View Full Version : The Halo Monitors exposed
January 26th, 2007, 02:07 AM
I've been studying this for a while now, and I think i've discovered somethign quite huge. The first part is, just some cool facts, the last part is where the beans are
Has anyone ever noticed that,
7x7x7 = 343
7x7x7x7 = 2401
By My Theory, the Arc's monitor is black, and is the first of the monitors, being 7 *some name* Monitor of Installation 01, The Arc
Also, the Name Guilty Spark, and Penitent Tangent (Halo 2) have alot in common.
Guilty =/= Penitent. In meaning, feeling remorse for ones sins
Now think about it. If we applied this to the Halo 3, Arc Monitor, we'd either have something along the same lines as guilty and Penitent, for example:
7 Shamed Divergent, Monitor of Installation 01, the Ark
Or, it could be the complete opposite, and rather than words like Shame, guilt, penance, remorse, it could have a name along the lines of:
7 Rightous Binary, Monitor of Installation 01, The Ark
If you think about that last name, It actualy make sense. Rightous, fairly self explanatory.
Binary, 1 or the other, 1 choice, 1 final decision, either stop halos from destroying everything, or die.
I think all the Monitors names have (obviously) a deep significance with each other, and their role in the story. Guilty Spark, hes the spark, the ignition, what started the first halo activation. Hence, guilty for the destruction of his civilisation.
Penitent Tanget, hes also shamed, becauses hes helping the enemy, hes acting as a tangent (connecting 2 lines), connecting the flood with resources and information, the teleport grids etc.
Thought I'd share my thought, it's probably been discovered before though
What are your opinion on this mystery?
January 26th, 2007, 02:13 AM
Bungie and the number 7... knew that, not the rest.
Interesting stuff. You should check out the Halo Story Pages at great way to waste a day or two.
January 26th, 2007, 07:20 AM
no offence, but you must have abit of spare time on your hands >.>
what's this about bungie and 7? something from marathon?
n00b out
January 26th, 2007, 08:06 AM
well I don't think about it like all the time It just made me think every so often. Oh and yes I have alot of free time on my hands at the moment, having just graduated from high school a few months ago. Taking a big huge break from 13 years of school. When I get a job soon however, I won't have much time for anything :(
And besides, I'm a very colourful thinker, It doesn't take me long to concept an idea
bungie have a strong repated use of the number 7 in all of their happenings, Im quite tired at the moment so nothing really jumps to mind at the moment, But I bet someone else can fill you in
January 26th, 2007, 09:54 AM
all i know is 07/07/07 some thing BIG is gonna happen :D
maybe to do with bungie, maybe to do with the world
January 26th, 2007, 10:25 AM
what's this about bungie and 7? something from marathon?
n00b out
That's because bungie loves number 7 :P
January 26th, 2007, 11:03 AM
Back at the IMDb forums, we figured this out a looonng time ago.
We also went into the Cortana Letters and biblical references in the game.
We came up with a lot including something about
-"the scorpions of the earth" (I forget what part of the Bible it was from, though.)
-connections between the Elites and the Seraphim in the vision of Ezekiel
-and a ton of excerpts from John's Apocalypse, most notably verse 1:17 -
"When I caught sight of him, I fell to his feet as one dead. He put his right hand on my shoulder and said, 'do not be afraid, for I am the first and the last.'" (MC was always the first off the Pelican and the last on, to make sure his squad came back safe)
What we came up with about Penitent Tangent was a little different, though:
Tangent also means "irrelevant," therefore his name implies that he plays in insignificant part of the plot, and his liason to Gravemind is misleading.
I still like yours better, considering I forgot most of what happened at IMDb (I was there long before, and while, Uwe Boll was listed as the director for Halo, and that was over a year ago).
Oh, btw...
