View Full Version : What do you do to make this world less suck?

Llama Juice
January 24th, 2008, 10:25 PM
I've been thinkin a lot lately, what do other people do to try to make the world not suck so much... no matter how small of an effort it is.... what do you guys do?

I'm a vegetarian... I grow out my hair so that I can donate it, and I donate blood... It's about the least I can do... and I was just wondering what other people do to help out.

January 24th, 2008, 10:50 PM
I'm secretly a serial killer, I help the environment by reducing the human population.

January 24th, 2008, 11:02 PM
You're supposed to let natural selection do that =/
That ain't natural, Conscares.

I throw garbage away in the appropriate places and tell people stuff that they should know if they clearly didn't know (i.e. don't be an idiot and chop your hands off, you'll need them)

January 24th, 2008, 11:26 PM
Natural Selection? I think warning labels and Television took care of that for us.

Personally I recycle unlike most people round here, donate money to some well trusted charity groups (Ive run into a lot of crooked ones oddly enough) and donate blood.

January 24th, 2008, 11:53 PM
I only insult dickheads who deserve it, and don't treat women their like a toy to be played with, abused then thrown away. does that count?

Llama Juice
January 25th, 2008, 12:01 AM
I'm secretly a serial killer, I help the environment by reducing the human population.

*looks at a few of our members*

You're slacking.

Bad Waffle
January 25th, 2008, 12:01 AM
i'm a personal counselor who helps out all my friends (and siblings) with their person problems--whether family, friends, or relating to their significant other (or trying to find one)

i dont buy food from mcdonalds, and i dont shop at walmart. i try and keep clean so im not an eyesore to everybody around me. uhh, i ride my bike a lot more than any other form of transportation.


January 25th, 2008, 12:16 AM
If i could i'd do this

I agree with your points, but where is YOUR solution. What can The World Community do to improve all the troubled regions ? We all seem to jump on the band wagon and say how dreadful things are without a thought to a solution (I do this often because it is easy to do).

How could the problems in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and the rest of the troubled regions be resolved?
Take the Guns out of easy american access (same for every country). if they had laws similar to Australia it would help enormously (in-time).

Greater education For all countrys. Overseen and Controlled by the UN informing children on world events, discouraging racism and extremist beliefs, ect. a Kitty of money From every country helping pay for Teachers, schools ect. Have a Price scale of money in which Richer Country's pay a Higher Percent of there Yearly income to the fund. between 5-7% (of governments total income from tax's, commission) for first world countrys and then scaling down based on the countrys economy strength.

Africa and the middle east need some UN involvement to Monitor, restrict and regulate the actions within the continent to ensure fair elections. Leave Trained skilled people (trained by the UN) helping regulate the Country's and advising the presidents of Peaceful negotiations and training for over 50 years. + donate greater Portions of food, medical supplys ect. controlled through the "kitty"

Ban Gun trafficking.

a cut of 15% over the course of 5 years for military funding. the saved money injected straight into public education, better health systems. a 5%(ish) withdrawal of troops from occupied country's every year.

thats kinda a stab in the dark but no matter what we do we cannot stop these events from happening. There will allways be a person with unbelievable charisma whipping ppl into rages to pursue there wish's.

January 25th, 2008, 12:47 AM
I help people get rid of their problems (Breaking up with bf/gf, parents divorced, etc.), but for work I help retards fix their computers (I'm in the Best Buy Geek Squad with an awesome Slugbug).
One time I had to help this lady who seriously thought she had thrown away the internet for everyone when she threw her Internet Explorer icon in the recycle bin by accident.

But nothing that will change the world, just fixing broken hearts and computers (And one broken Gamecube).

January 25th, 2008, 12:55 AM
Global Power aside, i try and make a differnece by not being a total arrogant self obsessed prick.
It's tough, but at the end of the day i get to know i'm better then them.
Irony Joke, but i do actually do that
also my smile, and i'm kinda in the same Boat as WOL. My mums a councillor and it's just sorta rubbed off on me. so :P

January 25th, 2008, 01:06 AM
I'm an ass, I tell it like it is....

And usually, if someone is for something to support my ass standing I'm against it.

January 25th, 2008, 01:39 AM
i'm plotting to overthrow the government, and use our nukes to destroy the world as we know it, so we may start over without dumb people because they wil be dead :v

January 25th, 2008, 01:42 AM
Calm down and drink some coffee tweek.


January 25th, 2008, 06:43 AM
I try to consume more ethically. for example, whenever i can i try to buy my groceries in my nearest mom n pop shop and when i do, i make sure that that particular shop is the most "neediest" of all mom n pop shops around.
when it comes to tech stuff im the ice cold capitalism-drone tough as i need to have a wide sortiment to choose from and most small electronics shops are likely to support monopolists like apple (ipod :() and the like.

im also trying not to be a brand-whore (xept when it comes to electronics). if
no-name clothes look decent and have an acceptable durability i see no reason why i should settle for the exact same but much more epensive (because of the brand-caption) product. after all its the same asian kids that starve while producing those :/

i think thats about it.
oh i seed alot-does that count? :3

January 25th, 2008, 08:23 AM
Wow, this is the first thread Ive seen that turned out semi serious here.

