View Full Version : mac question

January 19th, 2008, 01:51 AM
Hey, We have some used mac powerbooks where i work and i was playing around with one, and i installed the halo mac demo and was astounded to find that the halo demo ran at 800x600 with everything at high flawlessly - so i did some looking into it and i believe it has a mobility radeon 9700 64 mb - but when i look at the system properties alls it tells me is that its a 64 mb video card >.> and ati's website doesent have drivers for a mac mobility radeon 9700, it has a G4 processor at 1.5 ghz and 512 mb RAM PC 2700 i believe, i think its this http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powerbook_g4/stats/powerbook_g4_1.5_15.html
so, any way for me to determine exactly what it is that this mac has for the video, and where i can get the latest drivers if it is a mobility 9700? And if i bumped the RAM up to a gig and it has a 970 will it run WoW well at all?

I am thinking of picking one up as a school / halo+WoW notebook

EDIT* ok i think i found a solution to the driver part lol

January 19th, 2008, 01:55 AM
World of Warcraft is hardly a graphically intensive game; it ran on my shitbox (click my system specs) just fine with everything at mid settings IIRC.

January 19th, 2008, 11:06 PM
World of Warcraft is hardly a graphically intensive game; it ran on my shitbox (click my system specs) just fine with everything at mid settings IIRC.

That is NOT a shitbox. My computer specs ARE the definition of shit and box.

January 19th, 2008, 11:48 PM
hmm, well it runs WoW on like - Low-medium, and halo on high at 800x600, i was wrong about the cpu though - its a 1.33 ghz g4http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powerbook_g4/stats/powerbook_g4_1.33_15.html i bumped it up to a gig of ram