View Full Version : New Apple NoteBook "AIR"

January 16th, 2008, 12:41 AM

hell yes......

January 16th, 2008, 12:45 AM
It looks like it would break if I opened it (Like the Razor).

Dr Nick
January 16th, 2008, 12:50 AM
Looks nice, but even with proper care, I can see it falling apart easily.

January 16th, 2008, 01:00 AM
How powerful is it, exactly?

January 16th, 2008, 01:15 AM
1.6 stock, up to 1.8.
2 gigs ram stock.
intel shitegrated video.
uses an iPod 80 gig HDD but can also have a 64 gig SSD.
thin as hell
no DVD drive but can use nearby PCs/Macs w/ software to wirelessly install stuff

go watch the keynote.

January 16th, 2008, 01:15 AM
this is madness.

January 16th, 2008, 02:25 AM
Got an email about it.

I always told my self that the only mac I would get would be a laptop (But instantly installing vista to make it a real computer). Cause they are small, durable and don't fry like bugs.

This looks like I could crack the screen with it being in my backpack. I guess if you are one of those starbucks WIFI whores this would be "cool". Plus with no DVD drive without having another imac is pretty gay. Apple has actually been pretty good with supporting windows computers.

January 16th, 2008, 04:36 AM
This is pretty nifty. Businesses and schools could definitely benefit from this thing.

January 16th, 2008, 05:26 AM
I don't like the no cd drive, but this looks epic. From what it looks like, it looks like it has a pretty sturdy durable shell like most other apple products like the ipod and iphone, and such so it could probably take a few drops on the ground without major damage. I can already see the 2000 imitations by sony, dell, toshiba, hp, etc to follow its design though.

About the CD drive again, It would be sort of a hassle to have to do a video presentation or watch a movie on the go but have no pc set up on the side for playing a dvd over the wireless. It might be sort of annoying to some.

January 16th, 2008, 06:00 AM
I can imagine putting holes through the keyboard while typing =\

January 16th, 2008, 06:11 AM
It's pretty much an internet browsing machine. Yeah, it's thin and all with a nice long battery life, but you cant even watch a movie on it without streaming it from another computer. I call it an innovative waste of about 2k USD. There's much better options out there for the price.

edit: Polar has a good point. It would be great for schools.

Llama Juice
January 16th, 2008, 07:01 AM
I saw that and asked myself "Why the hell would someone want this... when the MacBook Pro outperforms that by a mile.

My MacBook Pro has...
a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor
a GeForce 8600M GT (256 Mb)
a nice 15" display
plus all the bells and whistles you'd ever want... (including Bluetooth)

Mine cost $2,500. This little machine is epic.

January 16th, 2008, 12:14 PM
About the CD drive again, It would be sort of a hassle to have to do a video presentation or watch a movie on the go but have no pc set up on the side for playing a dvd over the wireless. It might be sort of annoying to some.

Which is why you could opt to purchase the external USB drive if you really needed it.

Like I said, Apple seems to be targeting schools and businesses with this, and not your average end-user; it's an incredibly light, slim machine with enough power to get things done. It doesn't have any extra bells or whistles that can drain power on laptops. Those traits are invaluable to the traveling businessman, student, and even the people who, like everyone else is saying, who only use their laptop for internet surfing at a WiFi hotspot.

January 16th, 2008, 01:02 PM
it's an incredibly light, slim machine with enough power to get things done
much easier to jack from the classroom then ever before

January 16th, 2008, 01:20 PM
I'll be interested when I can fit it in my palm and it isn't a mac, thanks.

January 16th, 2008, 01:40 PM
I'll be interested when I can fit it in my palm and it isn't a mac, thanks.

Pocket PCs do exist, you know.

much easier to jack from the classroom then ever before
Scratch classrooms then, unless the school is able to track their equipment.

January 16th, 2008, 02:20 PM
much easier to jack from the classroom then ever before
First thing i thought of tbh.

But it's always nice to see them thinking outside the box.
Although i myself would never buy it, its good to see something different from Mac. I dont know about you but i'm sick of Ipods and the 10000 different versions there are.