I go hang around the parliament buildings from time to time, complaining loudly about how warm it is. (Its the middle of winter right now, and this is the time it's at its best to do that :D)

January 25th, 2008, 04:52 PM
I would like to donate blood soon, its sort of hard right now because you cant have alcohol for like a few days, which is kinda difficult.

Right now I walk everywhere, mainly because I dont have my car in the city and buses smell like piss. I'm getting fit and *supposley* helping the environment.

Mr Buckshot
January 26th, 2008, 03:43 PM
Get rid of America's guns. When will the government and gun shop owners realize that civilian possession of guns has been more trouble than help for decades? I bet that half the people who buy guns in the states do so with the intention to commit crime, not to protect themselves. If gun buyers really were buying guns to protect themselves, then we'd have criminals being shot up by good guys.

Of course, it's written into the Constitution, so it can't be helped. But it would really help if the law could be amended such that only citizens of the U.S. can purchase guns, and that proof of citizenship is required. Also, make a requirement that a shitload of paperwork must be gone through to get a gun - this will discourage many people.

The fact is, gun crime is steadily rising up here in Canada. And where do the guns come from? They are smuggled from the States of course! If proof of U.S. citizenship were a requirement to buy a gun in the States, then the gun crime in Canada would drop. Up here, the laws state that no civilian can own a gun or bullets, with the exceptions being farmers and families in mountains. Even then, those who are allowed to own guns are limited to hunting rifles/shotguns, and cannot own handguns or automatic weapons. Meanwhile, the gun crime always involves handguns and automatics - which come from the states!

edit: Flyinrooster also brought up sport hunting.

Canada has legal hunting areas, but I believe it isn't as simple as keeping your favorite gun at home and taking it along as you please. The management of the designated hunting area issues and keeps the guns I think, just like the way shoes are issued at a bowling alley (at least, that's how it works in one area of Alberta that I visited). If America adopted a similar policy for hunting, crime goes down, 'nuff said.

Guns are too easy to purchase these days. I'd bet my house that when I'm 21, I can drive across the border, buy a gun, and bring it back safely hidden in my car without being detected thanks to inadequate border security. Of course, I won't do that, since I dislike real guns despite enjoying violent shooter games.

Llama Juice
January 27th, 2008, 08:18 AM
If citizenship were required to purchase a gun it wouldn't deplete gun sales at all, it would just make people more pissed off while aquireing them.

SEE "Prohibition of alcohol"

January 27th, 2008, 08:22 AM
Stay inside.

January 27th, 2008, 09:46 AM
That kind of question got us to where we are today :eng101:

January 28th, 2008, 01:36 PM
What do I do to make this world less suck? I exist.


January 28th, 2008, 01:39 PM
I live and kill by the code to make our world a better place.

January 28th, 2008, 03:50 PM
I don't think there is any way for someone to help make the world a better place. By religious policies the world is perfect right now. I don't believe that, but I really don't think that anyone should go out of their way to help a 'future generation'. Like them deal with their problems. It's selfish and problematic, but compassion isn't big in this man's heart.

Llama Juice
January 28th, 2008, 04:30 PM
I don't think there is any way for someone to help make the world a better place. By religious policies the world is perfect right now. I don't believe that, but I really don't think that anyone should go out of their way to help a 'future generation'. Like them deal with their problems. It's selfish and problematic, but compassion isn't big in this man's heart.

I guess it's kinda that rule that we were all told when we were six and we went to the park. "Clean up after yourself, make it look better than when you got here."

From early on we're trained to try to clean up and make things "better". To say that we shouldn't go out of our way to help a future generation is like saying to just not care about the park. Leave your snickers wrappers in the sand and let the place fill with garbage. I'm sure the next people will be just as excited to find your trash as you were excited to leave it there.

It just seems selfish to not care about others I guess.... I dunno.. maybe that's just me....:cool:

January 28th, 2008, 05:10 PM
I would gas all the successful people. :v

January 28th, 2008, 05:22 PM
I'm secretly a serial killer, I help the environment by reducing the human population.

you are my hero :awesome:

January 28th, 2008, 08:14 PM
I would just allow cops to kill accused people of murder/robbery on sight. To hell with life in prison.

Mr Buckshot
January 28th, 2008, 11:10 PM
Replace all the Canadian men of law with officials from Singapore and mainland China. That'll make life in Canada less sucky.

