View Full Version : [TF2] Released another TF2 Map - CTF_Convoy
January 21st, 2008, 08:31 PM
Well over the past 2 weeks, i put together yet another tf2 map. I am begining to like the Source mapping work flow, as I can get things done very quickly. Brush modeling is still a pain, and very difficult to actually model with, but I am getting the hang of it.
This map is called ctf_convoy. Named after what inspired me to make the map, which was the UT2k4 Assault map.
FPSBANANA Page: ctf_convoy (
Or you can directly download it here (
Join my server here if you want to download and play it automatically: (
or type: connect into the console
Heres some screenshots:
By Jahrain
This is a standard CTF symmetrical map. It consists of 2 moving rocket carriers racing side by side through the desert. The map idea was inspired from a UT2K4 map, however this map features a completely original design created specifically for TF2 CTF gameplay.
Extract RAR contents into your "Steam\steamapps\<username>\Team Fortress 2\tf” directory or “\tf” directory of your dedicated server.
Your mission is to is to board the enemy’s carrier, steal their intelligence and return it safely back to your control room. Be careful not to drop it off the vehicle! Your team will be penalized by 1 minute of being unable to recover their intelligence if it is dropped off the vehicle as it must respawn in their control room.
Offensive and defenses tactics require some team coordination to execute efficiently, however the map is also designed to give skilled solo players a chance.
While your team is boarding their carrier, it’s a good idea to defend them from your own carrier with snipers as they are venerable out in the open on their deck and cat walks. There exist solo route for certain classes. Any class that is able to get on top of the rocket has a direct rout to the intel room without being in the line of sight from the opposing team. There is also a sun roof on top of the control room that one can drop in and make an ambush on those guarding the intelligence.
Defense on this map is not as easy as most CTF maps. The opposing teams can gain quick entry to the control room where your intelligence is stored if all routs aren’t guarded. There are a few hot spots for sentry guns but for an impenetrable defense it will require a precise coordination of at least 3 sentry guns, each one defending each other from venerable spots. It’s a good idea to use heavies and demo’s to keep those invading the carrier pushed back as far as possible. There is a wind force that will push players back if they try to jump across the map from one carrier to another, so getting directly across without using the extension bridges will not be easy, but there are some spots to build a defense against those trying to jump across onto your carrier.
Map designed and built by Jahrain. Credit goes to UT2K for giving me the inspiration for this map. Also special thanks goes out to T*Killa and HankDaShank for being dedicated beta testers, as well as the Twisted Network Clan ( server and their members for hosting some major test plays.
Intro and capture music clips are from:
Charlie Clouser – Convoy
Charlie Clouser –Laser Tunnels
If you're a server admin and have a request for any alterations to be made to the map for your server, or just have any suggestions, let me know! Email me at
January 21st, 2008, 08:35 PM
Good job. Would be nice if I had TF2 to play it. :(
January 21st, 2008, 08:42 PM
<3 ya work Jahrain. You got a download ^_^
January 21st, 2008, 08:47 PM
If you like it, give it a good review on fpsbanana. It would be greatly appreciated. Register if you don't have an account.
January 21st, 2008, 08:50 PM
Will do.
January 21st, 2008, 08:55 PM
This reminds me exactly of the Convoy map in UT2004. Great job using it as inspiration. Got my download.
Too bad I dont have TF2.
January 21st, 2008, 09:14 PM
This reminds me exactly of the Convoy map in UT2004.
Too bad I dont have TF2.
My thoughts exactly :(
January 21st, 2008, 09:15 PM
Mercy sakes, looks like we've got us a convoy...
Dr Nick
January 21st, 2008, 09:26 PM
Very awesome work, kinda reminds me of Halo at some parts.
I barely know how to use Hammer :(
January 21st, 2008, 09:51 PM
I'm going the server now.
January 21st, 2008, 09:56 PM
I came.
January 21st, 2008, 10:32 PM
that is a very awsome remake of the ut2k4 map, i recognized it right away
January 21st, 2008, 10:37 PM
I came.
