View Full Version : DS Lite

January 16th, 2008, 08:16 PM
Well I'm getting bored with my current stuff, I have a PSP that I lied to mom and told I sold to get an iPod Touch (har...), and since I don't use it anymore I was thinking of trading it for a DS lite.

So what I want to know, what does the DS lite offer and is it worth it?

January 16th, 2008, 08:22 PM
The DS Lite honestly isn't really that different than a regular DS. It has a few extra hours of battery life, and has different backlight settings. (The regular DS has on and off; the DS Lite has what I call "dim as crap", somewhat dim, somewhat bright, and "HOLY SHIT!" (not really, but it is pretty bright.)) It also fits in your pocket easier, so you can carry it around with you if you want.

So, all in all, I would say, as long as you have games for it, then yes, it is worth it.

January 16th, 2008, 08:23 PM
Do people do homebrew for the DS?

(dunno if I can discuss here)

January 16th, 2008, 09:39 PM
Yes theres homebrew. I dont do any, but I know friends who do.

January 16th, 2008, 09:40 PM
what can its wifi do?

January 16th, 2008, 09:49 PM
On the actual DS? Or after homebrew? MP:H has awesome online matches, Zelda:PH has awesome head to head online, etc. Theres also a web browser for it too.

Mr Buckshot
January 16th, 2008, 11:36 PM
Do people do homebrew for the DS?

(dunno if I can discuss here)

Yes, but you need a special "flash cart" as it's called in Asian countries. These "flash carts" are memory card adapters that let you load homebrew roms - Slot 1 adapters use Micro SD while Slot 2 adapters use Mini SD. I have both types, because most Slot 1 adapters cannot be used for GBA roms.

about discussing homebrew here, the problem is that the flash carts are often used to run pirated roms as well, since many unscrupulous users are too cheap to just buy the games. I don't think it's illegal though as long as you don't show that you intend to pirate any DS games.

The DS has 802.11b wi-fi, same as the PSP's. It can surf the real Internet (the RAM expansion pak is recommended but not required for web surfing), and 99% of all DS-games support it. Also, since DS games are small in file size (at most 256 MB) many DS games support "game sharing" - that is, multiplayer with only 1 copy of the game. As for playing online matches over the real internet, only games made after 2006 support that feature I believe since the Nintendo wi-fi service wasn't out till then. Metroid Prime Hunters, Bleach, and Mario Kart are great places to start online DS matches.

The DS's touch screen also allows for highly innovative games. IMO, the PSP is just a stripped-down PS2 and doesn't offer anything different.

Sell your PSP and get a DS Lite. Games I recommend are Brothers in Arms, Mario Kart, Call of Duty 4, Brain Age, Bleach, and Mario 64. However, if you want hardcore violent action in your pocket, keep your PSP, as it has Grand Theft Auto. You will miss out on many fun titles though.

Oh yeah gimme your ipod touch.

January 17th, 2008, 12:53 AM
iPod touch FTw haha I'm typing on it now.

Thanks for the post, really informative, i'll most likely trade my psp for one. Just gotta do some research and see if i can get any deals from friends

January 17th, 2008, 01:19 AM
Yeah, people joke about the DS, but it has all the capabilities of the PSP, and more.

Dr Nick
January 17th, 2008, 04:33 AM
People do mod the DS, but it's 10 more annoying than the PSP, since with the PSP all you need is a decent memory stick and possible an unpatched GTA.

I've had both a DS and a DS Lite(first one, the hinge broke, and was starting to get tired of the shitty light), I would say to get it if you're just playing it to pass time, like before school or something.

Most of the DS games are party games or mini-games.