View Full Version : Project Labrynth
January 23rd, 2008, 10:51 AM
ok, this will be the first major map project im doing, but anyways, im at school right now and the network wont let me download tas so while im on that thought i decided to ask you guys...
what vehicles have you guys always wanted to see in the same map together. im open for anything the only requirement is that I cant make vehicles my skills arnt up there yet im still a noobie mapper but the idea for Project Labrynth is to be a good map for all game types not just a specific one, o and to also be a completely KA map so the usual. anyways requests like this please.
vehicle name: XXXXX
vehicle type: ground, air, w/e
tags download location:
(and if unspecified in the description of the download page i need the vehicles specs if you wouldnt mind.)
i will also accept test vehicles if youve got a creation but dont wanna make a map yourself.
this project will take a while and having said that i also need an EXPERT scripter according to ghost because i need someone to design the key element for the map...i need a one way sheild that will allow passage through the bottom but not from the top. anyways thats it if your interested in that get in touch via somehow, and suggestions via request as above...later
January 23rd, 2008, 12:01 PM
im still a noobie mapper
Uh...seeing how you're a noob at map making. Maybe you shouldn't take on a big project. Start small. Don't overwork yourself and get yourself into something and then not be able to finish it.
And placing tags in a map that you are making isn't that cool. Anyone can do that. Now if you said "post requests for vehicles I will model and tag", then that would be something original and interesting.
January 24th, 2008, 10:27 PM
ok #1 just because im a noobie mapper doesnt mean i dont have resolve or that im unintelligent, everyone starts as a noob you did to and if you dont map then you shouldnt talk, i can learn fast and by no means am suggesting that i will undertake this project all by myself. im going to be looking for help in alot of ways, and if you actually read the post i already friggin said i dont know how to model tags all i said is if youd like to see a vehicle that you had fun playing with and want to see it in more maps, throw up a request and ill look at it.
im still a noobie mapper
uh...seeing how you're a noob at map making. maybe you shouldn't take on a big
dont start a post with a cut down, i already started small but i say im a noobie cause i still have alot to learn. guess how you learn somthing. by doing it. so please think more before you start a post with a cut down on a noob, im sure thats not intentionally what you wanted to do, but thats how it came across.
in anycase project Labrynth still stands and so does this thread, please make requests ill give credit to those who suggest tags if i use them, as well as credit to the tags creator/poster unless otherwise stated in the description of the tag.
January 24th, 2008, 10:31 PM
Uh...seeing how you're a noob at map making. Maybe you shouldn't take on a big project. Start small. Don't overwork yourself and get yourself into something and then not be able to finish it.
January 24th, 2008, 10:34 PM
nobody is going to help you if you can't show what you can do, so there. :v
January 24th, 2008, 10:34 PM
OMG...ok if anyone has anything usefull for my knowledge or wants to actually request a vehicle in the map please do so, if youre just going to tell me that im not good enough to take on this project, FIND ANOTHER POST FOR IT, I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT.
January 24th, 2008, 10:36 PM
Too bad, here it is again:
Most people aren't going to waste their time and effort suggesting tags for you until they know it's worth it and you're capable.
January 24th, 2008, 10:36 PM
Hear what?
Useless posts like the one I just made?
Were not gonna assume youre good enough to take this project, we need to see a reason why we should believe you are capable.
Gamer gave you great advice there, now if you want to be a cocksmoker and ignore it, go right ahead, but I reserve the right to say I told you so.
January 24th, 2008, 10:38 PM
Not to mention what size/environment the map is. Can't really suggest tags if we don't know what kind of map they're for.
January 24th, 2008, 10:44 PM
Gamer gave you great advice there, now if you want to be a cocksmoker and ignore it, go right ahead, but I reserve the right to say I told you so.
I don't agree with you there. He didn't come here for advice, so we can't blame him for not following it. Who are we to say he can't do something? That doesn't make him a cocksmoke.
However, we the forumers also have the right to post our opinions too. Everyone wants to get their two cents in, so the topic maker shouldn't get angry over that.
January 24th, 2008, 10:47 PM
We all have different opinions and I completely agree with him for
Maybe you shouldn't take on a big project. Start small. Don't overwork yourself and get yourself into something and then not be able to finish it.