January 16th, 2008, 04:33 PM
Scratch classrooms then, unless the school is able to track their equipment.
That and the fact that kids in our school, have a tendency to break the old huge thick laptops we already have. I saw one with a screen that looked as if someone tried to forcefully fold the screen part of it over itself, the screen was cracked and bent right down the middle.

January 16th, 2008, 06:40 PM
That and the fact that kids in our school, have a tendency to break the old huge thick laptops we already have. I saw one with a screen that looked as if someone tried to forcefully fold the screen part of it over itself, the screen was cracked and bent right down the middle.

Thats why their parents buy them dells, not macs.

January 16th, 2008, 06:50 PM
Holy what now? Thats thin... kinda pointless in my eyes, but wow....it looks good... i'm actually lost for words on this one. I may get a proper Apple NoteBook (MacBook) in a year or so, but something like this wont interest me. Poor expensive little thin thing...gorgeous execution though apple...good stuff :confused: haha.

January 16th, 2008, 07:05 PM
*sneezes* Ohshit I just snapped my computer in two.

Mr Buckshot
January 17th, 2008, 12:29 AM
I saw this, and I was impressed that a full-fledged laptop could be packed into something so thin (minus a dedicated video card of course). Sleek and sexy, but not practical, IMO. Anyway Macbooks and Macbook Pros should be avoided unless you use Macintosh OS's very frequently (there are dummies who spend $2000 on Macbook Pros just to play Windows games on a laptop when they could've saved at least $500 by buying a standard Windows laptop).

Asus EEE PC, here I come...sorry Macbook Air, you just don't get my love :(

January 17th, 2008, 06:35 PM
Hm no optical drive "because with the powerful wireless features we built in, most users won’t need one" LoL wtf? Oh I get it if we want to watch a DvD we just go rent it from the online apple store, which makes total sense! I don’t need to pop in the current DvD of a movie I already own, I just need to conveniently pay more money and rent it from apple wirelessly. That’s simply awesome! Oh and did I mention it’s all done wirelessly!

Now what if I want to install something that requires a disc, oh I get it, it’s so simple. All I need to do is go to a totally different computer, install the WIRELESS Remote Disc program on it then put in the desired disc with the desired program. After that it’s as simple as walking back to my MacBook Air and opening up the installer. Boy oh boy, sure glad that Apple made that convenient and so much easier than actually popping the disc into the laptop itself and going from there. Using two computers to install one program on one computer, this is pure genius. Oh and it’s Wireless!

And the keys, they light up! Holy fuck Batman the future is here!:omfg:

I’m sorry all I see is another pointless piece of apple crap for the group of douche bags at school to worship just because it’s thin and an apple product. The only things I can really see this thing doing better than my current laptop are the party trick drag options on it’s new IPhone inspired track pad. Macintosh you have failed to grab my interest once again. :fail:

Here is a nifty video that I feel sums up the MacBook Air well:

http://youtube.com/watch?v=Z0ERgZ9dztk <--- Can't get embed to work =/

Mr Buckshot
January 17th, 2008, 06:43 PM
Actually, if you own the original DVD movie, it should be legal for you to download one of those 700 MB rips, the way you can download Nintendo roms if you have the original game. I don't have the utilities to convert my DVD movies into viewable form on my portable video player, so after trying to find a free program to rip my Casino Royale DVD for my video player, I gave up, downloaded an AVI version of casino royale, and converted that into MPG-4.

Note that many laptops, especially Tablets, lack internal optical drives, but there is a plug to connect an external drive, and the external drive is usually provided.

Finally, http://www.targus.com/us/product_details.asp?sku=PACMB010U

Problem solved.

January 17th, 2008, 07:08 PM
why do people bitch about it not having an optical drive if you need one buy a macbook:eyesroll: If your aim is using an increidbly thin and awesome laptop then buy it...

January 17th, 2008, 07:26 PM
No conspiracy's here mate.
It has no DVD simply because it to thin to support one, which means throwing in one completely destroys the entire reason they made it.

you could always not buy one ?

January 17th, 2008, 07:37 PM
Lire, they will physically make me buy one with their conspiracy powers :tinfoil:
I guess I'm just bitching for the sake of bitching. Mostly in part due to my hate for all things mac.

likes :words:

January 17th, 2008, 07:52 PM
Well i for one think it's great that Mac have tried something different. How many of the other computer company's have made Wireless DVD so they could expand on the idea of what makes up a PC.

it might not suit my needs, but a step forward is always a step forward.

