View Full Version : [CSS] Counter-Strike help. :(
January 16th, 2008, 01:27 PM
Hey guys,
I'm coming on into Tech Talk because I'm TRYYYYING to get my CSS to work on my computer here at college. I've been fiddling with cl_updaterate and all that stuff but it's still giving me a problem.
Basically, what happens is that I join a server and the choke is so bad that my character doesn't even move (my choke is generally in the 40's). And when he does, he defies the laws of physics by bouncing about the room like a rabid chihuahua. There are times that the character moves, but it's choppy and sometimes takes me BACK a few steps before I continue to slowly putt my way forward. Firing is also choppy and sometimes flat-out doesn't work.
That's if I join an empty server. If I join a server full of people I have no control over my character. Then when I ask for help I get laughed out of there. Which is stupid.
It doesn't help that when I JOIN a server, my ping is up in the 1300-1700 range. @___@ I was told the recommended ping was somewhere in the 100 range. I don't even know how to fix it and the people on the Steam forums are NO HELP.
I've done what I possibly can to get it to work. I just want to play my damn game.
I want it here on my college computer because it would keep me relatively stress-free through the week. Playing it on the weekends at HOME is no good because I'm really hardly there. :(
Anyone got any suggestions for things I should do?
January 16th, 2008, 01:36 PM
Hey guys,
I'm coming on into Tech Talk because I'm TRYYYYING to get my CSS to work on my computer here at college. I've been fiddling with cl_updaterate and all that stuff but it's still giving me a problem.
Basically, what happens is that I join a server and the choke is so bad that my character doesn't even move (my choke is generally in the 40's). And when he does, he defies the laws of physics by bouncing about the room like a rabid chihuahua. There are times that the character moves, but it's choppy and sometimes takes me BACK a few steps before I continue to slowly putt my way forward. Firing is also choppy and sometimes flat-out doesn't work.
That's if I join an empty server. If I join a server full of people I have no control over my character. Then when I ask for help I get laughed out of there. Which is stupid.
It doesn't help that when I JOIN a server, my ping is up in the 1300-1700 range. @___@ I was told the recommended ping was somewhere in the 100 range. I don't even know how to fix it and the people on the Steam forums are NO HELP.
I've done what I possibly can to get it to work. I just want to play my damn game.
I want it here on my college computer because it would keep me relatively stress-free through the week. Playing it on the weekends at HOME is no good because I'm really hardly there. :(
Anyone got any suggestions for things I should do?
Probably just need to forward some ports.
January 16th, 2008, 01:42 PM
Hi seraphim. :3
It's difficult though, seeing as I'm on a college network. I have NO IDEA how to do anything like that.
And it really stinks cos I joined a server and it started out great, thought my problem was fixed. In 5 minutes, it was back to the point where I couldn't even move. D:
January 16th, 2008, 01:48 PM
That's if I join an empty server. If I join a server full of people I have no control over my character. Then when I ask for help I get laughed out of there. Which is stupid.Typical Counter-Strike faggotry. :rolleyes:
Also, does this happen with all Source games, or just Counter-Strike?
January 16th, 2008, 01:49 PM
Remember, you're on a college network. Where on this network (I'm assuming) a large handful of people are using it at all times. College kids use programs such as DC++, Torrents, P2P, and other programs which will affect not only latency times, but bandwith, too.
Are you experiencing this with any other games?
Try pinging a couple websites to see if latency might be the problem; Start>Run> Type "cmd" > In the command prompt type "ping"
Without the quotes to be sure... As for the website or IP address you ping, it's up to you.
Average rates can be anywhere from 90 -120 ms. Ideal is below 100, and troublesome usually starts above 150ms.
Oh, edit- yes I see you have the ping problem: you can't fix it.
January 16th, 2008, 01:54 PM
Are you experiencing this with any other games?
No, seeing as CSS is the only Steam game I have right now.
Try pinging a couple websites to see if latency might be the problem; Start>Run> Type "cmd" > In the command prompt type "ping"
I just tried that. It said the maximum time was 49ms, which seems good to me. So why I'm getting numbers over 1000 in-game is confusing to me.