January 24th, 2008, 10:48 PM
I agree, nevertheless the cocksmoke comment was uncalled for.
January 24th, 2008, 10:50 PM
I agree, nevertheless the cocksmoke comment was uncalled for.
Oh well, live and let live I guess.
January 24th, 2008, 10:55 PM
im learning and im not saying im gonna try to do this by myself, thats why i said im new at map making i could post my first few maps but guess what, they arnt good enough to be posted. what was it that someone on these forums suggested, noone wants to play practice maps so dont post it in case its worthy. and its not alot of time all im saying is this, say i liked the coldsnap jet tags,
name: coldsnap jet
type: air
link: halomaps
that takes all of five seconds
im also not saying this map is going to be done anytime soon, i made this thread for two reasons.
1) ive always wanted to say that i think these vehicles are cool and id like to see them in more maps...and ive learned that you are almost never alone in your thoughts.
2) the map design is going to require scaling, in other words, a LS is bigger than a jet so if i intend to design a map with the specs i have in mind im going to need pretty accurate scaling.
so, i just thought id ask now seeing as i have enough negative feed back, which by the way i dont care to hear this maps timeframe is not short this map wont be released even in beta for testers for a while because key elements still need to be designed and i have yet to find a scripting expert who can tell me if its even possible to create what i want, as for map design i can model the map myself and i intend to until i hit a snag i cant fix then ill ask for help. so if anyone on these forums has anyting to say to me that isnt your to noobish to be taking on a large project please do so. i dont like being told i cant do somthing i deal with it enough from my parents.
i want to learn how to do this and it may take time im not saying it will be easy i know it wont, but im willing to see it through and im sure others will help me and if not on this forum then on some other one there are for you nay sayers your opinions have been noted but they wont change my mind and if i prove you right and cant pull this off it wont be because i didnt try to at least do it because 3 ppl think im incapable.
January 24th, 2008, 10:58 PM
TBH you really shouldnt post threads about what youre going to do, until you have something to show us.
January 24th, 2008, 11:04 PM
If you don't think your other maps are even good enough to post pictures of, what's there to deter us from thinking the same about this Labyrinth map? This website doesn't have a lot of people who like the big open vehicle maps like coldsnap and hugeass. I'm guessing that's what you're going for if you want to include all these vehicles. Your best bet would be to ask at the forums. Hell, if I were you and I was dead set on making this map, I wouldn't even ask for help; I'd just go see what vehicles I could download from halomaps.
January 24th, 2008, 11:05 PM
also thats great and im not angry about the fact that you have opinions im just not happy that the first thread i make on this forum asking if you guys would like a say in the vehicles on a map i want to try to make is answered by "your a noob dont try this" the maps i like are the ones like yoyorast and its not because they are the best maps in the world..(arguable) but because the designers actually put alot of effort into the creation of the project and thats the same reason i want to do this, right now im wavering on my major im in college still taking basics and i dont know if i want to do graphics design or not so i figured why not take on a project and see if i like it (for those of you who are pests: this statement doesnt mean if i decide i dont want to major in this i wont finish what i started) or not, either way im gonna have fun doing it and im gonna learn doing it so i can have somthing legit. anyways the example i listed is just if you want to make sure i get the tags right you could just say "i like the jets from xxx map" or i like the pelicans that have the vehicle transport tags" im gonna do this project because its somthing that i want to learn to do and the overall skills will come in handy in my future, im asking for help so please if your interested or you have a request, then tell me if not then you really dont need to post negative stuff.
January 24th, 2008, 11:07 PM
Your best bet would be to ask at the forums.
I hang around halomaps as much as I hang around here, I can assure you there may be more who like those kind of maps, but not that many more.
Those kind of maps arent very well received here or there.
January 24th, 2008, 11:09 PM
orly? I thought halomaps was this giant noob pit from hell... atleast it seems that way every time I visit.
January 24th, 2008, 11:14 PM
nope not going for a huge map coldsnap and hugeass are too big, it will be a smaller large sized map or a larger medium sized map(basically the same thing anyways) and hey the only reason i would fail at this project would be if i tried to undertake it alone, hell i think the fact that i can realize that i dont have all the skillz nes for this and that im willing to ask for some help says alot, i want to learn how to do this stuff im not brand new to mapping i know how to model and for most of the errors i run in to there a tut's, and yes conscars i could go see what tags i could download i just wanted to know if there were any vehicles you forumers think should be in more maps, or if you have any vehicles youve made that you wanna see in maps but dont want to bother or dont have the time to create your own map, and this really isnt the pont of this thread so should i figure out how to change the thread name to somthing more appropriate like "Why tris shouldnt bother trying to map", or "opinions on why noobs are noobs", or you know somthing along those lines? <-- sarcasm for those of you who have none...
