360 game have stopped soaring, which will be in at least 2 years. Bungie/MS expect their Halo 3 revenue to come from the X360 version - they don't expect much from the PC version.
Now stop making threads at this rate. I'm not a moderator and probably won't ever be, but if a real one comes along, he's gonna get pretty pissed. Learn to control the speed at which you make threads. You're wasting bandwidth and webspace.
this assumes you knew me as m45t3r_ch13f_007 at =EP. Well mc007 died long ago and I have a very bad feeling that he got reincarnated into mmkillermm
January 9th, 2008, 12:15 AM
and that Hired Gun was just that... a hired gun with no commitment to the product. The game is out, and that's all they care about.
Sir, I suggest you retract them words :cop:
January 9th, 2008, 12:40 AM
We all moved from Windows 95 to 98 to ME Wrong. I went from windows 98 to 2000. I skipped ME for the same reason I am skipping vista.
Oh and those who are pro-vista sounds like this to me. "nothing is wrong with ME, why does everyone hate it so much, its a fine operating system. I can't imagine wanting to go from ME to 98."
After the next few generations of windows is released, people will look back on vista like how people look back on ME today.
January 9th, 2008, 12:40 AM
vista is a fine operating system, halo 2, like halo 1 is just a bad port, does noone remember the system requirements on halo 1 being unneededly high for the time? and jahrain, ME was plagued with problems no matter what you used it problem i have with vista is it uses a tad more ram then it should have to, other then that its less work then xp, upgraded driver database = win lol
January 9th, 2008, 12:43 AM
I really wish I was around when Halo 1 first came out on PC. It would definitely help me understand how the original HEK was different from H2EK. From what I understand HEK had to be unlocked just like H2EK. Is it just harder to get around that this time? (For once, a history lesson might help)
As for the game itself, it was a pretty big disappointment. It's that kind of situation where you make all these promises, and few (if any) of them actually occur. You notice that every REALLY good game's preview has had pretty much nothing to make a reference to what they were delivering. I remember trying to find info about the Orange Box and finding nothing but stuff derived from the games' titles.
I wonder how Halo 3 would run on a PC today... It would definitely require higher end GeForce 8 (probably overclocked too) to get the same visuals. Oh well, here's to Vienna and GeForce 10.
Mr Buckshot
January 9th, 2008, 12:57 AM
If Halo 3 were released right now and specifically optimized for the PC, its system requirements would be around those of Gears of War or Oblivion or Bioshock - pretty high but can still run well on the less high end hardware.
The HEK wasn't really locked, it just didn't support single player creation, which was then "unlocked' by other modders. I mean, when the HEK first came out, we immediately saw things like flying Warthogs, crudely textured energy swords, along with cool custom models of vehicles and weapons. All those could be added without having to hack/unlock anything. The H2EK doesn't even let you make flying Warthogs, which is pathetic. The furthest we've gone is injecting a rather grainy model of a Halo 1 AR.
Yeah I remember, Halo 1 for PC had its own share of problems. Today, even the Intel GMA 950 can run the game fairly well. But back in 2003, even the Radeon 9800 Pro (most powerful card at the time) was unable to go to 1600x1200. Most budget gamers of 2003 had Geforce 4 Ti's or Radeon 9200s, cards which should have made Halo look as good as the Xbox version, but they were limited to 800x600 on SM1.1 mode to get good performance.
A major problem with the PC versions of Halo and Halo 2 is that by the time they came out, their engines were outdated (it took CE modding to get Halo 1 to actually take full advantage of SM2.0, the latest tech in 2003). Of course, this is to be expected of console-to-PC ports, but Halo and Halo 2 also had the problem of being overly demanding with nothing spectacular to show in return. Even at its highest settings, Halo 2 can't even compare to some DX9 titles of 2003, yet it requires beefy power to be playable at those settings.
If Halo 3 takes a few years to come to the PC, it'll only end up as an outdated console port, overshadowed by many other PC titles. What Bungie/MS needs to do is to get a developing team that can make the game worthy of being on the PC's of 2009.