Average rates can be anywhere from 90 -120 ms. Ideal is below 100, and troublesome usually starts above 150ms.
I just tried joining a server and according to the net_graph 3 thing, my ping was 2271 or so at the start of the match. Holy shit. @___@
yes I see you have the ping problem: you can't fix it.
Really? :( I'll just have to install it at home?
January 16th, 2008, 01:59 PM
Yeah, like I said, there's so many people using that network, that at first you'll recognize the difference in speed at home and at school. School may seem somewhat fast, but there's tons of kids that the network is routing information to. Only way to rid of that problem is set of an EMP bomb that destroys all electronical equipment within your area except for yours.
Or perhaps kill them all, take their computers, and use the best one for CS:S.
And the final remedy for now would just be to play it at home, where you still have to deal with your parents and whatnot. (Although I'm sure that's not a problem at all for you!)
January 16th, 2008, 02:43 PM
I just tried joining a server and according to the net_graph 3 thing, my ping was 2271 or so at the start of the match. Holy shit. @___@
i didnt know you where australian O_o
When i got large ping and warp like that in Halo it generally ment i was uploading something. mb a few people on the network are big torrent seeders?
January 16th, 2008, 03:30 PM
What if I played early in the morning?
My steam generally doesn't work after most people are done with class--which is about 3-5pm or so.
In the morning though, Steam has no problem connecting me.
Maybe I could get on between 9-10am and have a success rate with playing?
January 16th, 2008, 03:34 PM
Not if there Torrent seeders like i think they are, Unless they turn there computers off (unlikely) these guys will heavily drain ya Net.
it might be better in the morning, but having it play as well as at home? unlikely.
January 16th, 2008, 03:44 PM
All right then... I guess I'll do that. :s
... and you know ya'll should play with me if you have CSS... ^__^;
January 16th, 2008, 03:44 PM
When I was off at college, my ping was ALWAYS in the 2k whenever I initially joined a game, then would settle down at around 67 or 100, depending which server I was on. I just got used to it and tried not to move around a lot during the first 30 seconds or so. It just became expected after awhile, and I dealt with it accordingly.
January 16th, 2008, 03:59 PM
I just found out. If I create a server on my own, it doesn't ping me at all. In fact I was running around quite decently.
Anyone want to try playing with me? I want to get a group together. ^__^; How do I make an internet server to play on?
January 16th, 2008, 04:19 PM
Aerowyn, try pinging to this IP and try to join it through CSS. if the pings are roughly the same.
If you're ping's insanely high again, then it might be possible that there's some software's blocking these CSS ports.. Seeing your ping to the Google servers were fine.
I just found out. If I create a server on my own, it doesn't ping me at all. In fact I was running around quite decently.
Anyone want to try playing with me? I want to get a group together. ^__^; How do I make an internet server to play on?
Yes, if you create your own server that means you'll get 0-1 ping, as you are the server, however..
-Your college might have routers blocking incoming traffic to a non port-forwarded IP, your server's IP for instance.
-Even if someone could connect, that doesn't mean that he/she would get a decent ping.
Hate to burst your bubble, but it might be true.
January 16th, 2008, 04:31 PM
Aerowyn, try pinging to this IP and try to join it through CSS. if the pings are roughly the same.
If you're ping's insanely high again, then it might be possible that there's some software's blocking these CSS ports.. Seeing your ping to the Google servers were fine.
I did that and it came up to about 144ms. However I'm not sure if joining a server would cause it to spike. I don't even know how to join a server based on ip address. >__< I just started playing this like, yesterday.
-Your college might have routers blocking incoming traffic to a non port-forwarded IP, your server's IP for instance.
-Even if someone could connect, that doesn't mean that he/she would get a decent ping.
Hate to burst your bubble, but it might be true.
Ah well. :(
January 16th, 2008, 04:38 PM
I did that and it came up to about 144ms. However I'm not sure if joining a server would cause it to spike. I don't even know how to join a server based on ip address. >__< I just started playing this like, yesterday.