Thats it? I came, saw AND conquered!
Excellent map, Jahrain. You obviously put enough thought into the layout (even if you already had a good deal of inspiration) to make the map have a purpose that is very connected to the combat area. I cannot find a single problem with the map at all. All of the power-up spawns are perfect, the accessibility to the bases works well in relation to the spawn locations, and the missiles themselves break up the spaces enough, while still being an unmistakable point of reference. Also, lol at the wind effect on rockets. I doubt that was intended, but its great for balancing out its would-be overpoweredness.
January 21st, 2008, 10:47 PM
Alright, so I've been in it for a while now. First off, the server is laggy as shit. Here are the bugs I've found so far:
Bad stuff:
-Ability to ride both the OUTSIDE and INSIDE lips of both trains. ( ( ( (
-Players can get stuck on front side of both trains. ( (
-Players can get stuck on back side of a train. (
-A spot under a flight of stairs that looks like it can connect to the "upper" platform, while players cannot jump at that spot. ( (
-Rocks get stuck on trains. ( (
-Standing where there is no ground. (
-Music seems really off for TF2.
Good stuff:
-Animated skybox looks awesome.
-Looks to have great gameplay.
-Stuck with the TF2 style.
-Getting onto of huge missiles. (
-Simulated wind! (
Nice job, man!
January 21st, 2008, 11:40 PM
the fact that you made this is just.. yes.
I wish i was good at TF2.
January 22nd, 2008, 12:38 AM
this reminds me of tracks from sourceforts.
I'm a little confused as to why there would be 2 enemy trains racing simultaneously with a ramp between them, but w/e it's TF2. I'll dl later (though I wish source maps were as easy to install as CE maps :( )
January 22nd, 2008, 01:51 AM
in UT it was somehitng about a High Jacked Train and there was an Assault group sent in to Shut them down.
or something like that, i'm a little Sketchy on the details
January 22nd, 2008, 02:31 AM
Many of the issues dg pointed out are engine errors. Players are able to walk on any, ledge, lip or edge, that is even a single unit (about an inch) in width. Players can also walk on basically nothing as long as part of their bounding box touches an edge of that width. Also, those areas where players can get stuck, I was able to get out of. I never seen than rock issue. One error that I found is a missing polygon under the catwalks next to the missiles on the red vehicle facing blue's.
January 22nd, 2008, 02:55 AM
couldn't you have put some invisible walls to fix that walking on 1 inch wide ledges?
January 22nd, 2008, 03:18 AM
couldn't you have put some invisible walls to fix that walking on 1 inch wide ledges?
If it caused an exploit, yes. If it doesn't cause any issues, i don't see any reason to go through the map and spend weeks placing small little brushes on every detail of the map where there is a ledge that is a inch in width that a player could potentially walk on. Valve doesn't do that for all their maps either. The engine should just have a maximum area required to walk on or block player movements to prevent this, sort of like how it has a maximum height to work as a step.
January 22nd, 2008, 04:12 AM
looks awesome jah :)
January 22nd, 2008, 05:38 AM
Wow. Are those premade assets or did you make the models and textures yourself?
Looks like an amazing port either way.
January 22nd, 2008, 05:56 AM
Wow. Are those premade assets or did you make the models and textures yourself?
Looks like an amazing port either way.
What models? Mostly everything is brush work. Adding custom textures and models makes map sizes unreasonably large and no one ever wants to download them when joining a server playing the map. I try to use everything that comes with the game as I can, and will only resort to making custom textures if it is necessary. As for custom models, I can't find any exporters for Maya 8.5 or above.
Also, its not a port. The map is completely original, it just carries over the same idea/concept of the UT2K4 map - that is a moving vehicle as a map.