You see, our justice system is more fucked up than America's. Killers have actually gone free. In one notorious incident, a mentally ill man walked around Vancouver holding a real gun. A naive young kid remarked "hey mister, it's not cool to carry a gun." The mentally ill man shot the poor kid in return and killed him. He was arrested and jailed for a few months and then fucking PAROLED. Now he's walking the streets again. Sure, he can be arrested a second time and sentenced to life in prison if he murders another person, but the point is that as long as he walks the streets, he's capable of taking another life. Damn, where's Batman when you need him?

And there's our local RCMP and Vancouver police. One time I witnessed a car accident on the bridge between Vancouver and Richmond. Wasn't serious - only bumper dents, no one hurt, both drivers pissed off course. The cops stood there for three fucking hours and blocked off traffic on the bridge completely. Seriously, pigs, you try to handle traffic accidents like this in China, you'll lose your badges and your reputations. In China, the same accident would've been cleared in 3 minutes, because we Chinese value the public more than we value some lame forensic evidence at a minor car accident.

Oh yeah, there's that infamous case of a Polish immigrant who was stuck at the Vancouver airport. He couldn't speak English, and absolutely no one responded to his pleas for help, so he threw a chair - on the ground, not at anyone - to attract attention. The cops tasered him to death in response. And the culprits are still in the force. Not even suspended.

By replacing our lawmen with Singaporeans and mainland Chinese, we'll also introduce the awesome death penalty, and the awesome caning punishment. Oh yeah...goodbye Robert Pickton. And all lazy/inefficient cops would be owned instantly.

January 29th, 2008, 01:10 AM
It is Yakuza's turn to attack.
Yakuza use's Bribe cops



Civil Liberty's Fainted.
You blacked out.

January 29th, 2008, 08:25 AM
"What do you do to make this world suck less?"


I don't contribute to the world :haw:

January 31st, 2008, 09:00 PM
I guess it's kinda that rule that we were all told when we were six and we went to the park. "Clean up after yourself, make it look better than when you got here."

From early on we're trained to try to clean up and make things "better". To say that we shouldn't go out of our way to help a future generation is like saying to just not care about the park. Leave your snickers wrappers in the sand and let the place fill with garbage. I'm sure the next people will be just as excited to find your trash as you were excited to leave it there.

It just seems selfish to not care about others I guess.... I dunno.. maybe that's just me....:cool:

Oh its selfish, but you can do things for yourself that may affect others. I do not litter. I don't do it for other people, I just don't like things out of order.

When it comes down to it, everyone does things for themselves. If they do something 'for' someone else, it makes them feel good inside.

Just because you don't care about other people doesn't mean you should intentionally try to harm them or effect their lives. I don't liter, I don't steal, I recycle, I plant trees. Now am i doing that for other people? No, but those things may affect them in some way positive or negative.

February 1st, 2008, 01:04 PM
What I do to help the world be a bit better are the following:

-Throw away garbage in the right places
-Help/cheer up people whenever they need it
-Do my best to help the environment
-Try to not make people mad/Be as nice to others as possible

There are probably more things, but none that I can think of right now.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2008, 04:48 PM
What my family does to help the world:

Every year, we donate a total of almost $100 000 to charity.
We recycle (it's practically the law anyway - a cop won't charge you if he sees you waste stuff, but he will scold you)
We never, ever litter.
I participate in community service (actually it's just to fulfill the C.A.S. hours required for successful completion of the I.B. diploma)
I try to donate non-valuable stuff I'm tired of rather than throw it away. I have clothes that I outgrew or that were discolored, and I always give them to the Salvation Army. I donated all my old plastic toy cars to the less privileged children.

And hybrid cars are popular in Canada - my dad wants to swap his Lexus at the dealer for a hybrid version. Almost everyone in my neighborhood drives a hybrid vehicle to prevent further damage to the environment (ultra low emissions).

February 2nd, 2008, 06:11 PM

February 2nd, 2008, 06:17 PM
Read this. (http://www.nobsclan.com/forums/index.php?topic=2543.msg17143#msg17143)
Spread it around.
Feel good.

There we go, I made the world suck less.

February 3rd, 2008, 02:16 PM
Read this. (http://www.nobsclan.com/forums/index.php?topic=2543.msg17143#msg17143)
Yeah, military doctors are protected behind that fucking doctrine and because of it, aren't exactly "motivated" to go that extra mile to fucking help another fucking human or fellow Soldier. Over here all doctors I see are either officers (who I bet some lost their license and then the Army gave it back to them after they enlisted) or civilians. I only know of 2 or 3 out of like 10 normally seen doctors that don't have a bad rep.
I was luckily enough that the issue I'm having right now could only be handled by a doctor on the economy (since they don't have any neurologist at the main hospital here). Too bad it took about a year of going back to the doctors over and over again and having a relapse of something to have someone say 'well maybe this is a real issue'.
I can't imagine how shitty it must be being a dependent of a service member and trying to get help from these doctors.

Free Medical my ass. Fuck you Uncle Sam.