7 to the third power is 343 [Guilty Spark]. 3 + 1 = 04 [Installation]
7 to the fourth power is 2401 [Penitent Tangent]. 4 + 1 = 05 [Installation]
And then there was also that thing where you would add each independent value and it would add up to seven (2 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 7, 3 + 4 = 7), but I'm pretty sure that was meaningless.
January 26th, 2007, 12:03 PM
A tangent is actually a deviance from a certain path. Going off the topic of a thread would be "going off on a tangent". If you think of the word "spark" in the same fashion, a spark is a volatile, unpredictable thing. In otherwords, that doesn't conform to a certain path, either. So "tangent" and "spark" could have something in common.
January 26th, 2007, 02:08 PM
all i know is 07/07/07 some thing BIG is gonna happen :D
maybe to do with bungie, maybe to do with the world\
Bungie is going to activate all the remaining Halos
January 26th, 2007, 03:06 PM
all i know is 07/07/07 some thing BIG is gonna happen :D
maybe to do with bungie, maybe to do with the world
You know how they always call the 7th column their underground army and joke about taking over the planet?
THEY WILL. [cue suspenseful music]
January 26th, 2007, 03:10 PM
January 26th, 2007, 03:41 PM
all i know is 07/07/07 some thing BIG is gonna happen :D
Yeah, at 12:00 midnight I'll turn 16.
Unfortunately, I don't have a 360, and therefore no Halo 3 to celebrate it with. That's what alcohol is for, I've heard. ;)
January 26th, 2007, 04:01 PM
Back at the IMDb forums, we figured this out a looonng time ago.
We also went into the Cortana Letters and biblical references in the game.
We came up with a lot including something about
-"the scorpions of the earth" (I forget what part of the Bible it was from, though.)
-connections between the Elites and the Seraphim in the vision of Ezekiel -and a ton of excerpts from John's Apocalypse, most notably verse 1:17 -
"When I caught sight of him, I fell to his feet as one dead. He put his right hand on my shoulder and said, 'do not be afraid, for I am the first and the last.'" (MC was always the first off the Pelican and the last on, to make sure his squad came back safe)
What we came up with about Penitent Tangent was a little different, though:
Tangent also means "irrelevant," therefore his name implies that he plays in insignificant part of the plot, and his liason to Gravemind is misleading.
I still like yours better, considering I forgot most of what happened at IMDb (I was there long before, and while, Uwe Boll was listed as the director for Halo, and that was over a year ago).
Oh, btw...
7 to the third power is 343 [Guilty Spark]. 3 + 1 = 04 [Installation]
7 to the fourth power is 2401 [Penitent Tangent]. 4 + 1 = 05 [Installation]
And then there was also that thing where you would add each independent value and it would add up to seven (2 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 7, 3 + 4 = 7), but I'm pretty sure that was meaningless.
I know where you come from on the Chief(John) getting off the pelican first, but how come in the E3 Halo 2 Trailer he is the last off, and you could argue he is the last off in the Silent Cartographer as well. Very good points though. XD Dano when I saw this, it sort of scared me. I mean, just yesterday in math I had noticed this(so what if you think I'm slow =p), so it is quite a coinsidence(spelling?).
Anyway, you could also argue that it is John's 11:7("Then after this He said to the disciples, "Let us go to Judea again.") rather than 1:17. I quite honestly forget how it plays into Halo, but it does(Just google it, I am too lazy too, for I have just googled 11:7 to see what it said =p).
January 26th, 2007, 04:16 PM
This is old but good job figureing it out. There is a HUGE thread at the Halo 3 Forms on the moinitor rainbow theory.
7 installations 7 colors etc.
January 26th, 2007, 04:38 PM
Feh, that thread is only a few months old.
We did it two years before them, and there were probably people at HBO who did it two years before us.
I know where you come from on the Chief(John) getting off the pelican first, but how come in the E3 Halo 2 Trailer he is the last off, and you could argue he is the last off in the Silent Cartographer as well.
D'oh! Forgot to mention: that fact was derived from the books.