January 9th, 2008, 02:06 AM
If Halo 3 takes a few years to come to the PC, it'll only end up as an outdated console port, overshadowed by many other PC titles. What Bungie/MS needs to do is to get a developing team that can make the game worthy of being on the PC's of 2009.
It'd be neat to see a few things that didn't make it into the console version appear in a PC version, along with some console features not ported in previous Halos.
-Real time reflections (ie MC's visor, etc). I'd think it would be fairly simple to have the settings scale like "low" = cubemaps, "medium" = dynamic cubemaps (ala H3-360), "high" = real time reflections.
- AA! :p
- Co-op play please, online, too!
- Forge, even though it's inferior to Sapien, it's more accessible for light modifications of maps.
-Saved films! (Come on, you know you want 'em D: )
-Higher res textures, etc.
-A HEK that hasn't been turned into a shadow of its former self
January 9th, 2008, 02:33 AM
Wrong. I went from windows 98 to 2000. I skipped ME for the same reason I am skipping vista.
Oh and those who are pro-vista sounds like this to me. "nothing is wrong with ME, why does everyone hate it so much, its a fine operating system. I can't imagine wanting to go from ME to 98."
After the next few generations of windows is released, people will look back on vista like how people look back on ME today.
Vista is fine. ME sucked. Even MS employees have said ME sucked and was something they put out the door only to try and recoup losses.
January 9th, 2008, 05:25 AM
Oh and those who are pro-vista sounds like this to me. "nothing is wrong with ME, why does everyone hate it so much, its a fine operating system. I can't imagine wanting to go from ME to 98."
and you just sound ignorant
Vista is fine. ME sucked. Even MS employees have said ME sucked and was something they put out the door only to try and recoup losses.
January 9th, 2008, 02:13 PM
To add on to Botolf's list...
- No 30FPS cap. Has anyone seen H3 at 60FPS? Fast forward in film mode, certain points will raise to 60 and it looks hella sweet.
- Fucking, sound, tools. Or at least the sound files. Epic gave us theirs...
- Matchmaking that's actually matchmaking.
- If there's a server list, need moar filters. Namely, a "no empty servers" filter.
January 9th, 2008, 03:58 PM
yeah. Halo 3 Vienna. (Vienna is the OS after Vista)
Could've sworn it was going to be called Windows 7??
January 9th, 2008, 04:19 PM
I think so, Vienna was its codename so...yea.
January 9th, 2008, 04:40 PM
After the next few generations of windows is released, people will look back on vista like how people look back on ME today.
wow.... i hope your joking.
January 9th, 2008, 04:42 PM
It's new codename is Windows 7, and if they ever make Halo 3 PC, they better not be dumb and say "let's make it Windows 7 (the name will probably change) only, so more people upgrade their OS!", they better make it XP/Vista/Windows 7 compatible. I'm not saying that Vista is a bad OS (my friend has had it for about a year and a half now, and he says it's really good), but it's bad to make games and other things exclusive to an OS that just came out, such as Halo 2 Vista and DirectX 10.
January 9th, 2008, 06:04 PM
Sir, I suggest you retract them words :cop:
If the MS decision makers cared about the game past getting it on its feet, wouldn't we still have support?
January 9th, 2008, 07:33 PM
Halo 3 CE would be awesome. But once it does some out then people will understand its game engine more and know how to mod halo 3 for xbox.
January 9th, 2008, 07:59 PM
Whenever they want to plan on Halo 3 for PC, they'll plan for it, its a bit early to hope...
January 9th, 2008, 08:28 PM
that would be sweet
January 9th, 2008, 08:37 PM
No, never again microsoft.
January 9th, 2008, 09:23 PM
I guess with Forge they could update all the default maps with updated forge palettes and add in some the objects in the DLC maps (man cannons, sheild doors etc).
January 9th, 2008, 10:16 PM
Teleporters FTW...:mad:.
I would only consider buying a PC version of Halo 3 if it was actually a decent port, and that "Windows Live!" crap was not required.
January 9th, 2008, 10:20 PM
I have a question that I've wanted to ask for almost a year...