January 17th, 2008, 09:12 PM
Saw this in the newspaper today, and frankly, macintosh doesnt make very great stuff :|

Theyre sole reason that they sell anything at all is because somehow they manage to convince us that youre not cool unless you own one of their latest products.

Not to mention that their products seem to self destruct soon after a newer version is released :\

January 17th, 2008, 09:37 PM
If it got a lot, lot, LOT cheaper, then it might be worth it. But seriously, spending 2k, getting a low-end laptop without an optical drive really isn't worth it. The technology is great, I hope it can cost-effectively be applied to other things.

il Duce Primo
January 17th, 2008, 09:47 PM
This might not be worth it to us. But for the people who ahve the money and just like to browse the internet. Thsi is great. There are people otu there who just go on myspace and have the money. And hey if they think they are cool because they have one... well then the are cool....
But that's not the point. Mac is going to get there money back on this. And soo most computers are going to do this so more stuff packed in. Imagine what a desktop will looklike in a few more years. Imagine how crappy your computer will look in 2-3 years. We will all laugh that we spent so much when a year later sooo much better has come out.

January 17th, 2008, 10:01 PM

I'm thoroughly impressed on how you managed to entirely missed the point.

Apparently you lack the conception of space and volume. To have a small notebook, you need to sacrifice space. Simple no? The DVD drive is not something that is used THAT much in a laptop. Not everyone wants to carry a behemoth of a machine around with them. It's designed to be portable and lightweight, not a gaming rig. I don't even remember the last time I opened the disc drive on my desktop! When you don't need (95% of the time) it's not present and you get the benefit of a lighter load. It's not like your out and about and you want to burn a CD. You are usually at home where the idea is that you have the external drive. This isn't a new idea by any means, and my Grandmother's Dell from God knows is the same way.

It lacks in some areas, however none are vital for most consumers.
While this may not be the optimum setup for you, it certainly fulfills the ideals of many. You would be hard pressed to find a kid who plugs his laptop into an ethernet port on a regular basis or has ever upgraded the RAM.

For me this is great because...
1. I don't play (new) games on my PC
2. I have never touched a firewire cable in my life
3. I hardly ever use DVD's.

It can't be compared to much else because there is nothing really like it. It's a great thing for students who need to take it everywhere because it's light and it has a normal sized screen and keyboard.

You underestimate what portability is worth to some. It's a little spendy, but by the time fall rolls around, I may very well be owning one.

January 18th, 2008, 12:45 AM
I guess I'm just bitching for the sake of bitching. Mostly in part due to my hate for all things mac.

Then by all means, stop, and get out of this topic, before you make yourself look stupid.

Oh, fuck. Too late. :XD:


Am I the only one who paid attention to the video tour at the part where they said you can purchase a USB optical drive if you oh so need it?


You know, the minute I saw this goddamned thing, I immediately saw all of the computer ricers bitching and moaning about it, how it's so flimsy, how it lacks the optical drive, how wireless is such a joke...

Time for some mythbusting.

Hurr hurr ops i breethed on it n it brakes lol
Its outer case is made out of aluminum, which is what the iPods are made out of, quite unlike the plastic cases found on pretty much every other laptop. Unless you intentionally spike an iPod, it doesn't break when you drop it. I'd imagine the same here for the Air, given it doesn't fall while it's open. Then in that case, the hinge might break. Such is the fate of all similar objects, such as cell phones, the Gameboy Advance SP, Nintendo DS, and all other laptops.

wtf no dvd driev wtf is dat shit itz useles wif no cd driv LOL
Honesly, raise your hand if you actually and frequently use the CD drive on it, save for if/when you do a fresh install of the operating system and its programs? I almost never use the DVD drive on my laptop; if I need to install something on it, I usually download the installer (if possible), save it to my 1GB flash drive, and run it from there. As for movies or videos, same deal.

If a drive is needed so badly, you have two options. If you're at home, use the wireless drive option. Since people are afraid of new things and probably won't touch that feature with a 10-foot pole because it's new, innovative, and not popular yet, you can always get a USB DVD drive from Apple themselves. If you don't want to, then cry a river.

