View Full Version : My daddy, Troy, fights Satan everyday!

January 17th, 2008, 06:54 AM
"My daddy, Troy, fights Satan everyday!"
I found Milton as a kitten while infiltrating a local coven of Witches. I rescued him and brought him home, where he has become my constant companion.
Milton likes tuna fish, his little catnip-stuffed toy demon, and helping me uncover Occultic plots in our community. Much like myself, he is always investigating. Milton knows that willful ignorance of the Occult, not curiosity about it, is the real killer.
Milton wants you to know that black cats are God's creatures too! They should not be feared or treated unfairly just because misguided Satanists associate them with demonic forces. They are innocents who need our protection. Never forget all the black cats that have been sacrificed in unholy Occult rituals!
Also, never let an Occultist trick you into believing that black cats are familiars for demons. Every cat is a Familiar for Christ -- their love of fish is a symbol from the Creator that we should love Jesus.

this is a truly inspirational story, and has totally changed my view of our fine negro feline companions.

this is a excellent site that even offers education for children :D

Spiritual Safety Tip: What should you do if you find an Atheist?
Mr. Gruff says: 'Bah! I don't believe in anything! I'm staying home on Sunday!'Atheists such as crotchety old Mr. Gruff think they've got it all figured out...
but then why are they always so sad?

If you find an Atheist in your neighborhood,
You may be moved to try and witness to
these poor lost souls yourself, however
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.
Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.find out more here OR YOU'LL GO TO HELL <:maddowns:>

January 17th, 2008, 06:56 AM
My cat hates fish.

So is she an agent of Satan?

January 17th, 2008, 07:00 AM
My cat hates fish.

So is she an agent of Satan?
all your cat wants to do is to drink the Fish's Bodily Juices.
As is the custom with Christianity.


January 17th, 2008, 07:00 AM
no, your cat is just helping god who is impatient to get fish souls in heaven because the japenese angels are hungry (then the fish souls go to heaven heaven) :downs:

Pyong Kawaguchi
January 17th, 2008, 07:07 AM
:) this is a nice story, i like it :)

January 17th, 2008, 07:08 AM
Srsly man idk what to think of this. if its supposed to be a joke, heres some lols. [at first sight, that site looks like a parody]
however if this is serious, heres a few more LOLS.
sure, mistreating or even torturing animals is undoubtably immoral [should i say evil?] but cmon thats just another load of selfrighteus twisted propaganda based on excatly 0 facts. i think those folks completely ignore the fact that tens of thoused black cats and other (living) symbols of the occult have been brutally killed by -gasp- christians for centuries back in the medieval age andeven up to the eighteenth century in rural areas.
hope those ppl never gain major political power or else...
Hitler II: Resurrection :eyesroll:

im still quite unsure if this is serious :/

January 17th, 2008, 07:14 AM
I'm pretty sure this sight is for real.
the inclusion of child related things goes far beyone what heathen parodying daemons would be willing to do.

or some crap, i'm tired.

January 17th, 2008, 09:50 AM
lol, someone said christ

January 17th, 2008, 10:19 AM
I saw this site discussed somewhere else, it's a parody.

Find the image that alludes to goatse, and you'll see. :p

January 17th, 2008, 04:07 PM
I have a black cat that looks exactly like that cat. Ive had her for a year and a half now. She's so adorable!


January 17th, 2008, 04:49 PM
Mr. Gruff says: 'Bah! I don't believe in anything! I'm staying home on Sunday!' Atheists such as crotchety old Mr. Gruff think they've got it all figured out...
but then why are they always so sad?

If you find an Atheist in your neighborhood,
You may be moved to try and witness to
these poor lost souls yourself, however
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.
Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.