January 22nd, 2008, 04:57 PM
If it caused an exploit, yes. If it doesn't cause any issues, i don't see any reason to go through the map and spend weeks placing small little brushes on every detail of the map where there is a ledge that is a inch in width that a player could potentially walk on. Valve doesn't do that for all their maps either. The engine should just have a maximum area required to walk on or block player movements to prevent this, sort of like how it has a maximum height to work as a step.
Player clip does the job. Also yes valve does do it, not for the entire map but they do put player clip into maps where this issue is.
Looks cool, gonna try it now.
January 22nd, 2008, 05:40 PM
Also, its not a port. The map is completely original, it just carries over the same idea/concept of the UT2K4 map - that is a moving vehicle as a map.
Well, I didn't mean port per se, just the fact that you recreated a map from UT2004.
January 22nd, 2008, 05:51 PM
he didn't recreate anything.
besides the fact that the map is atually A vehicle.
January 22nd, 2008, 05:58 PM
Well calling the map completely original isn't exactly accurate to me. 2 trains, desert, moving. I don't care if he meant to recreate the map or not, even though the original is an assault map, he did. He could have made say, 2 ships in the sea along side each other to be a bit more original, so cry moar everyone.
January 22nd, 2008, 06:02 PM
that's like saying EVERY fps is a remake of some other fps man :\
January 22nd, 2008, 06:11 PM
Lord of the Rings is about a guy who has to kill aliens and destroy an evil ring, that's a totally original idea for a game.
Oh, wait.
But awesome map anyway.
January 22nd, 2008, 06:36 PM
how about you actually read LOTR before you Bash it K?
January 22nd, 2008, 07:14 PM
how about you actually read LOTR before you Bash it K?
I'm pretty sure he was bashing Halo.
January 22nd, 2008, 07:19 PM
Looks like a lot of fun, wish I had TF2 :(
January 22nd, 2008, 09:40 PM
Well calling the map completely original isn't exactly accurate to me. 2 trains, desert, moving. I don't care if he meant to recreate the map or not, even though the original is an assault map, he did. He could have made say, 2 ships in the sea along side each other to be a bit more original, so cry moar everyone.
In the UT2k4 map, there was actually 3 completely different vehicles, and a few extras on the side. The same general idea has been done in many games. Even before UT2k4. Time crisis anyone?
January 23rd, 2008, 01:24 AM
If you're a server admin and have a request for any alterations to be made to the map for your server, or just have any suggestions, let me know! Email me at (
How you can just state that and not have to deal with raving loons is beyond me.
Map looks fantastic. :) Great work as usual.
January 23rd, 2008, 02:32 AM
How you can just state that and not have to deal with raving loons is beyond me.
Map looks fantastic. :) Great work as usual.
I usually get very productive feedback if any at all.
January 23rd, 2008, 09:07 PM
What's you secret ;).
January 23rd, 2008, 09:28 PM
What's you secret ;).
The secret is that he actually produces quality work.
January 23rd, 2008, 10:11 PM
Are you calling Dano, Lag, Sunny and the rest of the team untalented?
Thought so.
January 23rd, 2008, 10:16 PM
I believe he's saying more on the fact of release, rather than the quality of production. Both are still in consideration, just weighted differently. At least thats how I see it.
January 24th, 2008, 03:54 AM
Are you calling Dano, Lag, Sunny and the rest of the team untalented?
Thought so.
There is something wrong with your statement. Consider the following logical statements:
A(x) = x's feedback not spamed by raving loons.
B(x) = x Produces quality work
not A(x) - By assumption of your question at post #34.
A(x) implies B(x) - PlasbianX's Post #37
not B(x) - Your conclusion based on the above conditions.
not A(x) implies not B(x) is equivalent to B(x) implies A(x) by contraposition.
Therefore your conclusion is based on abduction, which is not a valid logical assertion that you could make based on information provided.
From this I can can conclude that no information was asserted to suggest that plasbian implied that anyone on your team doesn't produce quality work. Hope that makes you feel better.
Lol, posted this while working on discrete math review questions. Breaking up arguments into prepositional logic statements is fun.