You know, computers were originally designed with the purpose of making work easier. Why write with potentially sloppy handwriting when you could just type it and make it nice and neat? Why spend hours crunching numbers when you could just type them into a program and have the numbers spit out instantly onto a pretty graph for your next presentation? Games are a by-product of computers; someone got bored one day at a science center and decided to make a table tennis game on the oscilloscopes they had to show that they could do it. And when computer systems became easier to make and more powerful, video games were born.

I've always had this philosophy: "If you're looking to buy a Mac for gaming, you're fucking retarded." It's not a matter of hardware (especially nowadays; BootCamped factory Mactels own the shit out of a lot of factory PCs.), Macintosh PCs have never had a lot of support from the gaming industry compared to Windows, and mostly because of the difference between PowerPC and x86 processors. Because of that, I've always seen Macs as graphic design and/or work PCs. It's the same way I see *nix computers as being for servers and Windows for being a little bit of everything.

Tangent aside, this PC obviously isn't for gaming. But that doesn't mean that it's going to fail. As I've said numerous times, businesses, schools, and people who take their job on the road a LOT could benefit from having this PC. It's light, wireless, and has capability built right in for online video conferencing.

Really, it disgusts me how much people look at a computer only for its processing power and peripherals, instead of its intended audience and use. Pretty soon, Honda will be making computers under a "Civic" model for these ricers to import and then ruin it with useless case mods, pointless meters and readouts, and a LOLHUEG fan on the CPU that only makes it sound like a motorcycle. :haw:

January 18th, 2008, 01:22 AM

Mr Buckshot
January 18th, 2008, 08:57 PM
Polar bear wins. Although I think a smarter move would be to include some white intricately designed Apple-branded external optical drive with the notebook. People, come on. 90&#37; of tablet PCs don't have internal optical drives because they are intended to be ultra-lightweight, but they do come bundled with external drives to make the buyers happy.

This would be great for businessmen who fly a lot...it's lightweight and doesn't take up much room. My 15.4" cyberpower laptop is a hulking weight that puts serious strain on every airplane fold-out table it meets.

The "oh my god so fragile" thing really pisses me off. Clearly, some of you people have never owned portable electronics before. I think it's more likely to survive a drop than my old 2.0MP full-size digital camera from 2001 (amazingly it still works after being dropped at the beach a few years back). And that camera is 3x as thick.

Llama Juice
January 24th, 2008, 06:49 AM
yayz I know this thread has been dead for like a week but... yea... I've been not posting for like a week... so... yea

My views on this is that it's just super impractical for someone to shell out that kind of money for that poor of a system. People are OMGing over the size and weight of it, but... in all honesty it's not that much smaller than the Macbook Pro.

15-inch MacBook Pro
Height: 1.0 inch (2.59 cm)
Width: 14.1 inches (35.7 cm)
Depth: 9.6 inches (24.3 cm)
Weight: 5.4 pounds (2.45 kg) with battery and optical drive installed

17-inch MacBook Pro
Height: 1.0 inch (2.59 cm)
Width: 15.4 inches (39.2 cm)
Depth: 10.4 inches (26.5 cm)
Weight: 6.8 pounds (3.08 kg) with battery and optical drive installed

13-inch MacBook Air
Height: 0.16-0.76 inch (0.4-1.94 cm)
Width: 12.8 inches (32.5 cm)
Depth: 8.94 inches (22.7 cm)
Weight: 3.0 pounds (1.36 kg)

Just for anyone who didn't know how small the MacBook Pro is...

It's just a little bit larger than the Air and holds a lot more power to it.

I don't see the practicality of the MacBook Air.

If you are someone who is just going to browse the internet, buy a cheap HP laptop or something practical. There is absolutely no reason for someone to throw that kind of money at that kind of machine.

Anyone who cares to look more into it...

January 24th, 2008, 11:22 AM
I don't see the practicality of the MacBook Air.

Tangent aside, this PC obviously isn't for gaming. But that doesn't mean that it's going to fail. As I've said numerous times, businesses, schools, and people who take their job on the road a LOT could benefit from having this PC. It's light, wireless, and has capability built right in for online video conferencing.


Llama Juice
January 25th, 2008, 08:47 AM
It's a Macbook Pro with the win taken out of it.