Would it be possible to make an update for Halo 1 PC/CE that would make it support what Halo 3 would be able to support when it comes out?
example: Halo 3 is released for PC. Online Co-Op is available (yay).
Would it be possible to make an update for Halo PC/CE to support that same thing?
January 9th, 2008, 10:27 PM
I have a question that I've wanted to ask for almost a year...
Would it be possible to make an update for Halo 1 PC/CE that would make it support what Halo 3 would be able to support when it comes out?
example: Halo 3 is released for PC. Online Co-Op is available (yay).
Would it be possible to make an update for Halo PC/CE to support that same thing?
No. They're they same engine, but different versions. You'd have to remake the Halo 1 content to work in Halo 3.
Mr Buckshot
January 9th, 2008, 11:44 PM
Regarding online co-op for the PC versions of the Halo franchise:
The reason why Halo 1 and 2 both lacked online co-op for PC was because their engines were similar and could not support the syncing of AI over the Internet (XBL in the case of the xbox) or a LAN. To enable online co-op in Halo 1 would require a massive rewrite of the engine from the inside, and Gearbox didn't have the time - they already spent a lot of time writing networking code from scratch just to get Halo 1 online in the first place. Even if they had tried, Halo 2 would probably have come out by the time they finished coding in the Halo 1 co-op online.
Many modders have tried to at the very least get AI to sync online or over a LAN in Halo 1 PC, but it just doesn't work, and that makes co-op impossible. So no, we won't get any sort of "update" to enable the co-op mode, even if the developers wanted to.
Halo 2 used a modified Blam engine that had better visuals than Halo 1 and support for dual wielding, native online MP, boarding, etc, but it still was incapable of syncing AI online or on a LAN, so the Xbox version's co-op was limited to split screen. Therefore, online co-op was left out in Halo 2 PC for the same reason as Halo 1 PC. True, you could do split screen on a PC by having two players plug in USB gamepads, but that's not very practical.
Halo 3, on the other hand, allows AI to be synced online. It has been heavily altered from the original Blam engine, enough to have high-res visuals and such. Halo 3 for PC therefore has the best chance of online co-op, and better yet, custom co-op maps (if SP custom content is allowed that is). At the very least, we could hack AI bots into multiplayer maps.
The next person who claims that "Gearbox left out co-op in Halo 1 and Hired Gun left out co-op in Halo 2 because they're stupid lazy bastards" deserves to be flogged, tied down, and have his ears filled with piss.
January 10th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Ya, I figured Halo 3 would be the game to hope for syncing bots & co-op, 4 player co-op over Live, and all that.
January 10th, 2008, 12:26 AM
Something tells me that Microsoft learned their lesson from H2V. They either will include a relatively decent editor with Halo 3 whatever or they won't include one at all. The latter obviously being the easiest to implement. Or they will call Forge their editor and leave it at that :downs:.
January 10th, 2008, 12:56 AM
Something tells me that Microsoft learned their lesson from H2V. They either will include a relatively decent editor with Halo 3 whatever or they won't include one at all. The latter obviously being the easiest to implement. Or they will call Forge their editor and leave it at that :downs:.
They may not have forge online and only have a external application included that allows editing. Since Gaming is more Priorities when there on consoles they may disable some features for the PC versions.
Mr Buckshot
January 10th, 2008, 01:04 AM
They may not have forge online and only have a external application included that allows editing. Since Gaming is more Priorities when there on consoles they may disable some features for the PC versions.
Not entirely true. On the contrary, many developers owned by MGS develop for Windows PCs (Ensemble Studios is a good example) - there is no "priority" for PCs over consoles and vice versa. The only exception is Bungie, since Bungie was bought for the sole purpose of producing an Xbox flagship.
Apart from co-op mode, the PC versions of Halo 1 and Halo 2 had nothing "disabled." In fact, they received more stuff in the form of new maps and more adjustable graphical settings.
The forge has a "money limit" so it can't be used to cheat unless a hacker finds a way to disable the limit.