Also, your instincts were right when you thought "coincidence" was spelled wrong.
January 26th, 2007, 06:28 PM
Back at the IMDb forums, we figured this out a looonng time ago.
We also went into the Cortana Letters and biblical references in the game.
We came up with a lot including something about
-"the scorpions of the earth" (I forget what part of the Bible it was from, though.)
-connections between the Elites and the Seraphim in the vision of Ezekiel
-and a ton of excerpts from John's Apocalypse, most notably verse 1:17 -
"When I caught sight of him, I fell to his feet as one dead. He put his right hand on my shoulder and said, 'do not be afraid, for I am the first and the last.'" (MC was always the first off the Pelican and the last on, to make sure his squad came back safe)
What we came up with about Penitent Tangent was a little different, though:
Tangent also means "irrelevant," therefore his name implies that he plays in insignificant part of the plot, and his liason to Gravemind is misleading.
I still like yours better, considering I forgot most of what happened at IMDb (I was there long before, and while, Uwe Boll was listed as the director for Halo, and that was over a year ago).
Oh, btw...
7 to the third power is 343 [Guilty Spark]. 3 + 1 = 04 [Installation]
7 to the fourth power is 2401 [Penitent Tangent]. 4 + 1 = 05 [Installation]
And then there was also that thing where you would add each independent value and it would add up to seven (2 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 7, 3 + 4 = 7), but I'm pretty sure that was meaningless.
Wow thank you ! That really makes alot more sense, especially teh biblical references
This makes me want halo 3 even more now. Do you think the mystery WILL be solved? or left open to interpretation
January 26th, 2007, 06:32 PM
That's because bungie loves number 7 :P
Sort of. Bungie likes to put these subliminal/hidden/easter egg messages to give hints about their projects. 7 is a pretty significant number in the bible and Bungie uses this to stir up thought.
WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
January 26th, 2007, 06:58 PM
There was a whole wikipedia or halopedia (or whatever) article for this. I was like "lmfao" when I finished reading it. I think Bungie made halo in relation to the bible, which is pretty obvious if you've read the bible and played halo.
January 26th, 2007, 07:06 PM
yeh, I'm interested to see what happens on the 7/7/07 :D
Elite Killa
January 26th, 2007, 07:10 PM
Yeah, at 12:00 midnight I'll turn 16.
Unfortunately, I don't have a 360, and therefore no Halo 3 to celebrate it with. That's what alcohol is for, I've heard. ;)
LMFAO! My little cousin's birthday is 7/7 and he turns 7 on that day.
January 27th, 2007, 10:04 AM
Ah, four sevens... should be a birthday to remember.
Technically, my birthday is the eighth.
January 27th, 2007, 04:15 PM
LMFAO! My little cousin's birthday is 7/7 and he turns 7 on that day.
7/7/07 = H3 for sure.
do not question my authority.
n00b out
January 27th, 2007, 04:55 PM
It's spelled "Nigh". [/grammar nazi]
January 27th, 2007, 06:53 PM
January 27th, 2007, 09:03 PM
LMFAO! My little cousin's birthday is 7/7 and he turns 7 on that day.
Let's sacrifice him!
January 27th, 2007, 09:31 PM
Good job finding that out on your own. There's a LOT more here. (
January 28th, 2007, 02:56 AM
It's spelled "Nigh". [/grammar nazi]
HBO seem not to have got any of my 3-page emails about Halo stuff that I used to think up ages ago :(
January 28th, 2007, 05:14 AM
lawl dano :)
and of cause theres alot of 7 references in the bible
777 = gods number :)
January 28th, 2007, 02:49 PM
I've been studying this for a while now, and I think i've discovered somethign quite huge.
Has anyone ever noticed that,
January 28th, 2007, 02:50 PM
Nicely done. XD
January 28th, 2007, 03:11 PM
@ OP:
This is NEW and EXITTING information!!!! Thank you@!@@!
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