That sickens me with disgust. I don't believe in god and I'm an atheist, if we all lived off of religion for the rest of our lives without any science.. well we wouldn't have cars, improved homes, inventions, TV, Internet, electricity and other things. This is just entirely sick and disgusting, I don't mind religion at all but when it comes to stupidity AND religion put together it's the worst and most ignorant combination you can get. Literally if you believe this, I think you'll go to hell yourself. Believe in what you want to believe in, don't force yours into others. The reason I'm not religious is because worshipping a higher 'being' just to make it happy is a stupid waste of time when theres no proof but you being 'brainwashed' into this. What the fuck does christ have to do with cats liking fish or not? Christ created all of mankind, is that not true? It's sure as hell not what I believe, but I can surely say that if you compare a regular atheist to a regular christian. There will be a huge personality change. People who don't go to church as I see it, have more personality and life in them. Teenagers can get depressed easily due to the fact that most of them have to face a world of perfection. What I see is religious teenagers/adults are more depressed and stressed than others, because they rely on GOD to solve all their problems. This can lead to laziness. I'm not saying all laziness is caused by this, but what I've WITNESSED MYSELF IN PERSON IN EYES, NOT BELIEF, is this. If you disagree and call me a follower of satan, I might as well spit on you and ignore you. It's a waste of time arguing with ignorant as you. Religious beliefs were inforced around the 'dark ages' of humanity, where there was no science and no technology. Poor people thrived to seek for an answer to there problems, so some guy thought of this higher being called god that watches over you. Then of course, these people believed it. As of course they would, because they've been seeking for an answer to their suffering. Leading into belief that they were suffering they'd get a richer life in the afterlife. Is there really a chance of that?

I'm disgusted by arrogant religion-ists. It sickens me and deepens me with disgust. Why would you want to do that, thats completely rude and forceful. The Morally right thing to do, even if you believe that stuff. Is just leave them alone. Don't start trouble telling the 'pastor' this. He can't do anything about it but plug more lies into your mind.

Thats what I believe, you can't change the fact. Go ahead call me a satanist, but what I believe and what you believe is completely different.

A cat is a cat, there is no god to me.

Just like anime on Deviant Art, ignorant religion is flooding the world.

Llama Juice
January 17th, 2008, 04:52 PM
I love how people bitch and whine about cruelty to animals and then they eat them.

... I'm a vegetarian...

January 17th, 2008, 04:56 PM

i love how religious people make so much fun of themselves

January 17th, 2008, 05:04 PM
I saw this site discussed somewhere else, it's a parody.

Dr Nick
January 17th, 2008, 05:07 PM
My cat, Riley, is mostly black, with a small white patch under on his neck.
He's afraid of yarn balls but loves playing with laser pointers.

Just for the lulz.

January 17th, 2008, 05:40 PM
I saw this site discussed somewhere else, it's a parody.

Find the image that alludes to goatse, and you'll see. :p
the amount of detail and crap they've put into it goes far beyond what I would expect to find at a parody website.
I'd love to see the goatse image though :-3

(Though if it was proven that this sight was a parody then I would have a little more faith in the future of humanity ;) )

January 17th, 2008, 07:09 PM
Arguing with a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll knock over a few peices, crap on the table, then fly away and boast about their victory.
i Love that quote.

January 17th, 2008, 07:12 PM
Beautiful isn't it?

January 17th, 2008, 07:21 PM
That sickens me with disgust. I don't believe in god and I'm an atheist, if we all lived off of religion for the rest of our lives without any science.. well we wouldn't have cars, improved homes, inventions, TV, Internet, electricity and other things. This is just entirely sick and disgusting, I don't mind religion at all but when it comes to stupidity AND religion put together it's the worst and most ignorant combination you can get. Literally if you believe this, I think you'll go to hell yourself. Believe in what you want to believe in, don't force yours into others. The reason I'm not religious is because worshipping a higher 'being' just to make it happy is a stupid waste of time when theres no proof but you being 'brainwashed' into this. What the fuck does christ have to do with cats liking fish or not? Christ created all of mankind, is that not true? It's sure as hell not what I believe, but I can surely say that if you compare a regular atheist to a regular christian. There will be a huge personality change. People who don't go to church as I see it, have more personality and life in them. Teenagers can get depressed easily due to the fact that most of them have to face a world of perfection. What I see is religious teenagers/adults are more depressed and stressed than others, because they rely on GOD to solve all their problems. This can lead to laziness. I'm not saying all laziness is caused by this, but what I've WITNESSED MYSELF IN PERSON IN EYES, NOT BELIEF, is this. If you disagree and call me a follower of satan, I might as well spit on you and ignore you. It's a waste of time arguing with ignorant as you. Religious beliefs were inforced around the 'dark ages' of humanity, where there was no science and no technology. Poor people thrived to seek for an answer to there problems, so some guy thought of this higher being called god that watches over you. Then of course, these people believed it. As of course they would, because they've been seeking for an answer to their suffering. Leading into belief that they were suffering they'd get a richer life in the afterlife. Is there really a chance of that?