Ah well. :(
Oops, sorry, thought you've been playing for ages! :P
This is what I do:
To join through an IP, go to "Favorites", right click in the large blank spot and click "Add server by IP address", paste the IP in the textbox and click "add this server to favorites". You should be good to go from here on out :D
January 16th, 2008, 04:50 PM
All right then... I guess I'll do that. :s
... and you know ya'll should play with me if you have CSS... ^__^;
just got it last night
January 16th, 2008, 04:51 PM
Oops, sorry, thought you've been playing for ages! :P
This is what I do:
To join through an IP, go to "Favorites", right click in the large blank spot and click "Add server by IP address", paste the IP in the textbox and click "add this server to favorites". You should be good to go from here on out :D
Thanks so much for the help. I'll try to join once my Steam stops acting up... honestly, I've never had so much trouble with a game before in my whole life.
CSS wouldn't start up, so I logged out of steam with the intention to log back in and now it isn't popping up asking for my password or anything.
-____-; I tell you. When I can, I'll try it.
January 16th, 2008, 04:57 PM
CSS wouldn't start up, so I logged out of steam with the intention to log back in and now it isn't popping up asking for my password or anything.
Click on processes.
Click on "Image name"
Try to find something like "Steam.exe", click it once
Click the button that says "End Process"
That should shut it down completely, then try to re-open it.
Hope that works for you. =]
-____-; I tell you. When I can, I'll try it.
No problem, take your time.
January 16th, 2008, 04:59 PM
If I close steam I'll never get it open again, that's my problem.
It only works in early morning. If I try to reopen it it does "Steam - Updating" and NEVER updates.
And I already tried deleting the .blob file like 16 times. XD So I guess I'm done on CSS for the night. Good thing too, I have homework to do. :\
EDIT: OMG PRAISE THOR. As soon as I entered that the login box popped up. Thank goodness. *runs to play*
EDIT AGAIN: Jeez, I think Steam fucking hates me. XD I did what you said about the whole IP thing and it says "The server could not be found" or something like that. :s GAHSAHJASHDAKSHKA. XD
January 16th, 2008, 07:12 PM
It sounds like this college insists no bandwith cap on it's ports/connections.
If it did, and had a worthy enough connection to the internet, it'd be pleasing for most.
Then again, hundreds of computers simultaneously linked to the same network able to share among one another and over the internet can get a bit hot and slow.
January 16th, 2008, 07:52 PM
On Vista x64 all steam games would sometimes just give me 2000 Ping for any server I tried to connect to and the only way I could play was if I restarted and was lucky =/. On XP I haven't had the problem.
My SteamID is the same as my username here.
January 16th, 2008, 10:36 PM
If I close steam I'll never get it open again, that's my problem.
It only works in early morning. If I try to reopen it it does "Steam - Updating" and NEVER updates.
And I already tried deleting the .blob file like 16 times. XD So I guess I'm done on CSS for the night. Good thing too, I have homework to do. :\
EDIT: OMG PRAISE THOR. As soon as I entered that the login box popped up. Thank goodness. *runs to play*
EDIT AGAIN: Jeez, I think Steam fucking hates me. XD I did what you said about the whole IP thing and it says "The server could not be found" or something like that. :s GAHSAHJASHDAKSHKA. XD
Only good thing with Steam is that it automatically updates all your games so you don't have to worry about it. Other than that it's a complete shitty pile of walrus dung.
January 17th, 2008, 12:43 AM
Only good thing with Steam is that it automatically updates all your games so you don't have to worry about it. Other than that it's a complete shitty pile of walrus dung.
I like shitty piles of Walrus dung.
I do hope you situation improves, Aerowyn.
January 17th, 2008, 05:27 AM
don't play css.
January 17th, 2008, 05:46 AM
i seem to have this problem with CSS, where i walk around a corner and get Head shotted with an AK47, yet people i snipe while standing still can take 2 bullets to the neck
also needs more halo beep sound.
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