View Full Version : Help with compiling .ass file

January 20th, 2008, 06:38 PM
I have a problem with compiling my map in currently working on. Everytime i press compile level. i get this thing

--- tod.ass
processing environment geometry...
### WARNING: Found duplicate shader collection name "shared" in:
c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenarios\shader
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "plate_ext".
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "forerunner_rusted_grey".
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "flat_dark_scratchy".
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "ground".
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "panels_generic_burnt".
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "panel_decorative_circle".
### ERROR there are 62 open or degenerate edges
2 edges: plate_ext / forerunner_rusted_grey
46 edges: forerunner_rusted_grey
4 edges: forerunner_rusted_grey / forerunner_rusted_grey
6 edges: flat_dark_scratchy
4 edges: plate_ext
### WARNING overlapping surfaces0.000% -
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces85.057% \
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### ERROR open edge: reported 62 errors
=== writing out structure 'scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod':
6 materials and 0 markers,
3022 vertices, 1191 points and 2346 triangles.
collision bsp:
329 planes, 673 nodes and 348 leaves,
1344 surfaces, 2550 edges and 1191 vertices.
0 portals, 3 clusters and 121 subclusters.
0 environment objects of 0 distinct types.
=== imported structure 'scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod' in 0m 16.995sec
average cluster distance error: 0.00
maximum cluster distance error: 0.00
=== built visibility for structure 'scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod'
=== saving imported structure scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod
Lighting tod of c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenario
5000000 photons
18 monte carlo samples per pixel
Hit control-c now if this isn't right.
Lightmap job started at 01.20.08 19:36:29.134
Finished start in 00:00:00 [h:m:s] (00:00:00 [h:m:s] total)
- mem (used= 0.00MB, free= 210.09MB)
failed to load scenario 'c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags
the following tags were missing:
c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenarios\multi\
c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenarios\multi\
--------- lightmap stats ---------
photons cast: 0
raytests from photons: 0 (0.00)
calls to find_photons: 0
raytests from find_photons: 0 (0.00)
calls to compute_light_value: 0
sun tests: 0
sun raytests: 0 (0.00)
point light tests: 0
point light raytests: 0 (0.00)
surface light tests: 0
surface light raytests: 0 (0.00)
indirect radiance raytests: 0 (0.00)
Press any key to continue . . .

anybody find a solution?

January 20th, 2008, 06:51 PM
What would be your own 1st guess to check?

January 20th, 2008, 07:40 PM
I don't even know...

Oh haha, I would know what to check!
Come on, do you even read the debug.txt? Or just copy and paste it to us?

January 20th, 2008, 08:24 PM
Well what i see is the map obviously can't find the shaders. Thats your problem. you using the f_im before your shader names? It looks obvious to me.

January 21st, 2008, 06:10 PM
oh hehe i forgot to put the f_im in the shader names hehe. (Oops)

EDIT: nah i still get errors WTF.

January 21st, 2008, 06:39 PM
Same shader errors?

January 21st, 2008, 06:45 PM
yeah but i found the problem. i put the f_im with the material name but attached with _.

EDIT: i fixed it but still get these errors

--- tod.ass
processing environment geometry...
### WARNING: Found duplicate shader collection name "shared" in:
c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenarios\shader
Looking for shaders in collection 'f_im' (scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industria
### WARNING couldn't find shader 'f_im plate_ext' in collection 'f_im' (scenario
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "f_im plate_ext".
### WARNING found an override for shader 'scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industria
l\metals\forerunner_rusted_grey' from collection 'f_im' (scenarios\shaders\forer
### WARNING found an override for shader 'scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industria
l\metals\flat_dark_scratchy' from collection 'f_im' (scenarios\shaders\forerunne
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "material #80".
### WARNING couldn't find shader 'f_im panels_generic_burnt' in collection 'f_im
' (scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industrial\metals)
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "f_im panels_generic_burnt".
### WARNING found an override for shader 'scenarios\shaders\forerunner\industria
l\metals\panel_decorative_circle' from collection 'f_im' (scenarios\shaders\fore
### ERROR there are 62 open or degenerate edges
2 edges: f_im plate_ext / f_im forerunner_rusted_grey
46 edges: f_im forerunner_rusted_grey
4 edges: f_im forerunner_rusted_grey / f_im forerunner_rusted_grey
6 edges: f_im flat_dark_scratchy
4 edges: f_im plate_ext
### WARNING overlapping surfaces0.000% -
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces85.143% \
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### ERROR open edge: reported 62 errors