I am counting on H3PC for co-op, but I foresee that when there is a H3PC, it'll be woefully overshadowed.
January 10th, 2008, 04:00 AM
If H3 were to come to PC, with a fully unlocked EK (CE's standard is the minimum), source style in-game DL'ing, non OS specific (at least support the previous OS w/e it is) and with no corners cut (adding some new features would be good too, especially to convert existing owners) and a proper online setup (no needing to have gold and all that crap), then yes, I'd love to buy it.
otherwise fuck M$ and boycott it too.
January 10th, 2008, 04:02 AM
From their perspective, Forge is all they need. If they include some form of the SDK it will be simple bsp creation tools because it is cheap and effective.
January 10th, 2008, 03:07 PM
well if that's the case, then why did mgs create a family of tools (HEK) and then bring that family of tools (HEK) to another generation with fully functional code and everything only to scrap an animation exporter, sound compilers, animation compilers and lock up the tag editor(guerilla)? i mean would it have been that bad to ship a working game devoid of kinks and lousy exception errors in stead of this lousy piece of *BLAM!*? would it have been that hard to use code two like engines from the same source code (one to accommodate xbox360, the other to accommodate PCs) and do a simultaneous multiplatform release like other companies (namely EA games, activision and thq)? would it have been that bad to do cross-console/platform multiplayer?
this thing about h3<insert ms next gen os here> will probably be the same dud that h2v was. if mgs and bungie have a busy agenda, then why don't they do what they did when making h1/hce, hand it over to gearbox (or any other reputable 3rd party) to work on it while they go about their business?
January 10th, 2008, 05:15 PM
After Halo Wars why doesn't Bungie just work on Halo 3 PC for themselves?...Instead of throwing it onto other people and leaving them to the game's recreation?? Bungie should've learned alot from the release of H2V. :mad:
January 10th, 2008, 05:19 PM
After Halo Wars why doesn't Bungie just work on Halo 3 PC for themselves?...Instead of throwing it onto other people and leaving them to the game's recreation?? Bungie should've learned alot from the release of H2V. :mad:
Bungie only makes games for the 360, that ain't going to change. I don't even think they cared about whether H2V would sell well or not, so I doubt they will handle the port themselves.
January 10th, 2008, 05:46 PM
Microsoft owns Halo now, since Bungie left. I have no idea what they'll do, but I hope they make it Halo 3 vista/vienna. Hopefully this new 'Games for Windows' will have an effect on Microsoft and they'll port it over using some good company....
Gearbox made Halo PC have aim-ahead due to Dial-Up compatibility. Hired Gun for some reason(Microsoft influence?), made Halo 2 PC on Vista only (multiplayer wise now). I wonder what will be wrong with Halo 3 PC if it comes out....
Mr Buckshot
January 10th, 2008, 07:19 PM
I wonder what will be wrong with Halo 3 PC if it comes out....
It'll be unable to compete with the best of the PC titles because it'll come too late. It may have insane system requirements for so little, i.e. H2V requires DX9 sm2.0 to even function in the first place, yet it shows very little use of that shader (more like shader 1.4 too me).
January 10th, 2008, 10:00 PM
All i can say is that they better not screw up with the vista only requirement again. Dont get me wrong, i think vista is great, but thing if they did let it on xp they would get a fuck load of more players, and without the windows LIVE, the game would be a complete success.
EDIT: They would have to release it much earlier then halo 1 pc and halo 2 vista for people to actually buy it though, if they wait 2-3 years again, most people would just end up buying a 360 or just completely forgeting about it
January 10th, 2008, 10:49 PM
If bungie makes halo 3 on the PC i never thought how it would handle things like co-op and so on. Their probably going to have new maps or something only available on the PC version of Halo 3.
P.S - awesome sig AAA (
January 10th, 2008, 11:36 PM
Bungie only makes games for the 360, that ain't going to change. I don't even think they cared about whether H2V would sell well or not, so I doubt they will handle the port themselves.
sup marathon/myst.