My point in my last post was pointing out how it also is light, wireless, and has capability built right in for online video conferencing.

I just cant think of a person that would say "Well, I could get this cute little one for $1,300 more than this HP laptop that is larger and has a lot more power to it.... or I could throw in the extra $500 and get a Macbook Pro.

businesses and schools need to watch their money. I know damn well they wouldn't be putting money into something like this.

My macbook pro is freakin small, light as hell, and it's powerful. I think the extra 2.4 pounds is well worth the extra .6ghz, 128MB video RAM, and optical drive, also note that the macbook air has intergrated graphics... all 144 MB of it...

I know it's not for gaming, and it's not for... anything usefull... but if apple really wants to get away with something like this (which... somehow they will anyway... because a lot of people dont know what they're getting into when buying a computer.) a price change needs to be made.


That laptop with it's base settings has the same specs as a Macbook Air. (it even uses the exact same video processor) it's $649.

January 25th, 2008, 09:52 AM
The price is ridiculous. The computer is only good for surfing the internet, and most people I know that have a laptop use the laptop for more then that.

Mr Buckshot
January 26th, 2008, 12:32 PM

That laptop with it's base settings has the same specs as a Macbook Air. (it even uses the exact same video processor) it's $649.

You're missing the point. That $649 laptop is a full-size 15.4" laptop.

Hello? The Macbook Air is intended to be ULTRAPORTABLE. Rule of thumb - smaller laptop, larger price. Look at those tablet PCs out there - they all cost well over $1500, with the tiny 10.6" models breaking the $3000 price barrier. Of course, the ASUS EEE PC is an exception.

January 26th, 2008, 05:56 PM
Now if apple made a magic laptop the size of a wrist watch with a screen and keyboard the folds out into a full size keyboard and screen, and it had the same specs and price, people here would still bitch about the price and how shitty the specs are.

Llama Juice
January 26th, 2008, 06:49 PM
That's be impractical. I don't care if it's a breakthrough on how small it is, I'm saying that the extra 1,400 really isn't justified by the small case.

January 26th, 2008, 06:52 PM
Have you ever looked at the pricing for any other Apple product? All of there stuff is ridiculously expensive, but of quality. Its like walking into a mercedes dealer lot and complaining about all the ridiculous prices.

Also, for ultraportable notebooks, the price is not that bad. Compare it to the Sony Vaio UX (http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&categoryId=577&parentCategoryId=16154) for example which has worse specs.

Llama Juice
January 26th, 2008, 07:06 PM
I don't see the need for "ultra portability" there's portability and not portable... the Nintendo DS is portable... the GBA Micro is portable... just because the GBA Micro is TINY doesn't make it any more appealing to me.

I know apple products are expensive, I myself have a Macbook Pro ($2,500 laptop), it's a 1 inch thick 5.4 lb machine... fits in any bag.. and just... it's PORTABLE

Seriously if someone complained about having to "lug around" a 5 pound machine... they need to be slapped and taken off the McDiet.

January 26th, 2008, 07:27 PM
I will apply your logic to a different situation
-I don't see the need for any luxury cars, a car is a car, and any beater that gets you from point a to point b is just as fine.

The point is, ultra portability is not necessary, but attractive to many. Especially rich business and college people. Its obviously targeted to portability enthusiasts. I wouldn't waist money on this either, but If I wiped my ass with $20 bills, nor had anything better to do with more money I would get it.

January 26th, 2008, 07:28 PM
how about business people who carry around a laptop, a notepad, a pocket pc/pda, phone, chargers, etc etc etc. i'm sure they'd be in the market for something like this. it is more portable than your laptop, and definitely more travel friendly.

stop failing, guys, seriously.

Mr Buckshot
January 26th, 2008, 07:35 PM
Yeah. And guess what? I happen to want to buy a small ultraportable laptop myself for school purposes (my full-size Cyberpower 15.4" is heavy and requires me to carry a separate laptop bag since it's too big for my backpack). The Macbook Air would definitely fit well in my backpack and still leave space for my I.B. textbooks...