=== writing out structure 'scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod':
6 materials and 0 markers,
3022 vertices, 1191 points and 2346 triangles.
collision bsp:
327 planes, 670 nodes and 350 leaves,
1345 surfaces, 2551 edges and 1191 vertices.
0 portals, 3 clusters and 121 subclusters.
0 environment objects of 0 distinct types.

=== imported structure 'scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod' in 0m 17.159sec
average cluster distance error: 0.00
maximum cluster distance error: 0.00
=== built visibility for structure 'scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod'
=== saving imported structure scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod
Lighting tod of c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenario
1500000 photons
0 monte carlo samples per pixel
Hit control-c now if this isn't right.
Lightmap job started at 01.21.08 19:46:10.243

Finished start in 00:00:00 [h:m:s] (00:00:00 [h:m:s] total)
- mem (used= 0.00MB, free= 272.32MB)
failed to load scenario 'c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags

the following tags were missing:
c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenarios\multi\
c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenarios\multi\

--------- lightmap stats ---------
photons cast: 0
raytests from photons: 0 (0.00)
calls to find_photons: 0
raytests from find_photons: 0 (0.00)
calls to compute_light_value: 0
sun tests: 0
sun raytests: 0 (0.00)
point light tests: 0
point light raytests: 0 (0.00)
surface light tests: 0
surface light raytests: 0 (0.00)
indirect radiance raytests: 0 (0.00)
Press any key to continue . . .

January 21st, 2008, 07:01 PM
Are you still not reading it? It says it is missing the tod.scenario tag.

January 21st, 2008, 07:13 PM
ok now i fixed that error but everytime i try to start the scenario in Sapien it gets this error. "The file is corrupted and cannot be opened." i mean seriously WTF

January 21st, 2008, 08:13 PM
The scenario file is not missing, it is created by the tool. The problem is there is no shader . ahh, before you attach a shader to your map make sure there is an identical .shader file in your tags/scenario/shaders/forrunner/industrial/metals or floors or light or whatever file your using. Some shaders are missing. Also maybe you didn't connect your b_levelroot correctly.

### ERROR: Unable to find shader "f_im plate_ext".
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "material #80".
### ERROR: Unable to find shader "f_im panels_generic_burnt".

these are your problems. #1 is supposed to be f_im plate, i think
#2 you didnt even attach a shader name to
#3 is i'm pretty sure not the exact shader name.

so once again go to the directory above and check your shader names.

January 21st, 2008, 10:53 PM
Okay, shaders are NOT the problem. H2V lets you import without shaders.

" ### WARNING overlapping surfaces0.000% -
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces85.143% \
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING overlapping surfaces
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### WARNING triangle outside bsp
### ERROR open edge: reported 62 errors

THOSE are your errors. Import the wrl to check where there are and to fix. (H2V does make wrl files....right?)

January 22nd, 2008, 01:08 AM
I'D fix the shader problem too. I know i had the same problem he's having when i had bad shader paths.
also i noticed

failed to load scenario
'c:\program files\microsoft games\halo 2 map editor\tags\scenarios\multi\tornament_of_doom\tod'

Your max file and your .ass file have to be the same name as the folder your structure folder is in named exactly. I'll explain, if your max file is in data/scenario/multi/tomament_of_doom/structure/ your .ass file and max file has to be named "tomament_of_doom"
just try fixing this first.

January 22nd, 2008, 05:43 AM
(H2V does make wrl files....right?)

Yeah, you can also see these errors in sapien but you'd have to get that far first.

July 26th, 2010, 07:19 AM
check where the scenario file is created, a map i made wouldnt light because the underscore was removed when it created the scenario file, if it is not the same name as the .scenario_structure_bsp file change it to match. If this is the case it should light properly.

EDIT: lolz didnt notice it was really old topic