January 11th, 2008, 12:30 AM
well if that's the case, then why did mgs create a family of tools (HEK) and then bring that family of tools (HEK) to another generation with fully functional code and everything only to scrap an animation exporter, sound compilers, animation compilers and lock up the tag editor(guerilla)?
Do you even understand what I said and how Bungie makes their games?
MGS didn't create any form of the HEK. Microsoft acquired Bungie at a point after they had already started development of the engine. The HEK as we know it was the tool used to take the source assets and change it into a form the engine can use. The HEK was not "brought" to a new generation. The programmers took apart the version of the engine Halo 1 used and rewrote it for Halo 2 to incorporate Live. In turn, they made the necessary changes for all the new features seen in Halo 2. The tools used to create Halo 2 started out as the ones used to create Halo 1. The only differences between the two are the additions used to make the newer content for the game. Bungie didn't even bother to cut out the stuff that was used in Halo 1 but not Halo 2. Recorded animation code is still in the H2EK.
If you're trying to express some sort of statement about the limited capabilites of the H2EK as it's presented to the retailer, the limitations are because of the Live service. It was locked due to the potential exploitation a person could make with such powerful tools.
i mean would it have been that bad to ship a working game devoid of kinks and lousy exception errors in stead of this lousy piece of *BLAM!*? would it have been that hard to use code two like engines from the same source code (one to accommodate xbox360, the other to accommodate PCs) and do a simultaneous multiplatform release like other companies (namely EA games, activision and thq)? would it have been that bad to do cross-console/platform multiplayer?
I'm not sure. You see, you failed to mention which game you're talking about. Since you mention the 360, I'm going to have to assume you're talking about Halo 3. Yes it would have been. Halo 3 had a large enough development staff as it was. If they expanded from the 360 to include the PC as well, then they would have had to increase their workload greatly. On the 360, they only had to concentrate on getting the game to work on one set of hardware. If they moved over to PCs, they'd have to work with a vast amount of hardware, drivers, and software. Being a 360 title, they wouldn't have been limited to Vista.
Dont try to compare Bungie to another publisher. Each have different theologies, different stucture, and different budgets.
this thing about h3<insert ms next gen os here> will probably be the same dud that h2v was. if mgs and bungie have a busy agenda, then why don't they do what they did when making h1/hce, hand it over to gearbox (or any other reputable 3rd party) to work on it while they go about their business?
They did that with Halo 2. There's no one to say they wont do it for Halo 3. i have a feeling they wont, though as Halo 2 had a very rough port.
sup marathon/myst.
sup pre-xbox time period.
Mr Buckshot
January 11th, 2008, 01:20 AM
Most of the minds behind Marathon and other PC/Mac games from Bungie are either retired or working for other companies.
Microsoft acquired Bungie for the sole purpose of creating flagship titles for the Xbox and later the Xbox 360. It leaves PC-porting jobs to other companies, and allows the ports simply because Microsoft Games Studios also covers Windows too. As I've said before, Microsoft and Bungie aren't too enthusiastic about the PC versions of their Halo games. All the profits come from the console versions. Halo significantly boosted sales of the Xbox - if it had come out on PC at the same time, then the sales figures of the Xbox would be very different.
A common fallacy is that Bungie and/or Microsoft was directly responsible for the flaws in Halo PC and Halo 2 Vista. If you want to blame anyone, blame GFWL and the actual porting team.
January 11th, 2008, 01:44 AM
Honestly I think MS should make H2V a Windows Vista Ultimate Extra thing at this point considering hardly anyone buys the game at retail anymore. During the Christmas holiday season there was literally 2 or 3 rows of H2V at both the Burbank and Woodland Hills Fry's Electronics (one of the bigger and more popular electronics shops here in California). Each of these rows had like 5 or 6 copies of the game to it. That and the fact that Microsoft promised that they would add some more Ultimate Extras (which they haven't).
I think the biggest reason the game sucked (besides the technical stuff) was the fact that not only did the game come late but I noticed that besides the few PC Gamer and Maximum PC ads there was very little advertising for the game. It seems like half way through the port they realized that shit was about to hit the fan and gave up.
