View Full Version : Devil May Cry 4

January 24th, 2008, 07:06 PM
The Devil May Cry 4 'Trial' (as Capcom put it) is up on XBL and PSN, a little late to post, but I've been playing this demo along with lots of other new XBL Titles today.

Lots of the fans of the series, such as my self, are going crazy about this one, the demo is amazing, loved it!
I recommend, it to even those who have never heard of the franchise.
My friend, knows nothing about the other 3 games, and is going to play this one, mainly because it looks good and its on the Xbox now...yea! [/Fanboy] lol.

Screenshots from DMC4:

Videos from DMC4 Demo (Yes, if u download on XBL or PSN now this is what you'll be playing.)

(Thats the end of the 2nd of two levels available to try in the demo)

(Full demo play through)

Great stuff, love DMC!

January 24th, 2008, 07:23 PM
Looks quite win, I played 1 and 2 and loved them both, I'll probably try the demo later.

January 24th, 2008, 07:26 PM
yeah i saw that eariler, looks extreme

January 24th, 2008, 07:34 PM
The boss battle was fucking epic. I knocked him down, grabbed him with my arm, and slammed his demon ass into the ground :awesome:

Beat dmc3 on the hardest setting in 1 week, and i cant wait to play through this one too. I liked dante better, but nero seems just as bad ass as dante :D


By the way, this is an M rated game but theres a way to still download this and play it if you have a child account. Follow this method:

1) Create a new hotmail account and set the age to anything over 18
2) Go into your dashboard and just make some random named account using the new hotmail account
3) Sign into this gamer profile and download all M rated demos you want
4) Sign into your underage account, and all M rated demos you downloaded are now playable on your child account

January 24th, 2008, 07:50 PM
Well at least Dante is back later in the game, which makes me think something bad happens to Nero...who i think is Vergil or something lol. Strangely similar... :confused:
But as i've read, is most likely not Vergil, just bears a great resemblance to him and Dante.

Can't wait for the full game to come out, will be 'epic' :eek:

January 24th, 2008, 08:56 PM
Well at least Dante is back later in the game, which makes me think something bad happens to Nero...who i think is Vergil or something lol. Strangely similar... :confused:
But as i've read, is most likely not Vergil, just bears a great resemblance to him and Dante.

Can't wait for the full game to come out, will be 'epic' :eek:

Well. I think hes like a reincarnated form of virgil. Remember in 3 virgil was stuck in the demon world after fighting with dante. And DMC3 came way before 1 and 2. So, Im guessing he somehow transfered his spirit out. Plus, Berial says that nero reminds him of 'that guy'. That guy is either A) dante, B) virgil, or C) sparda.

February 8th, 2008, 02:37 AM
Anyone buy this yet? I know it came out in the US a few days ago. I'm going to the City in an hour for breakfast and game shopping...prob just pick this game up. Must be a few fans of the DMC series on here :p

February 8th, 2008, 05:43 AM
Do they find out if the devil cries or not yet?[/sarcasm]

Llama Juice
February 8th, 2008, 10:44 AM

seriously, this is how I feel about this game.

Not only is the guy on the left grabbing the other guy's ass, but the one on the right is clearly gay and is enjoying it.

AKA, this game is just laughable. The complete and utter lack of believability turned me off from this game and it was just miserable trying not to laugh at it during the demo.

February 8th, 2008, 12:03 PM
And whats up with the texture-less faces\skins the japanese seem to love making? ie this, DoA, some of the FF movie, etc

February 8th, 2008, 01:57 PM
Do they find out if the devil cries or not yet?[/sarcasm]

Actually the answer to why its called that was in devil may cry 3.
For those who wanna know:
[spoiler]At the end of 3 you fight your brother in what I guess is hell. After beating him, dante is outside that big ass tower with lady and starts to cry. Then lady says "so i guess devils do cry"[spoiler]

I guess thats where it came from.

February 8th, 2008, 04:46 PM
So I hear you forgot a '/' in that last spoiler tag :downs:

Discuss :haw:.

February 8th, 2008, 05:31 PM
Completed the game, its pretty lengthy actually a good 12-13 hours, and then theres all the extra stuff. The graphics look up to par with the top titles of 2007 on my HD screen, and the story line is probably one of the best I've seen in a video game, it feels like a movie, where you play the action sequences.

Some parts felt a little 'confusing' or distracting, mainly in combat; as some paths are liner and others don't even know where they're going.

All in all its pretty good, its defiantly a rental for those who have never tried a DMC game before, the demo doesn't do it benefit. Its like a Slash/Action/Shooter with Adventure and RPG elements. I'm glad the game has stuck to its roots once again (Unlike 2) and pulled off something so breath taking.

Don't bash it, untill you've tried the full thing...

seriously, this is how I feel about this game.

Not only is the guy on the left grabbing the other guy's ass, but the one on the right is clearly gay and is enjoying it.

AKA, this game is just laughable. The complete and utter lack of believability turned me off from this game and it was just miserable trying not to laugh at it during the demo.

So what are you doing on a Halo forum, Halo is Sci-fi the complete opposite of believability. Unless your a Counter-Strike and COD fan... :sick:

If its not your type of game, fine, i don't contradict peoples opinions but Video games to me are imagination, thats why i hate games based off past wars, or, current warfare, its just to unimaginative. Thats why games like DMC, Halo, Mass Effect, Half-Life..etc, in my eyes are video games, and games based on past 'Wars' are simulations, as they've already happened.

Anyway, Japanese art direction isn't to everyones tastes, but everyone has different tastes, thats why something sell better then others (not just in gaming), i personally love it, and thats why I've always followed games like DMC.

February 8th, 2008, 05:38 PM
So does the story discuss anything about why nero has that arm? Like I havent bought it yet but I still wanna know the full story line.

February 8th, 2008, 05:45 PM
Halo is Sci-fi the complete opposite of believability
A story doesn't have to be based hundreds of years into the future and involve huge rings able to support life to be classify sci-fi. You could have a story taking place in 2010 where robots start attacking everything they see on earth. Is that "the complete opposite of believability"? No, we have the means to create the robots with WMDs and the intelligence to use them, even now.

February 8th, 2008, 05:51 PM
Yea, sci-fi has its possibilities, but Japanese games could be a real world themselves coexisting in an alternate universe, but thinking about that and its endless possibilities is to much for any human mind to really grasp. (I'm not saying all video games/sci-fi is real in another universe, but its possible...theoretically anyway)

[@Plas] Yea it explains it a bit, but you have to figure alot of it out, by what he can do...etc, but i won't spoil it.