I'm disgusted by arrogant religion-ists. It sickens me and deepens me with disgust. Why would you want to do that, thats completely rude and forceful. The Morally right thing to do, even if you believe that stuff. Is just leave them alone. Don't start trouble telling the 'pastor' this. He can't do anything about it but plug more lies into your mind.

Thats what I believe, you can't change the fact. Go ahead call me a satanist, but what I believe and what you believe is completely different.

A cat is a cat, there is no god to me.

Just like anime on Deviant Art, ignorant religion is flooding the world.

Um, the site is a parody?

January 17th, 2008, 07:22 PM
I think the proper term is Satire.

January 18th, 2008, 01:09 AM
the amount of detail and crap they've put into it goes far beyond what I would expect to find at a parody website.
I'd love to see the goatse image though :-3

(Though if it was proven that this sight was a parody then I would have a little more faith in the future of humanity ;) )
There's a few goofy images somewhere on the site that give it away, the goatse one is the most obvious D:

January 18th, 2008, 06:50 AM
That sickens me with disgust. I don't believe in god and I'm an atheist, if we all lived off of religion for the rest of our lives without any science.. well we wouldn't have cars, improved homes, inventions, TV, Internet, electricity and other things. This is just entirely sick and disgusting, I don't mind religion at all but when it comes to stupidity AND religion put together it's the worst and most ignorant combination you can get. Literally if you believe this, I think you'll go to hell yourself. Believe in what you want to believe in, don't force yours into others. The reason I'm not religious is because worshipping a higher 'being' just to make it happy is a stupid waste of time when theres no proof but you being 'brainwashed' into this. What the fuck does christ have to do with cats liking fish or not? Christ created all of mankind, is that not true? It's sure as hell not what I believe, but I can surely say that if you compare a regular atheist to a regular christian. There will be a huge personality change. People who don't go to church as I see it, have more personality and life in them. Teenagers can get depressed easily due to the fact that most of them have to face a world of perfection. What I see is religious teenagers/adults are more depressed and stressed than others, because they rely on GOD to solve all their problems. This can lead to laziness. I'm not saying all laziness is caused by this, but what I've WITNESSED MYSELF IN PERSON IN EYES, NOT BELIEF, is this. If you disagree and call me a follower of satan, I might as well spit on you and ignore you. It's a waste of time arguing with ignorant as you. Religious beliefs were inforced around the 'dark ages' of humanity, where there was no science and no technology. Poor people thrived to seek for an answer to there problems, so some guy thought of this higher being called god that watches over you. Then of course, these people believed it. As of course they would, because they've been seeking for an answer to their suffering. Leading into belief that they were suffering they'd get a richer life in the afterlife. Is there really a chance of that?

I'm disgusted by arrogant religion-ists. It sickens me and deepens me with disgust. Why would you want to do that, thats completely rude and forceful. The Morally right thing to do, even if you believe that stuff. Is just leave them alone. Don't start trouble telling the 'pastor' this. He can't do anything about it but plug more lies into your mind.

Thats what I believe, you can't change the fact. Go ahead call me a satanist, but what I believe and what you believe is completely different.

A cat is a cat, there is no god to me.

Just like anime on Deviant Art, ignorant religion is flooding the world.

good points there and even if theres ppl pointing out that that site is purely satirical its a shame that the satire theyre producing is now (or has become?) so hard to tell from the real agendas those ppl have.
id say the actual satire of the site/its content is merely found [for me said findings were rather rare and even then i couldnt believe this was actually a "hoax"]in some really extreme exaggerations.
oddly enough the puppets depicting "heathen" deitys didnt startle me at all as did baby jesus.
EDIT: soz have to spread rep around b4 you can get sum more.

also Botwolf


teh lag
January 18th, 2008, 08:37 AM
There's a few goofy images somewhere on the site that give it away, the goatse one is the most obvious D:

What, this?


January 18th, 2008, 10:29 AM
Yes, that's the one :v

January 18th, 2008, 05:39 PM
K you win :lol:

January 18th, 2008, 07:02 PM
well i dont really love cats with a passion but i dont hate them, much like dogs as well.

January 18th, 2008, 09:39 PM
Cats = own
This \/ = rofl