Jahrain is correct about Apple products being overpriced though. I've seen Windows laptops that have the exact same specs as Macbook Pros, yet cost at least $500 less and offer more USB ports, HDMI-out, bluetooth, superior webcam, etc - the only sacrifice for the lower price is that the laptop is much thicker than the Macbook Pro of course. The included Mac OS alone doesn't justify the $2000+ price since the standalone Mac OS costs about the same as Windows.

I'm going to try out the laptop at Futureshop when my local Futureshop gets a delivery.

January 26th, 2008, 07:49 PM
the standalone Mac OS costs about the same as Windows.
By about the same, you mean twice the price?

OSX with all of its features (http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wa/RSLID?mco=47638CE4&fnode=home/shop_mac/software/apple&nplm=MB427Z/A) - $129
Windows Vista with all of its features (http://www.windowsmarketplace.com/details.aspx?view=info&itemid=3268636&WT.mc_id=0107_54) $260

January 26th, 2008, 09:13 PM
I love the Macbook Air. The Apple store in town was shipped a couple and the workers at the Genius Bar broke the seals early. It's so ridiculously light and thin. Honestly, I would get one just for the looks, but if you add a USB 3G adapter I would use it for about anything I could. I was surprised to see a full sized keyboard on it and when they turned the lights down, it back lit itself. The entire thing feels amazing to hold.

January 27th, 2008, 10:54 PM
The only Apple product I will ever own is an Ipod tbh.

January 28th, 2008, 09:38 PM
I honestly don't see the need to buy a laptop, of any kind, when I could get a better desktop for the same price or less.

Laptops are for people with bad handwriting and for people who want to show off.

January 28th, 2008, 09:48 PM
College is a good time to have one. I type way faster then I can write by hand. Then you can also get recordings of the class too. A laptop is neccessary for hwen you do something where you must travel and do programming/reprogramming. It would suck to have to barrow a laptop from someone at a robots competition because an encoder died and you need to rewrite code so it can do auton with only 1. Or do dead reckin'ing but thats risky.

January 28th, 2008, 10:45 PM
Laptops are for people with bad handwriting and for people who want to show off.

90% of college guys. That's one hell of a market right there, the only thing Apple fucked up was the price.

Maybe they are appealing to the college crowd of Yale/Harvard?

January 28th, 2008, 11:00 PM
90% of college guys. That's one hell of a market right there, the only thing Apple fucked up was the price.

Maybe they are appealing to the college crowd of Yale/Harvard?

I really think they were targeting travelling businessmen.

January 28th, 2008, 11:09 PM
I really think they were targeting travelling businessmen.

Don't you talk back to me.

.....I completely agree with that however, but they do know that rich kids are suckers for good advertising, too.

January 28th, 2008, 11:20 PM
Yeah, sometimes an intended audience isn't the audience who goes for it the most. Look at the Honda Shitdick Civic. Targeted at people who need a compact car in Suburbia, yet imported and souped fucked up by ricers everywhere.

January 28th, 2008, 11:25 PM
I honestly don't see the need to buy a laptop, of any kind, when I could get a better desktop for the same price or less.

Laptops are for people with bad handwriting and for people who want to show off.

It would be ironic if you typed that on a laptop.:tinfoil:

January 28th, 2008, 11:41 PM
It would be ironic if you typed that on a laptop.:tinfoil:


January 29th, 2008, 12:22 AM
the only thing Apple fucked up was the price.Damn straight. Not only is it more expensive than a standard Macbook, it's less powerful, and doesn't have a disk drive :v

gg apple, gg.

January 29th, 2008, 03:34 AM
I'll agree on the fact that you aren't getting as much as you could on another machine for that amount of money. However, making something as thin as that will be incredibly expensive right now. Just wait and it will go down in price and/or go up in power. Look at hard disks; 10MB drives used to be about $1,000. :v

January 29th, 2008, 08:22 AM
I'll agree on the fact that you aren't getting as much as you could on another machine for that amount of money. However, making something as thin as that will be incredibly expensive right now. Just wait and it will go down in price and/or go up in power. Look at hard disks; 10MB drives used to be about $1,000. :v



The AIR is pretty much useless to be honest. It's just a really thin notebook; nothing else.

January 29th, 2008, 09:26 PM
It's just a really thin notebook; nothing else.

Holy shit, a fucking break through.

That's how Apple's been marketing it as. "The World's Thinnest Notebook..."