If a Halo 3 for PC does come out I hope that they seriously rethink their porting strategy. Hell, if I didn't own an Xbox 360 and I had to get it for PC then I wouldn't mind losing the editing kit if it meant that the porting company could spend more time making the game not suck like H2V did.
January 11th, 2008, 02:11 AM
sup pre-xbox time period.
sup pre working with M$.
since that's not the case anymore, I see no reason why they couldn't go back to the PC (or mac...) platform.
hell, Halo was going to be a PC game untill MS took notice of it.
January 11th, 2008, 02:16 AM
sup pre working with M$.
since that's not the case anymore, I see no reason why they couldn't go back to the PC (or mac...) platform.
hell, Halo was going to be a PC game untill MS took notice of it.
because they've spent nearly the majority of the last decade working with consoles and most of the people who worked with them before the MS acquisition left to form Wideload Games. Bungie is in the best possition possible to develop games for the 360. There's no reason for them to move.
January 11th, 2008, 05:37 AM
So why did they split from microsoft?
January 11th, 2008, 05:59 AM
So why did they split from microsoft?
Why do people own their own businesses? If I was the leader of an entire studio, I wouldn't want a boss.
January 11th, 2008, 02:05 PM
Why do people own their own businesses? If I was the leader of an entire studio, I wouldn't want a boss.
and sup no time constraints
Mr Buckshot
January 12th, 2008, 01:11 AM
and sup no time constraints
Ha, reminds me of Remedy Entertainment. They didn't set a time limit for Max Payne 1 and came out with a truly revolutionary game. They set a time limit for Max Payne 2, and still produced a high-quality game, but it was way too short for its own good.
I'd like Bungie to go with that strategy. I don't care if I have to wait 5 years before the next Halo or Marathon comes out - if the result is amazing, it's worth the wait.
But as for the inevitable PC port of Halo 3, it needs to come fast if Bungie expects to gain much from it. And it needs to be properly optimized, not some half-baked port that requires a super system without producing any quality visuals. The fact that H2V requires DX9 to run in the first place is unacceptable when the game looks more like DX8.1.
January 12th, 2008, 06:49 PM
I'm hoping MS Hires Bungie to Port Halo 3 :O
January 12th, 2008, 07:15 PM
Isn't it Bungie's choice to port Halo 3?
Oh wait Microsoft does still own the part of Halo's franchise...
Mr Buckshot
January 12th, 2008, 08:10 PM
Bungie is now free to make its own games for any platform. However, the Halo brand is still Microsoft property, so Halo will never appear on any platform other than Windows PC and the Xbox 360 (there was a Mac version of Halo 1 but that's it).
January 21st, 2008, 07:50 PM
Halo3 on the windows platform you say? Here's me hoping for a decent port, something that will make up for my personal letdown of halo2 vista (and others i'm sure) I really do hope for a bungie port, maybe now what with them not being apart of the Microsoft business model they can release a game with no restraints that have to abide by certain rules..
Bungie have stated on that they will continue to develop on the xbox platform which makes sense as they've been developing on that platform for over 8 years.
January 28th, 2008, 04:34 PM
Halo 3 for PC, Mac and Nintendo XD©
...Don't ask.
January 28th, 2008, 06:12 PM
Anyone ever notice that a lot of bumps are exactly 1 week old?
January 28th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Lol that is true. Either 1 week or 1 year.
January 30th, 2008, 05:30 PM
Anyone ever notice that a lot of bumps are exactly 1 week old?
Not until you said that
February 17th, 2008, 04:50 PM
I hope so
February 18th, 2008, 09:23 AM
I heard from a family friend that MS may be considering a port of H3, and that they may hire GBX for it. But then again, family friend may have misheard from the office.
February 18th, 2008, 11:01 AM
Family friend should have also signed an NDA. :haw:
February 18th, 2008, 11:30 AM
Let's keep this to ourselves shall we? =D
February 19th, 2008, 10:08 AM
I hope GBX does it
February 19th, 2008, 12:35 PM
I hope all speculation of this ends.
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