January 24th, 2008, 11:15 PM
orly? I thought halomaps was this giant noob pit from hell... atleast it seems that way every time I visit.
I wouldnt say that, Its a nice place for beginning, and it has some cool people who dont come here as often. Either way, I like both of these places.
January 24th, 2008, 11:16 PM
ok #1 just because im a noobie mapper doesnt mean i dont have resolve or that im unintelligent, everyone starts as a noob you did to and if you dont map then you shouldnt talk, i can learn fast and by no means am suggesting that i will undertake this project all by myself. im going to be looking for help in alot of ways, and if you actually read the post i already friggin said i dont know how to model tags all i said is if youd like to see a vehicle that you had fun playing with and want to see it in more maps, throw up a request and ill look at it.
dont start a post with a cut down, i already started small but i say im a noobie cause i still have alot to learn. guess how you learn somthing. by doing it. so please think more before you start a post with a cut down on a noob, im sure thats not intentionally what you wanted to do, but thats how it came across.
in anycase project Labrynth still stands and so does this thread, please make requests ill give credit to those who suggest tags if i use them, as well as credit to the tags creator/poster unless otherwise stated in the description of the tag.
I never said you were unintelligent. I'm going by what you said. You said yourself you were a noob. I also wasn't trying to cut you down. I wish you all the luck with your map project, but I was being honest and giving my opinion. Many times have I seen people say their map is amazing and they release it when it is just a box map with a bunch of ripped tags. I'd rather not see that again, but this time, from you. I'm hoping that you do make a good map. But as others have said before, you haven't shown work you have done in the past. Therefore, how do we know you're even good? You may think you're good, but one can't really judge themselves fairly.
I have made maps before, but I just released a few and don't make a big hype about them. Even if I didn't make maps, that doesn't mean I am not entitled to my opinion. People "can talk" based upon the things they have seen released and the many projects that have been dropped in the past.
Once again. I know you can't model vehicles. You said so yourself. That means that what you will most likely do it take tags off Halomaps and spam them in a map. This is not fun. Nor is it a difficult task that shows a great degree of talent. The map itself should be fun. One thing you don't want to do is base the excitement of the map off the tags you put in it. I'm not sure if that is what you're doing.
You have the name of a map: Labyrinth. (And you spelled it wrong.) That is about it. No description, no outline or sketches. You have nothing to show for this. I understand you were in school at the time, but now your out I assume. Draw a layout. Upload it. As heard many times at these forums:
Pics or STFU. :lol:
Plan it better, and get some descriptions in your posts about your map. Good luck.
January 24th, 2008, 11:16 PM
yea halomaps is a noob pit now because all the real maps get buried in the "look i learned to displace, compile, populate, and play, i want a cookie"...maps
January 24th, 2008, 11:17 PM
yea halomaps is a noob pit now because all the real maps get buried in the "look i learned to displace, compile, populate, and play, i want a cookie"...maps
I havent seen any of that happen for a while.
Theres the occasional thread sure, but it only comes around every once in a while.
January 24th, 2008, 11:17 PM
tl;dr...nor do i care
but this comment be true
orly? I thought halomaps was this giant noob pit from hell... atleast it seems that way every time I visit.
also refrain from making post about what you're going to do. no one here likes empty promises you can't back up. lock your topic and come back when you have progress. then we'll decide whether we want to offer help or not.
January 24th, 2008, 11:29 PM
He doesnt need to lock it, someone hacking the forum :|
So itll probly get deleted like everything else ....
January 24th, 2008, 11:30 PM
lock your topic and come back when you have progress.
January 24th, 2008, 11:35 PM
a hell ill just delete it seeing as this isnt what i was looking for anyways
January 24th, 2008, 11:38 PM
ok or not, hey if an admin reads this thread just delete it please ill restart one when i have the time to upload the pics i have and write out the descript for you guys.
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