Anyways, this is an example of the typical feedback i get from people:
Hi mate,
Just thought I'd send you some fan mail to say that DesertFortress is a brilliant map! It's the best custom map I've played for TF2 by a long shot. In fact, it's pretty much the only one I've played which is at a similar level of quality to the valve maps :-)
Just a couple of thoughts from our massive battle on it earlier today. Point A seems a bit cramped, maybe you could make the room a bit bigger to give some more space? I had the whole room locked down quite easily with a sentry gun placed on the balcony just in front of the respawning ammo box, it was perhaps a bit too easy to defend it that way. Also, it seems that not many people like taking the lower route through the tunnel, maybe you could put a bit more cover down there to encourage people to set up sentries and dispensers etc....
Are you planning on becoming a game designer professionally? I reckon you could easily get a job through the strength of desertfortress and that convoy map you're working on at the moment!
Anyway keep up the good work,
JMacWhat I realize is that only people with at least half-wits actually read the readme files, which is why I can comfortably give contact information for feedback on my maps in the readme files. I guess thats the secret. I guess also your content's demographics also play a huge role in the feedback you get.
t3h m00kz
January 24th, 2008, 05:40 AM
As a huge UT2k4 fan I must +rep you for this awesome shit here, Jah.
Even though I don't play TF2.
January 24th, 2008, 05:58 AM
Oh Flappity flap.
get the Orange box already and comming gaming with me, n00b and pooky :D
t3h m00kz
January 24th, 2008, 11:59 AM
Me and my room mate have it, I just haven't played it yet. He's already beaten the shit out of it
January 24th, 2008, 02:42 PM
Also, another reason why CMT's releases are filled with raving fanboys:
Halo's community is made up primarily of 11-17 year olds. There are quite a few adults, but they rarely get involved enough to actually visit the forums, make maps, etc. Because of the age group involved with Halo, we get 2 problems:
1. People who can't seem to understand that things take time.
2. People who haven't hit puberty yet have squeaky high voices (Someone thought that my cousin was a girl, and he played along with it, lol) and fill up Halo's servers.
Meanwhile the majority of Half-Life 2 (And the rest of the games that come with the Orange Box) users are responsible 15-20 year olds. This is true for the modding communities on most games. Out of all of the mapping communities for every game I've mapped (Or Modded) for, Halo's is by far filled with the most fanboys, least organization, crappiest maps (Box maps and BG mods, anyone?), and the forums just don't feel like a community, even these ones.
In other games, crit like what Jahrain got is a lot more common.
January 24th, 2008, 03:03 PM
The secret is that he actually produces quality work.
I think this post got me a 2 point infraction. Reason: "Disrespect/Insulting/Flaming"
1) Disrespecting Jfap's butt buddy Mastersnotso1337
2) Insulting Jfap's butt buddy Mastersnotso1337
3) Flame Jfap's butt buddy Mastersnotso1337
Lol. Its funny how telling the truth here is bad. That wasnt intended to be any of the above 3. It was a serious comment.
Anyways, I downloaded the map. Hopefully I can get TF2 to play this soon :) Got anything else on the way? Would love to see a remake of that missle silo map from UT2004 Community Bonus Pack
January 24th, 2008, 06:04 PM
Me and my room mate have it, I just haven't played it yet....
wtf you doing man <:mad:> make with the Orange box.
January 27th, 2008, 04:14 AM
I think this post got me a 2 point infraction. Reason: "Disrespect/Insulting/Flaming"
1) Disrespecting Jfap's butt buddy Mastersnotso1337
2) Insulting Jfap's butt buddy Mastersnotso1337
3) Flame Jfap's butt buddy Mastersnotso1337
Lol. Its funny how telling the truth here is bad. That wasnt intended to be any of the above 3. It was a serious comment.
Anyways, I downloaded the map. Hopefully I can get TF2 to play this soon :) Got anything else on the way? Would love to see a remake of that missle silo map from UT2004 Community Bonus Pack
You openly insulted Masters' work, what did you expect? :|
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